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M1 U2词汇.docx

1、M1 U2词汇Period 11. act n. 行为 an of kindness 善行 假装 Dont take her seriously its an act.别跟她认真,全是假的 幕 The hero dies in Act 5, Scene 3. 第五幕第三场他挂了v. act as / like 充当,起作用 work / function asaction n. take action / steps / measures to do sth. action movieactive adj. take an active part in 积极的,活跃的,主动的(语态)have

2、an active effect on2. frighten vt. sb. away /off into doing sth.frightening / frightful adj.frightened be of (doing ) sth. to do sth. that 每个使动词用法都有以上三个 be for sb / sth. 为担惊受怕 be to death 被吓死 fright n. She cried in fright. 吓得大叫 He was shaking with fright. 吓得发抖3. suppose v.认为,推断,料想作插入语:Prices will go

3、 up, I suppose. ( I suppose that prices will go up.) Why do you suppose he resigned?句型变化: People suppose that prices will go up. Its supposed that prices will go up. Prices are supposed to go up.(say, report, think, consider )People say that he will go abroad. its said that 据说 He is said to go abroa

4、d. People say that he is writing a novel. Its said that He is said to be writing a novel People say that he went / has gone abroad. Its said that. He is said to have gone abroad. It is reported that 据报道 假设,假定- Can I borrow your car?- I suppose so. 行吧(不太情愿)- Are you going to the meeting?- Yes, I supp

5、ose so. / No, I dont suppose so.I suppose not. (think, believe, consider, guess, imagine, hope) 其中guess, hope, be afraid只能用第二种 conj. 假设,如果 suppose given supposing as long as provided on condition that = if 后接虚拟语气 providing on assumption that assuming be supposed to do sth. 应该 =should do sth. =ought

6、to do sth. e.g. You are supposed to buy a ticket in advance. You are supposed to be here an hour ago. You are not supposed to walk on the grass.4. bend v. bent, bent.bend down to do sth. 低头/ 弯腰做bend ones mind (efforts) to (doing) sth.专心于;致力于be bent on (doing) sth. 决心做5. starve v.starve to death. 饿死s

7、tarve / long for sth.starve / long to do sth.=be eager / thirsty / dying / desperate / anxious for sth. to do sth.=desire sth. to do sth.6. sink v. sank, sunkvi. 下沉,下陷vt. 使下沉n. 水槽,水池 sunken adj. 沉没a ship 沉船7. tolerate come to terms withstand doing sth. put up withbearendure8. scene n. 场面,情景;布景;景色;戏剧

8、一场on the scene 在现场scene 景色,包括其中的人及活动 具体cview 景色,强调看到的景色 角度scenery 景色,自然美景,大范围的风光 泛指usight 景色,人文景观,建筑、史迹等9. upset vt. upset, upset, upsetting upset adj. upsetting about be worried / concerned about be upset to do sth. that 10. defend v. 防御,辩护,防守,保护 sb. / sth. from / against (protect)defence /defense

9、n. in of 为了保卫 = to defend(目的)defender 防守队员,后卫defendant 被告defensive 防御的,保卫的,防守的 play 保守打法offend v. 冒犯,犯罪,违反offender n. 罪犯offence / offense n.offensive adj. 冒犯的,进攻性的 an war 侵略战争 play 进攻打法Period 31. anyhow adv. 无论如何,不管怎样= anywaysomehow 不知何故somewhat adv. 稍微有点 + of + n. sort / kind of = somewhat of2. des

10、erve值得 sth. 应得 doing to be done = require用法be deserving(adj.) of worth sth. doingbe worthy of sth. being done to be done(It) be worthwhile (for sb.) to do sth.(It) be worth ones while to do sth.It will be worth your while to come to the meeting3. explanation n. explain sth. to sb. to sb. sth.

11、4. hardworking adj.hard work hard v.5. handle n. 柄,把手v. = deal / cope with =see to6. guidance n. 指导,导航 on sth. 就的指导a system 导航系统guide v. 指路 / show / lead sb.指导n. 指南,手册 a to (prep.) health 指导的事物 I let my feelings be my 7. insist坚决要求 He insists that she (should) come.坚持说 He insisted that he was

12、 innocent. on / upon (doing) sth. 执意要做= stick on (doing) sth.insistence n. insistent adj. be on8. worry vi. / vt. about worried worringbe worried about to do sth. that 9. harm n. / v. harm sb. / harm to sb. = do sb. harmbe harmful to be bad for (be bad to sb. 虐待)反benefit sb. / benefici

13、al todo good to sb. =do sb. goodbe good for (be good to sb. 善待)Period 41. patience n.have (little / no) with to dolose withpatient withbe impatient withn. 病人2. annoy vt. annoyed adj. annoying be annoyed with sb. at / about sth. to do sth. that annoyance much to ones be angry at / about / over

14、 sth. with / at sb.3. forbid forbad / forbade, forbiddenban, prohibit 禁止 sb. from doing sth.阻止: keep, stop, prevent, discourageforbid doing sth. (allow, permit) sb. to do sth.4. along with在主语后作句子状语with, together with, as well as, except, besides, but, including, followed by + n. 不作主语,可置于句首,句中,句尾5. n

15、ormalabnormalnormal 正常的common 共同的,常见的ordinary 平凡无奇的,无特色的usual 一向的,通常的6. confuse vt. puzzleconfusing puzzlingconfused puzzledbe confused about to do sth. that confuse A with / and B= mix up 混淆confusion n. 困惑,混淆7. physical 身体的,物质的,物理的physics n. 物理physicist n. 物理学家physician n. 内科医生surgeon n. 外科医生8. ten

16、d v. 往往会,常常做 to do sth.趋向,倾向 to / towards sth.照料,照管 (to ) sb. / sth.tendency n.tender adj. 温柔的trend / tendency辨析广泛抽象、具体Period 51. limitn. 限制 a to / of sth. 的限度 to the limit of sth. 达到的极限 e.g. The team performed to the limit of its capabilities. have no limits 无限制 push the limit 推动、挑战极限 within limits

17、 在某种程度上,有一定限度 over the limit 过量 界限 the city limitsv. 限制 limit sth. to sth. 把限制到 e.g. Ill limit your expenses each day to $20 The teaching of history should not be limited to dates and figures. (年代和人物)limited adj. 有限的 Co., Ltd2. balancen. 平衡 keep the lose the 余额 the bank 银行结存 天平秤 on balance 总的来说 hang

18、 in the balance 悬而未决v. 保持平衡 Can you on one leg? 抵消 This years profits will balance out previous loss.balance beam 平衡木balance of trade 贸易差额balanced adj. 平衡的3. last adj. 最后的,末尾的最近的,上一个的最不可能的You are the last person that I want to seehave the last laugh 笑到最后,取得最后胜利e.g. He who laughs the last laughs the

19、best.adv. 最后,最终 最近 When did you see him last? Last but not least 最后但同样重要的事 next / second to last =last but one倒数第二v. 持续 The meeting lasted (for) 2 hours.lasting adj. 持久的 everlasting evergreen4. pain n. 疼痛no pain, no gain 不劳无获pain killer 止痛的painful adj. 令人痛苦的 a experience / memorypains 苦功 take / trouble to do sth. 不辞劳苦的做 have trouble / difficulty / bother/ problems doing sth.ache n. toothache, stomachache, headache 常构成合成词 chest pain vi. My chest / eyes ached from (因为) lack of rest ache for sth. =long (渴望) to do sth.

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