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An Inspector Calls《罪恶之家》电影完整中英文对照剧本.docx

1、An Inspector Calls罪恶之家电影完整中英文对照剧本你相信上帝吗Do you believe in God?相信Yes.为什么How can you?我没法相信人类I cant believe in people.我必须得相信什么 否则我将无所寄托I have to believe in something, or Id fall.然后堕入深渊Fall down through the cracks.万劫不复and never stop falling.多谢您Thank you, sir.罪恶之家伯灵公司进来Come in.你来了Hello.谢谢Thank you.英格兰1912

2、年亚瑟 你这话说得可不太合适Arthur. I dont think thats really appropriate希拉还在这呢not with Sheila here.没有的事 妈妈Nonsense, Mummy.比这过分的她也听过Shes heard a lot worse than that.-是吗 -你知道我听过- Have you? - You know I have.这顿晚餐真的太棒了An altogether excellent dinner.一定要告诉厨师 西比尔You must tell cook from me, Sybil.你可不该在客人面前这么自夸And youre

3、not supposed to say such things in front of guests.又说错话了In trouble again!不过 这确实是一等一的晚餐 伯灵夫人Well, it really was first class, Mrs Birling.-谢谢 -我可没把杰拉德当客人 你明白吧- Thank you. - I dont think of Gerald as a guest, you know.不再当他是客人了Not any more.我也觉得今晚以后他就不是客人了I dont see how he can be, after tonight.再来点吧 妈妈Oh

4、, do take some, Mummy.今天这么特殊It is a special occasion.好吧 少来一点Very well. Just a little.好了艾德娜 我们要咖啡的时候All right, Edna. Ill ring from the drawing room会拉铃的when we want coffee.好的 夫人Yes, maam.你什么情况Whats the matter with you?我也不知道 不好意思 我只是I dont know. Sorry, I just.他微醺了Ah, hes squiffy.不 我没有No, Im not.希拉Sheil

5、a.酒杯既然已经斟满Now that our glasses are full,我想为今晚说几句Id like to say a few words to mark the occasion.你们两个 消停点Stop it, you two.杰拉德 我不怕告诉你Gerald, I dont mind telling you你跟希拉订婚that your engagement to Sheila.对我来说意义重大.means a tremendous amount to me.我一直想要的就是你这样的女婿Youre just the kind of son-in-law Ive always w

6、anted.我和你父亲在商场上明争暗斗Your father and I have been rivals in business已经不知道多少年了for longer than I care to remember,但是你拉近了我们的关系but youre bringing us together.也许 我们能期待未来And perhaps we can look forward to伯灵集团和a time when Birling and Company考夫特有限公司化干戈为玉帛 携手共进and Crofts Limited are no longer competing, but wor

7、king as one.-是啊 是啊 -更低成本- Hear hear. - Lower costs,更高收益 对吧higher prices, eh?我父亲一定会赞同的My father would certainly agree to that.你这么说 听起来就像是政治联姻Youre making it sound like a political alliance.我们都知道你俩远不止这个We know theres a lot more to it than that.而且你们结婚的时机也是极好的And youve chosen the best possible time to b

8、e married.经济终于要开始回暖了The economys on the way up at last,工人们都在摩拳擦掌the workers are knuckling under明白什么是对他们有利的and realising whats good for them.如果打起仗来呢What about war?不可能打起来的 埃里克Theres not going to be a war, Eric.德国人比我们更不想打仗The Germans dont want a war any more than we do.是么Really?因为报纸上说Because according

9、to the papers.我们不谈这个好吗Lets not talk about this now.我要祝你们俩生活一切顺利I want to wish the pair of you the very best that life can bring.没错 杰拉德Yes, Gerald.希拉 亲爱的Sheila, darling.祝贺你们 祝你们幸福our congratulations and very best wishes.谢谢Thank you.没错 祝你们幸福Um. Yes. To both of you.她真的不错 杰拉德Shes not bad really, Gerald.

