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新视野大学英语3讲稿Unit 3.docx

1、新视野大学英语3讲稿Unit 3Unit 3Unit Three Section A Where Principles Come FirstI. GreetingsII. Review: Have a small quiz. Have a dictation of the words in Unit 2consume moderate liable allowance typical fatigue advisable modify interferesuccession imply obstacle density boost stem speculate maintenance acade

2、mic III. Start the new lesson:1. Introduction: The Hyde School sees itself as preparing children for life by cultivating a comprehensive set of principles which include the values of truth, integrity, leadership, curiosity and concern. Academic success will then naturally follow. To achieve their go

3、al the school demands the commitment of the students parents who must accept the schools philosophies and outlook. The school then hopes the parents will act as daily role models for their children. Under the great success, the Hyde School has come to spread its approach to education to the inner-ci

4、ty schools.2. Discourse analysis: Part I (paras.1-2): The introduction of the Hyde School.Part II (paras.3-11): The approach to education of the Hyde School principles is spread to inner-city schools.Part III (paras.12- 14): The detailed principles and approaches to education of the Hyde School.Part

5、 IV ( 15-20): The opinion of the people on the inner-city schools practicing the Hyde curriculum.3. Language points:1. publicity: n. notice or attention from the public or news mediato seek/ avoid publicityWhen the news media and the public show a lot of interest in something, you can say that it is

6、 receiving publicity.2. cultivate: vt. 1) develop; improve Cultivating a positive attitude towards yourself can reap tremendous benefits.He has written eight books and has cultivated the image of a popular writer.2) prepare land and grow crops on itShe also cultivated a small garden of her own.Olive

7、s have been cultivated for centuries in some countries in the Middle East.3. comprehensive: a. including everything or nearly everything that is connected with a particular subjecta comprehensive test / a guide book giving comprehensive information on the area.Compare:Comprehensible: easy to underst

8、andThe book is written in clear, comprehensible language.4. spread to: ( cause to ) reach sb. or sth. else, as by touching or other means of passingFire men succeeded in preventing the fire from spreading to other office buildings.We have been asked to spread the news to all our friends.If you allow

9、 the child to attend school he could spread the bad cold to all the other children.5. controversial: a. causing public discussion and disagreementa controversial TV program / a controversial new lawGovernment aid to education is a controversial subject.6. suspend: vt 1) stop or delay sth. for a time

10、Some rail services were suspended during the strike.The young man was given a suspended sentence.The union suspended strike action this week.2) hang sth. upA lamp was suspended from the ceiling.3) send sb. away from his/ her school, job, position, etc. for a period of time, usu. as a punishment for

11、doing sth. badHe was suspended from school.She was suspended from her job shortly after the accident.7. protest: v. express ones disagreement, feeling of unfairness, annoyance, etc.Please notice that in American English “protest” is used without a preposition.They protested the governments handling

12、of the situation.Most people protest the companys decision to lay off so many workers.8. strain: n. a state of worry and tensionHe is under a lot of strain at work.Mums illness has put a strain on the whole family.The condition of being pulled or stretched too tightlyThe rope finally broke under the

13、 strain.v. 1) make a great effort to do sth.I had to strain my ears to catch what they were saying.Several thousand supporters strained to catch a glimpse of the new president.2) put a lot of pressure on sth.Money problems have strained their relationship.9. be scheduled to do: be arranged to doThe

14、train was scheduled to arrive at 10: 30. The plane is scheduled to take off at 5pm.10. preliminary: a. coming before or preparing for sth. else that is more importanta preliminary meeting After a few preliminary remarks the discussions began.Preliminary talks on the future of the airport began yeste

15、rday.11. magnet: n. a piece of iron that can attract iron and steel; (fig) sth. or sb. that attracts much attentionLondon attracted me like a magnet when I was a youth.12. over ones protest: in spite of ones protestA nuclear plant was built in the are over the farmers protests.13. minority: n. 1) a

16、group of people who are of a different race or religion to most people in the community or country where they liveSchools in Britain needed to do more to help children of ethnic minorities.They have called for greater numbers of women and minorities on the faculty.2) the smaller number or part of a

