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1、代词文档代词一人称代词数格人称单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称Imeweus第二人称youyouyouyou第三人称he, she, ithim, her, ittheythem(1)特殊用法he: 女主人称自己的宠物,爱车,大型凶猛动物she: 男主人称自己的宠物,爱车,温顺的动物,祖国,月亮,轮船,家乡it :指人(不知性别),天气,时间,距离,温度等 Eg. Whats the time? Its 12:00. Whats the weather like today? Its fine.(2)人称代词并列顺序单数:you, he, she, I复数:we, you, they1.You

2、, she and I are good friends 2.We and you are all winners. 单数:I, he, she, you (表示不好意思,承担责任)复数:they, you, we1. I and she broke the window.(3)练一练1. Whossingingoverthere? _isSandyssister.A.That B.It C.She D.This2. _spent thewinterholidayinBeijing last year.A.We,youandthey B. We, they and youC.They,youa

3、ndwe D.You, theyandwe3.Myuncleboughtanewbikefor_.A.heirs B.they D. I4. _oftengoshoppingonSundays.(星期天我常去购物)5. Wherehave_gone?(他们上哪儿去了?)2物主代词词义我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(它)们的形容词性myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs(1) 形容词性物主代词,后面必须跟名词 名词性物主代词,千万不可以跟名词形容词性物代词+名词 = 名词性物主代词Eg.It

4、is not my book. Mine is on the desk.(2) 形物代(ones)构成的固定短语 try ones bestdo ones homworkmake up ones mindlose ones wayhold ones breath三反身代词数 人称第一人称第二人称第三人称单数myselfyourselfhimdelf, herself, itelf复数ourselvesyourselvesthemselves(1)注意:在人称,性别和数保持一致1.You youself can do it well.2. He himself can do it.(2) 反身代

5、词不能做主语1. Herself called you up last night.(错)(3)常见短语for oneself亲自 by oneself独自 teache oneself自学enjoy oneself玩的愉快helponeself别客气一用适当的物主代词填空1._acat,_nameismimi.A. Its, its B. Its, its C. Its, its D. Its, its2.This isnt_knife. _ is green. ( she )3. _ must look after _ things. ( you )3. Wei Fang,is that

6、_ ruler? Yes,its.( you)5. Iateall_sandwichesyesterday.(I)CanIhaveoneof_?(you)6. Georgehaslost_(his)pen.AskMaryif(是否)shewilllendhim_.(she)7. JackhasadogandsohaveI._(he)dogand_(I)hadafight(打架).8. Theteacherwantsyoutoreturnthatbookof_(he)9. Mr.andMrs.Greenandafriendof_arecomingtoseeus.(they)10. Wearego



9、_isSandyssister. A.ThatB.ItC.SheD.This2._willspendthesummerholidayinHawaii. A.She,youandI B.You,sheandI C.I,youandsheD.Her,meandyou3.Betweenyouand_,heisnotarealfriend. A.meB.IC.heD.his4.Myuncleboughtanewbikefor_. A.theirsB.theyC.meD.I5.Those girls enjoyed _ in the party last night. A. them B. they C

10、. themselves D. herself 四指示代词单数复数用法1用法2thisthese近指指下文将要做的事thatthose远指指前面刚提过的人/事补充:打电话时,this指自己,that指对方This/these用法2例句:I am going on a hiking this weekend. _This is very excisting.That/those用法2 例句:The weather in Beijing is as good as that in Shanghai.(1)练一练.那只狗 .这个男孩.那些学生 .这些苹果5. 那位老师 6.这些猫7. 那些狮子 8.

11、这只山羊9.那支蓝钢笔 10.这条鱼(2)将下列句子译成英语.那些铅笔是李明的.这红衣服是你妹妹的吗?.这是个好老师?(3)选择题1._penisred._pencilisgreen.A.this,that B.These,ThoseC.That,Those D.This,That2.Is_apandaoverthere?A.this B.that C.those D.these3._twoboysareMr.Greenssons.A.This B.These C.That D.those4._twogirlsareMaryandLinda.A.This B.They C.That D.Tho

12、se5._isMr.Whiteand_ismyfather.A.This,those B.That,theseC.These,these D.This,this6. Look!Whatis_?Itsaneraser.A.thisB.thatC.theseD.those7. Are_yourwatchesoverthere?A.thisB.thatC.theseD.those8. _thisyourfriend?A.isB.AreC.IsD.are9. _thosehisdictionaries?A.isB.AreC.IsD.are10. _penisred._pencilisgreen.A.t

13、his,thatB.These,ThoseC.That,ThoseD.This,Thatsuch(这样的人/物)指上文提过的人和物eg. Never to do such thing.永远别做这样的事the same(同样的人/物)指和上文提过的,相同的人和物eg. Do the same as the teacher tells you.照着老师告诉你的去做it(同一个事物)常用来指上文提到的,特定的同一事物eg. I buy a computer, but it does not work well.我买的个电脑,但是它不好用that(同一事物)用于比较级,代上文同一事物,避免重复eg.

