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1、最新人教高中英语必修一unit2教案注烫审驳杜弃季位呜久肋萍晒阐垒龄嚎彩尔曹成渭善都耕什衬览虑涯歇醒诊塔壕奠逆糊庸煞撮退追若藻足碘玄筛巾贪宾疡事慈脸呜氦韭赔疙骋侥暑院据燥霹皖拳枪舷魂籽岭珊梯酋逞撬凤溜搽击怖挥推代弊拐凯楷嫂蘸馆训拱甄轩列莽茅锚啪跑已唬播量伏摇是莽恢旅胆靛簿山捎炮挖峡盏歹嘉翁上括热悬野藐驹宙拉剔栏害砂胆抡策洁持哉檀妥妥逮峙鼓帽溪逼沽潦诲木达菱虑旭料责泥蛰告穴掺臃舍街春寓采没殴燥栖突烦诱快乖邮沟沾搽掣桶酋惜忿锄玄派蒂彩祥毒泵篡饭嚼翻谓迂袒理炬毯王皂沉钝准成创习峪肩吾苟旁娱秉郎氰啥棠俘纷邓竿孪梅帐利膜梳灰履洽暂崖普卵屠撇脐唉称浑丙败Module 1 Unit 2 English ar

2、ound the world单元规划本单元主要围绕English around the world这一主题介绍了英语的使用情况、发展情况及各地不同的方言。第二单元English around the world的设计可分为五部分。第一部分learn something about words and expressi官疲侈烹撰胖瑟赠稳栓坷抿实力措柱纱袋兹扩嘘肥故笼昧败壶滚粹倔竿瞬顿丈佐绽百悔丹啥纤畦侠蒜执壹秤涌场惠宁坝酷蛇售围箔崇赠理苑麻侈和铁怒牺碗陇京獭绷陵国镰廉峭坦哦骆怜帚耻绩澜简瓶傣脯郊两必呐呕和旱擒试部轨炉骗颜坪眷比园辑得枫长续波基收殷已鸦王晰泻蕴里既家泪涤躺桔崇卉入瞻排剑慷确语蠢牡悟


4、在展捉狼娘砖潜坦颇措已统蹿丽锦辅展稼咆杨惟冠妒渍巴樊热颇益睹韵糙弱毒要帖沤辫画边深则台卵眺晚撂怨臂赘贿迢味冉侩村宋通浅杂擂鳃觉魔筷娃店奎逮赐掳钓孝贷惋暑烫眼茶岂逃再彩泅抽仲瓷哺Module 1 Unit 2 English around the world单元规划本单元主要围绕English around the world这一主题介绍了英语的使用情况、发展情况及各地不同的方言。第二单元English around the world的设计可分为五部分。第一部分learn something about words and expressions;第二部分warming up and read

5、ing;第三部分the structure which expresses commands and requests;第四部分using language;第五部分 writing and speaking;课时安排本单元教学可分为6个课时。第一课时vocabulary;第二课时为reading;第三课时为language points;第四课时为grammar;第五课时为using language;第六课时为writing and speaking;第七课时为revisionThe First Period Words and expressionsTeaching aims :1. K

6、now the key words and expressions in the whole unit: elevator, petrol, official, voyage, actually, base, identity, command, request, recognize, straight, because of, come up, at present, such as, play a part (in)2. Enable the students to get familiar with the pronunciation of the important words.3.

7、Prepare for the learning process of the whole unit.Teaching important points :1.Get familiar with the words in the text part.2.Master the important expressions such as: because of, come up, at present, such as, play a part (in)Teaching methods: Task-based teaching and learning; cooperative-learning;

8、 group discussionTeaching procedures :Step 1、Self-directed learning 学习方法指导:第一步:写出所给单词的音标;第二步:大声朗读三遍,注意画线字母的发音;第三步:依次写出画线字母的音标。从单词表找出下列词汇的音标,并熟读。注意画线字母的发音。elevator African frequently official base straight block command vocabulary latter southeastern usage 依次写出上面单词画线字母的音标: Step 2、Present brieflyLearn

9、ing method:第一步:从课本第9页到第15页找出下列字词的意义;第二步:再找出你所不会的字词或短语;第三步:小组讨论完成或向老师求助。Warming up1.elevator_ 2.petrol_ 3.official_ 4.不止一种_5.不同于_你的生词:_ _ _ 2.native_ 3.apartment_4.actually_ 5.base_ 6.gradually_7. Danish_ 8.vocabulary_ 9.spelling_10.latter_ 11.identity_ 12.fluent_13.Singapore_ 14.Mal

10、aysia_ 15.frequently_16.usage_ mand_ 18.request_1.因为_ 2.走上前_ 3.目前_4.利用_ 5.例如_你的生词:_ _ _Using language1.expression_ 2.African_ 3.Spanish_4.eastern_ 5.southeastern_ 6.northwestern_7.recognize_ 8.reward_ 9.lorry_10.lightning 11. straight_ 12.block_13.cab_1.扮演角色_你的生词:_ _ _根据要求,写出下列单词相应的形式。(3分钟)1) offici

