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1、高考英语阅读猜词高考英语阅读猜词 高考阅读理解训练之猜测语义猜测语义题是近年的高考阅读理解中比较常见的题型,通常在一套试题中有二至三个小题是直接考查语义猜测的这种题主要考查考生根据上下推测生词和短语的能力,突出考查大家对语境的分析和把握能力。如果考生具备了一定的猜词能力,那么对于降低生词率,排除阅读理解中某些生词的干扰和最终提高阅读理解速度和阅读能力都有极大帮助。因此,今天我们谈一谈如何猜测语义的方法。常见的设问方式: 1 The underlined rd “”prbabl eans_ 2 The rd “”used in paragraph “”refers t/suggests_ 3 T

2、he phrase “”in the sentene an be replaed b _ 4 hih f the flling is the lsest in eaning t the rd “”? hat is the eaning f the underlined rd in paragraph “”? 6 B saing “”, e ean_ 7 hat d u thin f the expressin “”stands fr? 8 The eaning f rd “”in the passage is related t_ 猜词规律探寻:一过定义或解释推测语义 有些概念性生词出现后,作

3、者会给出它的定义、同位语、修饰性从句或是定语。这些修饰成分可以帮助我们推断出生词的语义。(1) 定义句的谓语动词在中多为:be, ean, deal ith, be nsidered t be, refer t, be alled, be nn as, define(下定义), represent, signif(表示,表明), nstitute(指。) 等。(2) 解释则常用as u n, t be alled, t ean, t refer t, that is(t sa), in ther rds, nael 等词语以及同位语和定语从句提示下将前面的信息加以重复或解释。(3) 有时作者会

4、用复述的形式解释语义,而复述部分可以是词、短语或从句。(4) 还有下一些标点符号,如冒号、破折号、括号等都表示后要继续解释说明前。 eg 1 The perful pisn as ipereptible hen ixed in liquid, that is, it uld nt be tasted, seen, r selled 2 The Gree arriage as ngaus-en and en ere alled nl ne spuse(配偶) at a tieExerises: 1 Pantie refers t a shrt pla in hih n rds are spen

5、2 Anthrplg is the sientifi stud f an 3 e ill eet u in the fer, the entrane hall f the theatre 4 He began t shave his hisers, hih had grn thi n bth hees Se puter sientists are develping artifiial-intelligene ahines that the sa ill thin lie peple Test 1 There is n ure fr Alzheiers But a drug alled ARI

6、EPT has been used b illins f peple t help their spts(症状) (NET2004湖北卷B篇) 61 hat is ARIEPT? A、A ediine t ure Alzheiers B、A ediine t dela signs f aging 、A ediine t redue the spts f Alzheiers D、A ediine t ure brain daage Test 2 Here is The Pines, hse has develped a speial a f ixing freign fd suh as arib

7、u, ild bar and reindeer ith surprising saues (2004福建卷E篇) (1)Arding t the passage, The Pines is a _ A plae in hih u an see an bile hes B untain here u an get a gd vie f the valle tn hih happens t be near the Banff Natinal Par D restaurant here u an as fr se speial inds f fd 二利用例证猜测语义某些阅读为了证实或说明某一观点,常

8、会举一些例子,而且时时会用一些标志性语言或标点符号引出,如:括号、破折号、冒号等或诸如fr exaple, fr instane, suh as, and s n, ust as, lie, siilarit 等连接词或词组。 eg 1 u a brr fr the librar an peridials: Nature, Nes ee, Ties and The listener 2 Se artists plan their paintings arund geetri frs lie squares, irles and triangles Exerises: 1 Finall the

9、ene surrendered The thre dn their eapns and aled ut f the he ith their hands ver their heads 2 Appl an antisepti, suh as alhl, n the sin 3 In the rner there a be a hristas tree ith its branhes derated ith shining rnaents suh as lred lights and glass balls, and seties hung ith gifts Test The largest

10、plaer Shanghai Bashi Turis ar Rental ffers a ide variet f hies - deluxe sedans,inivans,statin agns,ahes,Santana sedans are the big favrite (NET2001全国A篇) 6 The rds “deluxe sedans”,“inivans” and “statin agns” used in the text refers t _ A、ars in the aing B、ar rental firs 、ars fr rent D、ar aers 三利用反义关系

