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1、饭店英语电子档Unit 1四1、With 60 co-ops in the building ,you get a very welcoming , feel-like-home kind of atmosphere .大楼里有60套组合式公寓,你会体验到一种非常热忱的、宾至如归的氛围。2、Rome was not built in a day ?欲成大器,绝非一日之功。3、I think hotel service is a very decent and honorable occupation .我认为酒店服务是一种非常体面和光荣的职业。4、Never forget our hotels

2、 motto-Reputation first ,customer foremost.永远不要忘记我们酒店的座右铭:“名誉第一,顾客至上。” 五1、Hospitality means people dealing with people.The hospitality industry is a phrase covering a variety of service industries/from receiving a customer to servicing them ,such as providing them food and beverages,or provision of

3、a room and bed to sleep. 款待他人意味着人及人之间相互交往。饭店业这个用语涉及从接待顾客到为顾客服务等多种服务行业,如为顾客提供餐饮,或提供睡觉所需的房间和床铺。2、There are five basic types of hotel-commercial,resort residential,extended-stay ,and casino .Most hotels and motels are commercial properties that cater mainly to business people, tourists ,and other trave

4、lers who need accommodations for a brief stay. 旅店基本上可分为五种类型,即商业饭店,度假村,做住所用的旅馆,逗留期长的旅馆及娱乐场。大多数饭店及汽车旅馆都是商业性机构,他们主要满足商人,游客及其他要暂住旅行者的需求。3、In recent years ,due to increased competition among establishments in this industry , hotels motels ,camps ,and recreational and RV parks affiliated with national cha

5、ins have grown rapidly. 近几年来由于饭店业中旅馆业竞争愈演愈烈,饭店、汽车旅馆、露营园和全国范围都有连锁店的活动房屋式游艺车泊地都迅速发展起来。三1.from a practical standpoint 从实际角度来看2.on the premise 在房屋内,在场所内一1.To give what is needed to someone or to change to suit another person or new conditions-accommodate 向.提供住处,使适应2.The place to which a person is going

6、or to which a thing is being sent or taken-destination 目的地二 1、The history of human beings civilization can be trace back to millions of years ago.2、Please do the work at your own convenience.Unit 2四1、We have single rooms,double rooms,suites and deluxe suites.我们有单人间,双人间,套间和豪华套间。2、Id like to confirm a

7、 reservation/cancel a reservation.我想确认一项预定/取消一项预定。3、We should be greatly obliged if you would let us have your current prices including service charges.若果您能告诉我们目前的价格,包括服务费,我们将不胜感激。4、Is it possible for you to change your reservation date ?您可不可以改变预定日期呢 ?五1.Front officeis a term used in hotels to cover

8、 various sections which deal with reservation ,room allocations ,receptions, billing and payments. “前厅部”是用于酒店业的一个术语,指的是那些负责客房预订、客房分配、顾客接待、结账和付款等方面工作的各个部门。2、The first contact most would-be guests have with a hotel is with the telephone switchboard ,which is a part of front office. 大多数潜在顾客和酒店首先接触的是电话总

9、服务台,他也是前厅部的部分。3、While hotel and resort guests love excellent service ,providing it is not always easy .Guest representatives must remain courteous,tactful,calm,and helpful ,even when hotel guests are rude and demanding . 酒店和度假村客人都希望得到优质的服务而提供的优质服务并不是件容易的事。即使是在顾客无礼的情况下,顾客代表也必须始终保持礼貌、机敏、冷静和热心。4、A typi

10、cal day might find guest service workers in hotels tracking down tickets to a hot concert in town ,making reservations at a hip new restaurant, picking up dry cleaning,carrying luggage,welcoming guests,opening doors, or booking reservations. 一天中,酒店中的顾客服务员的典型工作是为顾客购买市中心流行音乐会门票、预定豪华餐厅的餐位、领取干洗过的衣物、搬运行李

11、、迎接客人、为客人开门或预订客房等。5、Reservations agents keep up with hotel booking.They handle group room-contracts negotiated by the sales department and correspond with groups and travel gents to answer special requests for rooms and rates. 预定代理人负责入住酒店的预定工作。他们处理由销售部洽谈签下的团队预订合同,并及该团队及旅行代理人保持通信联系,以满足有关客房及房价方面的特殊要求。

12、三1.front office 前台,前厅2.pick up a message 接受信息3.registration form 登记表4.a hip new restaurant 时髦漂亮的饭店 subdivided into 被再分成6.expected arrival 预期到达的时间 一1.The act of reserving;a keeping back or withholding-reservation 预定2.The act of making (an arrangement or meeting) certain, often by telephone or wri

13、ting-confirmation 确认,证明3.To suggest that a particular action should be done-recommend 建议4.To watch over (an activity or job ) to make certain that it is done correctly -supervise 监督,管理,指导二1、Can you put me through to the manager ?2、The strike was caused by the managements refusal to negotiate with th

14、e unions.3、The fire caused considerable damage to the church.Unit 3四1.Do you mind if I put your luggage by the wardrobe ?我把您的行李搁在衣柜旁边好吗?2.Could you fill out the registration card ,please ?请填写住宿登记卡好吗?3.Just a moment ,please.Ill check our reservation record.请稍后,我查一下预约记录。4.Could it be possible that you

15、 have mixed up our hotel with another one ?你是否把我们饭店及另一家饭店搞混了?五1、Having his/her details recorded into the computer and been assumed that the information concerning the guest has been distributed to the customer will as a matter of hotel policy be asked for a deposit by the receptionist. 接待员把顾客的基本信息输入

