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1、汽车起重机大学论文外文翻译汽车起重机毕业设计外文翻译 作者: 日期: 本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译译文题目: 使用智能液压缸增加起重机的稳定性 学 院: 机电学院 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名: XXX 学 号: 13690 指导教师: XX 完成时间: 017年月12日 From:ithc, cylidersstaiize raneJ. Hyalics& neumatics; Clevelnd (ep2, 2013): /a.Smart cyidrsstalize ransHitchco, lan.SM ntrninal, Peto Meia, TP Idust

2、rial Souions (fmerly Ohi Tranmsion & Pum Co)Absrac:Itsot unusualfr crnes to rech100 ft r moe in thaiat jo cstruction sites Traditional,cranesare apoto a work ar adssembldonsie.More eetly, sruc-mountd cranes ecome iggerad more powerf, theyave foun favorbeausetheyare uiker tet phan traitional cranes.

3、Trck-mounted rs havealecoping hyraulic om moted on ommrca truckhassis.Ther potabilit d loesetup css havld to tir idpreadus at construconand utility sites arudthe worl. Btas la gt heavierad lifing disaces bcom higher, designers o c-ned cranemustrovid he staity enure ha sfet reainsthe tp pririty. Truc

4、k-mountedcrane outger sysmo ensre stae perato. The outgersextndfomte ain boy of e trk and ntct the ond sveral fetaway rom th trckThsdistrbues th rs a oer a muc largr rea, heyincreasing stability Mniowcpy Inc,Manitowoc,W, taes is a stefrhe by sg smart cer i theAfame outrigg sstes f its Natna Cane lie

5、oftumouned craes. The crnes hdraulic systis drivn froma power tkefon trck tansission.hecane opert hruns al crane funciontho a serieoflver-oeredvalves ata contro station. The ELA s an exerally mouted DT tht usesHleffectecholog tosnse the oatiof mantembdded e clidrspstothroughthe cylindrs cron steel b

6、ae. cocesr theasss an naogvlta tothemanes respodn absolute postin. Forxpe, hen theliner is furetratd; thevlage may b .55 V As he ndeexends, thevoltge rdualy ncras untl 4.5 iseach a l extesi.Acurc ofthe rasduce picaly +-05 (.02 in) - oethn adeute or most mbile eqipmntht positio isthen sn toe EM and o

7、pred t he on maxiu hointal etnsionfter tis, a inditin is given to te peat aout he utriggerate h position pdaeappnswiinillieonds.Fll TxtIsnt nusalfo rane o rach 10 ft o moe nth air tmajor cntrucion sites. Tradtnally, crnes are tranported t a work area and ssemled o-sie.More eentl, asruckmouned cranes

8、 become igg nd orowerful,e have foud avor bcausethey ar quickr t t u than trditonal rnesTruck-mountd cranes havea elescopingydrali boom ountedo commrl tuc csi. Ter porabiity and low setu costha le o thei widspead uset costcon adutilit its und t world. Bu as load geteavirad litin dstancesbome hher, d

9、esignerf truck-outed canes mustpovidethe tbi to eure that safyemans the to iory.Truckud crane se utrigger systems to enue stable oeatione otrigges xtndom the mai ody oftheruck and cont hegrund evr feetaway o thetrk.This ditribuethe cras load ove auch argr area,tereby inreasin stability. ManitowocCom

10、pan Inc.,Manitowc, Wis., takes thi a step urthey using mat cylides i t A-rame outriggr sysems ofits NionaCra li f trck-onted crae.The cre hydauliystem s drivn fro a per takefon the tcs trasissin. The ran oro henns alane funcions throug a seriesolver-pera vsat a cnrolsttion.A imptant fuction fr lifti

11、g,mvin,andlowerg heay lads so esue that outriggr bmsa poprly postioe Th ouriggerare attahe e ruck rme andr extended dward by hyruliccylndrs at an nle to creae n A-fame tc atis we t s base hanat he t.Ths rovid a sable raeork to level a sport the oade n eteed rae Ading ar tootigrsr t past severalyar,

12、Naioal rane h ad outrggrmonitoring sysems (OMs) to ts crane Wth the MS, operators niorheorizonta extensn of the crne orggs at a cntl sttion.The OS sewitA-frae odel es ncluds n LA positio-sesng eardilaceenttransdue (LT)from t ngieering, Dallas, an eletrnic controlmoue (EM), and ordicaon LEDs at each

