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1、模拟联合国传统规则Committee Simulation1.Introduction of the Dais 主席团介绍2. Roll Call 点名Moderator:Before setting the agenda,the Rapporteur will do the Roll Call in alphabetic order. Delegates,please raise your placard and answer “present”when your countrys name is called.主席:在设定议题之前,主席助理将按照字母顺序进行点名。请听到名字的代表举起国家牌

2、并答“到”。Rapporteur:Afghanistan.Afghanistan:Present.Rapporteur:Afghanistan is Present.主席助理:阿富汗。阿富汗代表:到。主席助理:阿富汗代表到。Moderator/Rapporteur:With_countries present,this conference is in quorum. The two-thirds majority is _, the simple majority is_. Delegates late for the Roll Call,please send a page to the

3、Dais to notify your presence.主席或主席助理:本阶段会议共有_个国家出席,符合大会规定。本阶段会议的三分之二多数为_,简单多数为_。请迟到的代表向主席台传递意向条。3.Setting of the Agenda 确定议题Moderator:Now we are going to set the agenda. Topic A is_ and Topic B is_. Are there any points or motions on the floor? China.主席:现在我们开始确定议题。议题A为_;议题B为_。场下有无问题或动议?中国。China: Chi

4、na motions to discuss topic area A中国动议先讨论议题A。Moderator: Now there is a motion on the floor to discuss topic A, the motion is in order. Is there a second?主席:现在场下有一动议先讨论议题A,请问场下有无赞同?Moderator: Thanks. Now Ill recognize speakers to speak for and against this motion. The original speaking time

5、 is 60 seconds and there will be no time yielding.All delegates who want to speak in favor of this motion, please raise your placard. USA, UKThank you.All delegates who want to speak against the motion, please raise your placard, China, Russia Federation Thank you.A motion to close the debate will b

6、e in order after the committee has heard from two speakers for the motion and two against, or two speakers on one side and all speakers from the other. Delegate of USA, you have 60 seconds. I will tap with the gavel to remind you when theres 15 seconds left.主席:谢谢。下面将设定同意和反对该议题的发言名单。每个代表的发言时间60秒。请注意在

7、设定议题的辩论中,代表发言结束后不能让渡时间。支持此动议并希望发言的代表清高据国家牌:美国、英国反对此动议的代表请举国家牌:俄罗斯当委员会听取了来自双方的各两个发言,或一方的两个发言和另一方的全部发言后,场下代表可以突出结束辩论的动议。美国代表,现在你有60秒的发言时间。还剩15秒,我将用锤敲桌提醒您。USA:(speech)China:(speech)UK:(speech)Russian Federation:(speech)美国、中国、英国、俄罗斯代表分别发言。Moderator:Now a motion for the closure of debate is in order.Are

8、there any points or motions on the floor?主席:现在可以提出动议结束辩论,请问场下有无问题或动议?China:China motions to close the中国动议结束辩论。Moderator:There is a motion on the floor from China to close the debate.Before we vote on this motion,I will recognize up to two speakers to speak against it.France,Japan.Now dele

9、gate of France,you have 90 seconds.主席:现在中国动议结束本次辩论。主席将允许不超过两位代表就反对此动议发言。需要发言的代表请举牌,法国,日本。法国代表,您将有90秒发言时间。France:(speech)Japan:(speech)法国、日本代表发言。Moderator: Now we have to vote on the motion for the closure of the debate. Its a procedural voting that requires a two-thirds majority to pass. Those count

10、ries who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placards; those against?主席:下面我们进行投票,本投票为程序性投票并需要二分之三多数通过。支持本动议的代表请高举国家牌;反对本动议的代表请高举国家牌。Moderator: With_in favor and _against, this motion passes and the debate is closed. Now we proceed to vote for the previous motion raised by China to discuss

11、 Topic A first, countries in favor of this motion, please raise your placards. Those against, please raise your placards.With_for and _against, this motion passes. We will discuss Topic A first.主席:_票赞成,_票反对。本动议通过。下面我们将对之前由中国代表提出的动议进行投票。支持本动议的代表请举牌,反对本动议的代表请举牌。_票赞成,_票反对,本动议通过,会议将先讨论议题A。4. Establishme

