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选修 6Unit 4 Global Warming 教学要求.docx

1、选修 6Unit 4 Global Warming 教学要求Unit Four Global warming国家课程标准国家课程标准语言技能目标1. 了解“全球变暖”、“能源的种类”和“节约能源”等方面的知识,能听懂关于全球变暖的简单英语介绍, 树立“节约能源、保护环境”的主人翁意识。2. 学习有关气候、能源和环境的词汇、短语和句型。3. 学会表达同意和不同意、责备和抱怨等日常交际用语。4. 学习it在强调句中的用法。5. 学习如何写一幅表达自己观点,劝说他人节约能源,保护环境的海报或文章。语言知识目标1. 功能1)同意与不同意(Agreement and Disagreement)Exact

2、ly. Youre right. I agree. Thats correct/ true/ right.Im afraid I disagree with you.Im afraid not.I dont think so.No way. I dont agree. I doubt2)责备与抱怨 ( Blame and complaint)Im sorry to bring this up, but?Im sorry to have to say this, but ?They shouldnt have done it. They are to blame.Perhaps/ Maybe t

3、hey should / ought to Why dont you do something about it? 2. 语法 it的用法 (The use of “it”) (2) It is human activity that has caused this global warming.It was a scientist called Charles Keeling who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997.3. 词汇及短语必会

4、: come about subscribe to quantity quantity of tend go up result in oppose opposed be opposed tostate range even if keep on glance steady tendency widespread on the whole average on behalf of put up withso long as and so on circumstance 了解: consume graph random phenomenon subscribe fuel per data tre

5、nd catastrophe flood mild consequence existence outer advocate commitment polution growth electrical casual motor can microwave refresh educator contribution presentation nuclear disagreement 认识 renewable greenhouse Fahrenheit Sophie Armstrong fossil byproduce Janice Foster methane Celsius Charles K

6、eeling measurement drought famine George Hambley environmental environmentalist ecomomical hectare individual appliance imperative heading slogan 学习策略目标1. 认知策略:总结语言材料中有关it的用法,并结合语境加以应用。2. 自主合作探究策略:在各个学习活动中进行结伴或分组讨论,结对或组内交流、总结,共同研究发现问题、解决问题,及时总结学习收获本单元的学习的主要的语言知识:重点动词、动词短语、其它常见表达方式和新出现的句子结构。3. 交际策略:以

7、学生同伴、小组活动培养学生交际策略,学会表达建议和帮助。4. 资源策略:学习有效使用课外资源,如网络或图书馆查找有关全球变暖”、“能源的种类”和“节约能源”等方面的知识,树立“节约能源、保护环境”的主人翁意识。情感态度目标教育学生清醒认识“全球变暖”的事实,使其树立节约能源、保护环境的意识。教学内容建议教学内容建议教学内容建议教学内容建议教学内容建议教学内容建议教学内容建议教学内容建议教学内容建议教学活动建议教学活动建议单元整体教学分析 本单元的中心话题是人类当今面对的环境问题,主要探讨了“全球变暖”和“节约能源”等方面的问题。由于人类过多使用不可再生能源,大气中二氧化碳的含量逐年增加,导致全

8、球气温上升。通过学习本单元,让学生能了解能源分为“不可再生能源”和“可再生能源”,帮助学生树立“节约能源、保护环境”的主人翁意识。 Warming up要求学生列举家中,学校或其他地方使用能源的物体,指出这些物体的来源,尽可能多地列出不同的能源并把它们分为两类:可再生能源与不可再生能源。 Pre-reading这部分首先介绍什么是温室,它有什么作用,然后要求学生讨论大气中温室气体的作用。该部分的讨论有利于学生预测课文内容和理解阅读课文中的“温室效应”。 Reading 这部分是一篇杂志文章,主要讲述了地球温度上升的现象和原因。科学家认为这种变化是人类燃烧矿物燃料所致。对于地球升温,科学家们有不

9、同的看法。有些科学家认为,这个问题很严重。地球升温会导致海水上涨,风暴,干旱,饥荒,物种毁灭和疫病等。另一方面,其他科学家认为,地球升温有利于改善人类生活。最后,文章以开放性的问题结尾要求读者思考:对于全球变暖,人类要不要采取措施?紧扣主题并与题目要相呼应。 Comprehending这部分提供了三项练习。练习1是 首先就作者,杂志名称,文中出现的曲线图等内容提问,并要求学生概括文章的主题。练习2要求学生细读课文,并判断所给句子的是否符合课文内容。练习3要求学生小组讨论:在讨论的基础上,把全班分为正方和反方,举办一个辩论会。 Learning about Language词汇部分设置了三项练习

10、。练习1是分辨生词在文中的含义。练习2是运用课文中所学的生词来完成与“全球变暖”话题相关的一些句子。练习3让学生运用强调句型进行复述或表达自己的观点。语法部分让学生通过对比课文中it作强调作用的句子与其他句子的区别,发现并熟悉强调结构句型及其规律。 Using Language这部分综合运用听说读写的能力。“读和写”部分是欧阳光给关爱地球组织杂志写电子邮件,请求帮助。回信指出,群策群力,问题可解,并提供了几个具体措施。阅读之后,让学生就文中的建议进行讨论并提出更多的建议。为写的任务提供充分的材料。“听与说”是学生与教授的一段对话,讨论能源的使用问题,并学习表达“同意”或“不同意”的交际用语。教

