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学做 Presentation.docx

1、学做 Presentation学做 Presentation (1) 2006-12-04 13:39 Daphne所属的公司,为 EarthSound 拟定了一份打入台湾市场的行销企划。待众人坐定之后,Daphne带着从容和悦的神情,起身上台开始了这场presentation。Good afternoon and thank you for coming today. My name is Daphne Fu, and Im the Project Manager in Taipei for Jackson&Wang. Im here today to present our firms m

2、arketing plan, which is designed to introduce EarthSounds products to the wealthy Taiwan market. Our research shows that there are big profits waiting in Taiwan, so were excited at the opportunities we see for EarthSound. I hope that some of our excitement willrub off onall of you.下午好,感谢各位今天的莅临,我是Da

3、phne傅,Jackson&Wang公司台北地区的项目经理。今天在这里向各位说明本公司的行销企划,是针对贵公司将产品打入富裕的台湾市场所拟定的。根据我们的调查,台湾市场潜藏着丰厚的利润,对于天籁所面对的机会,我们感到十分兴奋,希望能把这种感觉传达给在座的各位。Ill start with a few facts and figures about the health and beauty products market in Taiwan. Next, Illgo overthe standard types of advertising that have been successful

4、for these products in Taiwan. Finally, Ill analyze current opportunities and give a few recommendations. A booklet of the marketing plan will be handed out after the presentation, and it will give you all the details.我首先会报告一些实际情况与数据,有关台湾健康美容用品的市场;然后,再说明典型的成功广告案例,有关此类产品打入台湾市场的情形。最后,我会分析目前的机会并提出几点建议。简

5、报之后,我将发给各位一本关于这份行销计划的报告书,里面写得非常详细。Because we all have tight schedules, Id like to introduce the first point, the current state of Taiwans health and beauty market.我知道大家都很忙,我想马上就开始介绍今天的第一项主题:台湾健康美容用品的市场现况Notes:1. rub off on 沾到;感染Rub 原是“磨擦”的意思,而 rub off 则指“擦掉”;rub off on是美式用法,它的意思是“把(某物)擦掉,再把它抹于另一件物品上

6、”,引申有“将个人想法、行为影响了他人或把情绪感染给别人”的喻意。值得注意的是,这个词组是以物为主语,而不是人,请参考本文和下例。Since youre new to the team, I hope some of my confidence will rub off on you.你是这个团队的新成员,希望我的信心能感染你。2. go over 浏览;仔细检查这个词组有两层意思:一是指把某个文件看过一下或事情讨论一遍,只要得到一个基本概念就好;另一个意思则是精密地审查。Lets go over some ways to make our office more efficient.让我们很

7、快地讨论几个使办公室更有效率的办法。句型总结 说明简报目的1. Im here today to present our firms marketing plan.2. My purpose today is to present our firms marketing plan.3. My goal for this meeting is to present our firms marketing plan.4. The aim of this presentation is to present our firms marketing plan.5. The reason why Im

8、here today is to present our firms marketing plan.Presenter一站上讲台,不论下面的听众是否知道今天的主题,都要先介绍presentation的目的,这样不仅可以帮助听众了解下面要讲的内容,也是一个最普遍、正式的开场白。I am here today to.就是个非常简洁实用的句型。 逐项说明大纲1. Ill start with. Next,. Finally,.2. First,. Second,. Third (and last)3. To begin with. Moving right along,. To close,.4.

9、Ill open with. Then Ill. And Ill wrap up with.5. Step one is to. After that well. And our final step is to.说明presentation的目的之后,接下来应该把presentation的大纲按照顺序告诉听众,帮助听众掌握内容的架构。而介绍大纲的关键是要条理分明、次序清楚。例如文中所用的Ill start with.(一开始是)Next,.(接下来是)Finally,.(最后是),就是一个很好的例子。 进入正题1. Id like to introduce the first point -

10、 the current state of Taiwans health and beauty market.2. Now Ill go over the first point - the current state of Taiwans health and beauty market.3. Now Ill review the first point - the current state of Taiwans health and beauty market.4. Now Im going to consider the first point - the current state

11、of Taiwans health and beauty market.5. Its time to discuss the first point - the current state of Taiwans health and beauty market.在开始讨论不同的主题之前,还是要把该段内容的重点提一下,这样可以帮助自己和听众有条理地听和说。Id like to introduce. 是个很普遍的句型,可以清楚的告知观众,就要进入某个主题了。特别提示讲台之于演说者有如舞台之于演员。舞台上有些位置会使您成为观众瞩目的焦点;而有些位置却会让观众视而不见。聪明的演说者应学习站在正确的角度

