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新人教版八上Unit4第三课时A Grammar focus3c.docx

1、新人教版八上Unit4第三课时A Grammar focus3c语法课 Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 【学习目标】Learning goals:知识目标: 1.学生能够使用形容词和副词的最较级,并掌握其规则变化和不规则变化。 2.运用所学形容词和副词的最高级进行常用表达。能力目标:学会在具体语言环境中运用最高级。情感目标:学会热爱祖国,热爱家乡,争做最好的学生。【学习策略】strategies: 借助多媒体,使用自学、合作、任务等多种方式引领学生找寻形容词,副词最高级变化规律。【文化知识】culture: 在三个或三个以上的人或事物上,总有一个在某一方面超过其他几个

2、,教育学生应该正确的看待我们周边的人与事!(设计意图:概括学习内容,明确教学目标,做到心中有数。)【教学步骤】Teaching and learning steps Step 1.Warming up and leading in热身导入Describe the follow pictures.(情景构建)T: Boys and girls, please look at pictures:Picture1. Xia Yu is tall . Liu Xing is taller . Their father is the tallest of the three.Picture2.The m

3、oon is big. The earth is bigger than the moon. The sun is the biggest of all.Picture3.Mimi is fat . Momo is fatter . Kitty is the fattest of the three.Picture4.The weather is bad. The weather is worse. The weather is the worst of all.Picture5. Mike Lily TomMike gets up late . Lily gets up later . To

4、m gets up the latest of all.Picture6.Jack Wenwen LucyJack studies well. Lucy studies better . WenWen studies the best of the three.(设计意图:谈论熟悉的人物,激发学生兴趣,引起学生话题,同步导入新课。)Step 2. Look and say, then find out the rules. (问题探究)观察与发现一:T: So many students take part in this activity, I m happy most of you can

5、 talk about them rightly. Now look and compare, then say and find out the rules about comparative. 1)最高级规则变化:根据以上句子,你能总结一下形容词最高级的变化规则吗?形容词副词最高级变化规则:1.一般在词尾: fastest,hardest2. 以字母e结尾的: nicest,cutest3. 辅元辅结尾的重读闭音节,双写尾字母: biggest,reddest4. 以辅音字母加y结尾: friendliest,5. 多音节和部分双音节词,在词前面加 _: most serious, mos

6、t comfortably最高级变化口诀: 不规则变化:观察与发现二:1.Tom is the tallest in our class.This apple is the biggest of all.1)形容词最高级: 用于三者或三者以上的人或 事物相比较。2)标志词:表比较范围时用 in/of3) 形容词最高级前必须加the.Please write out the superlative forms of these words.tall _ smart _ hard _lazy _ funny _ early _nice _ large _ fine _serious _ clear

7、ly _ outgoing _good/well _ many/much _bad/badly _ little _(设计意图:通过鲜明的对比和变化,再借助口诀,学生轻松记住规则,并通过练习,为本单元的学习降低难度系数。)Step 3. Complete the sentences, compare and find out the structures of sentences. Task 1: Look at the pictures and compare ,then finish the sentences. (能力提升)1) The third apple is the _(big)

8、 of the three.2)2)10 yuan 20 yuan 30 yuan expensive more expensive The third pen the_ of the three.3)3)3) funny funnier The third picture is the_.4)4) ¥6999 ¥4999 ¥3999 The third computer is the _one. 3a Fill in the blanks1. We went to the _ (bad) restaurant in town last night. The menu had only 10

9、dishes and the service was not good at all.2.Blue Moon is _ (good), but Millers is _ (good) in town.3. The Big Screen is _ (expensive) than most cinemas, but Cinema City is _ (expensive).4. Movie City has the _ (bad) service, but we can sit the _ (comfortably) there.5. Johnny Depp acted the _ (good)

10、 in that movie. Hes much _ (good) than other actors at finding the _ ( interesting) roles.(设计意图:在情景中练习比较级,有自然的形成效果。也让学生感知最高级及原级在不同情况下的用法,易于学生做出总结。)Step 4.Grammar focus (交流提高)Pair work . Ask and answer in pairs. T: Next, please look at these sentences carefully. And then fill inthe blanks below.You c

11、an discuss in your group. Complete the following sentences. 1. What is the _ _ _ (最好的电影院) to go to?2. Town Cinema. Its the _ _ _ (离家最近).3. And you can buy tickets _ _ _ (最快地) there. 4. Which is _ _ (最差的) clothes store in town? 5. Dream Clothes. Its _ _ (差一些) Blue Moon. 6. It has _ _ _ (最差的服务).7. Wha

12、t do you _ _ (认为) 970 AM? 8. I think 970 AM is _ _ (十分差). It has _ _ _ (最差的音乐). (设计意图:提高学生的发现和总结能力,让最高较的用法明朗起来,学生独立使用起来应该比较容易。)Step5. Make a survey and report.(应用拓展)3b. Think of three supermarkets in Tengzhou and make comparisons about them on service, quality ,prices, refer to the following chart.美

13、铭万家乐天玛特 Service(服务)best: Yingzuoworst: GuichengQuality(质量)best:worst:Prices (价格)cheapest:most expensive:3c Think of three restaurants near your home. Fill in the chart. RestaurantsDannysHow much is a meal?How far is it from your home?10 minutes by busIs the service good?Is the food good?(设计意图:把理论和实践

14、有效的结合起来,学以致用,从而达到能力的提高。)【当堂检测】A.根据所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Whats the _(good) book store in your city?2. GuiCheng has _ (bad) service than Yinzuo.3. Is Binjiang Hotel _ (expensive) in Tengzhou?4. Who acts _ (good), Tom or Jack?5. Who acts _ (good), Tom, Jack or John?B:看图完成句子。1.Zhang Lili is _teacher in China .

15、2.The Great Wall is_wall in China.(设计意图: 检查学生对知识的掌握和运用情况,及时发现学生的不足,查缺补漏并做出对应的解决措施。并且培养学生正确的人生观,学习和精神两手抓。)Step 6. Summary(反思升华)I have learnt1最高级的用法:_2 最高级的变化规则:(设计意图:巩固所学内容并练习学生的语言表达能力。)Step 7.HomeworkA: Write six sentences using the information in the chart on P27 3bB: Write a short passage to intro

16、duce the best cinema.(设计意图:分层作业:A类基础题,B类能力题。考察学生对所学知识的综合掌握和利用情况。)教师寄语 No matter what we do ,we should try our best to do the best ,not the worst ! 【课堂亮点】增加情趣,放松心情,寓教于乐,提高学习效率。并能够加深拓展训练,过度到生活中去。【课堂不足】 没有强化形容词与副词在使用上的区别。【答案】当堂检测 2.worse 3.the most expensive 4.better 5.the best B:1.the most beautiful 2.the longest

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