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1、英语全国卷阅读理解详解英语全国卷阅读理解详解 作者: 日期:28年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英 语(阅读理解)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分4分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、C和四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Washinton, .C.Bcycle TushrryBlsm Bkeor in Washigton, D.uratin: 3 hoThis mll grp bie t isa faastic wy to see tewrl-famous chr tes with beautfl flower of Wshngton,.Cour guidew

2、ll rovidea istory essn about te tees and he amous ouments whereth losso Rre your spobeor vaiabilty nd cer bossoms dsppea!Waingto apitlMonment Bycle orDratin: 3 hours (4 miles)oia uiedbik tourad view sme of te mos polr mnuments Washington,D. Expre the mnumnandmeoral on the Ntioal Mall as your guid sh

3、are niqu fats ad isory atachsto. ded tour inudsike,helet, cooisad bottd aerpi Ciy BieTorinshigton, D. Dration: 3 oursorning r fernoon, tis be tour is thpefec tour fo D.C. newcomrs and ocals okingto erienc Wtn, D. i aheaty w th minimumeffrt. Knwedeabl gude wl entertinowith the most ntrestin sties o r

4、eiets,Congress, memorils, and park. Comfotbl biks and a smoot touroute (路线) make cyclin etwn he sites u nd rlaxig.Wasingn CapitaitesatNiht Bicycle orurtion: 3 hours (7miles)Jin a smalgrp bke ouroraneveningfexloration itheheart of Washington, D. Gtp close o he mnuments and memorialssyou bkethe sites

5、ofapito Hll and the Naional Mal. Fequentstops ae ade fr phootakinga your uid ffers niqufacs an hitoy.orincdebike, helmet, and bottledater. Al rides areequped wth rflecivevsand ey lights.1. Wich tou o yu eed t booin adace?. CherryBosm ie Tourin aigto, .B. WashigtonCapitaonumens Biccle Tour.api Cit Bi

6、ke Tourin Wasigton, D.D.ashingto ptal Ste t NigtBicycl Tur.2 What ilyou o th Capl City BieTour?A. Met faous peope. B. Go to a natioalpak.C. istwl-kw usemsD Ejoyitstng tois23.Which thefollowing doeste bcyl tour atngh provie?. itaps. B. ameras.C. Meal.D.Safty ights.解析:本篇文章讲的是华盛顿举办的几个自行车骑行活动,内容较简单。21.

7、A. 细节理解题。原文中Resevyor st bfore avilaility对应题目中的booindvnce。出题人喜欢将原文中的内容进行同义词或者同义句的替换,这一点考生要多加注意。22. D. 细节理解题。根据设问快速定位其在原文中的位置,进行简单排除即可得出答案。Kowleeale guies willetertinyou wih he motinereing storie a rsidents23D 细节理解题。由设问中的atniht定位到shgtn apial Stes at Niht Bicycle Tour,然后由A ridesare euie wih rflecive ve

8、ts an afetlhs得出答案。B Moing Briain Sunn Reid isusdo riling gusts onhe saevey orning, but is okingup asorm i r latest shing familie how to repre delous nd nritiou malson a ghtbdet.In Save Money: Gd Food, sh vsits a ifferethoeeach eek ad wtthehl o chef Mt Tbbtfers top ips on howto reduce food wast,wie p

9、reprnreiesfor ndr 5 r family aday.Ad th Good MornngBritinpresentr ss ss b able topu a lo o what sheslert nopracie in e ow home,prepring els for sos,Sam, 14,inn,13,andJck, 11.“elove xinchuos, so I buythmonmyhonefom m lcal Mexian aawy raurant,” he eplans.“I ay fr aortion (一份), bt tt maesthem fr 6pa rt

10、in, because e arlu,wae,sugrand oi. Everybd can buy takeawyfod, bt sometmeswe awarow cheaplyen make is ood ourslves”The ight-pat serie(系列节目),vMony:GoodFood, fllows in the ftstps fITVaveMony: GoodHel, whih gae ieers ace o h to get alue fromthe varange of healruton the are.With fd ou bet ekly hushold x

11、pene, Ssanaand att e ti wit adifferent aly ach eek. I tonighs Eastr special they come to he aid of a fmly i e som delciou inpation on bdget. The temtransforms te family log wen of clebrationwith less expensie butstil tstrecipes.2. Watowe know abot Sana Reid?A. Sh enjos emarrasin hr guests B. Sh as s

12、ta nw pogramC. Sh dislke wokin ely inthe morning.D She haha atight ugt her amil w oes tt Te hpSusanna?A. He bucoking materilsfr r. B. Heprears fodfo herids.C He aistsher in ookig mtters . Hvites s amilisfor her.2 Wh doehe auo inted to di pararph4?A. Sumarithe revosparagraph. B. Proid sm adce fothe r

13、ears.C. Add some bckgrund informtion.D. Itrdue new pic for iscussion7. Wcanbe a utablite fohe et?KengFit by Eatig matB Balaning Our DalyDit.Making Yourlf a Perfc Chf . Cookig el o ess解析:本文是关于Susna Rei所创办的一个新的节目Sae Money:Good od的介绍,教人们在日常生活中怎样用最少的钱做出美味的食物,Cokng elf Less,文章难度不大。24. . 推理判断题。 文章中sei cok

