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1、Unit3 Computers Book2Unit3 Computers Book2 Unit3 puters B2Perid 1 rds and expressinsLiu uanI ntent :Ne rds and expressins in Unit 3II Teahing ais: aster the ne rds and expressinsIIIain pints:1Prnune the rds and phrases rretl2Tr t reeber the spelling and hinese eaningIV Diffiult pintsUse the rds free

2、lV Teahing stepsSTEP1 Prnuniatin rretingRead after the teaher r the tape tie Then the teaher ass the students t read rds b theselvesSTEP2 Sills in erizing the ne rdsThe teaher analses the struture and usage f the ne rds brieflSTEP3 nslidatin f the rds and expressins单词翻译1_ vt计算 2 _ n计算器 3 _n笔记本4 _a简单

3、的 _n工艺;技术 6 _a科技的7 _n革命 8 _a宇宙的 9 _a数学的10 _a人造的11 _n智力;智能12 _ad完全地13 _n网络 14 _ad真实地 1 _n种族16 _n诞生 17 _n优势;优点 18 _n缺点19 _v打字 20 _vi不同意 21 _n选择22 _n原料 23 _ad亲自地 24 _vt创造2 _n教练 26 _n步骤;动作27 _vi出现28 _n脑 29 _n拖把 30 _vi徘徊词组1_共有;共用 2 _依看3 _走过;过去 4 _处理;安排;对付 _在某种程度上6 _弥补;整理7 _毕竟 8 _在的帮助下9 _看守;监视单词拼写1 redit

4、ards have brught abut a _(革命) in peples spending habits2 I srr t sa that I _ (彻底地)frget abut it3 L befre leap Dnt be _(头脑简单的)4 ith the develpent f _(技术), re pratial ahines have been invented In basetball athes, Aerian plaers have an bvius_(优势) in height6 P_ speaing, I in favr f the plan7 In _ ith an

5、 thers, she applied fr a training plae8 I dnt lie a_ flers, hih annt purif(净化)the air9 A n_ puter is eas t arr1Hes ver lever Hes gt quite high i_ qualit选词填空In a a ,serve, hats re, in the a, ae up, develp, persnall, abve all, share1 He lived in a pr distrit in a huse _ ith anther fail2 Dnt tae it ser

6、iusl The str is nl _3 I uldnt get thrugh the gate beause ur ar as _4 The hange as an iprveent _ Ill bu a huse hih dern, frtable and _ in a quiet plae6 The ld an is _ in health7 Peter rs ell_ he lies t help thers8 His brther _ in the ar fr t ears9 u shuldnt have taled abut the bs _ affairs10 D u ind

7、aiting a fe re inutes fr the phts? The _STEP4Using rds and expressins (Ss b P20)STEP Her 1 Learn all the rds and expressins b heart 2 Previe the text and finish disvering useful rds and expressins Blabard Design: Unit3 puters B2Perid 2 TextLiu uanI ntentText: h a I?II Teahing ais: 1 understanding th

8、e general eaning f the ne text t train the reading abilit f the students2 德育目标:了解计算机的发展历程。III Iprtant and diffiult pints:1 Grasp the general idea f the text 2 Learn abut se harateristis f the English pes3 Retell the text freelIV Teahing steps:STEP 1 Lead in and aring up:1L at the pitures n p17 and d

9、isuss hat the have in nSTEP 2 Pre-readingH have puters hanged ur life?_STEP3 Fast reading: Read the passage silentl and quil and anser the flling questins, ull be given inutes1)h as the first persn t devise the earliest puter?_2) hat did he ae and hat did it d?_3) h as the next iprtant persn t desig

10、n puters?_STEP4 areful readingTas1:Fill in the blans arding t the tieline1642: _: The Analtial ahine as ade b harles Babbage1936: _1960s: _: The first fail f puters nneted t eah ther1970s:_N: _STEP IntervieAs a reprter, u ill intervie r PUTERSTEP 6Her 1Previe the send text (SB,P22)2Reading tas(B,P8)

