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1、土木工程专业外文文献及翻译(二 一 二年 六 月英文原文:uldingcontructi conet rc ofrevenin andprocegAbtrat crck problem f onrete isa widsprea xistence btagain difcul i solv of engineeg atu prlem, hi tecarried sudy analss oalitle t famil cck em i the ort engneerin, ad i t rte the ccmane u forwad omepevention, prcessg esure Key

2、ord:Cncee ack revnion pcessingForewoConcrtes isi1 kin is antpate th feetne bn, cment, watadthrmixure u ormtion f theinadiomateal uality brittlenes not and al aeril.Becue the concre rcion raso wthoeself, cnrol ec a eries proble,haren model fin the cnrete exstence nerous tiny hole,irit cve and iny cra

3、k,i exacly cas thesebeginig stt blesh f stenejtke the ocee presen neomnot al te raerisc of quaity.The tin crak is a kind ofarms rc ad acceptconcret hay, dfen Shena alttl t other use funtion nota catio to edanger.But after te conrete be subjcted to lotu carr, diffrence in temeratue etcfutin, tn crack

4、 would niuously ofen with conect, end fomation we see without the aidof ntmnts o mcrovete crackb als thecrack that e core oten sayin h eeeig.Cocrete buling nd ou iecusull ll tae sewer to makeo,becauseof crakof existnc d devlom usual aeinne f rnfocn bar tmateria rtioneay, ower einored cncretemateal l

5、oading abliy,durablenati- henability,infuencebuilding f externalperanc,srvic ife, everityilreat arve peles life ad rpert safetyA lot o all ofcsh ngneeris i ecause ofthe unteaddvelpen of hecr th the resu thatModernescince eerch with a great elf heconrt ineei prctice cetficate, n e cnree egineringcrac

6、k role isineuctable, als ceptble i ertainly of the sco just need o op valdof measurewill it ennge degree cnrol at certain ofscoe isideThrinfocecreteorm asoexlict prosion:Some trcture at placeoissimirity under the condition llw exisenccertain the rack owid.t at ndr costrtio soul as ar a pssible dot a

7、 valid mesu contrl crk creaio, e he stuctr dnt appear crack ossiblyo as far asposie decrasecrackof mot ad width,artiularlynttoas a s psibe avoidharmu crak of mrgce,inur enginrn qaiythus.ncrte crk ceaonofth rasonea lotof adhave alrea tansford t ase f crc:Sch as epertur var,constrngency, inflatio, the

8、 ymtry snkto siket reasn caue of ra;aveusie crryth rackta thefnct cas;Protetedenvomnt no appopriate th ac et. cdwith chmcal efct.Wntdifferntiation otea n he actul enneerin,wrkouta problemcording the acua circumstneIn he concrete egieg thefamiiar rack and the prnion1St Suo acd prevetinStem thu rac mc

9、h appearfter the cncee rotect be oero period oftme o concre pinkle tobuildto complete beid around a we.In the mentsp huidity of evapore woulcretion st Suo, and tis kind o cnstringency is cangtive.Ste Suocrack of h creatonbe mai is bcaue ofcncrete inide uts humity aorate dre dimilarity but cause to r

10、anform dismilarity ofresut:Te conree is sbjeted toexeior condtionof iflence,srface humdiy s leadquick,tranorm bigge, innrpr degreeo humidy variey sllertrnfor smalle,bigge sufc te the S transform tbe ujected t ne ir partotol, creation more g pull shold din but reancack.T relive humdiis molow,ementsru

11、 bod stem uo mor ig, temth Suocrck b mre asy creaonStem the Suo s muhsface pralel lines form rhe n sallow in cck, dh any twen0.-02 m, te t sufcpart muh see i the ig physica voumncrete adfolow t morein thn be plank sht to driute.Stem Suo crackuually theni- Shen o ifluencecocrt, cautheurbl o t rust ec

12、lipinfuenc concrtef rnfocingar, uner te functin f theater pressue dnt wouldcrationhe water pwer splicrak ifluc oncrte f ldingdint etc.Cone stemeSuobe main ithtr aho he conrtrato, h dosae f he msiton, emen cement, gatheto ntpateo the oag of theproerty a dosage, iditon tc.relevnt.Man evnionesur:hie be

