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1、国际贸易专业英语复习docx题型:1. 选择题20* r2. 简答题 4*53. 翻译题(汉译英、英译汉)英译汉:3*10,、汉译英:5*3,4. 分析论述题15,一. 选择题()Fill in the blanks below with the most appropriate terms from the box. depend upon be defined as put an end tobe justified by engage in be determined by be dominated byspecialize in because of in terms of1 inte

2、rnational trade ( ) between two or more partners from different countries.2 Traditionally, international trade ( ) in economics ( ) comparative advantagetheory.3 No nation can meet all of its people s needs, and every nation ( ) some tradewith other nations.4 . The nations are not willing to allow t

3、heir international economic relations only( ) market forces.5 The theory of comparative costs suggested that countries will ( ) producinggoods and services in which they have a comparative advantage.6 International economics is growing in importance as a field of study( ) the rapid integration of in

4、ternational economic markets.7 Mercantilism is the economic theory that a nation s prosperity ( ) its supply ofgold and silver, that the total volume of trade is unchangeable.8 Adam Smith s Invisible Hand and liberal theory of economics gradually ( ) thedominance of mercantilism.9 International trad

5、e continues to ( ) the advanced industrialized countries.10. ( ) physical volume, world trade has grown faster than world production ofcommodities.答案:1. is defined as2 is justified by3.engage in4to be determined. by5 specializein6. becauseof7. depends upon8. put an end to9.bedominated by 10. interms

6、 of(二)argument againstshiftcomply withclear-cut be characterized by gain fromself-sufficient constitute as well as available1 .there is often no ( )distinction between a government s foreign and domestic policies.2 Since economic activity( ) mutual interdependence, there are few, if any, economic po

7、lices of government that have only domestic effects.3 The justification of free trade is that it enables a nation to( ) international specialization.4 Every nation inhabits a global political and social environment ) a global economic environment.5 Every nation-state has an economy, and the mutual r

8、elations among the national economies ( )the international economic system.6 The contribution of international trade is so immense that few countries could become( ) even with the greatest effort.7 . The domestic consumers benefit from international trade because it lowers the prices of goods and ma

9、kes( ) goods that cannot be produced at home.8 There are several( ) free trade: national security, protection of domestic industries, economic stability, and so on.9 The composition of both U. S. imports and exports have( ) toward to manufactured hightech products and away from industrial supplies a

10、nd materials.10. business enterprises take steps to influence foreign economic policy in the direction that best( ) their interests.答案:1. clear-cut 2 . is characterized by 3. gain from4 . as well as 5. const it ute 6. self-suff icien t 7.available 8. arguments against 9. shifted 10. comply with(二)Fi

11、ll in the blanks below with the most appropriate terms from the box.Equivalent put into practice be conscious of otherwisedeal with prevent from involve work onrelate to nothing more than1 A market entry strategy is ( ) finding the best methods of delivering your goodsto your market and of distribut

12、ing them there 2 The transactions associated with exporting are generally more complicated thanthose ( ) the domestic market.3 Once a relationship has been established with an overseas customer, representative,or distributor, it is important that the exporter ( ) building and maintaining thatrelatio

13、nship.4 Licensing ( ) granting a license to a foreign firm to produce and market aproduct for which the foreign firm pays royalties to the parent firm 5 Sometimes licenses develop quality control problems and can possibly the parentfirm ( ) entering the foreign market at a later date 6 In joint vent

14、ures, cultural differences must ( ) and sometimes foreign partnerscan be a source of conflict.7 A licensing agreement must contain clauses concerning jurisdiction, ( ) therewill be direct competition between the licensor and the licensee .8 Most multinational firms ( ) extremely ( ) the licensee s a

15、bility to respectthe company s reputation for quality and reliability 9 Several forms of flexible business arrangements including counter trade, exportprocessing, equity joint ventures and contractual ventures have been ( ) in China .10 . In a counter trade deal , the foreign customer who provides t

16、he equipment orlicense undertakes to buy from the Chinese enterprise goods of a value ( ) that ofwhat he himself supplies 答案:1. nothing more than 2 relating to 3. work on5. prevent. . from 6. be deaIt with8. are extremely conscious of(四)Break up intoas opposed to Come toconsistofOn handDraw down1. t

