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高考英语 同步精练 训练5.docx

1、高考英语 同步精练 训练52021年高考英语 同步精练 训练5.短语填空depend on,in history,leave for,leave sth behind,on behalf of,get tired of,at liberty,lead to,up to,take up1As for this kind of matters,you can_him.2It is wellknown to us all that smoking can_lung cancer.3The legal guardian must act_the child.4If you ask the fast r

2、unner to set the pace,then most of them will be_.5Im_London tomorrow.Please take care of my dog.6Do you know when he_football?7This hotel can acmodate_500 guests.8He was a door to door salesman for a bit,but he soon_having the door slammed in his face.9That was the worst airline disaster_.10I am afr

3、aid that I am not_to discuss this matter.答案1.depend on2.lead to3.on behalf of4.left behind5.leaving for6.took up7.up tired of9in liberty.完成句子1不经思考就行动通常导致失败。(lead to)Acting without thinking often_failure.2对于那次交通事故司机不应该受责备。(be to blame)The driver wasnt_for the traffic accident.3我在

4、这里代表我们全家向你问候。(on behalf of)Im here_my family to give our regards to you.4你凭什么怀疑钱是她拿的?(suspect.of.)What made you_her_having taken the money?5由我决定我们四个人的行动。(be up to)_to get the four of us moving.答案1.leads blame3.on behalf of4suspect;of 5.Its up to me.单项填空1I have kept the photo_I can always see

5、it,as it reminds me of the days when I studied in Britain.Aat which BwhenCwhere Dat the place解析考查where引导的状语从句。where引导地点状语从句,如果D项at the place后加where构成定语从句也对。答案C2He has something inside that makes him a starand I think thats_his confidence es from.Ahow Bwhen Cwhere Dwhich解析根据es from可以得知,该句表示“自信心的来源之地”

6、,所以用where。how表示方式;when表示时间,与题意不符;which从语法到意义都不合适。 答案C3There is a feeling in him that hell be chosen to attend the London Olympic Games_his country.Ain order that Bon behalf ofCin favor of Din case of解析表示“代表”之意用on behalf of,A项表目的,C项表支持,D项“以防”。所以选B。答案B4We all feel it is Jack as well as his wife that_f

7、or their sons bad performance at school.Aare to blame Bis to be blamedCare to be blamed Dis to blame解析as well as连接两名词充当主语成分,谓语动词的单复数和最前面的主语保持一致;be to blame“应受到责备”,常用主动形式表示被动含义,故D项正确。答案D5We are seeking_a solution to the problem.Ato Bfor Cof Din解析seek后可用to do sth或for sth,空后是名词,因此选B项。答案B6As far as Im c

8、oncerned,there is no point _ with him.He will never change his mind.(xx朝阳区检测)Aargued BarguingCto argue Dfor arguing解析考查固定句型。There is no point(in)doing sth意为“做某事没有意义”。答案B7After retirement,Mr.Smith_painting,which he always loved but had not had time for.Atook up Bgot upCheld up Dlooked up解析take up此处为从

9、事;开始做了。答案A8There is_to ask him for advice,because he has never done this kind of work before.(xx成都七校试题)Ano need Bno timeCno point Dno doubt解析考查固定句型。There is no need to do sth意为“没有必要做某事”。答案A9Shall we go to the bookstore or have dinner?_.AIt doesnt matter BIts up to youCDont mention it DThats all righ

10、t解析It be up to sb 口语常表示“某事由某人决定”。答案B10Zhang Ziyi is not present,so I shall accept the prize_.Which one is WRONG?Aon behalf of her Bin behalf of herCon her behalf Din my behalf答案A11I feel it is your husband who_for the spoiled child.Ais to blame Bis going to blameCis to be blamed Dshould blame解析强调句型中

11、考查blame。sb be to blame某人应受责备。答案A12He is such a man who is always_fault with other people.Aputting Bseeking Cfinding Dlooking for解析always/constantly/all the way/all the time等常与进行时态搭配表达强烈的喜恶情绪,此处为厌恶,他总能找到别人的错,look for过程,find结果。答案C13How did you like Nicks performance last night?To be honest,his singing

12、 didnt_to me much.(xx安徽高考)Aappeal Bbelong Crefer Doccur解析Aappeal to此处表示“对有吸引力”;sth occur to sb常表示“某人突然想起某事”;refer to“提及,参考”。答案A14It is because they lacked the_to study that they didnt study well.Amotivation Bcourage Cspirit Dthought解析强调句型,此处考查名词辨析motivation“激发,激励”;courage勇气;spirit精神,意志;thought“深思熟虑的

13、想法”。句意为:正是因为缺少学习的精神意志他们才学习不好。答案C15We_him of letting out the secret.Athought BsupposedCconsidered Dsuspected解析suspect sb of sth/doing sth怀疑某人做了某事,考查动词用法,句意为:我们怀疑是他泄露了秘密。答案D.阅读理解AAlice watched from her brothers New Orleans house as Hurricane Katrina split trees,broke windows,and swallowed cars,includi