10、有点小脾气Got a bit of a temper.要注意她的右钩拳Watch out for the right hook.傻瓜Chump.真的 我希望你幸福Really, I hope you find happiness.真心的I really do.我不能为这个干杯 是吧Well, I cant drink to this, can I?我什么时候喝呢When do I drink?我俩可以对饮一杯You can drink to me.好啊 这还不错All right, I will.我敬你 杰拉德I drink to you, Gerald.我也敬你And I drink to

11、you.我希望我能让你尽可能的快乐I hope that I can make you as happy as you deserve to be.我就从And I would like to begin.送给你这个开始by giving you this.杰拉德 这就是你说要送给我的东西吗Oh, Gerald! Is it the one you wanted me to have?就是这个The very one.看呀 妈妈 是不是很美Ah, look, Mummy, isnt it a beauty?真的很美It certainly is.不错Well done.杰拉德Oh, Geral

12、d.克制点啊Steady the buffs.现在我是确实感觉到自己订婚了Now I really feel engaged.太好了 这就是我要的效果Yes, well, I should hope that you do!那 我们先走吧Well, now.shall we go through?好的 走吧Yes, lets.-我们不会太晚的 -那就好- We wont be long. - Dont be.埃里克 我能跟你说几句吗Eric? May I have a word?好的 妈妈 当然Yes, Mama, of course.请别喝那么多了Please dont drink too

13、much port.我没有醉Im not squiffy.可是我真的觉得你有点 微醺Well, I think you are a little bit. squiffy.你今晚到底为什么喝这么多Why are you drinking so much tonight anyway?你显然没有你爸爸酒量好You clearly cant take as much as your father.事实证明 也没有杰拉德酒量好or Gerald, if it comes to it.我以为你会等我40岁的时候再来管这个I expect youll be saying that when Im 40.

14、你40岁的时候 我可不一定还在了Well, I may not be here when youre 40,所以该管就得管so Im saying it now.别担心 妈妈Dont worry, Mother.-我只是 -保持风度 埃里克- Im just. - Standards, Eric.他们当然很想过来They very much wanted to be here, of course,不过他们习惯了but theyve got into the habit每年这个时候去度个小假of taking a short break at this time of year.怎么 他们把生

15、意都留给你照看了What, they leave you in charge of the works?是的They do, yes.听到了没 埃里克Do you hear that, Eric?杰拉德的父亲有时候会把生意交给他管Geralds father leaves him in charge from time to time.真厉害Very impressive.如果你打起精神来Thatll be you one day.我的生意早晚也要交给你打理的if you buck your ideas up.开心吗Happy?很开心Yes.有一段时间我以为这事儿没希望了There was a

16、 time when I thought this would never happen.做得好Well done.我又不是赢了什么奖I havent won a prize.从某个角度来说 你是赢了Well, you have, in a way.你确保了下半生的未来Youve secured your whole future.我这么说你别太在意 杰拉德Dont take this the wrong way, Gerald,不过我有种感觉你母亲but Ive a feeling your mother可能觉得你能找到比thinks you could have done better t

17、han my girl我家姑娘更好的socially and so on.不 我真的不觉得I. I really dont think.这没什么 我不怪她这么想Oh, its quite all right. I dont blame her.当初 我追求西比尔的时候Sybils parents were just the same她父母也是一样的态度when I was courting her.是吗Were they?可不是吗Oh, yes.不过 如果你不介意的话Now, theres something Id like you to mention to her.我希望你私下跟她提一下q

18、uietly, if you dont mind.目前看来 我貌似有这么一个机会It seems theres a pretty good chance可能能够登上下一批受勋者名册that I might find my way on to the next honours list.获封骑士A knighthood.我的老天Oh, I say!-恭喜您 -谢谢- Congratulations! - Thanks.虽然 现在说的话还为时尚早Well, its a bit early for that,不过 我已经得到一些暗示了but Ive had one or two hints.你也知道

19、 我曾经当过市长Well, you know I had that spell as Lord Mayor, of course.而且我在党内的贡献也不小And Im known as a useful party man.我觉得我的机会挺大I think I stand a fair chance只要接下来几个月别惹上什么麻烦as long as we keep out of trouble for the next few months.如果唯一的障碍是这个Well, if thats the only obstacle.这事只有家里人知道 其他人都不知道The family knows,

