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1、完整word版专业学位硕士研究生英语教程05unit 5(name名称) Naming取名字的学问Preview IT has been well established that we live in an age of obsessive, even competitive, parenting. The typical parent is led to believe that her every move will greatly influence her childs future accomplishments. This belief expresses itself in t

2、he first official act a parent commits: giving the baby a name。 Many parents seem to think that a child will not prosper unless it is hitched to the right one; names are seen to carry great aesthetic and even predictive powers. If you have kids, youve probably thought hard about how to name your chi

3、ld。 Should you choose a special kind of name, or rather a very trendy or wellknown one?Part I。 Text ReadingWarm-upI. What is a good name?Do you believe a persons name is very important or even decisive in ones life, and a socalled good name can bring one good fortune? Work in pairs to decide what el

4、ements good names should have。A good name must be:plain / unusually spelled / attractive / complicated /with a special meaning / easy to remember / easy to pronounce /the same as a celebritys / trendy / unique / grotesque / interesting / funny /(or others )_II. Popular names in the future.The follow

5、ing are some most popular English names in the near future, and their implied meanings。 Please try to match the corresponding meaning to each name.Name MeaningAlexandra a birdAtara springtimeAva wisdomAviva lightClementine protector of mankindElla mercifulEmma a crownHannah beautiful fairy womanLaur

6、en universal, all embracingLucienne laurel leaves, honourMaeve grace of GodRachel goddess, a purple flowerSophie little lambIII。 Do you believe that names reveal certain cultural backgrounds? If so, please give some examples。Would a Roshanda by Any Other Name Smell (sound) as Sweet (pleasant)?1Steve

7、n D。 Levitt and Stephen J。 Dubner1 (Believe it or not) Obsessive or not, any parent wants to believe that she is making a big difference (起很大的作用) in the kind of person her child turns out (prove to be) to be。 Otherwise, why bother (to choose a good name for her child)?2 The belief in parental power

8、is manifest (shown) in the first official act (法案) a parent commits (does): giving the baby a name. As any modern parent knows, the babynaming industry (行业) is booming, as as evidence-as evident) evidenced by a proliferation (increasing增殖) of books, websites, and baby-name consultants (顾问)。 Many par

9、ents seem to believe that a child cannot prosper (=succeed) unless it (=baby) is hitched to (is connected with) the right (proper) name; names are seen (considered) to carry great aesthetic or even predictive (预示) powers (=ability)。3 This might explain why, in 1958, a New York City man named Robert

10、Lane decided to call his baby son Winner. The Lanes, who lived in a (hose: n。/vt。) housing project (安居房) in Harlem2, already had several children, each with a fairly (very) typical name. But this boy-well, Robert Lane apparently (clearly) had a special feeling (感觉很特别) about this one。 Winner Lane: ho

11、w could he fail with a name like that?4 Three years later, the Lanes had another baby boy, their seventh and last child。 For reasons that no one (noboby) can quite pin down (explain) today, Robert decided to name this boy Loser。 It doesnt appear (seem) that Robert was unhappy about (hate) the new ba

12、by; he just seemed to get a kick out of the names bookend effect。3 (enduring effect深远影响; end=final) First a Winner, now a Loser。 But if Winner Lane could hardly be expected to fail, could Loser Lane possibly succeed?5 Loser Lane did in fact succeed。 He went to prep school (学前班) on a scholarship (奖学金

13、), graduated from Lafayette College in Pennsylvania, and joined the New York Police Department (this was his mothers longtime wish夙愿), where he made (=become) detective and, eventually (finally), sergeant (警长)。 Although he never (hide) hid his name, many people were uncomfortable (when they were) us

14、ing it. ”So (Therefore) I have a bunch of names, he says today, ”from Jimmy to James to whatever they want to call you。 Timmy. But they rarely (seldom) call you (me) Loser.” Once in a while (=Occasionally), he said, they throw a French twist on it: Losier (Luo).4 To his police colleagues, he is know

