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1、八年级下册第二单元单词和短语八年级下册第二单元单词和短语Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks(重点学习动词短语/定语从句/被动) 1. volunteer-volunteered-volunteered V志愿做volunteer to do volunteer to beHe volunteered his time to help me.n志愿者He wants to be a volunteer in the futureadj.志愿的volunteer activity 自发的活动-考:He volunteered _(work) in

2、the hospital-考:He volunteered _(be) a teacher in the poor area.-考:There are many _(volunteer) in great events.-考:I volunteer _(do) housework today.-考:He wants to be a _.-考:The kind girl often volunteers her time _ others. A. helped B. to help C. helping D. help2. satisfy stsfa 满意Vsatisfy物V人What he d

3、id satisfied me.人V人The boy satisfies his mother.adj.satisfiedsatisfying满意、高兴be satisfied with = be pleased withbe satisfied to do= be pleased to do反unsatisfied不满意 be unsatisfied withnsatisfaction He looked with a smile of s_.-考:I get a strong feeling of s_ when I see the animals get better and the l

4、ook of joy on their owners faces.-考:They have a strong feeling of s_.3. several sevrl几个adj.severalI met him s_ days ago.pron.severalSeveral of them raised their hands.-考:There are s_ girls in the room. They are talking about the vacation plans.-考:There are _(几个) girls in the room. They are talking a

5、bout the vacation plans.4. rise-rose-risen没被动主rise自然事物/热情上升/价钱/工资raise-raised-raised有被动主raise宾升起、抬起、饲养、抚养、筹集The popularity of basketball _ soon. Lets _ money for the poor children. -考:Chinese tennis player Li Na won a championship again! Yeah. I watched the game and my spirit _ at the news. A. rose

6、B. calmed C. turned D. shook (2012江苏常州)As the curtain _, the famous singer came out. The fans _ and screamed with excitement. A. was raised, rose B. had been raised, were raised C. rose, were raised D. had risen, raised-考:They held a concert to _ money for Project Hope.5. call的相关短语call at拜访(某地)Ill c

7、all at my on拜访(某人)Ill call on my for寻求call for helpcall up1. 给.打电话2. 征召Ill call you up, as soon as I come back.We can call up 10 sb. back回电话Tell him to call me backcall sb. at电话打.电话号You can call me at 890380.-考:Ask her to _ me _.(回电话)-考:Please ask him to call me _(介)

8、645839.-考:You can _ _(号召)ten students to help us.6. age年纪age Whats your age? =How old are youat the age of 7 / at age 7在七岁时teenager 复teenagers十几岁年龄段的人-考:He played the piano at the age of five.=He played the piano when he _ _.-考:(2013四川巴中中考)Mozart started writing music when he was four years old.A. a

9、t the age of fourB. four years laterC. for four years7. enjoy享受/喜欢Venjoyenjoy doing =like doingenjoy oneself doingadj.enjoyableThe games in class can make learning more e_.njoyWe can see the j_ on his face.-考:Id like to see something e_.-考:Id like to see something e_.-考:(2013上海) The retired couple e

10、njoy _ photos. They always go out with their cameras. A. take B. took C. to take D. taking-考:(2013湖南衡阳中考) Laura enjoys _ storybooks. Me, too. A. reading B. read C. to read-考:There is a look of _(enjoy) on his face.8. sign sainnsign招牌、标牌 C句Along the road you can see many traffic signs.短put up 。doing

11、张贴、搭建put up a sign asking for old bikes.-考:Do you see the s_ No photos.-考:We saw a _(标志)which saysno parking. So we couldnt park the car there.9. adj./adv alone独自的/地I live alone.adj.lonely孤单的 I feel lonely.-(2013浙江)-考:The old man lives in a _ house on the farm _.-考:I dont feel _ if I stay at home _.

12、-考:Whom do you go to school with? I go there _.(along/lonely)-考:The man lived _ after his wife died. He felt very _.-考:The old man lived _ in the small village and he often felt _. A. alone, alone B. alone, lonely C. lonely, lonely D. lonely, alone-考:She had some Chinese friends and never felt _.-考:

13、(2013黑龙江中考) Thought he is _ at home, he doesnt feel _ for he has many things to do. A. alone, lonely B. lonely, alone C. alone, alone-考:Thanks a lot for _ with me. I dont feel _ now. _. A. staying, lonely, No problem B. staying, alone. Thats right C. stay, lonely. No problem D. stay, alone. Thats al

14、l right-考:The old man lived in a _ home, he didnt feel _.-考:The old man lived _ after his wife died. He felt very _.-考:(2014广西来宾中考) The old man feels _ when he is alone at home.10. feel系feel 觉得feel +adj.The silk dress feels soft.feel like +名 摸起来像It feels like a silk dress.feel like doing 三个想要做=want

15、to do=would like to doHe feels like taking a walk.He wants to take a walk.He would like to take a walk.nfeelingC感觉Many teenagers may have these f_ like this.-考:Do you want to go swimming? =_you _ to go swimming? =_ you _ _ going swimming?-考:I didnt have breakfast so I have a _ of hunger now.-考:This

