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1、托福真题2017年3月11日托福真题回顾Reading:3.11阅读继续保持上期的疯狂趋势,截止目前已经收集到四套题:第一套:荷马史诗 松鼠 报纸第一篇Homer and Oral Poetry(Literature)P1.早期的诗歌是被recited and sung,而不是written. epic poems的最高成就是古希腊Homer的Iliad and OdysseyP2. Iliad和Odyssey是在750 B.C.到720 B.C.写的。I比O早了几十年,导致一个疑问是他们到底是不是一个人写的。关于他们的Method也有一些争议,既有口头色彩的stock phrase,也有书面

2、文学long and complex expression.有猜测认为I和O不是Homer一个人写的,而是一些无名人士搜集整理,最后成了我们现在看到的样子。P3.观点发生了变化。有人认为早期oral poem可能是一种再创造,不会读写的人也可能讲出类似的诗歌,他们基于古老的故事内容和固定的模式,通过自己的方式retell the story.P4. Homer也可能是通过这个方式。他用自己的方式recompose the poem,从之前的传唱故事吸收了很多固定表达,慢慢展现了自己的风格,通过不停地rehearsal,writein his mind.P5.到底I和O是何时被written d

3、own and fossilized?大致是接近Homer的时期。有三种理论:1.不会读写的Homer口述给别人记录下来;2.后人Recited; 3. Homer自己是可以写的,只不过他trained to make oral version.不管怎样,I和O都代表着Oral poetry的最高成就。词汇题:1. culmination-high point2. controversy-disagreement3. anonymous-unidentified4. exhibit-display第二篇:Food-Storing strategies of Squirrels(Biology)

4、P1.精于贮藏食物是Squirrels的特征,简单讲了其中比较典型的territorial pine squirrels store cone的方式。P2.但是tree squirrels跟pine s不同,它们贮藏食物不在同一个地方,而是将食物分散,藏在各处。虽然这样子做hard to defend against robbers,但是因为分散了,也不会大量被偷走。P3.为什么会有larder和scatter这两种方式呢?大多数别的动物贮藏食物也是介于这两种方式之间,但也取决于别的因素,也有别的贮藏方式。Pine S也有可能选择scatter这种方式,tree s也有可能选择larder这种

5、方式,但是大多数还是stick to他们各自的方式。P4.贮藏方式不同取决于:1. time; 2. aggressiveness; 3. climate; 4. types of food;第四种是决定Squirrels的因素。P5.但是Squirrels的贮藏方式并不适用于nuts and fruits,所以这个时候,squirrels会secret each item in a hidden cache。P6.他们贮藏食物的方式影响着他们的很多习性,比如pine s是territorial的,而tree s是non-territorial,disperse their young.对于他

6、们贮藏食物方式的全面了解能够帮助了解很多重要的方面。本资料由牛学教育原创提供词汇题:1. distinctive-characteristic2. respective-in the order presented3. decisive-determining4. appreciation-understanding第三篇:Newspapers in Western Europe(History)P1. 17世纪,newspaper最早在荷兰发展。ships带回货物的同时也带回很多的news。P2.荷兰的优势在于不太集中的government censorship.其他地方,比如法国有严格的法

7、律控制,报业不够自由,因为是政府部门给予资金支持,大多观点都是被政府控制的。P3. 18世纪,情况发生改变,报业开始繁荣。因为英国的政府管理faltered了,皇室和国会争论到底哪一方拥有对报业的管理时,报业本身就发展了。新的政府机构的建立也促进了newspaper的发展。P4.随着经济和政治的繁荣,对于news的需求增加,更多的道路和交通工具也进一步促进报业发展。Postal systems的建立也进一步促进newspaper的发展,任何人都能够在家或咖啡厅读报。P5.但是那时的报纸是modest products,illustrations were rare; headlines也还没有

8、,通常是四页。每周发行一到两次,而不是每天,也只印刷几千份。hand-operated wooden press印刷。P6.早期的newspaper对于社会生活都有广泛影响,包括促进信息交流,让人们觉得自己是公共生活的一部分,以及人们可以通过写信给编辑交流观点。本资料由牛学教育原创提供词汇题:1. exercised-applied2. emergence-rise3. tactic-strategy4. thus-consequently第二套:动物灭绝 地球早期大气 美国钟Eli Terrys Clock:钟一直是富人的代表,因为它造起来很费时。后来有个伟大且野心勃勃的男人出现了,他本来是

9、个钟表匠,后来创造了新的造钟工具,还开了工厂雇了200个工作,开始大量造钟。他背后还有个男人,他从上一个雇主那里学到某个技术,帮伟大的男人革新了钟。伟大男人还鼓励了竞争者的进步,举了个例子。部分文章内容:Terrys other major innovation responded to the needs of peddlers and their customer. Despite a lighter, cheaper mechanism, his standard clock of 1910 was bulky to transport and required any self-res

10、pecting purchaser to hire a carpenter to construct a six-foot cabinet to house it (though an uncased clock could be bung on a wall with its pendulum swinging free). After several years of work, in 1816 Terry received a patent for a compact clock only 20 inches high, 14 inches wide, and 4 inches deep