11、学内容整合建议:1. 将Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading与Comprehending整合在一起以“阅读课”的形式体现。2. 将Learning about Language中的Discovering useful structures与Workbook中的Using structures整合在一起上一节“语法学习课”。Warming up and Reading词汇知识基础要求(可以通过教师讲授与学生自主探究相结合的方式落实重点词汇)1consume vt.(1)to use sth, esp fuel, energy, time,goods etc eg. The

12、 electricity industry consumes large amounts of fossil fuels.(2) to eat or drink stheg. Before he died he had consumed a large quantity of alcohol.弹性要求:comsumer n. a person who buys goods or uses services. Health-conscious consumers want more injection about the food they buy.2. renewable adj. usual

13、ly before noun renewable energy replaces itself naturally, or is easily replaced because there is a large supply of iteg. renewable energy such as solar powereg. an industry based on renewable resources3. come about to happenCan you tell me how the accident come about ?4. graph n. C a planned drawin

14、g, consisting of a line or lines, showing how two or more sets of numbers are related to each other eg. The graph showing how house prices have risen since the 1980s.5. random adj. done, chosen, etc without sb thinking or deciding in advance what is going to happeneg. the random killing of innocent

15、people 对无辜者的随意杀戮a random sample / election ( in which each thing has an equal chance of being chosen)The information is processed in random order.弹性要求:The winning numbers are randomly selected by computer.= it introduced an element of randomness to the situation.She opened the book at random ( not a

16、t any particular page) and started reading.6. phenomenon n. a fact or an event in nature or society, esp one that is not an event in nature or society, esp one that is not fully understood. ( pl) phenomena eg. cultural / natural / social phenomenaTerrorism is a phenomenon of the 20th century.7. subs

17、cribe to (1)to agree with or support an opinion, a theory, The authorities no longer subscribe to the view that disabled people are unsuitable as teachers.(2) to pay money, normally once a year, to receive regular copies of a newspaper, magazine, etc. eg. Which journals does the library subs

18、cribe to ? 弹性要求:(3) to pay money regularly to be a memble of organization or to support a He subscribes regularly to Red Cross Society of China.8. fuel n. U&C any material that produces heat or power, usually when its burntfossil fuel : fuel such as coal or oil, that was found over milli

19、ons of years from the remains of animals or plants 矿物燃料eg : solid fuel ; nucleat fuels; a car with high fuel consumption9. quantity n. U&C(1)an amount or a number of sth eg. a large / small quantity of sth eg. Enormous / Vast/ Huge quantities of food are laid on the The police found a quan

20、tity of drugs at his home. = A quantity of drugs was found at his home by the police. 弹性要求: (2) the measurement of sth by saying how much of it there is eg. The data is limited in terms of both quality and quantity.10. tend vt.(1) to be likely to do sth or to happen in a particular way because this

21、is what often or usually happens.Women tend to live longer than men.People tend to think think that problem will never affect them.When you are exhausted, you tend to make mistakes.(2) to take a particular direction or often have a particular qualityHis views tend towards the extreme.Prices have ten

22、ded downwards over recent years.(3) to care for sth / sb Doctors and nurses tended the injured.弹性要求:tendency I have a tendency to talk too much when Im nervors.11. go up If the price of sth, the temperature, etc. goes up, it becomes higher. opposite go downeg. Cigarettes are going up in price.

23、 12. per used to express the cost or amount of sth for each person, number used, distant travelled, etc eg. Rooms cost $50 per person, per night.60 miles per hour13. data n. C or U facts or information, esp when examined and used to find out things or to make decisions eg. This data was collected fr

24、om 69 countries.the analysis / interpretation of the dataraw data ( = that has not been analysed )These data show that most cancers are14. result in to mke sth happen eg. Aids have/ has resulted in many thousands of deaths.Theses policies resulted in many elderly and disabled people suffering hardsh

25、ip. Opp: result fromeg. Jobs loses result from changes in production.15. trend n. ( towards sth ) a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing eg : There is a growing trend towards earlier retirement. A downward / upward trend in salesYou seem to have set ( started ) a new tren

26、d.16. catastraphe n. C(1) a sudden disater that causes many people to suffereg : Early warnings of rising water levels prevented another major catastrophe.弹性要求:(2). an event that causes one person or a group personal suffering, or that makes :The attempt to expand the business was a

27、catestrophe for the fiem.Catatrophic effects/ losses/ results/ illness17. flood n. U&C A large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry eg :The heavy rain had caused floods in many parts of the country. eg :The river is in flood.18. oppose v. to disagree strong with ones plan, policy,etc

28、 and try to change it or prevent it from succeeding eg : He found himself opposed by his own deputy. I would oppose changing the law.opposed : She remained bitterly opposed to the idea of moving abroad.弹性要求:opposing adj. (of teams, armies, forces etc) playing, fighting, working, etc against e

29、ach other eg : a palyer from the opposing side19. mild adj.(1) not violent, severe or extreme:eg : She cant accept even mild criticism of her work. He has suffered a mild heart attack - nothing too serious.(2) describes food or a food flavour that is not very strong:eg : He doesnt like a hot curry -

30、 he prefers a mild one.(3) describes weather that is not very cold or not as cold as usual:eg : Weve had a mild winter this year.弹性要求:mildly :We were mildly surprised to see him again so soon.mildness n.20. consequence n. C an often bad or inconvenient result of a particular action or situati

31、on:eg :Scientists think it unlikely that any species will actually become extinct as a consequence of the oil spill. Well, if you insist on eating so much, youll have to suffer/take (= accept and deal with) the consequences!21. state vt. to say or write something, especially clearly and carefully:eg : Our warranty clearly states the limits of our liability. Union members stated (that) they were unhappy with the proposal. Please state why you wish to apply for this grant.弹性要求:statement n.

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