11、或同义关系推测语义(1) 利用反义关系推测语义 有些生词的后面往往会出现一个或几个反义词,或者表转折意义的连词,词组等,抓住这些可以帮助我们推断生词语义。 标志词有 althugh, but, hever, hereas(反之),nevertheless(然而,不过),n the ntrar, in ntrast(相对), n the ne hand, n the ther hand, fr ne thing, fr anther, instead(f), rather than 等。(2) 利用同义关系推测语义通常情况下,英语忌讳实词重复。避免重复的方法之一是利用同义词或近义词加以代替。同义

12、词替换的修饰方法可以为我们推测词义提供明显的语境线索。标志词有:r, lie, siilarl等。 eg 1 104 studies, invlving 1,000 peple is prving that ptiis (乐观主义) an help u t be happier, healthier and re suessful Pessiis leads, b ntrast, t hpelessness, siness and failure, and is lined t depressin, lneliness and painful shness 2 r Sith lves t ta

13、l, and his ife is siilarl lquaius Exerises: 1 Thugh Ts fae has been ashed quite lean, his ne reains grubb 2 Unlie the United States, here an different natinalities ae up the ppulatin, apans ppulatin is quite hgeneus 3 ritten language tends t be stati, hile spen language nstantl hanges 4 He replied q

14、uil But after he nsidered the prble re arefull, he regretted having ade suh a hast deisin Althugh peple in an untries nsider ra eat a delia(美味),e hinese peple seld eat an eat that is uned Test 1 The gunners lie t desribe hat the d as harater-building, but e ne that t und an anial and ath it g thrugh

15、 the agn f ding an ae nbd happ(2004江苏卷E篇) (1) The underlined rd “agn” in the last paragraph prbabl eans_ A fr B nditin pain D sadness Test 2 The ht-air balln t ff It as buant in the air as a r(软木塞) in ater (2) The rd “buant” in this sentene st prbabl eans_ A able t be used B able t ve fr ne plae t a

16、nther able t flat r rise t the surfae D able t arr anthing 四用语境猜测语义(1)利用“小”上下推测词义,即利用生词附近的内容推断生词词义。如:I a a reslute an ne I set up a gal, I nt give up easil (2)利用“大”上下推测词义,即利用距离生词较远的内容,如整个段落、篇等推断生词词义。 eg Zip as stpped during the ar and nl after the ar did it bee ppular hat a differene it has ade t ur

17、 lives! It eeps peple at he uh re It has ade the rete parts f the rld re real t us Phtgraphs sh a untr, but nl zip aes feel that a freign untr is real Als e an see senes in the street Big asins are zipped, suh as the rnatin(加冕典礼) in 193 and the pening f Parliaent Perhaps the sufferers fr zip are the

18、 ntable peple, h, as the step ut f an airplane, have t fae the batter f zip aeras and n that ever veent, ever gesture ill be seen b a “zip persnalit” Perhaps e an spathize hen ebers f Parliaent sa that the d nt ant debates t be zipped Exerises: 1 hen I gt t the theatre, I as relieved t see that nbd

19、as aiting inline I as the first t get there and sure that I uld get the tiet ithut an prble Questin: The underlined rd “relieved” in the passage a best be replae b _ A surprised B pleased prdued D sld 2 Apple trees a nt gr as tall as telve etres The d best in areas that have ver ld inters Althugh n

20、fruit is ielded during the inter, this ld perid is gd fr the tree Questin : The underlined rd “ielded” in the last sentene eans_ A iprved B inreased prdued D sld Test These das a green building eans re than ust the lr f the paint Green building an als refer t envirnentall friendl huses, fatries, and

21、 ffies Green building eans, “reduing the ipat f the building n the land”, Tarn Hla f the US Green building unil in ashingtn, D said 61 In the send paragraph, the underlined phrase “the building” st prbabl refers t _ A an rdinar building B an energ-saving building a green-lred building D a building i

