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Care of Housebound Relative.docx

1、Care of Housebound Relative“Care of Housebound Relative”“感恩节周末照顾亲人”Its such a filthy habit.这是坏习惯This is so appalling! appalling: 令人震惊 I cant believe it!难以置信pathetic: 悲哀的 Seriously, who did he have to blow to get that thing?到底他拍对了谁的马屁?Whats fabulous?什么美妙?In fact, I think the board of trustees, truste

2、e: 委托人,have had their first true stroke of inspiration in some time.stroke: 尝试 inspiration: 妙计早有此意了吧。 Id expect nothing less, sir.正合我意,先生。Nothing. Just saying hello.没什么,打声招呼而已。 So what about “Staad”?Fine. The G may be silent, 好吧,“G”也许不发音。in the mood for: 有情绪去做 white-bosomed: 白茫茫的Got a deal going, ki

3、d. Twenty- percent off for my friends.优惠价,我的朋友打八折。phony: 假的We could fit you in, kid.我们一道去。Twelve hundred dollars is a little rich for my blood, Harry.一千二对我而言是多了。-Havemeyer: Well, how short are you?你差多少?So short it wouldnt be worth the trouble of you and George to measure.trouble: 麻烦 measure: 权衡 差到你和

4、George根本不必问。 On major holidays, Willis, its customary for the lord of the manor to offer drippings to the poor.major: 主要的 customary: 习惯的 manor: 庄园 dripping: 水滴 poor: 贫穷的假期里富人总愿意施舍穷人。Im here about the weekend job.我是来应聘周末工作的。pimple: 疙瘩 Youre available the whole weekend?Not going home for Thanksgiving?

5、不回家过感恩节?Before you go in, do you mind my telling you a few things?进去之前先听我说。Dont sir him and dont ask him too many questions.And if he staggers a little when he gets up, dont pay any attention. I can tell youre the right person for the job.我一看就知道你能胜任。chase: 追逐 calico: 有斑点的26 years on the line, nobody

6、 ever busted me four grades before.on the line: 模棱两可 bust: 开除 grade: 等级服役26年了,从没有人连降我四级。Come a little closer. I wanna get a better look at you.靠近点,我想看清楚peddle: 叫卖 markup: 利润What Im looking for is some indication of a brain.我看重的是脑子。helmet: 头盔duputy: 代理的 debrief: 盘问,听取报告 peace talks: 和谈convenience sto

7、re: 便利店You got me all misty- eyed!真叫我热泪盈眶!So, what are you doing here in this sparrow- fart town?那你在这鸟不拉屎的地方干嘛?Point is, how do you afford it,问题是,你怎么上的起,Hows your skin, son? I like my aides to be presentable.你的皮肤如何?我的助理要是个像样点的。Ive had a few zits.我有几颗青春痘。I dont get an easy feeling.我可不觉得轻松。I want to g

8、et away for a few days, and Uncle Frank wont come withSix months ago, he could sometimes tell light from darkbut now theres nothing.但是现在什么都看不到了。I feel better having someone else around just in case.有人陪他我比较放心。This cant go out. This is on reserve.on reserve: 保留 reserve: 储存这本不能借,是参考书。Im pulling an all-

9、 nighter.all-nighter: 通宵活动的人Chas,今晚我要熬夜。Without that book Im dead, okay?没这本书我就死定了,明白吗?-Charlie: If its not back by 7:30, its gonna be my ass.早上七点半一定要还来,否则我就惨了。stunt: 表演特技 That automobile is not just a possession of mine.That automobile was presented to me by the Board of Trustees.那是董事会交托给我的。那是董事会交托给

10、我的。It is a symbol of the standard of excellence for which this school is known,symbol: 象征 standard: 标准 excellence: 优秀 它代表着本校著名的卓越成就。and I will not have it tarnished.train: 训练我绝不让它蒙羞。student- faculty: 学生和教员 disciplinary: 训练的 committee: 委员会 disciplinary committee: 纪律委员会As this is a matter which concer

11、ns the whole school,因为此事件关乎全校。the entire student body will be present.There will be no classes, no activities.Nothing will transpire at this institution,transpire: 发生 institution: 制度一切取消。until that proceeding is concluded.proceeding: 事项 conclude: 结束直到委员会得出结论。And if, at that time, we are no further a