15、n as Lou.6 And what of (What happened to) his brother with the cant-miss (万无一失的) name? The most noteworthy (=worthmentioning) achievement of Winner Lane, now in his midforties, is the sheer (only) (long) length of his criminal record: nearly (almost) three dozen arrests for burglary, domestic (viole

16、nt) violence (家庭暴力), (tres-: across) trespassing (crime), resisting arrest (拒捕), and other mayhem (故意的伤害罪)。 Have stopped beating your wife? How long have you been a party member?7 These days (At present/ Nowadays), Loser and Winner barely (hardly) speak. The father who named them is no longer (不再) a

17、live(-living things)。 Clearly (Obviously) he had the right (correct) idea-that naming (命名) is destiny (fate-destination目的地) 命运-but he must have gotten the boys mixed up。58 Then there is the recent case of Temptress (a woman who tempts sb。 to have sex), a fifteenyearold girl whose misdeeds landed (1)

18、 飞机降落(2)登陆;(3)get an order; (4)be listed on a newspaper her in Albany County Family Court in New York。 The judge, W。 Dennis Duggan, had long taken note of (had noticed) the strange names (bear) borne (带上born) by some offenders (criminals). One teenage boy, Amcher, had been named for the first thing

19、his parents saw upon reaching (as soon as) the hospital: the sign (symbol) for Albany Medical Center Hospital Emergency Room. But Duggan considered Temptress the most outrageous (unusual) name he had come across (met/ had seen).9 ”I sent her out of the courtroom so I could talk to her mother about w

20、hy she named her daughter Temptress, the judge later recalled (remembered). She said she was watching The Cosby Show and liked the young actress. I told her the actresss name was actually Tempestt Bledsoe。 She said she found that out later, that they had (mis-: wrong) misspelled the name。 I asked he

21、r if (whether是否 # weather天气) she knew what temptress meant, and she said she also found that out (discover) at some later point. Her daughter was charged with (accuse sb。 of sth.指控某人犯某罪) ungovernable (不受管束/ 放荡不羁) behavior, which included bringing men into the home while the mother was at work. I ask

22、ed the mother if she had ever (曾经) thought the daughter was living out (=realizing兑现) her name.6 Most all of this went completely over (beyond the reach of sb。超出理解力) her head。710 As it happens (事实上), Loser and Winner and Temptress were all black. Is this fact merely (only) a (curious-) curiosity (st

23、h. strange/ unusual) or (=otherwise) does it have something (cause) larger (more important/ greater) to say about names and culture?11 Every generation seems to produce a few marquee (大帐篷, 华盖; great/ important) academics (scholars) who advance (promote) the thinking (meditate) on black culture. Rola

24、nd G. Fryer Jr. (the Seniorthe Junior-Jr.), the young black economist who analyzed the ”acting white”(模仿人) phenomenon and the blackwhite test score gap, may be among the next (topic).12 In addition to (=Besides) economic and social disparity (gap) between blacks and whites, Fryer had become intrigue

25、d (be aroused interest by) by the virtual (actual) segregation of culture (geographic dialectimmigrate-) immigrant (emigrate emigrant) immigrant or minoritysounding name, to potential employers. The white resumes have always gleaned (received; to obtain information, knowledge etc, sometimes with dif

26、ficulty and often from various different places) more job interviews.Notes1. This article is from (Freak: adj。奇异的, 反常的, Freako- ; nom(Latin): name; nomics) Freakonomics (取名字的学问), written by Steven D。 Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner. It is first and foremost (most) an interesting book. The premise (前提)

27、is to take the tools of economics-(rigor活力-) rigorous statistical (统计学的) (analyze分析) analysis of volume: (1)体积/音量;(2)一卷一册- voluminous (datum-) data (information)and apply them to topics beyond the range (范围) normally (usually) addressed (discussed) by economists. The results are, of course, interesting。 Interesting enough to put the book to the bestseller (畅销书) list and make it a topic of many discussions。 The final chapter (章节) of this book examines the influence (影响) of names on life

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