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1、届高考英语话题专项复习十九2021高考英语话题专项复习(十九)内容Part 1话题相关词汇Part 2话题相关短语Part 3话题相关句式Part 4话题相关写作Part 5话题相关阅读学生默写版一:相关短语(1)1 发展可再生资源2 正确处理垃圾3 改善居住条件4 从长远来看5 从小事做起6 对有极大的影响7 对外扩张8 实现最大化发展9 跨文化交流10 丰富多彩的文化交融11 统一性和多样性12 外交政策13 环保产品14 国际关系15 外交事务16 环保的17 国内外18 随着全球化经济的到来19 在全球化大潮的影响下20 加强/提高公众的环保意识(2)1. 开始流行2. 掌权,上台3.

2、 处于危险中4. 说实话5. 完成;(用电话)接通6. 作为整体来说7. 砍倒,削减8. 从长远看9. 温室效应10. 提倡低碳生活11. 改善我们的居住条件12. .以为代价13. 使得全球温度上升14. 开发可再生资源15. 意识到环保的重要性(3)1. 砍伐树木2. 污染环境/空气3. 酸雨4. 铅/水/噪音/空气/白色污染5. 排放烟雰和有毒气 体6. 动物灭绝7. 对有害8. 水淹低洼城市9. 干旱/洪水/沙尘暴横扫10. 垃圾分类11. 保护生态12. 节约能源/水13. 可再生资源14. 可持续发展15. 生态友好的产品16. 正确处理垃圾17. 课本/垃圾回收利用18. 禁止在

3、公共场合吸烟19. 改善居住条件20. 保持自然界的平衡21. 阻止某人做22. 禁止滥用塑料袋23. 不随地扔垃圾/吐痰24. 到处是垃圾。25. 往河里排放未经处理的废水(4)1.改善生活 2.改善居住条件 3.促进经济发展 4.以消耗资源为代价 5.往河里排放未经处理的废水 6.排放烟雾和有毒气体 7.水/噪音/空气/白色污染 8.污染环境/空气 9.使得全球温度上升 10.全球变暖 11.海平面上升 12.异常的气候 13.倡导绿色生活 14.提高生活质量 15.提倡低碳生活 16.对生态友好的产品 17.环保产品 18.生产或使用绿色产品 19.开发可再生资源 20.采取行动 21.

4、改善环境 22.雨后春笋般涌现 23.发出恶臭 24.与污染作斗争 25.意识到环保的重要性 二:相关句式1 到了我们应该采取措施来保护环境的时候了。2 在当今世界中,许多物种灭绝了或者因为人类而面临灭绝的危险。3 .砍树容易种树难。4 只有保护好环境,才能真正拥有更好的生活条件。5 可怕的污染已经给我们自己还有我们的环境带来了很大的危害。6 全球化促成了地球村,让人们有更多的机会欣赏不同的文化之美。7. 回收利用又寸 帮助保护我们的环境很重要。8. 我们保护自然资源的原因是我们能够从中获益。三:相关写作假定你是李华,你校英文报“外国文化”栏目拟刊登美国节日风俗和中学生生活的短文。请给美国朋友

5、彼得写信约稿,要点如下:1. 栏目介绍;2. 稿件内容;3. 稿件长度:约400词;4. 交稿日期:6月28日前。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头语已为你写好。 四:相关阅读AA new program encouraging children ages 9 to 12 to get interested in computers,math and science starts next week at all 36 libraries of the San Diego Public Library.Called “Spring into STEAM”

6、,the program will offer workshops in March,April and May.It begins on March 2.“We know that science education is so important now,and technology is changing so fast,” said Misty Jones,library director.“We see this as a way to bring kids new ideas and help them know more about the world around them.”

7、STEAM stands for science,technology,engineering,art and math,and there will be workshops in each area.This years theme is “Bug Out!”,so the science workshop will invite insect experts to explain the survival skills of insects.The engineering workshop will watch bees as builders.For math,the kids wil

8、l learn spatial geometry (空间几何学) by making 3-D paper insects.Kids in other workshops will learn computer coding,create a light using a glass bottle,or build insects using pipe cleaners and LED lights.Jones said shes also excited about the chance for children to take part in the International Barcode

9、 of Life Project,which is trying to create a digital catalog (电子目录) of different kinds of insects on Earth.Kids in San Diego can ask for free insect collection tools at their local libraries beginning on March 2.Insects they collect can then be sent in for DNA identification.Jones said it is unusual

10、 for every library to start the same program at the same time.“Its something weve been trying to do,and I think its just the beginning of the chances we will be able to offer,” she said.1.What do we know about “Spring into STEAM”?A.It is open to kids of all ages.B.It lasts for at least four months.C

11、.It helps kids learn more about themselves.D.It is held by the San Diego Public Library.2.What will kids learn from the engineering workshop this year?A.How LED lights work.B.How bees build their home.C.How to make 3-D paper bees.D.How to create a light using a glass bottle.3.What will kids do for t

12、he International Barcode of Life Project?A.Collect insects.B.Take DNA tests.C.Create a digital catalog.D.Make insect collection tools.BDoes a grasshopper taco (墨西哥蚂蚱卷饼) sound delicious? If you were living in another part of the world say,Mexico or Thailand or Kenya the idea of eating insects might n

13、ot seem strange to you at all.For thousands of years,insect-eating has been common practice among many of the worlds people.According to insect-eaters around the world,insects are tasty.Insect fans say insects are not only tasty,they are also nutritious.Arnold van Huis is working with other scientis