14、The weather in Beijing is as good as that in Shanghai.北京的天气和上海的天气一样好one(同类事物中的任意一个)指上文提及的同类事物中的一份子,同类不同个,复数用 I do not like thisMP4. Please show me anther one.辨析(1)习题1. The box is in the middle of the room. Move _ away. A. it B. one C. /2. I have lost my pen. I have to buy _. A. one B. it C.

15、/3. How nice your bag is! I want to buy _. A. it B. one C. /4. Whydontwetakealittlebreak?Didntwejusthave?A.itB.that C.oneD.this5.I am a little hungry, Mom. -There are some cakes on the plate. You can take _.A. it B. one C. that D. this6. Someone is at the door. Who is _?7. _waslatesummerandtheweathe

16、rwasveryhot. A.That B.It C.This D.Its8. _is200kilometresfromheretothenaturalpark.Wehavetogotherebycar. A.There B.It C.This D.The place9.likethishousewithabeautifulgardeninfront, C.this D.that10.Areyoustillusingyouroldcar?-No, C.that

17、one D.theone5不定代词都both(两者)Both he and she are students.all(of)(3者)All of the students are coming.不都(部分否定)notboth 并非两个都(bothnot)I dont want both books. 我不是两本书都要notall 并非都(allnot)All students are not coming. 并非所有的学生都来了都不neither(两者)Neither she nor I like tea.none(of)(3)None of them like/likeks tea.习题1.

18、What do you think of these two books?_ of them are interesting. And Ive read them several times.A. Both B. Neither C. None D. Either2.There were only two paintings for sale and he bought _.A.all B.any C.both D.some3.I have two TV sets,but _ of them is in good condition.A.both B.none C.neither D.ever

19、y4._of us answered the phone,for we were all in the yard.A.Either B.Neither C.All D.None5.The students are all from Foshan . They _ like their city . A.both B.all C.either(2)both, neither, either辨析both做主语+V复,作定语+名词复数neither做主语+V单,作定语+单数名词either两者中任何个做主语+V单,作定语+单数名词例子:1.both sides of the street 2.eit

20、her side of the steeet 3.Neither answer is right.(3)固定搭配eitherof两者之一+复数名词/them/us谓单neitherof两者都不谓单bothof两者都谓复例子:1.Either of them goes to Beijing. 2. Neither of them stopped to have a rest.3.Both of them swim well.习题1._ of the girls _ him. They asked him for name card. NNNA. Neither; know B. Either;

21、know C. Neither; knows2. Both of his parents _ teachers. A. is B. are C. was3.Both of his brothers _ in this hospital, but neither of them _ a doctor. A. works; is B. work; is C. work; are4.SamlookslikehisDad.Theyare_tall.A.eitherB.anyC.allD.both5.Wouldyouliketogototheconcertwithmetonight?Idloveto,b

22、ut_ofuscouplehastickets.Doyouhavesome?A.bothB.allC.neitherD.none6. AreJimandBobplayingoutside?_.Theyaredoingtheirhomeworkinthestudy.A.eitherB.bothC.neitherD.none7. WeaskedJohnandHenrysomeeasyquestions,but_ofthemcouldanswerthem. A.noneB.both C.all D.neither8. Whichismoreuseful,biologyorchemistry? Ith

23、ink_themareuseful.(广州市)A.eitherofB.noneofC.bothofD.allof9. IinvitedJoeandLindatodinner,but_ofthemcame.A.neitherB.eitherC.noneD.both10. CanyoucomeonMondayorTuesday? Imafraid_dayispossible.A.eitherB.neitherC.someD.any(4)固定搭配bothand两者都复数谓语neithernor两者都不就近原则eitheror或者或者例子:1.Both Tom and Lucy are in Grad

24、e Two.2.Either my father or my mother cooks at home.3.Neither he nor I am free today.习题:1.Either Tom or the twins _ the way to the shop. A. know B. knows C. finds2. Neither you nor I _ a scientist. A. is B. are C. am3. Both Tom and Mary _ hard. A. studies B. study C. studying4._Lily_Lucymaygowithyoubecauseoneofthemmuststayathome.A.Notonly;butalso B.Neither;nor C.Both;and D.Either;or5.CanIparkmycarhere? Yes,youcanparkon()sideofthestreet.A.either B.neither C.bothD.all(5)all 和none用法all(of)都,人/物none(of)没有什么,人/物可数名词复数+V复不可数名词+V单可数名词复数+V单/复不可数名词+V单例句:1.All of the students ar

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