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1、英国文学史部分课后答案Chapter11. Given an account of the history of England from the Celtic settlement to the Nor man Conquest. 600 BC ,Celts (tribal)(Britons is a branch of Celts) began to migrate to the British Isles 55 BC-407 AD, Julius Caesar invaded Britain, defeated Celts, and began nearly four centuries

2、 of Roman occupation 450 AD, The “Saxons”(the Teutonic or Germanic tribes of Angles, Saxons, Jutes) ( originally seafaring people along the coast of Denmark and Germany)came to the British Isles and drove the Celts to Wales, Scotland and Ireland, and settled down themselves and named the central par

3、t of the island “England”, became the masters of England and the ancestors of the English people. Late 8-9th century, Viking(the Danes from Scandinavia ) invasions and be defeated by the Wessex King, Alfred the Great (849-c899) 1066, Norman Conquest (from Normandy in northern France) : William, Duke

4、 of Normandy, defeated Harold (the last Saxon king) and became the King of England. 2. How did Christianity come to England? Name the most important monasteries of this period. It was in the year of 597 that Pope Gregory the Great of the Roman Catholic Church sent St. Augustine to England to convert

5、 the Anglo-Saxons. King Ethelbert of the Kent was the first to be converted and he founded in Kent the Canterbury Abbey. In the north, the earlier Christianized Ireland was engaged in sending missionaries to the Angles. The monasteries built by them in North Umbria were the earliest civilizing influ

6、ences, and the well-known North Umbria School in literary history refers to the learned monks in these monasteries. From Canterbury and North Umbria, Christianity spread throughout the country.3. Analyze the artistic features of Beowulf, using the quoted passage to illustrate your points.he most not

7、iceable artistic feature of Beowulf is alliteration.Another peculiar feature characteristic is the frequent use of kennings, to poetically present the meaning of one single word through a compound simile of two elements.Finally, the general mood and spirit of Anglo-Saxon epic poetry is both solemn a

8、nd animated,Chapter 2 1. What was the social and class reality of the Anglo-Norman period? After 1066, the Anglo-Norman period began. The Norman was in origin Scandinavian. They protected their feudal monarchy by a strong power. William the Conqueror divided the land of England among his followers w

9、ho became barons, which the defeated Anglo-Saxons worked as serfs and peasants for them and were cruelly exploited and oppressed. Besides the king and the lords, one third of the land in the land in the country was owned by the Church. Norman-French was made the official language of the state, while

10、 English was ignored. The lowly people kept to English and gradually the invaders were assimilated. the English language survived, and became a richer and more mature language after absorbing a great many French words into its vocabulary. At this time that the English language lost most of its old A

11、nglo-Saxons flexions.2. Tell the three divisions of romances according to subject matter and give an example of the Matter of Britain. Romances can be divided according to their subjects into three groups: Matter of France, Matter of Rome, and Matter of Britain. Matter of Britain: e.g. the Arthurian

12、 cycle which has its origin in the Celtic legends and consists of adventures of King Arthur and his Round-Table Knights, and Sir Gawain and Lancelot, Merlin the Magician, the quest of the Holy Grail.3. Say as much as you know about Chaucers life and works. Geoffrey Chaucer, a great narrative poet, i

13、s thought of as Father of English Poetry. He was born in a well-to-do wine merchants family in London and studied at Oxford and Cambridge. In 1836 he was elected during Member of Parliament. In 1389 he was made Clerk of the Kings Works at Westminster and Windsor. After he died, he was buried in the

14、Westminster Abbey. Chaucers creative career is usually divided into three phases. 1, the phase of French influence, in which he did translations from French authors, e.g. the famous Romance of the Rose,and experimented with rhythm and structure though mostly following the conventional images and ide

15、as. He favored and wrote allegorical visions and satires in the manner of middle Ages. The most significant work of this period is The Book of Duchess. 2, the phase of Italian influence, in which he showed an effort to learn from the Italian great poets such as Dante. The House of Fame, The Parliame

16、nt of Fowls and Troilus and Criseyde are poems of this phase. 3, the English phases, or the phase of realism, in which his masterpiece The Canterbury Tales wad created. 4. Comment on the artistic features of Canterbury tales. 1 Realistic Presentation of Characters and Contemporary life. First of all