20、 but, um. no-one else does.我会悄悄跟她说的I shall mention it to her in confidence.-她会很高兴的 -那就好- Shell be delighted. - Good.我跟埃里克之前也说过Ive said this to Eric before,重要的不是你人生的起点多高its not where you start in this life,而是你的成就如何its where you finish.在这个国家 一个人只要下定决心Now, a man can achieve anything he wants to就能达成他想要的

21、任何成就in this country, if he puts his mind to it.这也是为什么这个国家伟大的原因And thats part of what makes it great.我实在不能更同意了I couldnt agree with you more.唯一要做的就是专注做好你自己的事The thing to do is to keep your head down and concentrate on your own business.如果要像现在这些搞运动的疯子们所说The way these cranks talk now,人人都得关心其他人youd think

22、 everybody has to look after everybody else,那还不像个马蜂窝一样乱了套了and were all mixed up together, like bees in a hive.社区团结 再让我听到这词Community! If I hear that word one more time.我就这么告诉你You take it from me -男人必须把自己的事情料理好a man must look after his own affairs.料理好自己 照看好家族Look after himself and his family,其他的一切都and

23、 then everything else just.先生 有位探长来访Please, sir, an inspectors called.什么样的探长What kind of inspector?来自警局的探长 他说有很重要的事情找您A police inspector, sir. He says its important.好吧 那你就让他进来吧Well, youd better let him in here then.真够烦的Ah, nuisance.您还在当法官吗Are you still on the bench, sir?是的 估计是要签搜查令什么的Yes. Itll be so

24、mething about a warrant, I bet.这是古尔探长 先生Inspector Goole, sir.伯灵先生Mr Birling?是我 探长 请坐Yes, Inspector. Sit down if you like.谢谢Thank you, sir.我希望不会太久I hope this wont take too long,我们这有个家庭庆祝活动only were in the middle of a family celebration.要来杯波特吗 或者威士忌A glass of port? Or we have some whisky.不了 谢谢 伯灵先生 我正

25、当值No, thank you, Mr Birling. Im on duty.-你是新来的吧 -是的 先生 刚调过来的- Youre new, arent you? - Yes, sir. Recently transferred.我就说以前没见过你I thought Id never seen your face before.-本地警局的人我都认识 -那是当然- I know all the police round here. - Of course.那么我能帮上什么忙 如果是搜查证的话So, what can I do for you? If its about a warrant.

26、我想问些问题 如果您不介意的话Id like some information, if you dont mind.三个小时前 一个年轻姑娘在医院去世了Three hours ago, a young woman died in the Infirmary.她选择了结束自己的生命Shed taken steps to end her own life.医生们试图抢救 但已经太晚了The doctors tried to save her, but it was too late.天哪 太可怕了Good heavens, how dreadful.所以And?她 是谁Who. Who was s

27、he?请问你是And you are?-埃里克伯灵 -我儿子- Um.Eric Birling. - My son.死者叫伊娃史密斯Her name was Eva Smith.伊娃史密斯Eva Smith.你记得她吗 伯灵先生Do you remember her, Mr Birling?这个名字是有点耳熟 但是The name seems familiar, but, er.我没想起来什么.it doesnt really mean anything to me.我刚刚去了她的住处Ive just been round to the room she had.她留了一封遗书 还有一些日记S

28、he left a letter and a sort of diary.看来她之前是您公司的员工Now, it seems that she was employed in your works at one time.啊 原来是这样Ah.thats it, is it?我们有好几百个年轻女工在公司工作Well, we have several hundred young women working there,她们流动性也很大and they keep changing.不过这个姑娘 伊娃史密斯Well, this young woman, Eva Smith,她有点不同寻常she was

29、 a bit out of the ordinary.我在她住处找到一张她的照片I found a photograph of her in her lodgings.可能您看了能想起来Perhaps youd remember her from that.能给我看看吗May I see it, please?恐怕不行Im afraid not.为什么不行 我只是Why not? I only.这是我做事的方法 一次只问一个人Its the way I work. One line of inquiry at a time.那好Very well, um.我认识她吗 爸爸Would I know her, father?不 不 这个女孩已经走了No. No. That girl left us.大约两年了Oh, nearly two years ago.早在你开始工作之前了Long before you even started at the works.1910年的9月末The end of September, 1910.对 听着对的Yes, thats about right.所以你现在记起她了So you remember her

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