12、上,以适当的位置面对您的观众。当演讲者做presentation时,讲台放置的位置以中央优于左右两旁,前方(靠近观众)胜于后方,左方又胜过右方。在presentation时,若是以演讲者为主,则屏幕位置应放置在演讲者的右后侧,这就构成了人为主,屏幕为辅的效果。在presentation时,无论是您的右半边脸较好看,或是左半边脸较迷人,正面整个面对观众是最强势的位置,其次是正面75度角,再而半侧面,背对则最弱。学做presentation (2) 2006-12-05 11:13 做presentation时,若能提供看得见的数据,再给观众一些具体可及的线索,那么这场presentation就成

13、功一半了。现在,Daphne就准备了一些醒目有力的幻灯片来增强presentation的效果。I have prepared a short slide presentation to give you a picture of the Taiwanese market. Please direct your attention to the screen behind me while I dim the lights.我准备了一段简短的幻灯片,让各位对台湾市场有个了解。现在我把灯光调暗,请大家看我背后的屏幕。The Taipei area, with a population of six

14、 million people, is the trendsetter for Taiwan As you can see from these photos of people in the business area, both men and women are very style-conscious. They have an eye for glamour and good looks, and are willing to spend money to get the look they want. This next slide shows the beauty section

15、 of a typical drugstore; lots of famous brands from Japan, Europe, and the United States, plus a broad range of domestic brands. Gentlemen, this is without a doubt a competitive market.拥有六百万人口的台北地区,是台湾流行趋势的创造者。从这几张商业区人们的照片可以看出,不管男女都很注重打扮,对魅力和美貌的看法也很独特,而且舍得花钱塑造自己想要的外表。下面这张是一家典型购物中心的美容用品区,有数十种来自日本、欧洲和

16、美国的名牌产品,以及台湾本地产品。各位,毫无疑问地,这真是一个竞争激烈的市场!Moving on to Taipeis hairstyling salons. hmm, that slide seems to have been placed upside down. Im sorry for the delay; it will only take a moment to flip the slide. There, thats better. As I was saying.接下来看看台北的发廊,咦,这张幻灯片似乎放倒了。很抱歉,耽误一下,马上就好好了,正如我刚才所说的Notes:1. s

17、tyle-conscious 注意打扮的style有“时尚;风格;品格”之解释,在这里则偏向“流行(样式)”的意思。conscious,有“自觉的”的意思。这两个词合成一个形容词,指“注意流行风尚的”,引申为“着重外表打扮的”。She was so style-conscious; she read every fashion magazine she could find.她非常注重打扮,每一本时尚杂志她都看。2. have an eye for 对有独到的眼光Eye的意思并不只有“眼睛”,也可指“眼光;观察力”,在此是指“欣赏事物的能力”,与appreciation同义。这个词组表示某个人

18、对某方面的事物或人有独特而正确的鉴赏能力,能够看出别人所无法察觉的价值。而另一个用法相似的have an ear for意思是“对(音乐、声音)有独到的鉴赏力”。When I was young, I had an eye for pretty girls. In fact, I became an expert on the subject.我年轻的时候,对美丽的女孩有独到的眼光;事实上,我变成了这方面的专家。3. without a doubt 毫无疑问Doubt 可当动词、名词使用,意思是“疑问、怀疑”, without则是“没有”,合在一起是副词词组,表示“毫无疑问”。这个词组也可替换

19、成 certainly 或 surely,但语气比这两个词强烈得多。Without a doubt you have hepatitis-the blood test proves it.你无疑是患了肝炎-血液检测证实了这一点。句型总结 请观众注意某处1. Please direct your attention to the screen behind me.2. Please focus on the screen behind me.3. Now lets take a look at the screen behind me.4. Id like you to look at the

20、screen behind me.5. Could you please look at the screen behind me?在开始放幻灯片或投影片等视听辅助器材之前,必须提醒在场的观众,请他们注意。Please direct your attention to.是个直接又常用的说法。 说明幻灯片的内容1. As you can see from these photos of . both men and women are style-conscious.2. These photos of . Indicate that both men and women are style-c

21、onscious.3. These photos of . Show that both men and women are style-conscious.4. These photos of . Prove that both men and women are style-conscious.5. These photos of . Highlight the fact that both men and women are style-conscious.放幻灯片时,应该同时说明幻灯片的内容,帮助观众了解,但只要间歇说明即可,让观众也有时间自己看。 为失误道歉1. Im sorry f

22、or the delay; it will only take a moment to flip the slide.2. I apologize for the technical difficulties; it will only take a moment to flip the slide.3. Please pardon the error; it will only take a moment to flip the slide.4. Im sorry for the inconvenience; it will only take a moment to flip the sl

