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1、人教版高中英语选择性必修二课文翻译UNIT 1 SCIENCE AND SCIENTISTSTo raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science. Albert Einstein&Leopold Infeld提出新的问题,新的可能性,从新的角度看待老问题,需要创造性的想象力,标志着科学的真正进步。(美)阿尔伯特爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein),(

2、波兰)利奥波德英费尔德(Leopold Infeld)Reading and ThinkingJOHN SNOW DEFEATS “KING CHOLERA”Cholera used to be one of the most feared diseases in the world, until a British doctor. John Snow, showed how it could be overcome. This illness causes severe diarrhoea, dehydration, and even death. In the early 19th cen

3、tury, when an outbreak of cholera hit Europe, millions of people died from the disease. As a young doctor, John Snow became frustrated because no one knew how to prevent or treat cholera. In time, he rose to become a famous doctor, and even attended to Queen Victoria when she gave birth. However, he

4、 never lost his desire to destroy cholera once and for all.In general, doctors in those days had two contradictory theories to explain how cholera spread. One theory was that bad air caused the disease. Another was that cholera was caused by an infection from germs in food or water. Snow subscribed

5、to the second theory. It was correct, but he still needed proof. Consequently, when an outbreak of cholera hit London in 1854, Snow began to investigate. He discovered that in two particular streets the cholera outbreak was so severe that more than 500 people died in ten days. He was determined to f

6、ind out why.Snow began by marking on a map the exact places where all those who died had lived. There were multiple deaths near the water pump in Broad Street (especially house numbers 16, 37, 38, and 40). However, some households (such as 20 and 21 Broad Street, and 8 and 9 Cambridge Street) had ha

7、d no deaths. These people worked in the pub at 7 Cambridge Street. They had been given free beer, and so had not drunk the water from the pump. Snow suspected that the water pump was to blame. What is more, in another part of London, a woman and her daughter had died of cholera after moving away fro

8、m Broad Street. It seemed that the woman liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day. As a result of this evidence, John Snow was able to announce that the pump water carried cholera germs. Accordingly, he had the handle of the pump removed so that it could

9、 not be used. Through this intervention, the disease was stopped in its tracks.The truth was that the water from the Broad Street pump had been infected by waste. Moreover, Snow was later able to show a link between other cases of cholera and the different water companies in London. Some companies s

10、old water from the River Thames that was polluted by raw waste. The people who drank this water were much more likely to get cholera than those who drank pure or boiled water.Through Snows tireless efforts, water companies began to sell clean water and the threat of cholera around the world saw a su

11、bstantial decrease. However, cholera is still a problem. Each year, millions of people around the world get cholera and many die from it. Fortunately, we now know how to prevent cholera, thanks to the work of John Snow. Moreover, in his use of maps and statistics, Snow transformed the way scientists

12、 study diseases. For this reason, Snow is considered the father of modern epidemiology. 约输斯诺战胜“霍乱王”在英国医生约翰斯诺向人们展示如何战胜霍乱之前,霍乱曾是世界上最令人恐惧的疾病之一。它可导致严重腹泻、脱水甚至死亡。十九世纪初,崔乱暴发,肆虐欧洲,数百万人丧命。由于当时无人知道如何预防或治疗霍乱,年轻的约翰斯诺医生很沮丧。后来,他成了一位名医。甚至照料分娩的维多利亚女王。然而,他始终没有放弃彻底根除霍乱的愿望。关于霍乱的蔓延方式,当时医生大体上有两种截然不同的看法。一种看法是空气污染引发,另一种看法



15、乱。此外,通过使用地图和数据,斯诺改变了科学家研究疾病的方式。因此,斯诺被誉为现代流行病学之父。Using LanguageTalk about scientific experiences 听力原文Judy: Oh, Im so sorry that you were ill and couldnt come with us on our field trip. How are you feeling now? Better?Bill: Much better, thanks. But how was it?Judy: Wonderful! I especially liked an are

16、a of the museum called Light Games. It was really cool. They had a hall of mirrors where I could see myself reflected thousands of times!Bill: A hall of mirrors can be a lot of fun. What else did they have?Judy: Well, they had an experiment where we looked at a blue screen for a while, and then sudd

17、enly we could see tiny bright lights moving around on it. Youll never guess what those bright lights were!Bill: Come on, tell me!Judy: They were our own blood cells. For some reason, our eyes play tricks on us when we look at a blue screen, and we can see our own blood cells moving around like littl

18、e lights! But there was another thing I liked better. I stood in front of a white light, and it cast different shadows of me, in every colour of the rainbow!Bill: Oh, I wish I had been there. Tell me more. Judy: Well, they had another area for sound. They had a giant piano keyboard that you could us