11、. Its wooden movement was enclosed in a simple wooden case designed to sit on a shelf, thus eliminating the need to pay extra for a cabinet. This so-called shelf clock cost nothing more to produce.地球早期大气:大气本来有很多氦和氢,与现在不一样,但是一些因素改变了它。一是大气层太薄,留不住气体;二是有一个星球,很大,与地球之间产生了引力或其他什么的,把气体勾引走了;三是因为火山,outgassing

12、,喷出许多水汽与二氧化碳,很多二氧化碳沉到海底,很多细菌吸收二氧化碳排放出氧气,最后还说氮气很心机,排放的速度比其他气体慢,现在还一直排,所以就成为了大气的主要组成部分。动物灭绝:几个不同的理论说明猛犸象等大型动物为啥灭绝。一是说人类捕猎导致,二是说气候变化导致水与食物变少,最后又跳出一个人说在座的都是垃圾,都忽略了重要的一点,生态圈是环环相扣的,每一个小变化都会导致蝴蝶效应,所以是上述理论结合起来的结果。他的理论也弥补了上述理论的不足,比如理论一没有大量抹杀遗迹来证明。第三套:雨林的树 希腊的复兴 商会贸易雨林的树:雨林的树叶有四个特征,跟温带的不同。不同季节的树identification

13、很难,用leaves很不好判断,就用它的bark之类的判断。希腊的复兴:随着人口的膨胀,希腊开始往外扩张,农业发展不够,就去地中海trade,之后与P开头的一个地方进行海战赢了。后来就讲希腊的colonization,大部分是coastal areas。之后就讲因为殖民地是自治,所以出现了文化融合,以及一些东西的输出,如陶罐及宗教信仰。还有,司芬克斯,两面硬币。商会贸易:商会guild具有一定的政治权利,很难进,其有诸多作用。本资料由牛学教育原创提供第四套:动物的guard kinship; Planet reaction; 欧洲13世纪农业经济没落第一篇是动物的看守行为第二篇Planet r

14、eaction: Jupiter的一个moon,叫Io,它和Jupiter的其他moon不一样,上面有很多火山,所以没有坑坑洼洼(因为岩浆填平了,这个点考到了)。Jupiter的gravity使它产生很多iron等东西,形成一个环,干扰Jupiter。其gravity和它自转,以及一个叫Europa的卫星的影响(使它的轨道变成轻微的椭圆,出题了),就使Io扭曲,产生能量,所以很多火山第三篇讲的是欧洲13世纪农业经济的衰退部分文章内容:After three hundred years of impressive gains in wealth and population, Europes e

15、conomy began to slow around 1300. Several factors accounted for the decline. One the most important, though perhaps the least dramatic to relate, was a shift in climate. The remarkably fair weather of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries took a decided turn for the worse in the fourteen. Chroniclers

16、 comment, tree-ring examination, and pollen analysis all indicated that over the course of the Celsius-which may sound like very little at first, but if one considers current projections about the possible effects of global warming, in which the average annual temperature shift is only one degree Ce

17、lsius, a rather different impression emerges. As the temperature dropped, shortening the summer growing season and affecting the resilience of certain vegetable species, the wind and rain increase. This meant that crop yields declined precipitously and the agricultural economy began to contract. As

18、food supplies dwindled, costs rose accordingly and cut into the amount of capital that people had available for other purchases or investments. This in turn added to the gradual construction of the commercial economy. 题目:why does the author mention “current projections about the possible effects of

19、global warming” in the passage? A. To argue that global warming was factor in the climate shift of the fourteen century in EuropeB. To suggest that the current climate change is greater than the climate change in the fourteen century in Europe. C. To show the direct connection between temperature ch

20、anges in the fourteenth century and changes that are currently occurring in EuropeD. To emphasize the impact of the temperature change that occurred during the fourteenth century in Europe. 其他考察的阅读词汇:jeopardizing-endangeringaccount for-explainsurplus-additional endure-standeventually-at lastassimila

21、te-integrate本资料由牛学教育原创提供Listening总体感觉比较学术,比较难。C1: The student came to enroll the professors class, a lecture class. And the professor decided to mail him the forms. Then they talked about the syllabus, mentioning a book that the man has already read. The last half of the book is hard to understand,

22、because it is about the dreams that the heroes had, regarding the plot the of the first half. The book was criticized because of its lack of structure. But the professor did not agree. L1:心理学,关于孩子们的自我管控能力。做了两实验,中间隔了十年。在小时能抑制得住诱惑的小孩,十年后在学术方面更出色,提出这种能力是可以培养的。C2:学生因为场地被某art professor占用了来投诉,结果工作人员发现这个学生

23、并没有根据程序来reserve这个场地。L2:古代一种sculptor,即seals,借助photo的技术,对其中一个seal的图像进行解释,说制造这个的人会根据制作的石头形状来创作,C3: The girl went to the library to get the document which was reserved by the professor digitally, instead of cds that students can only watch in the library. She was happy to know that since in this way she

