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外研版一起小学英语四年级上册《Module 6 StorytellingMa Liang》教学设计.docx

1、外研版一起小学英语四年级上册Module 6 Storytelling Ma Liang教学设计外研版(一起)小学英语四年级上册Module 6 Storytelling Ma Liang教学设计 module 6 Storytelling Ma Liang(小学英语学科)教学内容分析: 本篇马良的故事来自于新标准英语(一年级起点)第七册第六模块第一单元和第二单元的教学内容。本模块通过讲述一个中国古代马良的故事,巩固一般过去时态的用法,让学生学习运用过去时态复述英语故事或讲述英语故事,进行语言的输出和运用。教学目标:1.学会描述过去发生的事情。2.能够听说读写的语句:This old woma

2、n didnt have food. The bad man didnt help people. It didnt make gold. He didnt come back.3.能够听说认读的语句:The magic paint brush didnt make gold. He took Ma Liang away.4.能够听说读写的单词和短语:gold food make(made) say(said)5通过马良的故事,教育学生要助人为乐、互相帮助、乐善好施等。重点难点:1. 学会描述过去发生的事情2重点句子: This old woman didnt have food. The b

3、ad man didnt help people.学情分析:学生对规则动词的变化规律掌握得较好,Module5 开始学习了一些不规则动词的变化,本模块继续鼓励他们要自己发现小办法记忆不规则的动词过去式,并能够把学过的动词过去式进行梳理和归纳。教学准备:CD-ROM,pictures , PPT, word cards, exercise paper, 学生自我评价表。教学过程:Step 1: Free talk.T: What did you have for breakfast this morning? What about you? Did your mums paint them fo

4、r you? They cooked them for you.【教学意图】利用Unit 1的活动一内容进行讨论交流,自然导入新课,初步感知paint.Step 2: Pre-reading1. Show a picture.T: What is it? 教授单词paintbrush,运用自然拼读blending. Do you have a paintbrush? What can you paint with the paintbrush?Ss: I can paint T: We can paint lots of things. But can they become real? Wh

5、y not? Show a word card, “magic” Look, this is a magic paintbrush. (PPT) Do you have a magic paintbrush? Who had a magic paintbrush? Ma Liang(Stick a picture of Ma Liang on the blackboard. ) Do you know a story about Ma Liang? How did you know this story?Ss: I read this book. I listened to my mum. I

6、 watched a movie. T: When I was a little girl, I read the story on the picture book. Hong Xuntao is the writer. He wrote it in 1954. Many, many years ago, so its a very old story.2. T: What do you know about Ma Liang? What was he like? What did he like doing? 【教学意图】通过a magic paintbrush 引出马良的故事,通过讨论H

7、ow did you know this story? What do you know about Ma Liang? What was he like?等问题检索信息,调动学生已有的知识储备,激发学生的表达欲望,并在交流的过程中帮助学生初步理解、掌握故事发生的背景、作者、故事的主要内容等信息。Step 3: While-reading1. Read Part (Pictures 1, 2 and 3) and find the answers.Questions: (1) What did Ma Liang paint? (2) Why did he paint food for this

8、 old woman? (3) What did Ma Liang do with the magic paintbrush?T: Did Ma Liang help people? What do you think of Ma Liang? helpful, nice (板书-思维导图)【教学意图】故事分成了三个部分,第一部分让学生带着3个问题自读课文并找出答案,理解和掌握故事内容,并帮助学生进一步了解马良,对马良的人物特点有充分的认知,并通过思维导图形式构建故事脉络。2. Show Picture 3. become - become, real Read the picture tog

9、ether.T: Did Ma Liang only paint food? What else did he paint? He painted lots of things for people.Can you say more? Practice in pairs.Who wants to have a try?Summary: Wow! What a magic paintbrush. It could become many things real.He painted _. It became real. (板书)Ma Liang was super! The paintbrush

10、 was super! Everything was OK! It was wonderful! But it was not the ending!【教学意图】3. Read Part (Pictures 4, 5 and 6) and find the answers.Then what happened?Questions: (1) What did the bad man paint? (2) Why did the bad man paint gold? (3) What did it become? 第二个问题后:gold (old cold told gold)T: Do you

11、 like gold? 但君子爱财,取之有道!第三个问题后: Did it become gold? 4.Discussion. 出示对比图T: Did the paintbrush help the bad man? Ma Liang painted _, it became real. It only helped Ma Liang. Why?Summary: Ma Liang painted things for people/ others. He helped people. But the bad man painted gold only for himself. Did he

12、help people?T: What do you think of the bad man? greedy, selfish (板书-思维导图)【教学意图】通过对比让学生明确为什么神笔只帮助马良,只帮助善良的人。 4. Look at the picture. How did the man feel? Was he happy? scared, angry What did he do then?5. Read Part (Pictures 7 and 8) and fill in the blanks. Talk about it in groups. Check up the ans

13、wers together. Discuss: Why did the bad man go to the sea? Who painted the gold hill?他斗智斗勇,不慌不忙 What do you think of him? clever, brave (板书-思维导图)So the bad man didnt come back. (板书)【教学意图】学生通过自读课文学习第三个部分,并通过讨论完成课文内容。通过对马良的深刻认识让学生爱憎分明,不仅用语言表达,更是用语言思维。6. Its time to enjoy the story.(1) Watch the CD-ROM

