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毕业设计 外文翻译.docx

1、毕业设计 外文 翻译 淮 阴 工 学 院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学 院:建筑工程学院专 业:土木工程姓 名:金波学 号:1121401112外文出处:J CENT SOUTH UNIV T(用外文写)附 件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。指导教师评语: 译文语句通顺,词能达意,具有较好的翻译能力,译文质量较高。年月日签名: (手写签名) 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件2:外文原文J. Cent. South Univ. (2015) 22: 27302738DOI: 10.1007/s11771-015-2803-4Progressive collapse resisting c

2、apacity of reinforced concrete load bearing wall structuresAlireza Rahai1, Alireza Shahin1, Farzad Hatami21. Department of Civil Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) No. 424,Hafez Ave., P. O. Box. 15875-4413, Tehran, Iran;2. Structural & Earthquake Research Center (SE

3、RC), Amirkabir University of Technology No.424,Hafez Ave., P. O. Box. 15875-4413, Tehran, Iran Central South University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015Abstract: Reinforced concrete (RC) load bearing wall is widely used in high-rise and mid-rise buildings. Due to the number of walls

4、in plan and reduction in lateral force portion, this system is not only stronger against earthquakes, but also more economical. The effect of progressive collapse caused by removal of load bearing elements, in various positions in plan and stories of the RC load bearing wall system was evaluated by

5、nonlinear dynamic and static analyses. For this purpose, three-dimensional model of 10-story structure was selected. The analysis results indicated stability, strength and stiffness of the RC load-bearing wall system against progressive collapse. It was observed that the most critical condition for

6、removal of load bearing walls was the instantaneous removal of the surrounding walls located at the corners of the building where the sections of the load bearing elements were changed. In this case, the maximum vertical displacement was limited to 6.3 mm and the structure failed after applying the

7、load of 10 times the axial load bored by removed elements. Comparison between the results of the nonlinear dynamic and static analyses demonstrated that the “load factor” parameter was a reasonable criterion to evaluate the progressive collapse potential of the structure.Key words: reinforced concre

8、te (RC) load bearing wall structure; progressive collapse; fiber sections; nonlinear analysis; load factor method1 IntroductionThe reinforced concrete (RC) load bearing wall system is one of the most appropriate structural systems for mid-rise buildings, which results in the reduction of constructio

9、nal material in addition to improved strength against earthquakes. Indeed, due to the direct connection of slab to wall and its large connection zone, transmission of forces increases and stress concentration at the joints will be greatly reduced. In addition, intersection of the walls increases str

10、ucture indeterminacy and provides stability and good seismic performance.Progressive collapse may happen due to explosion, fire, earthquake, vehicle collision, errors in design and construction of buildings with any system type. This can be caused by the failure and instability in a small part of th

11、e structure which gradually develops as a chain function and eventually leads to the collapse of an important part of the structure. When the main load bearing elements in buildings are destroyed, the attached elements to the damaged one lose their support and theforce which was bored by the damaged

12、 element will be redistributed within the structure. If the structure could not reach a new static equilibrium condition, the initial collapse will lead to instability and destruction in a large part, and the system will lose its expected service and performance level. Therefore, by progressive coll

13、apse analysis of the structures, critical elements and weaknesses of the systems against accidental loads can be detected and by strengthening them and making alternative load paths, structures stability and residents safety are insured; while standards and regulations for analysis and design of str

14、uctures against progressive collapse have been provided by professional organizations around the world. GSA 1 and UFC 2 are the most popular.A large number of researchers have studied the progressive collapse phenomena in reinforced concrete structures. They investigated the validity and applicabili

15、ty of the various analysis methods for accurate prediction of progressive collapse in different structural systems. Sudden load bearing element loss is a common method widely used to evaluate the progressive collapse potential of structures 3. LU et al 4 investigated the potentialReceived date: 2014

16、0822; Accepted date: 20150124Corresponding author: Farzad Hatami, Assistant Professor; Tel: +982164545536; E-mail: Cent. South Univ. (2015) 22: 273027382731the potential of progressive collapse in RC moment frame structures using pushdown analysis. Following the simultaneous remova