24、 can watch it at home. Before this, the girl thought the new decorated 3rd floor was brilliant. But she thought it was better to decorate the whole building at one time. The librarian thought so, too. But the library needs to remain open so it has to be decorated floor by floor. L3: 音乐艺术。为什么有些乐器没什么变

25、化,解释了一下。教授说后来也有变化,因为经济原因和音乐们自己要改变,因为长期使用一个地方会损伤,比如小提琴。然后说了另一种类似的乐器,可以通过改变外观来换个位置弹奏,声音可以更好听,而且隔着幕布,观众也不知道乐器是什么样。L4:主要讲述气候对于生物逬化因素的影响。首先提到tiktaalik (提塔利克鱼),已灭绝,但被认为是水生动物和陆生动物之间的过渡动 物,前后各两条腿,其中的手腕和手上骨骼可以帮助证明,这是非常重要的,在古生物解剖学结构中。后期由于气候变暖,所以它可以浮上水面呼吸氧气,同时也有利于更好发现捕食者。之后提 到tetrapod (四足动物),正是由于水中氧气质置的下降,才导 致

26、这一新物种的进化。C4本对话是谈论关于学生活动和校政策之间的问题,学生想和室友举办cooking club但是未经过学校活动中心允许,需要学生提交一封申请书即可,注明使用时间等细节,学校还可以免费提供椅子, 烤架桌子等需要的设施,甚至是一些配料和食材。但与此同时,学生也需要公开此消息,鼓励其他有兴趣学生加入此项目,学生表示正计划中。C5学生去找professor讨论关于研究考古论文的话题,学生表示对加拿大一古遗址特别感兴趣,因为那里是早期北美农业资源开拓证据。教授并不认为那是可行的,因为区域范围很小,并且 Labrador 岛屿内和沿岸都有一样的构造,最后学生要求,教授帮忙给一封推荐信,表明自

27、己对于Summer Archaeological survey非常有兴趣,希望可以有机会参与。L5讲述几种不同的科技探测手段,能够帮助如何准确探测和观察太阳系周围的星球。远在1980s还是非常困难,周围星球因为太过于昏暗,而且时常被隐藏,之后研究者们找到两种可行方案,周期减少光和轻微活动。其中自适应光学可以捕捉到短暂而又清晰图片,但是不够灵活。相对于此,Vortex Chronographs(旋风日冕仪)就能解决这个问题。L6本文主要是讲不同文学家对儿童文学不同定义和理解,Jaoh locker 是提出儿童应该将学习和快乐结合起来,原因是儿童天性如此,喜欢娱乐,而且自出生时,就像一张白纸,完全

28、空白,可以通过教育经验和不断学习去改变一生。其中他也认为童话故事其实是对于成年人更有吸引力,比如伊索寓言当中提供了很多关于如何变得热心和善于交友。与此同时JohNewbery认为学习可以使人变得更加富有,提出了不一样的儿童文学理论。L7本文主要讲述关于Albert Bierstadt对他绘画历史的研究和解读,Albert对于绘画从小就很有天赋,其母亲也是为画家,因为给予他很多启示。当发现对艺术有浓厚兴趣后,开始学习画画,以及如何使用画笔,颜料以及学习笔触。曾经去过美国西海岸落基山,目睹岩石破裂和移动,并且开始素描出其画面,也成为油画的基础。 在他的画中,会尝试用虚拟不实际的色调,传达出一种强烈

29、渴望。 甚至会在画中使用固定公式。类似于Last of Buffalo这些画,这些不被大众理解。最后教授提出,文化和时代更能成就艺术家。非经典加试:1、关于动物伪装,提到了虎鲸在遇到Predator时的伪装能力2、Anthropology: cultural diffusion,canoe在美洲两处的不同与相似之处3、Ecology: 两种bat,第一种舌头长,第二种在日本一个岛上,岛上物种数量较少,在当地生态系统扮演着重要的角色。植物的种子在被动物摄取消化之后,发芽率较高。SpeakingT1. Things always change in an unexpected way. Pleas

30、e describe a thing you have recently done that, ten years ago, you never imagined you would doSample(T1口语稿由泉州牛学教育Lily老师倾情呈现):Well, last month I performed in our classs stage play, “Romeo and Juliet” by Shakespeare and I played the female leading character/ heroine, Juliet.Never in my wildest dream t

31、hat I would act in front of an audience, let alone play one of the leading roles, so when I was assigned this part, at first I was very reluctant to do it, but my adviser and classmates kept encouraging me, so I decided to give it a try.You see, I have a very strict upbringing, plus Im a plain-looki

32、ng girl, who is shy and quiet in nature, so Im not really used to being under the spotlight. Needless to say, I had a bad start, thankfully my classmates were very understanding, especially those with acting backgrounds, they even gave me a lot of useful advice on acting, after the success of the play, I received a lot of praise, which was a really amazing and unforgettable experience. T2:You live in a crowded ci

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