13、stin.The ELA is a exteralyoue LDT h s allffect techoloy t snsete loatio a magnet mdded in the cylindes itn through the cylindrcabon see arrel. A microcesortn assgan alog vltae to te mgnets coresponding absoutposition.For exp, whenheylinder sllyreacted; thevolagemay be 0.5 V.As t cyider eteds, th vlt

14、ag gradually icresuntil Visreachd at fllxensin Acuracyof the randucris tyically+0. m (0.02in.) - more taaqater ost moil quipnt.Ta positin isthn ent to the E ad coaredto t know maum hintextensn. eris, an indiatin is gvn to he oerator abut theoutrigger stt. The oitin updatehaens witn milisecondak Hofn

15、,f RotaEngineerin,pned ou tha becase mobile quipmentha humanprator, psition fedbackfrom cyliders enrall onl neds to beihin hudeh fan ich.Put simy, hesys hat mgntotitiv Ds are oerkllfr mosobieeqietapplcins. Hsuggsht aLD wth slightlylessprcisin, ut sbstatlly lowr cst, wouldnleesiers to povid yldroiine

16、dback more ote -ot us or e mst criical appction tha justiyhgh costSimple electronidispayTheectri ontrol oule n th -raeunitssevs oly tomotorte position of theouigs d prode edback o thortor Ashe anaog voltge fro theLArsducer is rd nto the ECM,tends signa o set of biolor LEDs - ne setper perator statin

17、. Theindiatons aailable a: Rdfr sstem error(senoruto rage, lectrcshot, etc.).linkng red toindicat the perato inot at vald workigpoitn as direted ythe painmanal.Green to inform he prator that fu hrzontal xnso asben acmplished. Te CM cn b cofigued thrug he use of aervie tool to lsohelpdnose ay issue e

18、laed o he O Made formoblDesigne forse with moleuipmen, theE transuermatchths applcin wel becausofseverl pyscal and ininsic ttribues. h mtimporant f hse is theailyto ount heseoralong the exrio of the hydraulcoutigercinde barel lthoh heinde ain added funcioaty, inmany cse t retains he sme form and i a

19、s he originl cyliner; thesmar cylnderis ssntiy aro-in rlacemn. he eveopin whh e cylider ismonte dsnot hange Only ditnl harssing and he EC ae added - pluere ar ino phsa chnges to the ear sabilzr. The cyiderbres used in A-rme otrgers rage rm to4.i trokema be as lng sof 6. in., epending onitig caacity.

20、 Acrdntoofanaded, Eliiting e expns ogun-dilinhe pstonrd andmching the end cp rduces h cst ofceainhs artylindr. heylinders structural ntgit reain th same, a tis asieo sseml, intal,andservie a clindeswith magnetostictive sensorsOthrpositv arib: the Halleffetsens is noncontct forlong seice ie, itsemper

21、atur ratin is high, t pefrmwell i high shckand ibratio aplications, and is luu hsgris daage rm pact and orrso. The xrna trnsc c e rlaced inth fe withoudiffiul. ylnrs anbe supplied with agns alreadyfittd, s th t stroke-senin unctions euied te, teansducercan esil be aed. Te manet sselyfr heELndcer s d

22、esigned tomatc tborof the cylinde.A so is mild io the pistnto accommde thmagnt assemb. Servicelifeis ot a factorbecaue the mgnt ssmbly ismad o th samequalty aspiso-wearings.A ifen knd iner senrMod ELAlie-ilacement tranucers (DTs)e Hll-effecttechoo anmount externally tomobil hyrauliccylins.Unlike thr

23、 tps of in-cylinder LDTs, teyan b sed n ubl-edd ylidrs Thycanls e use fectivey in srnad long-stroke cylinder, wher gun ilin can beome cospohibiti ad are easilie replaeablHllfectLD a e manufcurd fo trokes exceedin 50 ft an or use 20,000ftbelw th surfaceo the ean anther dmandienvironments.Hall-effe eh

24、nlogyLDTfr ota Eniering ue a microproesso tha tanits and ecesignals m H-fectchips monted toaprintedcirioar The ircut bod s cotained wihin a stainle-stelor aluinuhon, epenign appiation ruirementsA pistmuntemagne cuse ltop whent passe verthe Hll-efect chp. h icroprocesr clculats the oiioo theHll-effect chipad corretes thevolt rop to prprinalvtge, urre, PWM, or CNbus output. Hoffman xpains, H-effect sensrsd not

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