12、long than we are now,at that time: 在那时 further along: 更深远如果届时没有任何进展,I will expel you both.expel: 开除我将开除两位。Im not quite through with you yet.through with: 完成我的话还没问完。One of the few perks of this office is that.perk: 特权 office: 官职我这个职位的有个好处就是,I am empowered to handle certain matters on my own as I see

13、fit.empower: 授权 handle: 处理 certain: 必然的 matter: 事件有权决定一些校务。dean of admission: 招生办公室主任 dean: 院长He knows Im old guard. Youre fringe.old guard: 保守派 fringe: 边缘的他知道我是保守的,你是非主流。Hes gonna bear down on me and soft- soap you.bear down on: 对某人施加压力 soft-soap: 阿谀,讨好他要打压我再哄骗你。Did he try to soft- soap you? Did he

14、?他有没有哄你?有没有?I detect a slight panic pulse from you. Are you panicking?stick together: 团结一致但在这儿,我们很团结。Its us against them, no matter what.against: 反对 no matter 无论如何我们反对他们,绝不变卦。We dont cover our ass. We dont tell our parents.cover: 覆盖 ass: 屁股既不出卖朋友,也不告诉父母。Stonewall everybody!stonewall: 阻碍【守口如瓶】个个守口如瓶。

15、And above all, never, never.above all: 尤其是 never: 决不最重要的是,决不,决不。Leave any of us twisting in the wind.leave: 留下 twisting in the wind: 不知所从 twist: 扭曲 wind: 风抛下任何一个哥儿们。What does that have to do with me being on scholarship?这些和我拿奖学金有关系吗?Im just trying to bring you up to speed, kid, thats it.bring: 带来 up

16、 to speed: 了解新情况 speed: 加速我只是把情况分析给你听。-Charlie: Thanks.谢了。-George: Ill tell you what. Give me a few hours to figure out the moves,figure out: 解决 move: 位置变动这样吧,给我几小时想对策,Try to keep him down to four drinks a day.down to: 直到 you have to air him out a little every day.你每天要带他出去透透气。dusky: 暗淡的 tenacious: 顽

17、固的 dresser drawer.梳妆台affix: 粘上Im not the kind of guy who likes to rush things,rush: 涌现我不喜欢催人。Tell him to get a move on.叫他快点。One day Im gonna swing by, get a better look at it.swing: 吊挂 look at: 考虑哪天要去好好瞧瞧。What business is that of yours?hrug: 耸肩 imbecile: 愚蠢的人gear: 工具fintstone: 打火石Cut her off at the

18、door!cut off: 中断别让她进门!All right, lets get to work.那就开始工作吧!epaulet: 肩章freak: 畸形人 oak: 橡树 knew I could count on transportation.count on: 指望 transportation: 运输工具我就知道能信得过交通车。The cynosure of all things civilized:cynosure: 指针 civilized: 文明的一切文明的焦点:Never even offered me a ride.offer: 提供 ride: 乘车他竟然没邀我兜过风。S

19、pread the word.传个话。forthcoming: 即将来临的inventory: 存货清单Were in 商业很好,咱们上路了。inventory: 货存Listen up. I want a table for two, and I dont mean Siberia, 8:15.listen up: 听好了听着,我要一张两个人的桌子。别靠厨房,8点15。-Charlie: I dont know. Listen, Colonel, I have to get going.-Frank: Where you going?-Charlie:

20、Back to school. Ive got some real important stuff I have to take care of.回学校去,有一些非常重要的事要做。-Frank: Very well.But I never let my aides leave on an empty stomach.aid: 助手 但我从不让助理饿着离开。Youll dine with me and then my driver will transport you,transport: 运输吃完晚餐,我司机会送你。Im gonna christen the latrine.christen:

21、 为施洗礼 latrine: 公共厕所我要上厕所。bellhop: 旅馆侍者 escort: 护卫者 Im talking top of the line, of the line: 极品我要的可是一流的。spit it out: 痛痛快快地讲出来I saw some guys doing something.我看到有些家伙做的些事。-Frank:To tell or not to tell, or its your ass.说或者不说,或者自己倒霉。wizard: 男巫Give me the details, come on.detail: 详细资料从头说起,快点。run t