12、nt of SpeakersList建立发言名单Moderator: Now we will open the SpeakersList. All delegates wishing to speak please raise your placards. China, Russian FederationThank you. If therere more delegates wishing to speak, please send a page to the Dais and we will put your countrys name on the listEach delegate

13、will have 90 seconds to deliver his/her speech,when theres 30 seconds left,I will remind you with the gavel.Now China,youre recognized for 90 seconds.主席:下面我们将建立发言名单,请希望发言的代表举牌.中国,俄罗斯如果还有国家代表希望发言,请向主席团传意向条,我们会将您的国家名添到名单上。在正式辩论中每位代表将有90秒的发言时间,当发言时间还剩30秒是,主席会敲桌提醒。中国代表,现在您有90秒的发言时间。5 .Yields让渡ModeratorC

14、hina has finished his/her speech within the allotted time.)Delegate of China,you still have 20 seconds left,how would you like to yield your time?主席:(中国代表已发言完毕,时间仍有剩余。)中国代表,您还有20秒的发言时间,情问希望如何让渡时间给主席。Moderator:Thank you.Now the Chair would like to invite questions from the floor.Delegates who want to

15、 ask questions,please raise your placard.USA.Now USA you can ask a question and delegate of China will have 20 seconds to answer it.主席:谢谢。主席将请场下代表针对中国代表发言提问。请希望提问的代表发言,美国。美国代表,现在你可以提一个问题给中国代表。提问后,中国代表有20秒的时间回答。6.Points and Motions 问题和动议Moderator:Point of Personal Privilege.Delegate of Mexico thinks

16、the room is too hot.Would you mind turning down the heat?墨西哥代表:个人特权问题。墨西哥代表觉得室内太热,希望主席能够调笑暖气。Moderator:Thank you,Mexico.Ill have our staff to fix that.Are there any more points or motions?主席:谢谢。主席将负责成主席助理解决。场下还有无问题或动议?France:France motions to change the speaking time to one minute.法国代表:法国动议更改发言时间为一分

17、钟。Moderator:Thank you.Now theres a motion on the floor to change the speaking time to one minute.Is there a second?Thank you. Now well vote on this motion, Delegates who are infacor please raise your placard.主席:谢谢。现在场上有一动议更改发言时间为一分钟,场下有无赞同?赞同次动议的代表请举牌Moderator: With _in favor and _ oppose ,this moti

18、on fails.主席:_赞成,_反对,此动议未能通过。7.Caucus磋商France: France motions for a 5 minutes moderated caucus to discuss_ .Each delegate will have 30 seconds to address the body.法国代表:法国动议进行一个5分钟的由主持核心的坐上讨论_问题,每位代表将有30秒的发言时间。Moderator:Are there any other motions?主席:场下还有无其他动议?Sudan:Dudan motions for a 5 minutes unmod

19、erated caucus.苏丹代表:苏丹动议一个5分钟的自由磋商。Moderator:An unmoderated caucus takes precedence.Now we will vote on the motion for a 5 minutesunmoderated caucus.Those in favor?Those oppose?Whit_in favor and_oppose,this motion passes.Now well have a 5 minutes unmoderated caucus.Delegates please do remember to com

20、e bake on time,thank you!主席:自由磋商优先。现在我们要对苏丹提出的动议投票。请支持本动议的国家代表举牌。反对的代表请举牌。Moderator:Delegates,you still have 1 minute.主席:各位代表,您还有一分钟。Moderator:The time is exhausted.please go bake to your seats.before we come bake to the speakers list,are ther any points or motions on the floor?主席:自由磋商时间 已到。尊敬的各位代表,

21、请您回到座位上。下面我们将重新回到发言名单,请问场下有无问题或动议?Japan:Japan motions for a 5 minutes moderatedcaucus whit each delegate 30 seconds.The topic will be_日本代表:日本动议一个5分钟的有主持核心磋商,每个代表的发言时间为30秒,主题是_。Moderator:Thank you.Now theres a motion from Japan on the floor to have a 5 minutes moderated caucus.Each delegate has 30 se

22、conds speaking time.The topic will be_.Now we will wote on this motion.主席:谢谢。现在日本代表动议5分钟的有主持核心磋商,每个代表发言时间为30秒,主题是_。现在现在我们将对此动议投票。Moderator:This motion passes.Now we are in a moderated caucus.Any motion is out of order and there will be no time yielding duiing the caucus.The chair will recognize 3 sp