11、 Blabard Design: Unit3 puters B2Perid 4 GraarLiu uanTeahing ai: Grasp the usages f The Present Perfet Passive Vie and use the freelIprtant and diffiult pints:The usages f The Present Perfet Passive Vie The Present Perfet Passive Vie现在完成时被动语态由”has/have + been + 及物动词的过去分词”构成。使用现在完成时被动语态要注意以下几点:1 只带有一个

12、宾语的动词变为被动语态时,将主动语态的宾语变为被动语态的主语。例如:e have built an huses in the past ten earsan huses have been built in the past ten ears2 带有双宾语的动词,如give, send, bring, tae, teah, sh, tell, ae, sing, rite, read, sell, bu, tell, pa, lend, pass, prise等,变为被动语态时,可将其中一个宾语变为主语,另一个保留不动。例如:e have given hi the bHe has been g

13、iven the bThe b has been given t hi3 带有复合宾语的动词变为被动语态时,只能将宾语变为主语,原的宾补改为主语补足语。原省略t的不定式作宾补的,被动语态中要用带t的不定式。例如:I have tld the t help uThe have been tld t help uI have ade her r hardShe has been ade t r hard4 短语动词变为被动语态时,要注意保持短语的完整性,动词后原有的介词或副词不可遗漏。例如:The have referred t the bsThe bs have been referred t

14、(b the) He has thught f a a f dng itA a f ding it has been thught f1Hundreds f bs _ if the fatr lses(2001全国春招)A lse B ill be lst are lst D ill lse解析本句的意思是:如果工厂倒闭,那么将失去数百个工作岗位。lse a b意为”失业”。工作将被失去,要用将时态的被动语态,因此排除答案A、和D,答案选B。2The ar f Beiing sas that all nstrutin r fr the Beiing lpis _ b 2006 (2004北京)

15、A has been pleted B has pleted ill have been pleted D ill have pleted解析宾语从句中主语all nstrutin r fr the Beiing lpis和谓语动词plete之间有被动关系,所以谓语要用被动语态,因此排除选项B和D;b 2006暗示谓语要用将完成时态,因此答案选。3 All the preparatins fr the tas _, and e are read t start(NET2000春招)A pleted B plete had been pleted D have been pleted解析本句的意

16、思是:这项工作的一切准备工作已经就绪,我们只等开始了。前半句主语和谓语有被动关系,后半句暗示说话是从现在着眼,所以用现在完成时态的被动语态。答案D。练习:单项填空1 Paper ne _ fr ver a thusand earsA used B has been used has used D is using2 e and sit dn b the fire ur hand _ ldA has been left B feels is left D has left3 Till n, three fils _ in that sall village this nthA have shn

17、B have been shn ere shn D ill be shn4 D u n the thief _ b the plie?A has aught B has been athing as aught D has been aught sister is ring in the per plant that _ fr ust ne earA as used B has been used is used D has used6 Is this the reasn _ he explained at the eeting fr his arelessness in the r?A /

18、B hat h D h7 The ere all ver tired, but nne f the uld stp _ A taing a rest B t tae a rest resting D rest8 Her fae ent red _ he had saidA beause that B beause hat beause f hat D beause9 T prefers _ rather than _ A sta at he; g ut B t sta at he; g ut sta at he; t g ut D t sta at he; t g utFinish the e

19、xerise n page 21 (Disvering using strutures ) Blabard Design: Unit3 puters B2Perid 3 Language pintsLiu uanI Teahing ais:Teah and stud the language pints t grasp and use the freelII Iprtant and diffiult pints:in n , ana, g b, sthatIII Teahing ethds: Pratising IV Teahing Steps: Language pints learning

