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1、自动化信息英文部分:The information of automationAutomation overview of the machine or device in the absence of intervention procedures or instructions required automatic operation or control of the process, its objective is steady, accurate, quick. Automation technology is widely used in industry, agricultur

2、e, military, scientific research, transportation, business, health, services, and the family. Not only can automated technology from heavy manual labor, part of the mental and the poor and dangerous working environment freed, but also to expand peoples organ function, significantly raising labor pro

3、ductivity, and advancing human understanding of the world and the ability to change the world . Therefore, the automation of industrial, agricultural, national defense and science and technology an important condition for the modernization and significant signs.The development of automation in 1946,

4、 the United States Ford mechanical engineer DS Hudson was first put forward the automatic the term used to describe the engine cylinder and automatic transmission and processing process. 50s, automatic regulator and the development of classical control theory to automate access to a single variable

5、automatic control system based partial automation stage. 60s, with the emergence of modern control theory and the wide application of computer, automatic control and information processing, and ensure that the production process automation into the optimal control and management of integrated automa

6、tion stage. 70s, automation becomes the object of large-scale, complex projects and non-engineering systems, modern control theory involves many difficult problems. Research on these issues, to promote the automation of the theories, methods and means of innovation, there was a large complex system,

7、 system control and intelligent control systems, there has been comprehensive utilization of computer, communications technology, systems engineering and artificial intelligence and other high-level results automation systems, such as flexible manufacturing systems, office automation, intelligent ro

8、bots, expert systems, decision support systems, computer integrated manufacturing systems. The emergence of automatic devices and applications are in the 18 centuries ago. Ancient human long-term production and life, in order to reduce their own labor, has the effect of power instead of using natura

9、l human animal, and the use of automatic devices to replace parts of human intellectual activity involuted desire, after a long time and the exploration of their unrelated to Zaochu some of the original automatic devices. Ancient China Guide car and watch the 17th century occurred in Europe and wind

10、 mill control device, although the invention is unrelated, but the formation of automation technology has played a leading role.Automation technology in the 18th century during the formation of 20 century 30s. 1788 J. Watts invention of the British engineers centrifugal governor (also known as fly b

11、all governor), and put it with the steam engine valve connected to form a closed-loop steam engine speed control system. Watts invention ushered in the modern era of automatic adjustment device applications, on the first industrial revolution and the subsequent development of control theory, have a

12、major impact. People began to use automatic adjustment device, to deal with the industrial production of the control problem. Some of these regulators are devices that track the given value, so that some physical quantities remain in the vicinity of a given value. Automatic Regulators in the automat

13、ion technology marks a new historical period. Of the 20th century, is widely used in industrial production of various auto-adjusting device for adjusting the system of analysis and synthesis of research. Although this period in the automatic regulator feedback control has been widely applied in the

14、structure, but in theory the principle of feedback control is 20 years from the beginning of the 20th century. 1833, British mathematician C. Babbage in the design of machine first proposed the principle of process control. 939 system and control the worlds first professional research institution es

15、tablished in the 20th century the formation of classical control theory 40 years and made a theoretical development of local automation and organizational preparation.40 to 50 years of the 20th century is the partial automation of the formation during the World War II classic control theory is parti

16、al automation of the post-war development has played an important role in promoting. Formed in the course of the problem of classical control theory, the design of a sophisticated automatic adjustment device, creating a system and control this new field of science. This new discipline was called ser

17、vo theory in the United States, the Soviet Union known as the automatic adjustment theory, mainly to resolve the single-variable control problem. Classical control theory, the name was the 1960 Joint Automatic Control at the first meeting of the nation put forward. As the war in 1945 after the publi

18、cation ban lifted, there has been systematically expounded the works of classical control theory. 1945, American mathematician Wiener, N. The concept of the feedback control system extended to all. 50 years later, classical control theory has many new developments. . Method of classical control theo

19、ry can basically meet the needs of military technology during World War II and the post-war industrial development needs. But by the late 50s found that the classical control theory is extended to multivariable systems come to the wrong conclusion. Classical control theory approach has its limitatio

20、ns.40 years in the 20th century invented the electronic digital computer to create a new era of digital program control, while it was limited to automatic calculation, but the success of ENIAC and EDVAC manufacturing, creating a new era of electronic digital program control. The invention of electro

21、nic digital computers for the 60 to 70 years in the control system logic is widely used in process control and extensive application of electronic digital computer control and direct control of production basis. Since the late 20th century, since 50 is a comprehensive automation period, the rapid de

22、velopment of space technology during this period, the urgent need to address the multi-variable optimal control problem. Thus was born the modern control theory. Modern control theory for the formation and development of integrated automation and laid a theoretical foundation. At the same time a new

23、 breakthrough in microelectronics technology. Transistor computer in 1958, appeared in 1965 IC computer appeared, in 1971 and single-chip microprocessor. The emergence of microprocessor control technology had a major impact, control engineers can easily use to achieve the complex microprocessor cont

24、rol to integrated automation a reality.Automation (Automation) is an American DSHarder in 1936, he proposed that in a production process, the transfer of parts between machines do not have people to carry is the automation. The concept of automation is a dynamic process of development. In the past,

25、peoples understanding of the automation or automated mechanical action functional goal is to replace the human operator, automatically complete a particular job. This is essentially automatic instead of manual human point of view. Later, with the electronics and information technology, especially wi

26、th the emergence of the computer, and extensive application of the concept of automation has been extended for the use of machinery (including computers) instead of people not only physical but also mental replace or assist to automatically complete a specific job. Today, the concept seems to automa

27、tion is not perfect. Goal of the automated functions as machines replace human manual or mental labor is relatively narrow understanding. This is understandable and even to some extent hindered the development of automation technology, for example, some people believe that Chinas population, engage

28、in no great need for automation. Today, automation has far exceeded the traditional concept with a more broad and profound meanings.Automation of generalized content include at least the following: in the form of manufacturing automation has three meanings: to replace human manual labor, to replace

29、or assist people mental, man-machine manufacturing systems and system-wide coordination, management, control and optimization. Function, the automation of manual or mental work instead of people is only part of the objective system automation. Automation features a number of objectives, has formed a

30、n organic system. In the scope of manufacturing automation is not only related to the specific manufacturing process, but all the processes involved in the product life cycle. Automation is a dynamic concept, has a very broad and deep content. Manufacturing Automation Technology currently very activ

31、eTrends of modern production and the development of science and technology, automation technology becomes more and more demands, but also for innovative automation technology to provide the necessary conditions. After 70 years, began to automate complex system control and advanced the development of

32、 intelligent control, and widely used in national defense, scientific and economic fields, to achieve greater automation, such as large enterprise integrated automation system, the national railway automatic scheduling system, the national grid automatic scheduling system, air traffic control system

33、s, urban traffic control systems, automated command system, national economic management system. The application of automation in the field of engineering extended to non-engineering fields, such as medical automation, population control, economic management and automation. Automation will be greater imitation of human intelligence, robots have been in the indu

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