14、ng her own.A few miles away,her best friend,Pat,also a nurse,was supervising patients in the highrisk hospital when the river banks broke.For the next six days,Pat and her crew lived there until a rescue boat picked them up.Both of them were evacuated to safer parts of the States.Weeks later,they,li

15、ke thousands of others,returned to find their homes uninhabitable,their jobs gone.The following spring,as she was rebuilding her life,Alice contacted an information centre for returning residents.When asked if she would head a desperately needed clinic,Alice said shed do it,but only with Pat.It took

16、 Pat less than five minutes to say yes.And after consulting with her children,she offered her damaged home as the new clinic.As word spread,help poured in groups raised money and donated medical equipment,exam tables,free ductwork,other supplies and even labor.Bedrooms were transformed into exam roo

17、ms and Pats living room into a waiting room.On February 27,xx,the clinic opened,with patients lined up around the block.Those who came in that first day were very sick with problems from not taking their medicine for a year after Katrina.Over 1,200 people have made their way to the clinic,whose deco

18、ration passes what Pat calls the mama test:“Would your mama feel fortable here?” Until recently,it was the only healthcare facility there.“Its a relief to have a clinic right here in the neighborhood where I can check my pressure,” says Latoya Owens,30,who suffers from hypertension.“This is the most

19、 rewarding thing Ive ever done,” says Alice.Adds Pat,“Im alleviating (减轻) some suffering in an underserved population.I listen to their stories,and I cry a lot.People outside New Orleans think things are back to normal here,but we are far from that.”1When Hurricane Katrina arrived,_.AAlice was drivi

20、ng to her brothers houseBPat was visiting in a hospitalChouses were destroyedDpeople were rescued to safety解析细节理解题。从文章第一段中“.as Hurricane Katrina split trees,broke windows,and swallowed cars,.”可知当飓风到来的时候,房子都被摧毁了,所以选C。答案C2What does the fifth paragraph mainly tell us?AThe clinic opened a year after Hur

21、ricane Katrina.BThe clinic helped local people a lot.CThe clinic was the only one of its kind in the neighborhood.DThe clinic was decorated to peoples satisfaction.解析段落大意题。根据文章第五段的描述可知作者和他的朋友共同努力开的诊所给当地人提供很多帮助。答案B3Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?AThings in New

22、Orleans were much worse than people thought.BAlice felt happy and satisfied about what she was doing.CPat thought a lot before agreeing to work together with Alice.DPeople were ready to help when disasters happened.解析细节理解题。从文章第三段“When asked if she would head a desperately needed clinic,Alice.It took

23、 Pat less than five minutes to say yes.”可知,Pat在同意Alice之前并没有考虑多长时间,所以C项错误。答案C4Pat cried a lot probably because_.Ashe was sad about what people had sufferedBshe was moved by peoples help to the clinicCwork in the clinic was too difficultDshe lost her job and home during Hurricane Katrina解析细节理解题。从文章最后一

24、段中“Im alleviating some suffering in an underserved population.I listened to their stories,and I cry a lot.”可知Pat哭是因为她对人们所遭受的痛苦感到难过。答案A5The underlined word “evacuated” in the second paragraph most probably means “_”Aforced Battached Crelated Dmoved解析词义猜测题。从下文“.to safer parts of the States.”可知应该是搬到更安全

25、的地方,故选moved。答案DBI quit the game,WOW,a couple of years ago.My life has improved dramatically.I went from being single to being engaged,I received a second promotion in my career,and life couldnt be better.But even then,I still had an urge to play and I thought about it every day.About a month ago,I d

26、ecided to start playing again.My friends still played and claimed that its better than before.So I figured Id give it a shot,and so far Ive managed my time well.But the funny thing is that Im not enjoying it as much as I thought I would.That sense of acplishment I used to have back then is gone.I fi

27、gured out why.My enjoyment in the game came from progression.I loved acplishing quests,hitting 60,and then beating the bosses with 40 other people.Some nights sucked (糟透了),when nothing was done.But other nights,when we beat the hell out of a main boss,it felt incredible.I was actually progressing an

28、d improving in something.It may not have been real life,but it was there,on my screen,and it was visible for all to see.But now Ive actually pursued tangible goals,and realized the sense of acplishment in WOW is worthless.I dont get excited when the list of epic drops from a boss is sent to me from

29、my friends.I havent even been interested in getting a flying mount,or PVP gear.I just dont really care about them.I actually dont care about anything that happens in the game,except for some quests.1 out of every 10 quests you do has an enjoyable story that makes it more interesting.But even so,they

30、 are what you can get out of a book,or a good single player game.Even though WOW is enjoyable in some aspects,its extremely boring in others.Now to me,above all,its not worth my time to go through it.6The underlined “it” in Paragraph 2 refers to_.Athe game Bthe urgeCthe promotion Dthe goal解析词义猜测题。根据上下文语境可推知it此处代指the game,shot的意思是“尝试”。答案A7Why did the writer quit the game a couple of years ago?ABecause he found much more fun from other gam

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