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1、东师范英语课程与教学论16秋在线作:4aad64d5-0010-4420-bc3b-3112d6d8a80f:b415d426-74ef-4728-b507-a3ec0554e3a0英语课程与教学论16秋在线作业21:In the following sentences,which one is wrong()A:Vary instructions could enrich course contents.B:Vary instructions enhance opportunities for learning rnEnglish.C:Vary instructions helps deve

2、lop studentslanguage awareness.D:Vary instructions enhance the studentsmemory ability.正确答案:D2:If a writing task is more general (forexample, developing informal letter writing skills), then what is the best approch of correctionA:teacher-guided correctionB:group correctionC:focus correcting正确答案:B3:(

3、)is an intensive study of a specific individual or specific context, which is usually based on the assumptionA:Action researchB:Teaching journalC:Lesson reportD:A case study正确答案:D4:The first of the “natural methods”is ().A:Direct MethodB:Grammar-translation MethodC:the Audio-lingual MethodD:Situatio

4、nal Language Teaching正确答案:A5:A () activity is used where the whole set of information is not revealed until all students have performed their part of the task.A:jigsawB:gap-fillingC:hungmanD:bingo正确答案:A6:The biggest problem for group work is the selection of group members. Below are some possible wa

5、ys to group students. Each of them is appropriate except ().A:group the students according to seating arrangementB:students select their own group members (risky)C:group the students by drawing lotsD:divide the strong students and the weak students into different groups正确答案:D7:David Nunan (1991) off

6、ers () points to characterize the Communicative Approach:A:fiveB:sixC:sevenD:four正确答案:A8:Which expression about eliciting is incorrect()A:Eliciting involves the class by focusing students attention and making them think.B:Eliciting encourages students to draw on what they already know or partly know

7、.C:Eliciting takes less time than straightforward presentation of new language.D:Eliciting g正确答案:C9:The root of a word is also called the _.A:stemB:suffixC:base formD:A or C正确答案:D10:Cognitive and interactional patterns cannot affect the way in which studentsA:perceiveB:rememberC:thinkD:practice正确答案:

8、D11:Which expression is wrong about learning students' names()A:Help show students that the teacher is interested in them.B:It shows the teacher is responsible.C:The teacher could ask individual students to assist with demonstrations.D:The teacher could ask individual students to assist with eq

9、uipment in the class.正确答案:B12:Students work in pairs, each having similar pictures,but with differences.Through talking to each other, they have to find out the differences without looking at each others pictures. What is the name of this speaking activityA:Reaching a consensusB:Describe and arrange

10、C:Find out the differenceD:Work out the story正确答案:C13:In the learning the established understanding is typical by _ syllabus.A:Formal and functionalB:structural and functionalC:formal and structuralD:type A and type B正确答案:A14:One of the principles of the Direct Method is that classroom instruction w

11、as conducted exclusively in the ()language.A:nativeB:another newC:targetD:first正确答案:C15:Which is not belongs to cognitive strategiesA:resourcingB:self-managementC:translationD:inferencing正确答案:B16:Which opinion of using English in the classroom is wrong()A:teacher-guided correctionB:group correctionC

12、:focus correcting正确答案:C17:Among speaking strategies, which involves using alternatives for words which you do not knowA:Tailoring message to competenceB:ParaphrasingC:Using fillers and hesitation devicesD:Appealing for help正确答案:B18:()involvesteachers identifying issues and problems relevant to their

13、 own classes.A:Literature reviewB:QuestionnaireC:Action researchD:lassroom observation正确答案:C19:The most common form of authority involved in developing language policy and planning is the ().A:governmentB:courtC:procuratorateD:Public Security Bureau正确答案:A20:_is a word game in which you write answers

14、 to questions in a pattern ofnumbered boxes.A:anagramB:crosswordC:riddleD:word puzzle正确答案:B21:The motivation of a student who wishes integrate with the L2 culture is whatA:intrinsicB:integrativeC:instrumentalD:extrinisicE:external正确答案:AB22:Sensory Modality Strength categorizes learners as whatA:visu

15、alB:auditoryC:tactile-kinestheticD:thinkingE:analytical正确答案:ABC23:What could teachers do in class when there are still a few minutes to go()A:The teacher could invite one more pair to report their work to the whole class.B:The teacher could review what has gone on in class today.C:The teacher could

16、ask students study by self.D:The teacher could the students what they will be doing in the next c正确答案:ABD24:() and () have both linguistic outcome and non-liuguistic outcome.A:exerciseB:activityC:approachD:task正确答案:BD25:There are three things to prepare your memory to retain words for a longer time,

17、they are_A:understandingB:associatingC:visualizingD:memorizing正确答案:ABC26:In the following, which are controlled writing activitiesA:copyingB:gap-fillingC:Making listsD:Sentence completion正确答案:AB27:Effective teachers have command of at least three, broad knowledge bases that deal with ().A:subject ma

18、tterB:human development and learningC:pedagogyD:healthy habbit正确答案:ABC28:Errors could be divided into three groups,they are().A:interference errorsB:intralingual errorsC:systematic errorsD:developmental errors正确答案:ABD29:What are the functions of teacher talk()A:teachingB:socializationC:organizationD

19、:managemant正确答案:ABC30:For most cases, teachers have to search for and develop their own strategies to maintain discipline in their classroom. Which measures do you think are proper for indisciplined acts and badly behaving students().A:talk to students in the classB:stop the classC:change the activi

20、tyD:rearrange the seatsE:putting them in the corridor正确答案:BCD31:Teaching journals, lesson report, Audio and video recordings and survey and questionnaires and action research are major instruments in action research.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A32:It is best to correct all the mistakes students make in the class.A

21、:错误B:正确正确答案:A33:After the class observation, it is not necessary for the class instructor and the observer to schedule a post-session.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A34:Ideally, lesson planning should be done at two levels:macro planning and micro planning.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B35:Classroom management is the way teachers org

22、anize what goes on in the classroom.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B36:Type A and B syllabus contrast an interveationist and a non-interveationist approach, being respectively concerned with the“what”and the“how”of learning.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B37:The role of English and other foreign languages differs widely from one count

23、ry to anotherA:错误B:正确正确答案:B38:According to what the students are expected to do, classroom activities can be divided into two main categories: those that give the student language input, and those that encourage the students to produce output.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B39:Survey is used widely in descriptive res

24、earch, in which sampling is one of the key issues.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B40:Information gap is a situation in which information is known to only some of the participants in communication of two or more people and those who do not have the information are interested in finding it out.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B41:The teac

25、hers role can be defined as controller, assessor, organizer, prompter,participant and resource-provider.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B42:Five elements of reflective teaching model are linear or sequential and always followed by the next element in the cycle.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A43:A lexical item may be more than a single

26、word.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B44:Before the end of the 1950s, the mastery of language structures was the main measure of competence in a foreign language,A:错误B:正确正确答案:A45:Fluency describes a level of proficiency in communication which includes the ability to produce written and/or spoken language with ease.A:错

27、误B:正确正确答案:B46:Teachers and students need to understand that learning a foreign language means giving up ones first language or dialect.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A47:A task means that learners use whatever target language resources they have in order to solve a problem, do a puzzle, play a game, or share and comp

28、are experiences.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B48:A task is a goal-oriented activity in which learners use language to achieve a real outcome.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B49:Errors can indicate the student's stage of language learning and acquistion.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B50:If nobody corrects leanrners'error, they will never learn good English.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B

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