14、(2) Books open. Listen and repeat, try to imitate.(3) Read the story in groups.【教学意图】通过模仿读,小组读,加深学生对文本的学习和理解,并通过读提高和完善学生的语音语调。Step 4: Post-reading1. Activity book. P22 & P24 Read and tick.2. A new story about Ma Liang.(1) Read the story together.(2)Discuss: Did the bad man come back? Why?A different

15、 ending. What do you think? What about your ending? Try to think about it and create your ending. Well talk about it next class.3.Summary. What did we learn today? A story about Ma Liang. Lets review it. 引导学生根据板书内容复述故事。 【教学意图】通过不一样的结局,拓展学生思维,鼓励学生进行故事新编,进一步提高学生灵活应用语言进行听说读写的综合能力。Step 5: Homework1. Lis

16、ten and imitate the story.2.Tell the story to your parents.3. Make a new story about Ma Liang. 板书设计: He painted food. It became real. nice only helpeda magic paintbrush didnt help selfish He painted gold. greedy It didnt become real. It became a snake. didnt come back 教学反思:马良这个故事对于四年级的孩子来说比较熟悉,有的孩子看

17、过动画片,有的读过书,也有的是听爸爸妈妈讲的故事,因此对于孩子来说,故事的发展过程和结局都没有information gap,所以在本课的教学设计中,我认为把两个单元合并在一起讲,进行单元统整,给孩子们呈现出一个完整的故事效果会更好。本篇故事一共有8副图片,我把它分成3个部分进行了不同方式的呈现:第一部分包含第1,2和3副图,通过回答问题掌握主要内容,并加入Unit2 中活动3的练习,让学生进行思维发散,马良不仅仅能画food,还有shoes, a house, a cow, books等等,并通过替换练习进一步巩固重点句型:_didnt have _. So Ma Liang painted

18、 _. Then _ became real.知道Ma Liang was super! The paintbrush was super!Everything is wonderful. But It was not the ending. 通过话题转折引出the bad man;第二部分包含第4,5和6副图,也是通过问题梳理主要内容,并让学生通过对比板书理解为什么神笔只帮助马良,而不帮助这个坏人;第三部分包括第7和8副图,通过填空的方式理解故事的结局,并知道为什么这个坏男人最后没有回来的原因。故事讲完后的Watch the CD-ROM 和Listen and imitate帮助学生更好地

19、理解课文和掌握优美的语音语调;课堂活动手册是检测学生对马良这篇课文的理解,是学习的反馈;最后通过美文欣赏,让学生知道可以有不一样的结局,自己也可以create a new ending,并带到下节课来分享,培养学生的阅读能力和写作能力。本课始终围绕着马良的故事这条主线展开教学,教材中和故事内容有关的练习,比如Unit2 活动3作为一个故事情节纳入到故事学习中,而和故事内容无关的活动和练习统统没有出现在本课时的学习当中,主题清晰,创设了一脉贯通的主题式情境,“小学英语主题式情境教学的实践和研究”课题成果凸显。讲故事是明线,语法是一条暗线,就是教会学生能运用一般过去时讲述过去发生的事情。第一课时应

20、该是泛读,让学生整体感知故事的内容,因此关于动词过去式的变化没有强调太多,只对影响本课理解的几个关键词进行了梳理,如:become became, say said,但学生在表述的过程中也容易出错,忽略过去时的使用,如:Ma Liang is a good boy. He help people.毕竟本学期学生刚刚开始学习过去时态,需要潜移默化中不断纠错。本篇故事中的词汇量也比较大,因此我采取了三种方式讲授新词汇:(1)对于四会单词通过word cards进行精讲,如:became(become) real, a magic paintbrush,gold(old, cold, told),结

21、合自然拼读和单词迁移的方法帮助学生能见其形,读其音,知其意;(2)对于学生以前学习过的单词但词义不同的可以一带而过,如:took, said;(3)还有一些单词可以让学生在故事情境中理解和掌握,比如:snake, angry, come back. 关于动词过去式的规则与不规则变化,我通过作业的形式(Exercise paper)让学生进行梳理和归纳,学生通过Module 1到Module 5的学习,已能进行自我整理和总结,自我学习的能力也得到提高;此外,关于含有didnt的否定句,学生在Module 3 中已经进行相关学习,知道在didnt “照妖镜”的后面动词要被“打回原形”,因此,我在设

22、计板书时故意将It didnt become gold.写成It didnt became gold.通过学生的自我纠错进一步强调重难点和易错点,一举多得。本篇故事没有悬念,因此我采用了Mind Map和Why questions进行思维训练和思维发散,如:How did you know this story? What was Ma Liang like? What do you think of the bad man? Why did the magic paintbrush only help Ma Liang? Why didnt the gold become real? Why

23、 did the bad man go to sea? 学生在回答问题过程中不仅仅是运用语言来表达,更多的是运用语言来思考。现在教学倡导核心素养的培养,它不仅仅包括语言知识和语言能力,还要培养学生的思维品质和文化素养。在本课教学中,我通过思维导图进行板书,不仅仅是重点句型和词汇,更多的是帮助学生分析人物特点,故事发生的背景、过程和结果,不断抛出的Why questions 引导学生架构完整的故事脉络,从而使学生不仅仅学习的是时态、语法、词汇和句子,更多的是透过故事看本质,是知识的融合拓展,是思维的深度发展,是文化素养的锻造提升!本节课因为时间有限,不能让学生在课堂上分享different endings实属遗憾,要不我们会看到更多思维火花的碰撞和闪耀,不过也给了学生更多的时间进行思考,积蓄力量。

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