22、he show: 操纵局势they know you and George can identify the guilty parties?identify: 确定 guilty party: 有罪一方当事人知道你和George能抓出元凶?You wanna graduate Baird, become a rich big shot like them.graduate: 毕业 big shot: 权贵之人你想毕业后像他们一样有钱。Am I right?对不对?-Charlie: No. Its not that way at all.不,不完全是。Bring us a menu and d

23、ouble Jack Daniels on the 菜单 double: 两倍的 on the rocks: 【加冰块】拿份菜单和双份JackDaniel加冰。bill of fare: 菜单booze: 酒miser: 守财奴How do you plan on paying for all this stuff?plan on: 打算save up: 储存 complimentary: 赠送的I need a guide dog to help me execute my dog: 导盲犬I need a guide dog to help m

24、e execute my dog: 导盲犬 execute: 实行我需要一只导盲犬帮我执行计划。-Charlie: What plan?什么计划?-Frank: You have a right to know.你有权利知道。Its not really a plan, Charlie. Its sort of a. more like a tour,sort of: 稍稍 tour: 旅行不全是计划,Charlie,更像是个旅行,a little tour of pleasures:pleasure: 快乐小小的快乐之旅。stay in a first- class h

25、otel, eat an agreeable meal,stay in: 不外出 agreeable: 令人愉快的住一流的饭店,享用美食。charred: 烧焦的 veal: 小牛肉lean towards: 倾向 alkaline: 咸的radish: 萝卜What a marvelous place!marvelous: 非凡的真是好地方!bedding: 【床具】What was that?你做了什么?-Charlie: Nothing.没什么。-Frank: Next time, snap it out!下次,动作快点!Thumb to palm, index finger throu

26、gh little digit, smartly aligned,thumb: 拇指 palm: 手掌 index finger: 食指 through: 穿过 digit: 一指宽 smartly: 潇洒地 align: 使成一条线大姆指顶掌心,食指要对准,成一直线。sharp to the hairline, down!sharp: 锋利地 hairline: 发迹线顶住发际线,放下!Too many men, far better than you,很多远比你优秀的人,have executed that courtesy.execute: 实行 courtesy: 礼貌都敬过礼。And

27、 if youre smart, you wont try it 聪明的 你要是聪明的话,就别再做。This bat has got sharper radar than the Nautilus.bat: 蝙蝠 radar: 雷达 Nautilus: 鹦鹉螺这老蝙蝠的雷达可灵敏的很。Dont fuck with me, Charlie.少跟我耍花招Charlie。See you get a good nights sleep, son.sleep: 睡眠好好睡一觉,孩子。-Frank: Its a lovely day today.lovely: 可爱的今天真是个好

28、日子!So, whatever you gotta do.gotta= have got to 必须不论做什么。You got a lovely day to do it in thats true.都是好日子,没错。I dont need any clothes, Colonel.You dont like the clothes, Charlie, on completion of duty, you can give them away.如果你不喜欢,任务完了就扔了。assorted: 各式各样的 goodies: 好吃的点心 trolley: 手推车Get yourself up, g

29、et yourself together!快起来打点一下。Its a great day for singing a song.这是唱歌的好日子。And its a great day for moving along.move along: 继续前进或后移动也是前进的好日子。And its a great day from morning to night.从早到晚都是好时光。And its a great day for everybodys plight.plight: 约定这是适合许愿的好日子。-Charlie: How are you feeling today, Colonel?f

30、eeling: 感觉今天觉得怎样,中校?-Frank: Super! Superior!super: 极好的 superior: 优秀的棒,棒极了!Superfluous!superflous: 多余的棒得过头了!Young Sofie here is working Thanksgiving,Sofie感恩节上班,because shes trying to put herself through college.put through: 完成因为她想要读完大学。I told her, My young friend Charlies headed for college.”head for: 前往我告诉她你也在上大学。Id kinda like to be private.我需要隐私This is as private as youre gonna get.这儿够隐私了。Sofia, what are the chances of suiting you up sometime?chance: 机会 suit up: 美国英语 (给某人)穿上特种用途的服装Sofia可不可能让你也换上西装?For now, the moves no

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