16、电脑,并确定顾客的相关信息已被传送到需要知道顾客来店情况的相关部门的电脑以后,他将根据饭店政策向顾客收取押金。2、The receptionist will then complete the room card which has the effect of being identity cards for the guest during his stay and which will have to be produced in order for him to receive his room key. 然后,接待员给顾客办理房卡。房卡在顾客住店期间有识别其身份的作用,而且是为了让顾客

17、拿到房间钥匙而专门制造的。三1.put ones mind at ease 使某人的心情舒畅2.reception desk 接待处 advance 提前4.not to mention 更不用说5.figure out 相出,理解,明白一1.Especially suitable or compatible-appropriate 适当2.A corridor or hall connected with a larger room or services of rooms and used as a passageway or waiting room-lobby 大堂二1、The

18、 mechanic checked out the car battery.2、His paintings are on display at the exhibition.3、He deposits a sum of money in the bank each month.Unit 4四1.May I do the turn-down service for you now ?现在可以为您做晚床服务了吗?2.We always try to have rooms made up early on request.我们总是尽力按照要求早收拾房间。3.We will refund the co

19、st of the laundry.Or you may buy a new sweater and give up the receipt.我们可以退还洗衣费。您可以买件新毛衣,把发票给我们。五1.It is responsible for the immaculate care and upkeep of all guest rooms and public spaces. To be specific, it is in charge of cleaning the guest rooms and making them look clean, tidy ,well-appointed

20、and comfortable . 客房部负责所有客房和公共场所的环境卫生清洁工作。具体的来说该部门负责清扫客房,使客房看起来干净整洁,设施完善而且舒适。2.As one of the largest departments within the hotel ,the housekeeping department presents an interesting challenge: how do you motivate ,train and develop a diverse group of employees to produce a consistently exceptional

21、product ? 客房部作为饭店最大的部门之一,其自身有一项有趣的挑战,即该部门如何激励、培训、培养一支多样化的职工队伍来一如既往的生产高质量的产品。3.In a competitive hotel market ,it is service and cleanliness that really make an impact on our guests and determine whether they will return.A consistent product-both in our public spaces and in our guest rooms-has always

22、played a vital role in the incredible success of the hotel. 在充满竞争的饭店行业,真正能对顾客产生影响并决定他们是否再次光顾的因素是饭店的服务质量和环境卫生。在公共场所和客房都保持质量如一的产品,这对饭店能否取得巨大成功至关重要。三1.housekeeping department 客房部 and beverage department 餐饮部3.auditing department 审计部 department 工程部5.wear and tear 破损一1.a plan to show ho

23、w much money a person of organization will earn and how much they will need to spend-budget 预算2.To repair and improve -renovate 修复3.To lose (something) temporarily by forgetting where you have put it-misplace 放错地方二1.The children are old enough to run errand for their parents to the shops.2.Films hav

24、e long played a vital role in his life.3.He remembered the old adage Look before you leap.Unit 5四1.I wonder if your hotel has the morning call service.不知道你们饭店是否有叫早服务。2.A person-to-person or a station call,sir?先生,您打听叫人或是叫号电话?3.Im sorry the line is busy.Would you like to call back?对不起,现在占线,您一会再打过来好吗?4

25、.There is no answer.Would you like to leave a message?无人接听。您需要留言吗?三1.rental plan 租赁套餐、2.service provider 服务运营商3.medical assistance 医疗救助一 unexpected and serious situation such as an accident, which must be dealt with quickly -emergency 紧急情况2.(of things, systems,of ideas)working well together of e

26、xisting together successfully -compatible 兼容3.a reduction in the usual price -discount 折扣二1.How will disabled people escape in a emergency .2.A credit card is a small plastic card which can be used as a method of payment.3.If you plan to use a hotels telephone to make a long-distance call ,you had b

27、etter check their telephone rates before making it.Unit 6四1.Well manage it,but we dont have any spare room today.我们会尽力办到,但是今天我们没有空余房间。2.I hope well be able to enjoy our stay in a quiet suite tomorrow evening and have a sound sleep.我希望明天晚上我们能待在一套安静的房间里睡个好觉。3.The light in this room is too dim.Please g

28、et me a brighter one.这房间里的灯光太暗了。请给我换个亮一点的。4.Sorry ,sir.Ill solve the problem for you as soon as possible.先生,很抱歉,我将尽快地解决这个问题。5.Excuse me ,but I should say its against our hotel regulations.很抱歉,但是这件事是违反我们宾馆的规定的。五1.Every day in hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality venues, valid customer complaint

29、s are conveyed through a variety of methods to front line employees and management only to be ignored or dismissed.Each time customers take the time to complain ,they are trying to provide that business with an opportunity to keep them as customers. 每天在饭店、餐馆,以及其他的餐饮场所,正当的顾客投诉通过各种各样的方式被转达到第一线工作人员和管理层

30、,结果却是被忽视或拒绝考虑。每当顾客抽时间投诉时,他们都在试着为企业提供留住顾客的机会。 2.Knowing that complaints will occur, all those involved-from management to front line personnel-would serve themselves and their organizations well to put a considerable amount of time into efficiently handling complaints. 由于知道顾客投诉总是会来,所以所有的相关人员-从管理层到一线工

31、作人员-都要为自己和他们的机构很好的服务,投入大量的时间有效的处理这些投诉。3.If complaints are welcomed as opportunities to improve business relationships with customers and the staff receiving the complaints is properly trained and confident ,positives can come from these encounters. 如果把投诉看成是改善及顾客商业性关系的机遇,如果受理顾客投诉事件的员工都经过适当的培训并有信心,那这些及顾客“邂逅”会带来好处。三1.customer complaint 顾客投诉2.find fault 挑剔,找茬儿3.public relations 公共关系4.head off 阻止,拦截;防止。的发生一 to provide everything you need, esp. Food ,for yourself without the help of other people-self-sufficient 自给自足2.

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