20、1 In sall grups, disuss hat the have in n? 分小组,讨论它们的共同点。要点导航 in n 共有,公用(常与have,n等动词连用,在句中多作状语)。例如:The t brthers n the pan in n 兄弟俩共有这家公司。The t ultures _这两种化具有许多相同之处。ane and I have nthing in n(=I have nthing in n ith ane)我与简毫无共同之处。思维拓展 in n ith 和一样(作方式状语)。例如: , he lies ftball他和很多其他的男孩一样喜欢足球。have nthi

21、ng in n 无共同之处have little in n 几乎无共同之处have sething in n 有一些共同之处have a lt in n 有许多共同之处以下是从英国国家语料库中精选出的几个例句:(1)u n, Drth, u and I have ne thing in n(2)e ust had nthing in n and I uldnt uniate ith his dull business friends(3)I suddenl felt e had a lt in nT and I have nthing in n= I 我和汤姆没有共同之处。n, rdinar和

22、usual的区别:n 指“共有的,公共的;共同的;常见的”。例如:He is their n ene他是他们共同的敌人。The prbles are n t all sieties这些问题是所有社会的通病。n作“普通的”讲可与rdinar换用。如“普通人”也可说成n peple。 rdinar 意为“普通的,平淡无奇的”,指没有什么特别的地方。例如:e are all rdinar peple我们都是普通人。He is in rdinar lthes他穿着平常的衣服。usual 意思是“平常的,通常的,一向的”,含有遵循常规的、习惯性的、一贯如此的意思。例如:Tea is nsidered t

23、 be the usual drin f the British peple茶被认为是英国人的日常饮料。He ade the usual istaes that all beginners ae他犯的就是那些初学这老犯的错误。2 Ana, lets g ba t histr 无论如何,让我们追溯一下我的历史。ana adv 无论如何,反正(句子副词,等于anh。用于转换话题或回到原话题时)。例如:Ana its rth tring 不管怎样,值得试一下。Thats nt fault, ana 反正那不是我的错。Ana I ust finish the r tda 无论如何,我今天必须完成工作。

24、思维拓展 ana adv总之(句子副词,用于结束谈话时)。例如:Ana, I ust be ging n 总之,我现在得走了。Ana, after three nths at the lini, shed ade a full rever总之,在诊所治疗三个月后,她完全康复了。3 As the ears have gne b, I have been ade saller and saller 一年一年过去了,我被制造得越越小。此处as引导时间状语从句,表示“一边一边”、“随着”之意。g b (时间)过去,流逝;经过,走过(某处)。Several ears ent b befre e et a

25、gain过去了好几年我们才再度见面。Dnt let this pprtunit _ 不要错失良机。A squad ar ent b (us) at full speed一辆巡逻车以全速驶过(我们的)身旁。 拓展:g after 追求 g against 反对 g ahead 先行一步;进展g ver 复习 g ut 熄灭 g thugh 经历;经受;仔细检查g n ith 继续 g in fr 爱好;从事 g ff 悄悄离开;食物变坏 g n进展;时间的过去(重过程 ) pass b sb从某人旁边经过 I dnt _ r n rll Its uh t nis fr taste(2004北京)

26、 A g after B g aa ith g int D g in fr g after 追求; g aa ith与某人一块离开; g int 进入; g in fr 爱好,从事。答案为D。4And er beae s large that I uldnt believe it!我的记忆力变得那么大以至于我都不能相信了。 sthat 意思是”太以至于”,引导结果状语从句。 ad/adv+ that-lause s + ad+ a/an + 单数可数名词 + that-lause an/uh/fe/little + n+ that-lauses与an/ fe/ little/ uh 连用 当little修饰可数指大小时与suh连用。Shes s ill that she ant get ut f bed她病得很重,都下不了床了。There ere _I had t rite it again 作中有那么多错误,我不得不重写。拓展suhthat 意为”太以至于”,也引导结果状语从句。有以下用法: a/an + ad + 单数可数名词 + that-lausesuh +

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