17、l of two adjacent exterior columns in the first story of the Hotel San Diego, SASANI 5 evaluated the response of the six-story reinforced concrete infilled-frame structure. KIM and JUNG 6 studied the behavior of tilted building structures and proved their vulnerability to progressive collapse compar

18、ed to common structures. Sometimes, progressive collapse is triggered by consecutive removal of several load bearing elements. So as to enable common macromodeling programs to model such scenarios, PACHENARI and KERAMATI 7 presented a method for modeling successive removal of columns using a series

19、of subsequent analyses. They stated that the method could be a prerequisite of defining more realistic collapse scenarios in relevant guidelines. By double-designing a frame-wall structure with this assumption that it had high or low design of lateral loads and by removing an external wall in the fi

20、rst story, BAO and KUNNATH 8 concluded that further design of lateral loads leads to more progressive collapse resistance and less vertical displacement of the upper joint of the removed wall. PACHENARI and KERAMATI 9 introduced relevant beamslab collapse modes of the impacted story in the case that

21、 column loss scenario causes adjoining panels to fall down in a two-way slab reinforced concrete structure. They concluded that the ratio of beam to slab flexural strength and existing dead and live loads on panels in the vicinity of impacted panels could change the collapse pattern and subsequently

22、 control the prevailing collapse mode.However, no research has been conducted yet to investigate the progressive collapse potential of three-dimensional RC load bearing wall structures. Thus, in this work the behavior of the RC load bearing wall system against progressive collapse is examined by usi

23、ng nonlinear dynamic and static analyses.2 ValidationTo ensure the accuracy of modeling by the fiber section method, the analysis results of the PERFORM 3D model were validated by a RC load bearing wall specimen (THOMSEN and WALLACE 10). This testwas performed to evaluate the behavior of slender RC

24、walls under simultaneous gravity and lateral loads.2.1 Details of test specimenThe wall specimen investigated was 1/4 scaled with height of 3660 mm. Figure 1 shows the cross section of the wall and reinforcement details. By two hydraulic jacks that were installed on the top of the wall, an axial loa

25、d of approximately 0.07Agfc was applied uniformly and constantly throughout the experiment. A hydraulic actuator which was mounted horizontally in the corner of the highest level of the wall was used to apply lateral periodic and incremental drift (Fig. 2).Modeling and comparison of analytical and e

26、xperimental resultsDue to the two-dimensional analysis, translationsand rotations normal to the wall plain were prevented and all the wall joints were constrained to the diaphragm for in-plain displacements. Wall supports were assumed to be restrained. Nonlinear properties of the wall were defined b

27、y fiber sections and assigning nonlinear material stress-strain curves to these fibers. Basic calibrated parameters in defining the material stress strain curve are presented in Table 1. Relations proposed by MANDER et al 11 were used in defining the stressstrain curve of concrete. It should be note

28、d that the stressstrain curve of confined concrete was assigned to concrete fibers of the wall boundary and stressstrain curve of unconfined concrete was assigned to concrete fibers of the wall web.Nonlinear static analysis (Pushover) was performed in two steps:Step 1): The axial load was applied to

29、 the wall. Step 2): By holding the axial load constant and withinitial conditions of the previous step, the lateral load was applied incrementally and increased step by step until displacement of the highest level reached the target displacement.To obtain the cyclic behavior and hysteresis loops of

30、the wall, nonlinear dynamic analysis was performed following these procedures:The axial load was applied to the wall.By holding the axial load constant and with initial conditions of the previous step, the lateralFig. 1 Reinforcing details of secimen (THOMSEN and WALLACE 10)2732 J. Cent. South Univ.

31、 (2015) 22: 27302738Fig. 2 Applied displacement history 10displacement record was applied to the wall by a spring element. This element had to be very stiff versus structure stiffness and only transitional stiffness had to be considered.Figure 3 compares the results of the analytical and experimenta

32、l models. The analytical model captured the measured response reasonably well. The analysis results clearly reflected actual characteristics of cyclic wall response, including stiffness degradation, shape of theload-displacement hysteresis loops and plastic (residual) displacements at zero loads. The lateral capacity of the wall was predicted very closely for most of the lateral drift levels. It shows that the modeling of load bearing wall sections

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