19、e your feet to play. But then, instead of playing the sounds of a piano, it played the voices of classical singers! Then they had a giant dish, and when you spoke into it, it reflected the sound back and made it louder. You could use it to speak in a whisper to someone 17 metres away.Bill: It all so

20、unds so cool. I wish I could have gone with you.Judy: I know, but we can go together this weekend. Id love to go there again!Bill: That sounds like a great idea!Write about what makes a great scientistTHE FATHER OF CHINAS AEROSPACEPerhaps no other scientist has had a greater impact on Chinas aerospa

21、ce science than Qian Xuesen. Described by the authors of the Story of Qian Xuesen as a man with great scientific thought and scientific spirit who was patriotic and served his homeland with effort, achievement, and devotion, Qian was an extremely well-respected man.Born in Hangzhou in 1911, Qian att

22、ended schools in Beijing and then entered Shanghai Jiao Tong University to study Railway Mechanical Engineering. However,after the Songhu Battle broke out in 1932,Qian made the decision to switch his major to aviation because he realised that China needed its own powerful air force to protect and de

23、fend the country.Qian went to the United States in 1935 to pursue his graduate studies. Over the course of the 1930s and 1940s, Qian became a pioneer in American jet and rocket technology. As a graduate assistant at the California institute of Technology during the 1930s, Qian helped conduct importa

24、nt research into rocket propulsion, and in the 1940s, he and several other people founded the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, now one of NASAS leading space-exploration centres.After overcoming some difficulties during his final few years in the US Qian returned to China in 1955. He received a heros welc

25、ome from his homeland and was put in charge of not only developing Chinas rocket science but also its space and missile programme. At that time, China was poor and its rocket science was undeveloped. No institute or university in China offered rocket science as a major, and there were no talents or

26、experts in this field in China. Nevertheless, Qian did not let that discourage him from taking on the challenge. When asked Can we Chinese possibly make missiles?” his reply was a determined Why not? We Chinese are able to make the same things that other people make.”Under Qians leadership, China de

27、veloped the Dongfeng missiles, followed by the first generation of Long March rockets. In 1970, China successful launched its first man-made satellite, Dong Fang Hong I, from a Long March rocket. Because much of the technology behind the Shenzhou rockets can also be traced back to Qians research, Qi

28、an earned the name of the father of Chinas aerospace.”Qian read a lot and was extremely knowledgeable, especially in the area of frontier science research. However,what might have made him such an outstanding and creative scientist was probably his strong interest in other things, such as music and

29、drawing. His deep appreciation for art often gave him inspiration in his scientific research.On 31 October 2009, the whole country was saddened by Qians death, and people honoured and remembered him in different ways.中国航天之父也许再没有哪一位科学家比钱学森对中国航天科学的影响更大了。钱学森备受人们的尊敬,钱学森的故事一书的作者称他是一位具有“伟大科学思想和科学精神”的人,并且热


31、发展中国的火箭科学以及航天和导弹项目。那时候,中国还很贫穷,火箭科学尚不发达。中国没有一所学院或大学开设火箭科学专业,而且没有该领域的人才或专家。然而,钱学森并不气馁,而是接受挑战。有人问他:“我们中国人有可能制造出导弹吗?他的回答十分坚定:“有什么不能的,外国人能造出来的,我们中国人同样能造得出来。” 在钱学森的领导下,中国研制出了“东风”导弹,紧接着又研制出第一代“长征”系列火箭。1970年,中国使用“长征”火箭成功发射本国第一颗人造卫星“东方红一号”。由于“神舟”系列火箭的大部分技术也可追根溯源到钱学森的研究,因此钱学森被誉为”中国航天之父“。钱学森博览群书,尤其在前沿科学研究领域知识极

32、其渊博。然而,他之所以能成为一名如此杰出、富有创造力的科学家,可能是因为他对音乐绘画等其他事物的浓厚兴趣。他深厚的艺术鉴赏力时常给科研工作带来灵感。2009年10月31日,钱学森逝世,举国哀痛,人们以各种方式纪念他缅怀他。Video Time视频脚本Why Is It Important to Explore?Narrator: Why is it important to explore?Emily Ainsworth: Its part of human nature to be curious and to want to learn more about the world.Juan Martinez: Its where you find yourself, where you find new things, where you grow.Laly Lichtenfeld: It keeps life exciting. I mean thats what exploring is about.Clare Fieseler: Thats what drives people to, like, the highest mountains and the deepest crevic

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