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1、翻译练习答案Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place。皮尔森将世界上数百名研究者的工作汇集到一起,以便制作一个独特的显示最新日期的千年技术日历,在这些日期里,我们可

2、以期待上百种关键性突破和发现产生 Unit 3 Amplification Practice: 1. Put the following sentences into Chinese, using the technique of amplification. 1) Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. 2) We wont retreat, we never h

3、ave and never will. 3) Their host carved, poured, served, cut bread, talked, laughed, proposed healths. 2. Put the following sentences into English, paying attention to amplification. 1) 请把这张表填一下,填完给我。 2)要提倡顾全大局。 3)吃饭防噎,走路防跌。 4)送君千里,终有一别。 5)一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。 6. 天气寒冷,河水都结冰了。 7. 前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。 8. 理论联系实

4、际,这是我们应当牢记的一条原则。 9. 天气这样闷,十之八九要下雨。 10. 年满18岁的公民都有选举权和被选举权。 Keys: 1)读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理使人庄重,逻辑修饰之学使人善辩。 2)我们不后退,我们从来没有后退过,我们将来也决不后退。 3)热情的主人又是切肉,又是倒茶,又是上菜,又是切面包;谈啊,笑啊,敬酒啊,忙个不停。 1. Please fill in this form, and give it to me when you have finished. 2. We should advocate the spirit of taking

5、 the whole situation into consideration. 3. While eating, take heed that you do not choke; while walking, take heed that you do not fall. 4. Although you may escort a guest a thousand miles, yet must the parting come at last. 5. A fence needs the support of three stakes; an able fellow needs the hel

6、p of three other people. 6. It was so cold that the river froze. 7. While the prospects are bright, the road has twists and turns. 8. That theory must go hand in hand with practice is a principle we should always keep in mind. 9. With the weather so close and stuffy, ten to one it will rain presentl

7、y. 10. All citizens who have reached the age of eighteen have the right to vote and to stand for election.Unit 4 Omission1. If you give him an inch, he will take a mile. 他这个人得寸进尺。2. Winter is the best time to study the growth of trees. Although the leaves are gone and the branches are bare, the tree

8、s themselves are beautiful.冬天是研究树木生长的最好季节;虽然树叶落了,树枝光了,但树木本身却很美丽。3. For generations, coal and oil have been regarded as the chief energy source to transport man from place to place. 几十年来,煤和石油一直被认为是交通运输的主要能源。4. In order to survive, to feed, clothe and shelter himself and his children, man is engaged i

9、n a constant struggle with nature. 为了生存,为了自己和子孙后代的衣食住行,人类和大自然不断进行斗争。1. 我们必须培养分析问题解决问题的能力。We must cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems.2. 他一开口总是三句话不离本行。He can hardly open his mouth without talking shop.3. 中国人民历来是勇于探索,勇于创造,勇于革命的。 The people of China have always been courageous enough to

10、 probe into things, to make inventions and to make revolution.4. 生也好,死也好,我们都要忠于党,忠于人民,忠于祖国。Live or die, we should be loyal to our party, to our people and to our motherland.1) Chinese wood oil 桐油 2) a good (bad) sailor不晕船 3) a goodman家长;丈夫4) be out with sb. 与某人闹翻 5) worth ones salt 称职 6) blow hot an

11、d cold 摇摆不定7) put all ones eggs in one basket 孤注一掷 1. Put the following sentences into English, using the technique of conversion. 1) 语言这东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功不可。 2) 他们一不会做工,二不会种地,三不会打仗。 3) 我们的方针是,一切民族、一切国家的长处都要学。 4) 社会主义革命的目的是为了解放生产力。 2. Put the following sentences into Chinese, paying attention to idiom

12、atical expression. 1) He was a nonsmoker and a teetotaler ti:tutln. (禁酒主义者,绝对禁酒者) 2) Since he lost his job, hes been a loner. 3) I marveled at the relentless( rilentlis adj. 无情的;残酷的;不间断的) determination of the rain. 4) High blood pressure is a contraindication(禁忌症) for this drug. 5) He spoke with fir

13、mness, but his face was very sad and his eyes at times were dim. Key: 1. The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking efforts. 2. They do not know a thing about factory work, nor about farm work, nor about military affairs. 3. Our policy is to learning from all nations and all countr

14、ies their strong points. 4. Socialist revolution aims at liberating the productive force. 1. 他既不抽烟,也不喝酒。 2. 他失业以后就很不合群了。 3. 雨无情地下个不停,我感动惊异。 4. 高血压患者忌服此药。 5. 他讲话时,态度坚定,但面带愁容,时而眼神黯淡。Unit 6 Restructuring1) 直到昨天我才知道他住院了。I did not know he was hospitalized until yesterday.2) 我们必须清楚地了解所有牵涉到的问题。we must get

15、a clear understanding of the things concerned.3) 他穿过马路时,左顾右盼,害怕撞到过路的车子上。while crossing the street, he looked right and left, afraid that he might run into some passing car.4) 只有听党中央指挥,调动一切积极因素,才能顺利实现四个现代化。Only by following the instruction of the Party Central Committee, and by mobilizing all positiv

16、e factors, can we successfully realize the four modernizations.1.她非要他讲清楚他的每一分钱都都哪儿去了,弄得他哑口无言。He was dumbfounded at her insistence that he explain where every cent of his allowance had gone.2.这种理论的核心是,我们的环境同我们的才能、性格和行为即使有什么关系的话,也是微不足道的。That our environment has little, if anything, to do with our abil