23、eakers at a time.Are there any delegates wishing to speak?Japan,France,Germany.Thank you.Japna,youre recognized for 30 seconds.France,please get ready.主席:本动议获得通过。下面我们将进行一个5分钟的有主持核心磋商。在磋商进行过程中,任何动议都不符合程序。磋商中不允许让渡时间。我讲每次点出3名代表进行发言。请希望发言的代表举牌:日本,法国,德国。谢谢!日本代表,您有30秒的发言时间,请法国代表做准备。Japan(speech)France(spe

24、ech)日本,法国代表先后发言。Moderator:Id like to recognize 3 more speakers before delegate of Germany speaks.China,Sudan,Cuba.主席:德国代表发言之前,我将点出后3个国家。请希望发言的国家举牌:中国,苏丹,古巴。Germany:(speech)China:( speech)Sudan:( speech)Cuba:( speech)德国,中国,苏丹,古巴分别发言。Moderator: The time is exhausted.Are there any points or motions on

25、the floor?Seeing none.Now we will go back to our general speakerslist.Delegation of sudan,now you have 90 seconds.主席:本次有组织核心磋商的时间已到,场下有无问题或动议?未见问题或动议,下面我们将回到发言名单。苏丹代表,您有90秒发言时间。8Draft Resolutions决议草案Moderator:Wed like to encourage delegates to submit draft resolutions now.主席:主席现在鼓励代表提交决议草案Moderator:

26、Now we have Draft Resolution 1.1 submitted by China distributed to every delegate. Are there any points or motions on the floor?主席:现在中国代表提交的决议草案1.1已经散发与每个代表,请问场下有无问题或动议?China:China motions to introduce Draft中国动议介绍决议草案1.1.Moderator:Theres a motion on the floor to introduce Draft Res

27、olution1.1.Wll proceed to vote. All those in favor of this motion please raise your placards?All opposed?This motion passes.Now it is the time for sponsers to introduce Draft Resolution1.1,followed by a clarification session.主席:现在有一个动议介绍决议草案1.1,我们将投票。请支持此动议的代表举牌。请反对此动议的代表举牌。动议获得通过。下面请决议草案1.1的起草国介绍该草

28、案并对非实质性问题进行澄清。Moderator:(after the introduction and clarification session)Now well go back to the general speakerslist. As Draft Resolution 1.1 is on the floor,Id like our debate focused on the Draft Resolution. Delegate of Singapore,youre recognized for 90 seconds.主席:下面将回到发言名单,主席建议现在的辩论能够集中于决议草案1.1

29、。新加坡代表,您有90秒的发言时间。9.Friendly amendment友好修正案Moderator:Now we have a friendly amendment from Spain. Are there any points or motions on the floor?主席:现在西班牙代表提交了友好修正案。场下有无任何问题或动议?Spain:Spain motions to introduce this amendment.西班牙代表:西班牙动议介绍这个修正案。Moderator: This motion will be passed without voting. Now t

30、he dais will invite one of the sponsors of Friendly Amendment 1.1.1 to read out the clauses which will be directly incorporated into DR 1.1.主席:这个动议不需表决直接通过。现在主席请友好修正案的起草国宣读该修正案,这些条款将直接添加到决议草案1.1中。10Unfriendly amendment 非友好修正案Moderator: Now we have an Unfriendly Amendment 1.2.1 from USA. Are there an

31、y points or motions on the floor? 主席:现在美国代表提交了非友好修正案1.2.1。场下有无问题或动议?USA: USA motions to introduce the Amendment 1.2.1.美国代表:美国动议介绍非友好修正案1.2.1。Moderator: This motion is in order and needs a simple majority to pass. Now we will vote on this motionObviously this motion passes. 主席:这个动议符合规定并需要简单多数通过。现在我们将

32、投票。这个动议显然通过。Moderator: The Moderator will read the clauses of this AmendmentNow we will establish a new speakers list for and against the Unfriendly Amendment 1.2.1 and each delegate has 30 seconds speaking times. A motion to close the debate will be in order after the committee has heard at least one speaker for and one against the amendment. If n

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