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本文(广州版英语八年级上册第四单元Unit4Inventions课文知识详细讲解与语法详细讲解.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、广州版英语八年级上册第四单元Unit4Inventions课文知识详细讲解与语法详细讲解第七讲Unit4知识探究Step one Getting ready 1.Listen to advertisements for four funny inventions.advertisement 可数名词“广告”an advertisement advertisements 缩写为 adseg. They will put an advertisement in the newspaper.There are too many advertisement on the TV.advertising

2、不可数名词 “广告,广告业”,是广告的总称。eg. Advertising is everywhere. advertise 动词,“做广告,登广告”可做及物或不及物动词。eg. They advertised the new car. He advertised for a new job.1. 大街上有很多广告。_2. 李雷为自己打广告。_funny形容词“有趣的”,在句中作定语或表语。fun 名词 “乐趣”eg. He told me a funny story.I think the film is very funny.We had a lot of fun at the party

3、.拓展:funny money 伪钞 funny paper 连环漫画栏 funny car 腊肠型赛车 funny farm 精神病院 funny book 连环画刊1.你真是个有趣的女同学。_2.Write a short article about a new invention that you will create.create 及物动词“创造,创作” 指经过努力让事物从无到有或从粗糙到完美,对象可以是具体的或者抽象的。eg. He created many famous plays. He created the wonder.拓展:create 作可数名词“创造物,作品”作不可

4、数名词 “创造,创建” creator可数名词 “创作者” creative 形容词 “有创造力的”eg. The creator created the creation. He is creative.辨析:create 与makecreate 创造出原来不存在的东西 make 通过工作制造出某种东西eg. Who created the world. He made the watch.1. 达芬奇是一个创作家,他创造了许多名画。_.【随堂练】:一、用所给词的适当形式填空。Heisan (invent),he (invent)lotsof (invent).2.She_ (born)in

5、China.3.She (realize)shewaswrongyesterday.4.Thep issohigh,itissoe .5.Surfingtheinternetisp amongteenage.6.Theideaisp ,wewilltakethis idea.7.Thistoyiss ,andIhaveneverseenitbefore.8.Shecreatedmanyfamousworks,andshewas .(create)二、完成句子1. 自那以后,我就已经学会照顾自己. , I have learned to take care of myself.2. 我们已经三年

6、没有联系了.We each other for three years.3.请远离毒品,学会保护自己.Please drugs, and learn to protect yourself.4.我们很相爱,同时,我们互相照顾对方.We love each other, we take good care of each other.5.勤劳在白天,作息在晚上.Work ,and rest at night.Step two Reading& listening3 telephone可数名词 “电话,电话机”缩写形式phoneeg. I dont have a telephone.Tony of

7、ten talks with me on the telephone.动词 “打电话” eg. I telephone my grandma every week.拓展:“给某人打电话”表达 telephone/phone sb call sb (up) give sb a call make a telephone call to sb eg. I often telephone/phone my parents on weekends. Please call me (up) this evening. Please give me a call when you get home. My

8、 best friend often makes a telephone call to me.1.到家了就给我打电话。_4.They help people live a better 及物动词 “过的生活” live a lifeeg. live a good/rich/poor life.1.我们过去过着贫穷的生活。_5.After its invention, traveling became faster and more fortable 形容词 “舒适的,舒服的” 反义词 uncomfortablecomfort 名词和动词 “舒适,安慰”comfortabl

9、y 副词eg. I like comfortable life. I feel uncomfortable now. I want to go home. The new car becomes more comfortable.中考链接: What he said made everyone feel .A. comfort B. comfortable C. comforting D. comfortably6.In the early 19th centurycentury 可数名词 “世纪,百年” 一世纪指一百年,不指具体时间,只指时间段eg. He was born in the 2

10、0th century.Two centuries later, people still remember him.拓展:twentieth-century “20世纪的” 是一个序数词+名词构成的形容词,作定语。 “在第几世纪”必须用序数词,而且应在序数词前加定冠词the eg. It was a twentieth-century invention. in the 21st century in the mid-19th century/in the middle of the 19th century7.Alexander Graham Bell invented one of th

11、e first practical telephones in 1876.invent 及物动词 “发明”eg. Do you know who invented computer? He invented a green car.辨析 invent 与 discoverinvent “发明”指客观上没有,发明以前未曾有过的东西,如新工具,新方法discover “发现” 指发现客观上已经存在,但不为人知的事物eg. Gilbert discovered electricity, but Edison invented the electric light bulb.8.Since then,

12、 people have been able to speak to each other over long distances.distance 可用作可数名词和不可数名词 “距离”eg. Keep a safe distance between cars. What is the distance from here to your school?拓展: 与distance 相关的表达at a distance 隔一段距离 in the distance 在远处from a distance 从远处 out of distance(from)离太远,达不到9.They allow peo

13、ple to keep in touch with each other anytime, anywhere. allow及物动词, “允许”allow sb to do sth “允许某人做某事” 动词不定式作宾语补足语。eg. My parents dont allow me to go out at night.Do you allow us to watch TV?拓展:allow doing sth 允许做某事 be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事eg. He doesnt allow smoking here. Passages are not allowed t

14、o smoke.中考链接: Take time to relax by listening to music, reading a book or just spending some time alone. Relaxing allows you to your studies with more energy. A. return B. to return C.returningkeep in touch (with sb) “与保持联系” = stay in touch (with sb)eg. We should keep in touch with each other. Well