23、ide.5. I hope you will excuse the delay; it will only take a moment to flip the slide.Presentation中使用视听辅助器材时,偶尔会发生些小问题,如果那个问题是在场者都察觉得到的,就应立即大方道歉。特别提示您相信“一张图胜于千言万语”吧?!事实上,图片不但和人一样能说话,有时还更具有说服力。因此presentation时如果能适时地佐以适当的视听媒体,必能将说明烘托得更精彩。演讲者的presentation内容若较着重于文字、重点、标题或草图的交代时,较适合选择以白板作为presentation媒体。在

24、presentation时,演讲者以投影片作为presentation媒体的优点为可以不关灯,在室内正常光线下展示投影片,但无法投射不透明的图片,而且放映的影像常有变形的现象学做 Presentation(3) 2006-12-06 10:22 一般来说,统计数字可以增加presentation的可信度。Daphne早就准备好以一连串的数字来说服她的观众;她成功的主要因素之一就是能有效地运用各种统计数字与数据。Most of Taiwans hair salons are full-service shops that have a regular customer base.Taken as

25、 a group, the salons have moderate buying power when it comes to beauty products. The money they spendmakes up13.5% of the total yearly sales for the industry.台湾大部份的发廊都提供全套的服务,也有固定的客户群。整体看来,发廊在美容用品方面具有相当稳定的购买力,他们购买的费用占了美容用品业年营业额的百分之十三点五。And the size of this market? Taiwans twenty million people spen

26、t five-point-four billion U.S. dollars on beauty products last year or two hundred and fifty dollars per capita. Salonsaccounted forfour-hundred million of this total.Breaking the figures downeven further, five out of every eight dollars were spent by women. One half of the total was spent by people

27、 between the ages of nineteen and thirty-five. The last and most surprising statistic shows that teenagers spend the highest per capita total; at three-hundred twenty-three dollars, this is one-point-three times the total of the young adult market. 那么这个市场有多大呢?去年台湾二千万人总共花了五十四亿美元在美容用品上,也就是平均每人消费二百五十美元

28、。而发廊的消费则占了这个总额中的四亿!把这些数字做进一步的分析,我们发现,每八元中有五元是女性销费的;消费总额的二分之一是十九岁到三十五岁年龄层的人消费的。最后一项,同时也是最让人惊讶的统计结果是,十几岁的少年少女每人每年的消费额竟然最高,达到三百二十三没元;是青年消费者的1.3倍。Notes:1. make up 组(合)成;造成make up这个动词词组有相当多的意思,如“弥补、修护、造成”,在本文中则指“造成”,可以用 compose 或 form 来代换。Teenagers make up 30% of the market in Taiwan.青少年占了台湾百分之三十的市场。2. a

29、ccount for 占(花费的)部分Account 的意思是“计算”。account for 可以做“解释;说明的原因”,但在此处引申的意思则是“说明金钱是怎么花的;占花费的多少”,譬如每月开销的一半花在房租上,你就可以说:“Rent accounts for half of monthly expenditures.”Taiwan accounts for 12% of all sales in Asia.台湾占了整个亚洲地区销售额的百分之十二。3. breaking (the figures) down 分析;分类当你将一大堆数字分成小部分来分析,就是将它们break down -“分析

30、;分类”。譬如把生活费区分为食、衣、住、行、医药费等,就是break down the figures on living expenses into food, shelter, education, medical bills, etc.。这个词组也可以用来指“毁损”、“故障”。另外,figures通指经统计、计算而得到的数字。After breaking the figures down, we found that the company wasnt in such poor financial shape.分析这些数据之后,我们发现这家公司的财务状况并没那么糟。句型总结 庞大数目的说

31、法1. 100 百 hundred2. 1,000 千 thousand3. 10,000 万 ten thousand4. 100,000 十万 hundred thousand5. 1,000,000 百万 million6. 10,000,000 千万 ten million7. 100,000,000 亿 hundred million8. 1,000,000,000 十亿 billion9. 10,000,000,000 百亿 ten billion10. 100,000,000,000 千亿 hundred billion11. 1,000,000,000,000 兆 trillion12. 1,800 - Eighteen-hundred13. 90,000 - Ninety thousand14. 200,000 - Two-hundred thousand15. 85,600,000 - Eight-five-point-six million16. 7,000,400,000,000 - Steven-trillion four-hundred million用英文说庞大的数字时,为避免绕口,有两个简便的办法。第一,当详细数目字不是那么重要时,可使用整数来表达,譬

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