22、n ashingtn, D 五利用构词法猜测语义 掌握前后缀规律, 如un-, i-, in-, dis-, il-等前缀与-less等后缀可构成反义词;后缀-ful, -l, -is, -ness等可改换词性。而合成词要在正确理解两词的基础上,结合上下把握两词之间的关系,猜测词义;而对词义的转化,也要求结合上下猜测。 eg 1 ar rentals are being re and re ppular as an inexpensive a f taing t the rad 2 “Even hen a an is said t be a best friend,” Rubin rites

23、“the t share little abut their innerst feelings” 3 Ipressinis is a fr f art hih began in the 1870s hen u l lsel at an ipressinist painting, u see little dts f different lred paints hen u ve aa fr the piture, the dts f lrs blends and the painting l lie it has light plaing n the peple and bets in the

24、piture Test ithut exainatins, eplers ill l fr eplees fr the highl respeted shls and fr failies nn t the? A fr f favritis ill replae equalit(2004上海试篇) (3)The rd “favritis” in paragraph 3 is used t desribe the phenenn that_ A bright hildren als need ertifiatin t get satisfing bs B hildren fr ell-respe

25、ted shls tend t have gd bs pr hildren ith ertifiatin are favred in b arets D hildren attending rdinar shls ahieve great suess 六因果关系猜测词义常见的因果信号词有:as a result, fr, thus, beause, fr this reasn, s, sine, nsequentl, s that, s/suhthat等。 eg She anted the hairdresser t tri her hair a bit beause it as t lng

26、Exerises: 1 The river is s turbid that it is ipssible t see the btt even hen it is shall 2 He didnt hear ning at the dr beause he as pletel engrssed in TV 3 It rained, s the ftball ath as pstpned 4 The ung an as s bashful that he didnt spea t the prett girl 七 利用化背景、生活常识猜测词义运用逻辑推理能力,结合社会化背景和自身的生活经验以及

27、生活常识,根据上下能读懂的部分,可以下正确猜出语义。 eg 1 Birds fl ith their ings, and the pi up their fds and then eat the ith their beas and the use their las fr tearing, seizing, pulling r hlding bets 2 st f the rses are beginning t ither beause f the ld eather Exerises: 1The driver tried t avert the aident b bringing the

28、 ar t a sudden stp 2 If a an feels ver ld, he alas huddles hiself up 3 hat uld hn expet? He had left his et siing truns(游泳裤) in the dar lset fr ver a ee f urse the had begun t ilde 4 A fish breathes in ater ith gills Test1 ar gt n the trbie, I sat behind hi n the pillin, and e rared ff int the night

29、 (1)The rd “pillin” in this sentene prbabl eans _ A an bet used fr sleeping B a ba n hih n an rest a seat fr send persn n a trle D a plae fr sitting Test2 ne f Britains bravest an tld esterda h she helped t ath suspeted plie iller David Bieber and as thaned ith flers b the plie It as als said she ul

30、d be in line fr a share f up t30,000 reard ne (2) The underlined phrase “be in line fr” in paragraph 1 eans _ A get B be paid as fr D n 八熟词生义猜测熟词的陌生意义通常有三种情况:(1)该熟词在新的具体语境中有了和原考生所熟悉的意义不同的意思;(2)考查一些代词的指代现象;(3)新词在新的语境中变换了词性。 eg 1The ar aret fre rests in the gring ppulatin f hite-llar eplees, h an affr

31、d the ne servie 2 hen en and en lived b hunting 0,000 ears ag, h uld the even begin t piture dern life? 3 an peple r t eep anials fr being illed Se peple help anials as part f their b, thers d it ust beause the lie anials Questin: In this paragraph, the rd “their” refers t _ A se peple B se anials a

32、n peple D an anials 4Tie flies lie an arr, fruit flies lie a banana 思考:延伸到完形填空 Things ere ver bad that partiular inter Then a letter ae fr here her seing ahine as brught, annuning that the uld have t pi up her ahine the next da unless paents ere brught up t date I reeber that hen she read the letter I beae frightened I uld _41_ us starving g death and all srts f things that uld e t hilds ind 41 A suppse B piture stand D regret 附录:熟词有新义 1fire vt 解雇2fine vt 罚款3fall n 秋天4ind vt 使弯曲前进或迂回、蜿蜒 la vt 下蛋、产卵6spring n 泉水、弹簧、弹力;v

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