17、ities, characteristics and behavior is central to this theory.3.相反,行为主义学者认为,成绩的差异是由于白人在教育及其他方面所享有的许多权利,而黑人却被剥夺了这些条件。Behaviorists, in contrast, say that differences in scores are due to the fact that blacks are often deprived of many of the educational and other advantages that whites enjoy.4. 如果有人敢于

18、公然蔑视世界公众舆论而一意孤行,那他一定是个鲁莽之徒。He would be a rash man who should venture to defy world public opinion and act arbitrarily.5. 在延安的荒凉的 漆黑的群山上空,闪烁着明亮耀眼的星星。 Bright, very bright were the stars over the wild, dark Yanan hill.Unit 7 The Passive Voice1. The oil of the world will have been used up, and man will

19、be using the more convenient power obtained from the splitting of the atom. 全世界的石油将会用尽,到那时人们将使用从原子裂变过程中获得的这种更为方便的动力 2. Care should be taken to decrease the length of time that one is subjected to loud continuous noise. 要注意减少人们处于连续强噪音之中的时间。3. She told me that her master had dismissed her. No reason h

20、ad been given; no objection had been made to her conduct. She had been forbidden to appeal to her mistress. 她告诉我她的男主人已解雇了她。男主人没有讲任何理由,对她的行为没有任何异议,也不许她向女主人申诉。4. Pure science has been subdivided into physical science, which deals with the facts and relations of the physical world, and biological scien

21、ce, which investigates the history and makings of life on the planet. 理论科学分为自然科学和生物科学,前者研究自然界各种事物和相互联系,而后者则探讨地球上生物的发展历史和活动。5.他准备给我一份工作,这使我大吃一惊。I was astounded that he was going to give me a job.6.很抱歉,因为雨太大,参观博物馆得推迟到明天了。Im very sorry to say that visit to the museum has to be put off till tomorrow bec

22、ause of the heavy rain.7.请全系师生于星期三下午2:00在会议室集合,听报告。All teachers and students of the department are required to meet in the conference room at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday for a speech.Unit 9 Nominal Clauses1) He poured into his writing all the pains of his life and the conviction it had brought to him tha

23、t the world could be made a better place to live in if the exploited would rise up. 他在作品里倾诉了自己一生的痛苦和这种痛苦给他带来的一种信念,认为如果被剥削的人们起来反抗,世界就会变得美好。2) Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a countrys economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in t

24、urn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds. 再者,显而易见的是一个国家的经济实力与其工农业生产效率密切相关,而效率的提高又有赖于各种科技人员的努力。3) For example, they do not compensate for gross social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favor

25、able circumstances. 例如,测试并不弥补明显的社会不公;因此,它们不能说明一个物质条件差的年轻人,如果在较好的环境下成长的话,会有多大才干。2 .森林给人提供木材,还能调节气候、保持水土、防风固沙、改善水质、防烟防尘、消毒杀菌、减少噪音、美化环境、维持及改善生态平衡。如果没有绿色植物不断制造氧气和吸收有害气体,人类就无法生存。人们的健康与空气的优劣有关,而空气的优劣又与森林的多少有关。 Apart from providing people with timber, forests help regulate climate, conserve water and soil,

26、 wall off wind, fix sands, improve water quality, keep away smoke and dust, sterilize (purify) the air, reduce noise, beautify surroundings, maintain and improve ecological balance. Man would not be able to exist without green plants producing oxygen and absorbing harmful gases all the time. Mans he

27、alth is closely related to the quality of the air, which in turn is decided by the size (extent) of forests.Unit 10 Attributive Clauses1A few stars are known which are hardly bigger than the earth, but the majority are so large that hundreds of thousands of earths could be packed inside each and lea

28、ve room to spare; here and there we come upon a giant star large enough to contain millions of millions of earths.There is nothing more disappointing to a hostess who has gone to a lot of trouble or expense than to have her guest so interested in talking politics or business with her husband that he

29、 fails to notice the flavor or the coffee, the lightness of the cake, or the attractiveness of the house, which may be her chief interest and pride.2.全世界的科学家都在寻找净化空气、防止空气受到各种有害工业废气污染的有效办法。一个不怕困难、百折不饶、坚持到底的科学工作者一定会在科研工作中取得光辉的成就。我们的企业一般不重视经济效益,广泛存在着劳动无定员、生产无定额、质量无检查、成本无核算的现象,造成人力、物力、财力的很大浪费。 Key:人们所知道

30、的恒星并不必地球大多少,但绝大多数恒星却非常巨大,每个星球容纳成千上万个地球还绰绰有余。我们到处都能见到打得足以包容千千万万个地球的巨星。最令女主人失望的是她花了许多心神和费用来招待客人,可是这位客人只顾津津有味地与她丈夫谈政治,谈生意,却没有注意到香喷喷的咖啡,松软的糕点,或房间内讲究的陈设,而这些却可能是她最感兴趣并最引以为荣的东西。Scientist everywhere in the world are looking for efficient methods to make the air clean and protect it from pollution by all kin

31、ds of harmful industrial waste gases.A scientist will surely achieve great successes in his work if he braves all the difficulties, keep on working and perseveres to the end.Our enterprises, in general, pay little attention to their economic result. The number of workers needed for a job is not fixe

32、d. Production quotas are not fixed. The quality of products is not checked and cost accounting is not earnestly practiced. All these phenomena have already incurred a big waste of manpower, material resources and money.Unit 12 Long Sentences1. Put the following sentences into Chinese, paying attention to their structures.1) Behold! That golden sea with dazzling waves mountain-highan immensity of

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