14、ts to encourage insect-eating in areas where it is already common.According to the United Nations,the planets population is now almost 7 billion.It is expected to reach 9 billion before 2050.By that time,peoples need for meat is expected to double.Raising livestock (家畜) requires large areas of farml

15、and,and feeding the animals can be expensive.“We have to find something else to take the place of meat,” Arnold van Huis says.“One very good choice is using insects.”Raising insects would require less land,says Arnold van Huis.Insects would also be cheaper to feed.For insect-eating to become popular

16、 in the U.S.,Brian Fisher,an insect scientist at the California Academy of Sciences,says people must be careful with ready-to-eat insects.There are more than 1,700 types of insects that are safe to eat.But do not even think of eating insects from your backyard,since there is no way of knowing if the

17、y are dangerous! If you really want to eat insects,it is possible to order insect cuisine (烹饪) at a handful of U.S.restaurants.Arnold van Huis is working with chefs in the Netherlands to develop delicious insect recipes.For one experiment,his team prepared two types of meatballs:some made with meat

18、and others made with mealworms and meat.In a blind taste test,nine out of ten people preferred the mealworm meatballs.In the future,will eating insects be common practice for people in Europe and North America? “Im completely sure it will,” says Arnold van Huis.4.What can we learn about insect-eatin

19、g in Thailand or Kenya?A.It is not allowed.B.It is not common.C.It is very popular.D.It is rather strange.5.According to Arnold van Huis,what would be an advantage of eating more insects?A.It would save more livestock.B.It would solve environmental problems.C.It would provide more nutrition for peop

20、le.D.It would help feed the worlds growing population.6.Why does Brian Fisher advise people to go to restaurants to eat insects?A.Insect cuisine ordered there is delicious.B.Insects cooked there taste more like meat.C.Insects cooked there are safe enough to eat.D.Different insect cuisine can be chos

21、en there.7.How might Arnold van Huis feel about the experimental result mentioned in Paragraph 6?A.Fearful. B.Satisfied.C.Doubtful. D.Surprised.CWhat does it really mean to be successful?1.It is about being able to live a happy life.If you want to have a successful life,here are three things you nee

22、d to focus on.1.Believe in yourselfIf you dont believe in yourself,how do you expect other people to? When you believe in yourself,it fuels (促进) your creativity and your motivation to do things.All successful people from Gandhi to Tesla believed in themselves.2.We all have to trust that we have the

23、ability to turn the impossible into the possible.2.Know your intention3,it is important to have an understanding of your intention.If your intention is simply rooted in money and fame,you are never going to truly feel successful.Money and fame only serve the ego (自负) and dont provide true feelings o

24、f success.For a truly successful life,your intention has to be rooted in your purpose and passions.When your intention is to serve your purpose,make a change in the world and express your talents,you will feel true success and satisfaction.3.4Success is all around you right now.Stop to take a moment

25、 and youll notice the amazing success that is already present in your life.5.Being thankful for the tiniest successes in life will help you to create more and more success.A.Realize you are already successfulB.Discover the true meaning of successC.This is what gave them the drive to succeedD.If you

26、want to create a good living conditionE.When it comes to achieving greatness in this lifeF.That is when you will start to feel truly successfulG.Success is much more than just money or fame2021高考英语话题专项复习(十九)教师版一:相关短语(1)1develop renewable resources发展可再生资源2deal with rubbish properly 正确处理垃圾3improve one

27、s living conditions 改善居住条件4in the long term 从长远来看5start out small 从小事做起6have a considerable effect on 对有极大的影响7expand abroad 对外扩张8achieve the highest growth 实现最大化发展9intercultural communication 跨文化交流10rich cultural blend 丰富多彩的文化交融11unity and diversity 统一性和多样性12foreign policy 外交政策13ecofriendly products

28、 环保产品14international relations 国际关系15foreign affairs 外交事务16environmentally friendly 环保的17at home and abroad 国内外18with the arrival of globalization of economy 随着全球化经济的到来19under the influence of the trend of globalization 在全球化大潮的影响下20enhance/raise public awareness of environmental protection加强/提高公众的环保

29、意识(2)e into fashion 开始流行e into power 掌权,上台 danger处于危险中4.tell the truth 说实话5.get through完成;(用电话)接通 a whole作为整体来说7.cut down砍倒,削减 the long run/term 从长远看9.greenhouse effect 温室效应10.advocate a low-carbon lifestyle 提倡低碳生活11.improve our living conditions改善我们的居住条件 the price/cost of.以为代价

30、use the global temperance resources 使得全球温度上升14.develop renewable resources 开发可再生资源 aware of the importance of protecting environment 意识到环保的重要性(3)1.cut down trees砍伐树木2.pollute the environment/air 污染环境/空气3.acid rain 酸雨4.lead /water /noise/air /white pollution 铅/水/噪音/空气/白色污染5.send out smoke and po

31、isonous gases into the air 排放烟雰和有毒气 体6.extinction of animals 动物灭绝 harmful to/do harm to.对有害8.flood many low-lying cities 水淹低洼城市9.drought/flood/sandstorms sweep across.干旱/洪水/沙尘暴横扫10.sort rubbish垃圾分类11.protect the ecology 保护生态 energy/water 节约能源/水13.develop renewable resources 可再生资源14.sustainable development 可持续发展15.

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