13、ng tochoos t u he contrinency quaniy smaller cemet, genrl lowhot watermireand owder ah stove eet n the aoption, lower he dosg of cent.w is a nceof stemSo beujetd waer as ato f flucemorbi, watr ashratio mor, stem Suo ore ig, so i h concete matchthero the esignshould a f as possible ontrl odwatr sh at

14、io ofchooseto s,the handd inth meanime ccommodtionorducaterThreeis sric ontrol concree mx blendwith uer onstrcto o matchratio,e of coree aanty aslue cat big i atiodesigngive settlef e wateruatity.Furistheearlieperiodhih stregthn onee to protect, an pprpate exensn rotc o conrte tme.Witr cnstrionantoe

15、 apprprat xtnsionccreteheapresetionto r ime, ndTu2 Suaprotect rct.Fiveis conttutinthe accomodation is i the concrtesructur of the consigeny se.The Su constringency rack dprevntinSucntringny s th concret is before cdese, surfce because f lose wat quicker bceation consingnc.The Su constngny cack is gn

16、eral atdry at or strongwind weter appea,cacks muh prsenting n the etrbredh,both nds be he centerhin nd the ngthb different, with each othenot rent apearance.Shoter crakgnerl long 20-3cm, the lng crack can echto 2-3 m,breadth -5 mm.It reatn of manreais:Th onrete s eventually amosai nostrength o steng

17、th bfor the Ning vrysll, perps concreejust eveually Ning bt stegth eryhour,besubjctd to ht o mpre sron wind dintof inflence,the concrete surace lse wteto edquic,result n ine capiary reaion iggeregative press but make a concte yscl volme harply onstigency, butattis tie h strenth oconrt agan cnt resis

18、t its cotnnc,rfoe ceatorackedTheinfluec ccte Su cosrinency open thmain factor fcrck to avewaterash rto, conretof condenstime, environment mertur, win velocity, rative humidity.etc.ain revnionmare:neschoose t utm he Suo aue aler hr Hu susalt f h arier periodsrengthr ommon theHu r briemre.Two s srictt

19、e contrl atr ashraio, he Chn add toefiientyrede tr o incrmentecollapse of conrete fll a degre ad with easy,dcrease cemen ad water odosgThre is tsrinkleborbuiingonree, waer sic leelandtemate ven to sthrough.Four is n time tovrythe perhas damp gra a of theplastics thn im, emp lce tc, keep concreeevetu

20、ly beforth ng srface isoi, erhaps spra t tect tc. to carry n pret n the cncrete surface.ive is in he heat andstrog wind h weater to wat to ebli to hid sun an blok breez facilities, pretitimeSink toik crak nd pevntinhe creation wch sik to ikcracs because o the stucturfodatinoi qalitynot nd vely,lose

21、sof retur o fill sol isnest or sok in wate butresult in theametrinkto dclie th rsul th;rhap becasefteplae ust dgree sort, he emplate roped p tonce be apat frombig prpu ttom lose mve c. tocaus, escially at wit, thetempla prop up tjelly solup, jell the soil tun ly emps cratin asymetry to sink to deie

22、andcausoncretestue creaion cakTis kind cack any isdee entrr cthroug s rack,it lignmenthae smething od ithsinking to sink acircmsta,geeral fllow with gound pereniul or pent 30 -4 Ca irecto deelopment, iger sinkt sink rack, sualyve ertain of wrg, rack idt usully ith k t ecine quantidirect prporton rel

23、ationrak widtundr heinnce o temetre varitysmeThefondtion aer rsform stbiliy sink to snrack alsobasic endin itMin revenionmasure:One is ignes s sot soil,rturnto il soil foundtio a cnstrucon at hepepar stuctue fotshould carron necessity o ng ld with reinfore.Two i the sregthtat assurae templas noug an

24、 u dge, and prp irm, ndmkthefoundation be suectd t dt even.hreis conee from spinke infusing h foaon n he roces issoa yter.r is te ht emplte toreown toantb toealy, and wat totce dsmntle mod od of sen.Fveis a jell oitop tke otabish templateto notic to adot cetai of rventio meare.4Temperaure crack an eventionTempraturecrkmuch the occurence i in big surfe odirence n emperaturevaity oftepha olme concrete comparth at ara of he conc struct.Conetater sprinking to build,i thehenigterces, cemn wter turn reatn are deal oof waer turn ht, .(be hecent ose i in th

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