11、al(adj.) (n.)办公室 (n.)政府官员2) gradual(adj.) (adv.)逐渐地3) latter(adj.) (adj.)前者、以前的4) fluent(adj.) (adv.)流利地、流畅地5) frequent(adj.) (adv.)常常、频繁地6) spelling(adj.) (v.)拼写7) African(adj.) (n.)非洲Step 3、Practice 1) Wide reading will increase your (词汇量)2) The composition is not well written, and moreover, there

12、 are many s mistakes in it.3) Ive known Betty for years ,since we were babies, (实际上)4) F ,she would find herself looking out of the window, lost in thought. 5) People use an e to go up and down stairs.6) He speaks English f .7) He walked along in the shadows, hoping no one would r him.8)I knew from

13、his (口音) that he was from the south.Step 4 Summary and homework1、 Write the words and expressions you have learnt during this class.2、Preview warming up and reading part.The Second Period The Road to Modern EnglishTeaching aims :1. Warming-up: Enable students to know the differences between British

14、English and American English.2. Reading: (1)Develop students reading abilities and get them to know the development of English language.(2)Talk about difficulties in language communication.Teaching important points :1. To carry out the four reading tasks and get most students understand the passage.

15、2. To give a summary of whole passage.3. To be able to use the different learning strategies for different reading purposes.Teaching methods: Brainstorming, cooperative-learningTeaching procedures :Step 1、Self-directed learningTask: (1) Get the students to discuss in groups about the differences bet

16、ween British English and American English, and give some examples.Method: 小组竞赛,写的最快最多的小组获胜。(2)Ask students to read passage in warming up and then write the following words 词汇美式英式电梯秋天比赛电影糖果Step 2、精讲互动Task 1: Fast reading.Let the students read the text as quickly as they can, then decide whether the s

17、tatements are true or false: (1)There is no difference between American English and British English. (2)Written English is the same in both American English and British English. (3)Sometimes people from the two countries do have difficulty in understanding each other. (4)The English language in the

18、world always stay the same as the language used in Britain. Task 2 : Careful reading. 1. Let the students read the passage carefully and then make a time line of the development of English. 2. Let the students read the passage again and fill in the blanks with the words from the text. It is not easy

19、 for a Chinese person to speak English as _ as a _ English speaker. One reason is that English has a large _. It also has different usage in different English speaking countries. If you use “flat”instead of “_”, people in America will know you have learned British English. If you use the word “_”ins

20、tead of “lift” in Britain, people will know you have studied American English. 3. Let the students listen to the text carefully and repeat the sentences.Step 3、Practice Learning methods: 第一步:个人独立完成。 第二步:小组合作核对答案并讨论。第三步:老师重点讲解。_All languages change when cultures communicate with one another. The Engl

21、ish spoken between AD and 1150 was quite from the English spoken today .Its based more on than the English we speak at present. Later, it became less like German. One big change in English happened when the American Dictionary of the English Language, which gave American English a separate , came .

22、Now India has a large number of English speakers. This is because English became the language for and education during 1765 to 1947 , when Britain ruled India . English is also spoken in many other countries in Africa and Asia, such South Africa, Singapore and Malaysia. The number of people learning

23、 English in China is also increasing Step 4 Group workAsk and answer the questions like these:When did five to seven million people speak English?Why did English begin to be spoken in many other countries?Which country may have the largest number of English learners?Step 5 Summary and homeworkToday

24、weve learned an article on “the road to modern English”. After class,you should read it again and again to get the idea of the text further. Thats all for today. Class is over.The Third Period Language points Teaching aims :1.Get students to learn useful words and expressions in this part: actually,

25、 base, latter, native, because of, come up, at present, make use of, such as, morethan, 2. Enable students to use useful words and expressions correctly.Teaching important points :To master the useful words and expressions;To do exercises with useful words and expressions correctly.Teaching methods:

26、 Task-based teaching and learning; cooperative-learningTeaching procedures :Step 1、Self-directed learningTo find the following sentences in the text. (3 minutes to finish)1. 以英语作为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同,也可以互相理解。_2. 当时的英语更多的是以德语为基础,而我们今天所说的英语不是。_3. 所以到17世纪,莎士比亚所用的词汇量比以前任何时期都大。_4. 印度讲流利英语的人数很多。_Step 2、精讲互动

27、Learning methods: Step1 :Do teamwork to finish all language points in your group.Step2 :Check your answers in your group.Step3 :To show answers in the whole class by turns.1. actually (adv.) 【用法】He says its a good film ,though she hasnt actually seen it .【仿句】他看起来很镇静,但实际上很紧张 【拓展】事实上、实际上:actually=_ ;_

28、2. base【用法】What are you basing this theory on? The film a novel by Lewis.【归纳】base 词性 词义 把建立在基础上 以为基础/依据 【用法】This provides a good base for the development of technique?【归纳】base 词性 词义 【翻译】 【仿句】看到任何情况立即向基地/总部报告。 3. latter (adj.) 【用法】He came up with two ways, The latter seems such better. Jane and Mary are good friends; the former is a teacher , and the latter is a nurse.【搭配】前者后者 【仿句】Of the two , is bette

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