16、kind of dress feels _. A. good B. well C. softly D. warmly-考:I didnt have breakfast. Now I have a _(感觉)of hunger.11. notice ntsnCnotice 告示You can put a n_ on the newspaper if you want to find old bike.Vnotice注意到notice sb. do 经常做/全过程notice sb. doing 正在做-考:He noticed the man _(steal) money, when he wa

17、lked by.-考:He often notice some boys _(play) on the ground.-考:Did you see the poster on the _(告示牌)?-考:(2013湖北黄冈改编) The boy did his homework with the help of his father in the past. But now he can do it alone. A. to himself B. on himself C. by himself D. with himself-考:Did you see the poster on the _

18、(公告牌)? No, I didnt.12. 生病的adj.sick主系表sick+名词The boy is _.He is a _ boy.adj.ill主系表The boy is _.sick-名词sickness ill-名词illness-考:I cant go to the movies with you. I have to look after my _ sister. She has a bad cold.13. put的相关短语 put-put-putput off推迟、推延put off doingput away放到一边去put away the clothesput o

19、n穿Put on your shoes.put up张贴(广告)搭建(帐篷)举起put up doingput up advertisementput up the handput down放下put down your handput out灭(火)put out the fireput ones heart into全神贯注You should put your heart into study.put ones loveto good use bydoing把爱好好利用The girl puts her love to good use by work-ing in the hospit

20、al.-考:(2014轴二中九年级第一次大练习) What bad weather! The plane will _ to 8 oclock this evening. A. put off B. take off C. turn up D. get off-考:The firefighters tried their best to _ the forest fire. A. work out B. look out C. put out D. keep out-考:Can we _ _(推迟)the meeting till next Monday morning?-考:(2014广东汕

21、头友联中学质量检测) We have to _ our sports meeting because of heavy rain. A. put off B. put out C. put on D. put up-考:He is _ _(张贴)the posters of the concert.-考:(2013湖北武汉二十三中月考) What can I do to find my lost watch? Youd better _ a notice. A. put away B. put in C. put up D. put off-考:(2014浙江嘉兴) The little ch

22、ild _ the toys and went for dinner. A. put on B. put up C. put off D. put away-考:(2013福建福州) Mum, where are my socks? Under your bed. You should _ your things. A. put on B. put down C. put away-考:(2012山东日照) Never _ todays work till tomorrow. Yes. Its a good habit. A. put off B. put on C. put up D. pu

23、t down-考:(2012江苏南通) The students are _ the leaflets to people over there to ask them to protect our earth. A. printing out B. giving out C. selling out D. putting out14. use的简单用法前后不加:过去常常used to do 前后都加:现在常常be/get used to doing 加前不加后:被动be used to dobe used for Ving-考:The knife _ _ _ cutting meat.-考:

24、He used to _ (run) but now he is used to _(swim).-考:My brother _ play basketball. But now he likes playing baseball. A. used to B. is used to C. is used for D. was used to-考:(2014甘肃兰州期中) Her son _ Coke, but now he _ milk. A. used to drink, used to drinking B. used to drinking, drinks C. is used to d

25、rinking, used to drink D. used to drink, used to drink15. come的相关短语come about发生、产生Tell me how the accident came about?come across(偶然)发现I came across his name on the e back回来Has she come back yet?come into进入反go out of出去come on加油、快点Come on! Were going to be e out1.开花/发芽2.出版/发行The flowers came out.His

26、new book came e over(to)顺便来访When did you come over to my e up上升The sun has come e up with=think up想出(答案/计划)He came up with an idea-考:Can you _ my house, Ann?A. come B. come overC. over D. come over to-考:Can you _ a better solution?A. go up with B. catch up withC. come up with D. give out-考:Cant you

27、_ _ _(想出)a better excuse than that?16. repair/mend/fix区别 repair的对象范围很广,从房屋、道路、机器到日常生活必需品,是使受到一定损失或失灵的东西恢复其形状或功能。(大小修)-例:Who has repaired the broken leg of the table? 谁把桌子的断腿修好了? mend的意思是恢复某物原来的样子(包括用针、线来缝补),一般指较小之物(小修)-例:This shirt is too old to mend. 这件衣服 太旧不能补了。 fix用于需要重新“调”物体的结构,把松散的部件固定结实,将分离的物体

28、各部分装配、组装起来。用于美国口语中,与repair无多大区别。 fix up组装-例:Can you fix the broken chair? 你能修理那把坏了的椅子吗?-考:I can help you _(repair) the bike.-考:My bike is broken. Can you _ for me? A. fix it up B. fix up it C. fix them up D. fix up them-考:My alarm clock doesnt work. Who can help me _(修理)it?17. blind blaindadj.blind盲

29、的/瞎的nblindness瞎adj.deaf聋的ndeafness聋句The girl was born deaf/blind.天生聋/瞎-考:We need to care for the b_ and the d_ the+ adj.表示一类人-考:He lost the job because of his _(deaf)-考:The man is a little d_. He cant hear clearly.-考:Do you know the singer Yang Guang who is _.-考:He cant see anything. He is a b_.-考:Theres something wrong with h

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