17、group; less than halfMost women continue to work when they are married. Only a minority stays at home.These troubled students are only a small minority.14. quest : n. a long search for sth. that is difficult to findThe quest for eternal youth / my quest for a better life / his quest to find true lov

18、eTom spent his life on a spiritual quest.15. energetic: a. of or needing energyLong-distance running is a very energetic form of exercise.He is an energetic person.The new government will play an energetic role in solving the problem of unemployment.16. put forth: use or bring sth. such as strength

19、into actionPutting forth a great effort, he uprooted the tree.17. conventional: a. following what is traditional or considered to be normal sometimes too closelyconventional attitudes The house was built with conventional materials but in a totally new style.18. reform: v. 1) change sth. in order to

20、 make it betterReform the examination systemYou have to reform the management of the company2) ( cause to) behave better or fit into society betterHes done wrong in the past but he has made serious efforts to reform.Our prisons aim to reform, not simply to punish them.n. changes in sth. In order to

21、make it bettera major reform to the system /political reform in Eastern Europe /a reform policy19. controversy: n. public discussion and disagreement about sth.a political controversy over human rights abusesThe plans for changing the city centre caused a great deal of controversy.The proposed cuts

22、have caused considerable controversy.20. morals: n. standards or principles of good behaviourwestern ideas and morals They have no morals.Compare: morale: n. the way that a group of people feel at a particular timeThe teams moral was high before the match.Low pay in recent years has led to low moral

23、e.21. curriculum: (pl. curriculums or curricula) all the subjects that are taught in a school, college or university; the contents of a particular course of studyLatin is not on the curriculum at our school.The curriculum for foreign languages emphasizes communication skills.22. preparation: n.1) st

24、h that one does to get ready for sth.The wedding preparations are almost complete.Final preparations are under way for the celebration of the victory.2) act of getting sb. or sth. readyexamination preparationBehind any successful event lay months of preparation.23. complete with: including; having a

25、s an additional partThere is a good hotel not far from the city, complete with swimming pool and garden leading directly to the beach.Our firemen came, of course, complete with rescue equipment, first aid kit, etc.24. mixture: n.sth. that consists of two or more things that are different from one an

26、otherPut the mixture into a pan and cook for half an hour.I stood and stared with a mixture of amazement and horror.25. admission: n. 1) permission to enter a school, club, a public place, etc.All those who were not wearing a tie were refused admission to the club.Admissions to British universities

27、have increased by 15% this year.2) The amount of money that one pays to enter a placeThe museum charges $5 admission.3) A statement that sth. usually unpleasant, is trueI viewed her silence as an admission of guilt.Compare:admittance: n .being allowed to enter a place ( esp. a private one); the righ

28、t to enter The journalist tried to gain admittance to the ministers office. /No admittance.26. workshop: n.1) a group of people who meet and discuss or learn more about a particular subjectThey ran a jazz workshop for young artists.2) a place where things are made or repaireda well-equipped workshop

29、 27. seminar: n. 1) a class at a university, college, etc. in which a small group of students discuss or study a subject with a teacher.Students are asked to prepare material in advance of each monthly seminar.2) a short business conference in which working methods, etc. are taught or discusseda sem

30、inar on becoming self-employed28. attendance: n. 1) the number of people who go to or are present at a placeThere was a large attendance at the meeting. Attendance has decreased in recent months.2) being present somewhereAttendance at lecture is necessary.The teacher is not pleased with Tonys failed

31、 attendance.29. session: n. 1) a period of time or meeting arranged for a particular activityTherell be a question-and-answer session at the end of this mornings lecture.The two leaders emerged for the photo session.2) a meeting or series of meetings of an official body such as a parliament or a law

32、 courtan emergency session of parliamentThe court was in session.30. utmost: a .greatestA message of utmost importanceUtmost care must be taken when you do this kind of try ones utmost: do/ try ones bestI did my utmost to help.He will try his utmost to help them by means of his conventional medical knowledge.31. work out: 1) invent, develop, or

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