14、ig upa stor in her at role swin families ow o prere diciousand ntritiousmal na tigbdget还有后文中的The par ss都可以推出Susana Reid开办了一个新的电视节目。25. C 细节理解题。In ae Mony: Good Food, he vits diffrent oach week nd wth the ep o chf MtTbbutoffestp p on owto educefoodwste可知Mtt Tebut的作用是给SusanaRid提供建议。26. C. 推理判断题。定位到第四段

15、foos in he fotsteps f ITVs Sae Mney: Goo Hlth可知,这一段主要讲的是这档节目的灵感来源,所以答案选C27. D. 主旨大意题。本文主要是对ave Mney: God Foo这档节目的介绍,文章第一段shwing ailishow to ppare delicous ad nutritius mel n tigtuget说明了这档节目的目的,所以D选项正是对这句话的最好诠释。CLanuages hv en comig an gon fo tosans of es, bu n recent times treasbeen lesscoming an a

16、lot moeging.When tewrlwa stil pulat b hunr-gers, mall, tht kni (联系)gropsvloped ther ontterns of spechidependnt feac ohr. Smelanguage expebeleve tat10,000yearsago, wen th world ad just five to ten mili pepl, they spokepap 2,0 aguagsbetwen them.Son atrwars, manofthose popl teseng w bcoefarmers, and te

17、i languas too eca more setd a wer innmber. n recent cenurs, ad, ustrialstio, tedeveloment of h naton-stt and prea of uniersal opulsor eucton, peciallylobalsatn and bettecmunictions ithepast eecades, all hv causedmany languaet disppear, addomitlanuages uchasEngih, Spanishn Chins are incresingly tking

18、 ove.tpesn,the wrd s aout ,800 langaesTh distributinof thee angug ishugey unev. Th generalle i th mild zones ave rltivel few laguages, oftenspoe ymayeope, whileot, wet zons have lots,often soken b smllnumbes. Erope s olyaround0lngas; the merics bot1,000; Afa 2,400; ndAsia and the acifcpraps, o hichP

19、apuaNw Gune ane counts forwel ovr800. e medan nmer (中位数)o spakers is mer6,000, whieans hathlf theorldsanuages are sokn by fewer pep ha ht.Arady welove 400 o the ttal of 6,8 anguaes ar closetoextnctin (消亡),with only a fewldry, arado, Buuu n Cmeroon (eiht reainngseaers),iapaecin exco (15

20、),Lipan pach in the Untd Stes(w r hree)r Wdjigu Astaia(on, wih stion-ar):none fths sems to hav uh cnce fsurvial.28. Wha an wenfer bulanguagein hunr-gth time? The deveoped vey fst. B. Thwere large i nuer.They hd simr pttensD The wer closely coectd.29. Whch of t followin best explin“dnant” nerlnedin p

21、aaraph ?A.ompl. B.AdvcedC orfulD. Modern30 Hwalanguages ae spn by less n 6,00ot prsent?A. bt 6,80.B Abou3,400. C. ou 2,400. D About1,200.31. W isthe ai dea of t text?A. Nw languageswl b creatd.B.People lifste ar rflectedi lanugesC umn deelopmn resuls fwelanuages.D.Geogpyetmines anuage evlution.解析:本文

22、主要讲的是随着人类的发展,语言的种类却越来越少,很多语言已经灭绝或者濒临灭绝,这是全球化和工业化带来的副作用需要引起我们的重视。28. . 推理判断题。本题的答案主要出自第一段,只要认真研读,进行简单的排除,答案不难选出。omlangageexper blieve tha 1,00 years ag,wn te world ha justvo tenmilion people, they spokepha 12,000angages between them.这句话是答案的出处。29. C.词义猜测题。词语出自第二段。Dominant这个词应该是比较常见的,只要考生平时注意词汇积累这个词应该能

23、认识,所以我们在平时的英语学习中一定要注意词汇的积累。假如不认识的话,后边的例子中例举了ngish, Spanish nd hinse还有词组taeover 这些线索都可以帮助我们来猜测词义。30. B 推理判断题。答案出自第三段 Te median numr(中位数) of spars is a ee6,00, whic means that haf e worldslnguagesar spkn by wer pople han tha.结合前面的Apeet, theword hasabout 6,80 angag. 这两句话就可以把答案推出来,80和half是关键词。31. C 主旨大意

24、题。本篇文章结构清晰,第一段是总领全文,提出观点i reenttimes tre has en less omngand lo morong。第二段是解释原因,第三段是对现状的介绍,第四段是举例子。所以答案很容易选出。本篇文章考生可以注意出题人的出题范围,前三题分别出自前三段,第四题是对全文的考查,这也是出题人出题的一个暗含的线索,考生应该多加关注。DWe a nk wee a cultue tht get id of our orn tehnlogy atth frtsigt f smethin shny d nw,bta new stud sows thatw kep usnour old

25、dvices (装置) wel aftrey go ot of stye. hats bad esfr te nirnmen ad orwts as thesoutdad device nm mucho nerg tane ewr os that do sae hgs.T fiueuto much poer tese devicesre using, lieBabbit and rcoleages at the Rcester Itute ofechnoo inew ork trcked th environmental costs for acprouc trughu it ife romwhen its minerls ae mine to

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