15、always keep/stay in touch.10.Thomas Edison developed the first practical light bulb in 1879. develop 及物动词 “开发,研制” eg. We need to develop solar energy. They are developing a new car. 拓展:develop 还可用作不及物动词, “发展” developed 形容词 “发达的”developing 形容词 “发展中的” development 名词“发展,开发” eg. Everything develops. The

16、 US is a developed country, India and China are developing countries.中考链接: Its helpful to a good habit of reading in language learning. A.take C. develop D.math11.With light bulb, people can do as many things in the evenings as they can in the daytime. daytime 不可数名词,意为“白天,日间” in the daytime 在

17、白天 Tigers and foxes often sleep in the daytime.He works in the daytime and helps me with my housework in the evening.12.the new cars made loud noises and frightened them. make noises “发出噪音,弄出声音” make (a)noiseDont make noises. Your father is sleeping.辨析 noise, voice 与soundnoise噪音,喧闹声指吵闹、喧哗声,往往是不和谐、不悦

18、耳的声音voice噪音尤指人或动物特有的声音,如说话声、歌声、笑声等sound声音泛指自然界中的一切声音He always makes loud noises.She often talks in a low voice.Light travels faster than sound.中考链接:Stop making so much . The children are sleeping.A. voice B. noise C.sound13.I suppose that people could only drive in the(4)daytime because those cars d

19、idnt have lights. suppose及物动词 “认为,猜想,想象” 后接从句作宾语,常和“suppose+sb+(+to be)+形容词/名词”结构作同义句转换。suppose,think,believe等后跟宾语从句时,主句的主语是第一人称时,若变为否定句,必须否定前移,即把否定句转移到主句上来。 Do you suppose Yes, I suppose so / No, I suppose not 或 No, I dont suppose so. eg. I dont suppose he is thirty. - Do you suppose it is going to

20、 rain? -Yes, I suppose so / No, I suppose not 或 No, I dont suppose so.拓展:be supposed to do “被要求做某事,应该做某事,被期望做某事”相当于 should do sth eg. Teachers are supposed to know a lot.中考链接: You are to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ so the other person doesnt get bored. A. suggested B. supposed C. t

21、aught D. supported【随堂练】:一、完成句子1. 她住在乡村,我住在城市.She lived ,and I lived in city.2.我们一起走一下吧.Let,s .3.很久以前,这里住着公主和王子. ,princess and prince lived here.4.不好意思,我没意识到我错了.Sorry, I I was wrong.5.我已经三年没有跟她联系了.I haven,t already her.二、用good,bad,填空。1.Who got a (good) mark in PE,Mark or Mary?2.Who got a (bad)m

22、ark in PE,Mark or Mary?Mark got a better mark in PE.3. Whose home is (far)from school,Mark,s or Mary,s?4. Who got a (good)mark in PE in your class?5. Who got a (bad)mark in PE,in your class.6. Whose home is (far)from school,Mark,s,Lintao,s or Mary,s?7. Her computer was as (good)as mine.8. The machin

23、e can produce as (much) production as hers9. The computer was (good) than that one.Step three-Listening 讲解1.keep the dust off your shoes keepoff “使不接近(或不接触,远离)”eg. Keep it off the shoes. She wears sunglasses to keep the sun off. dust 不可数名词,“灰尘,尘土” throw dust in ones eyes dustbin duststorm2. can look

24、 behind and in front of you at the same time. at the same time “同时” 其中same为形容词,在使用前一定要加定冠词the。eg. They arrived at school at the same time yesterday morning. You must hand in your papers at the same time.【随堂练】:一、完成句子1 木马太重了,他们不能随身带走。The wooden horse was _heavy _them _ _with them.1. 他终于成功地写完了这本书。At la

25、st he _ _ _this book.2. 最后制造皇冠的人被送进监狱。In the end the crown-maker _ _ _ _.3. 他自从来到这间学校,认识了许多朋友。he _ _many friends since he _to this school.4. 今晚我不去看电影,因为我看过了。I wont go to the cinema, because I _ _it.5.好久不见,你到哪里去了?I _ _you for a long time. Where _you _?Step four-Speaking Writing1. We make our voice ri

26、se at the end.辨析rise 与 raiserise不及物动词指自然地上升;表示(太阳、价格等)上升、 (河水)上涨、起立、起床raise及物动词指人为地增加、上涨、升上去等 ;表示举手、升国旗、饲养抚育等意思eg. The moon above the mountains. Before you answer the question, you should your hand.2. What do you use it for? 辨析what for 与whywhat.for侧重于问目的,一般不用because回答What do you want a basket for?I

27、want to buy some apples.why侧重于询问原因,一般要用because回答Why were you late for school?Because I missed the early bus. 3. What is special about it?special 形容词,“特别的,特殊的”辨析 special 与speciallyspecial形容词表示“特殊的,特别的”反义词是ordinary,强调事物特有的性质或专门的目的、用途There is something special you can do in the park.specially副词表示“特别的,尤

28、其”I came here specially to see you.中考链接: What was Jim wearing in the party?Nothing .He was in his usual shirt and jeans.A. special B. simple C. important D. interesting 4. If you shout “fly”, the car will turn into a plane in 30second. turn into “变成,成为” eg. The sofa turns into a bed.The robot turns into a huge spider soon.拓展:turn away 把打发走 turn on 打开 turn off 关上 turn up 调大 turn down 调小 turn over 翻身【随堂练】一、单项选择1.We_berudetoourparents.A.oughtB.oughttoC.oughtnotD.oughtnotto2.Iwouldlike_anEnglishsongforyou.A.singB.tosing

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