17、 we must mention Chaucers realistic presentation of characters. The poet tries to give a comprehensive picture of the English society of his time and arranges to present a colorful gallery of pilgrims that covers a great range of social life.2 Chaucers Humor: The Canterbury Tales wins readers with i

18、ts humor. He is well-skilled in mild and subtle irony to create humorous effects.3 unity Through a Framed Story: the Canterbury Tales is a framed story. 5. Sum up Chaucers achievements and contributions. Chaucer learned from both French and Latin poetry and then worked out a unique style for the Eng

19、lish poetry. The realism and humanistic concerns demonstrated in his works looked forward to the coming English Renaissance. Because he uses the English of the London dialect to compose poetry, it becomes a literary language, that is a language rich and expressive enough to use for literary purposes

20、. We call the English used and developed by Chaucer and his contemporaries Middle English, which was the foundation of modern English.Chapter 31) How did England become the most powerful country during the Tudor reign? King Henry of the Tudor House, who reigned from 1509 to 1547 broke from the Roman

21、 Catholic Church, dissolved all the monasteries and abbeys in England, confiscated their lands and made himself head of the Church of England. Henry also adopted policies to please the rich merchants, handicraftsmen and manufacturers who formed the newly-born middle classes. The Tudor reign reached

22、its summit during the time of Queen Elizabeth, who adopted moderate policies to achieve a balance both between the rising middle class and the feudal lords and between the Protestants and the Catholics. It was a peaceful time and England becomes a powerful state.2) What does the word renaissance mea

23、n and why do we call this historical period the English renaissance period? Renaissance is a fence word, meaning rebirth or revival, and in particular context, it means the revival of arts and sciences of ancient Greece and Rome after the long years of neglect in the medieval time. In England at fir

24、st a great number of classical works were translated into English in the 15th and 16th centuries and English scholars and men of letters showed a strong interest in ancient Greek and Roman science. They followed in the wake of the intellectual and literary movement which began in the 14th century in

25、 Italy and later spread to France, Spain, Holland and other western European countries.3) Give a brief account of Thomas Mores life and his major work Utopia. Thomas More (14781535), a Parliament member and a judge by profession .he devoted his spare time to writing and wrote the famous book Utopia

26、in Latin, which was published in 1516.In the book More meets a traveler at Antwerp, who has seen a place called Utopia relend of nowhere, where communism is adopted as the social system, education is offered to all people, including women, and religious differences are tolerated. More is remembered

27、for Utopia, which is first real significant expression of the English humanist ideal.4)Name Spensers major literary work and tell what it is about. Edmund Spenser (15521599) The Shepheardes Calender(1579), Spensers first important work, is a pastoral poem of 12 parts, one part for one month of the y

28、ear, giving descriptions monthly of the English countryside. The poem is written in the tradition of Virgils verse dialogues with characters of shepherds and shepherdesses, but the main themes embodied are love, poetry and religion. The Faerie Queene (1569), Spensers major achievement, however, is u

29、nfinished. It is an allegorical romance in verse. According to his plan, there should be 12 books, each telling the adventures of one knight dispatched by the Faerie Queen, Gloria, who represents glory in the general and Queen Elizabeth in particular.5)What are Bacons chief contributions? The Advanc

30、ement of Learning (1605), his classifies all branches of learning, which had a great influence on the 18thcentury compilers of encyclopedias and the 19thcentury Comtians. In his Latin work Novum Organum(1620) Bacon presents his theory of scientific method which teaches how to interpret nature, discu

31、sses natural history including several natural phenomena such as the winds, and gives examples of his new method in use. Bacon is regarded as a forerunner of modern science and scientific learning.6). Who was the greatest playwright before Shakespeare? Discuss one of his plays. Christopher Marlowe T

32、amberlaine, the Great (1587), written in blank verse, is the life story of Timur the Tartar. In part 1, Marlowe shows how Tamburlaine rose to power from a shepherd-robber by defeating the king of Persia. Then he conquered the Turkish Emperor and the Soldan of Egypt. Part 2 tells more of his conquests, which went as far as Babylon. The play ended with tamburlaines death. In Tamburlaine we see the Renaissance pursuit of mans power and authority. He is ruthless toward his enemies, but at the same time is capable of passionate lo

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