17、hey are the prediction .sell off Back upfrom scratch Come tobasis of unconditional prophecies 、creep income outconditional scientificin running a firm again .2. after the depression , he started3. sentence clause 4. as a rule he writs English very well ,but occasionally unidiomatic expression5. we w

18、illaway .6. all his little schemes for making money seem to7. he drought along a file of document to his claim .the old stocks at half price and anything remaining will be throwngrief 8. worldwide English broadcasters were to describe the event as it happened .9. that area furniture weather pattern

19、might long ,dry periods .10. this may old reserves .答案:(五)Fill in the blanks below with the most appropriate terms from the box.exceptpreventinterfere withsubject to1 -A tariff is a taxduty meansso that lead impose onintend to to due toimported and/ or exported goods, sometimes called a customs2 . I

20、f a country major industry collapses foreign competition, the loss of jobs andtax revenue can severely impair parts of that country economy .3 The most notable drawback of protective tariffs is that they increase the price ofthe goods the tariff, disadvantaging consumers of that goods 4 Some economi

21、c ideologies hold that tariffs are a harmful the laws of the freemarket.5 Free trade involves the removals of all such barriers, considered necessary for health or national security perhaps those6 Non-tariff trade barriers are criticized as a to evade free trade rules 7 The use of non-tariff trade b

22、arriers has risen sharply after the WTO rules very significant reduction of average tariffs .8 A key stated goal of agricultural subsidies is food self sufficiency to _ shock of rapid price rises in essential groceries 9 Many observers argue that the purpose of agricultural subsidies is in the end t

23、othe10. equivalent toprotect farmers they will continue to vote for the politicians thatvote for these subsidies 10 . he main argument against fair trade is that the term in practice is primarily protect inefficient industries .答案:(六)Fill in the blanks below with the most appropriate terms from the

24、box.left out1 or the WTO,s procedure to succeed, countries must its decisions, even whenthey disagree with them.2 Defining fair practice is many trade disputes, as countries naturally havediffering perspectives on what is and is not fair.3 Less spectacularly, it the more difficult areas of reducing

25、trade baiTiers inagricultural products and textiles.4 A country found to be trade rules by a panel may appeal to the AppellateBody.5 Much has been wider trading relations.6 Under this legislation a country could lose the entire US market, not merelythat of the offending product.7 Its growth as a tra

26、ding power suggests it can no longer be 8 Labour standards, including practices such as child labour, have beincluded in human rights principles generally.9 Co-operation in pursuing international cartels has progressed and could some form of multilateral antitrust organization in the future.10. dist

27、ance are expressed kilometer as well as miles答案:1. adhere to 2 . at the heart of 3. made strides in 4 in breach of 5. at stake, in terms of 6. accessto 7. left out 8. come to 9. lead toWipe outHit a break wallFar frombe keen on sticking point take onkick around break out account for(七)Fill in the bl

28、anks below with the most appropriate terms from the box.Among other cap 4s somewhere2fighting in the prison cells3. their plan at the committee meeting .4. we are sorry to say we cant new orders .5. govemment procurement a substantial part of the global economy6. he is pleased to see his

29、son,s work though it is perfect7- , I like jogging as an exercise8. the Singapore issues were still the at the Cancun meeting /9. the young student are Disco though their parent may not be10. foreign competitors their own industries (丿I) Fill in the blanks below with the most appropriate terms from

30、the box.take over as a result take placerefer to carry out take deliverycall for apply to pick up make delivery1 if the seller is to pay the cost and bear the risk of unloading and clearing customs,and on the dock thereafter, the term is DEQ or delivered ex-quay, duty paid.2 . , the rights and oblig

31、ations of each party to a contract should be moreclearly understood if the contract is expressed in INCO terms.3 We don t offer any services except to put the goods on our loading dock at ourplace of business so that the buyer can them at an agreed time.4 We will provide export documentation that will help the buyer move the goods outof our country, but we will not the process.5 If any damage after the goods leave our dock, it is the buyer s loss

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