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九年级英语全册 Unit 5 It must belong to Carla导学案.docx

1、九年级英语全册 Unit 5 It must belong to Carla导学案Unit 5 It must belong to Carla本单元主要学习情态动词: must / may / can / might / could 表推测的用法,学会用这些情态动词谈论某种可能性。 第一课时: sectionA1a2c 编著:陈元林【 学习目标:】一 掌握本课时生词的正确发音及拼写:1,belong 属于 2,belong to 属于 3, author 作家,作者 4,picnic 郊游,野餐 5,hair band 发带 6, possibly 可能地(30的可能性)二 掌握短语 belo

2、ng to 的用法。三 掌握情态动词:must / may / can / might / could 表推测的用法。【学习重难点】1 belong to 的用法。2 情态动词:must / may / can / might / could 表推测的【学习过程】 一 课前复习下列句型:用 whose 询问物体所有者,用be 和所有格及名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词进行回答:A,这是谁的书? _ _ is this? 或:_ is this book?B,这是王平的书。This is _ book. = This book is _C,这是他的/我的书。This is _/ _ book.=

3、 This book is _/ _.二 重点导学: 1belong to 的用法:重点词组,意为:“某物属于某人或某人属于某个组织或团体”后接宾格。如:这是我的书。This book belongs to me.=This book is _= This is _ book .我是这个游泳俱乐部的成员。I _ _ the swimming club. 注:belong to 没有被动语态和进行时态。 误:This book is belonged to me. 或:This book is belonging to me .2情态动词must, may, can, might, could

4、表示推测的用法:(1) must, may, might, could. 表示肯定的推测。其中 must 表示“一定”,有90以上的把握。May 次之。Might, could 可能性最小。如:This book must be Toms, his name is on it. Where is my book? It may be in your desk.(无根据但有可能)(2)can 只用于否定句和疑问句。如:(有人敲门)完成下列对话: A:_ it be Tom? 可能是汤姆吗? B:No, it _ be Tom, he has gone to America yesterday.不

5、可能是汤姆,他昨天去美国了。Cant 表示推测的意义与must 刚好是反义词。三)课堂展示1、各小组竞赛朗读本课时生词。2、完成课文35页中的2C部分的习题。2单项选择: 1) Whose book is this ? It _ be Lindas, it has her name on it. A can B may C must D need 2) Have you decided where to spend your summer holiday? Not yet, We _ go to Qingdao. A must B should C need D may 3) Look at

6、that girl ! Is it Susan? No, it _ be her, she has gone back to her hometown. A, mustnt B, cant C, neednt D, wouldnt 4) Whose shirt is this? It _ be LiLeis, It is too big for him. A, could B, must C, cant D, might 5) What is your mother going to do this Saturday? I am not sure, She _ go to see my gra

7、ndmother.A, can B, must C, may D, should 四)、特别提示: 1 must/ may/ might/could be + 名词性物主代词/名词所有格/ 形代+名词。 如:Whose book is this? It must be mine/ Toms / her book.2 must/ may/ might / could belong to +宾格代词或名词。如:It must belong to him / Tom.五)、听力训练:完成课文中34,35 页1b, 2a, 2b 中的听力任务。四、【课后巩固】:一)翻译词组;1 他最喜欢的作家。 2

8、在野营活动中 3 听古典音乐 4 打排球 5 在上学 6学法语 7 去参加音乐会 8 弹吉它 9 属于 二)根据句意,用must, could, cant 填空。1 Whose skirt is this? I think it _ be Annas , she is the only girl who wears a skirt in our class.2 Whose earring is this? It _ be Alices, she wears earrings sometimes.3 Whose jeans are these? I found them on the chair

9、 in the living room. They _ be mine, I put all my jeans on my bed .4 Is this Jims football? Yes, it _ be his , There is his name on it . Unit 5 It must belong to Carla 第二课时 导学案:(section A 3a-4) 编著:陈元林【学习目标】:一掌握本课时生词的正确发音及拼写(P36)1.drop 落下,掉下。 2。Symphony. 交响乐 3,optometrist. 验光师。配镜师4,appointment 约会. 约定

10、. 5, crucial 关键的,至关重要的。6,make up 形成,组成。 7,final 最后的,最终的。8,anxious 忧虑的,焦虑的 9,worried. 烦恼的,焦虑的。 10,owner. 所有者,物主。11,Oxford university 牛津大学。二 正确理解3a 中的课文 三 掌握本课时中出现的重点词汇、短语和句型。【学习重难点】一)理确3a 中的课文。二)重点词汇,短语和句型。【学习过程】 一课前预习本课时生词。掌握各生词的正确发音。二 预习3a 中的课文,给句子排序。三正确翻译出每个句子?重点导学:1 anxious = worried焦虑的,烦恼的。Be an

11、xious about / for 为-而担忧。= be worried about =worry about .如Dont be anxious about him.=Dont worry about him.= Dont be worried about him.2 Be anxious to do sth. 渴望做He is anxious to buy a new bike, but anxious about having no money.3 Drop 落下,掉下。You dropped your keys on the ground.Drop = give up 放弃。Engli

12、sh is hard, but dont drop it .4 Its crucial that +从句。 关键是- Its crucial that I must finish my work before 8:00. Its crucial for sb to do sth. 对于某人来说,做- 是至关重要的。Its crucial for me to finish my work before 8:00.5 make up 构成,组成;编造。 One hundred years make up a century. 一百年构成一个世纪。Make up a conversation . 编

13、一段会话。6 because + 从句。回答why 引导的问句。 Because of + 名词/ V-ing .如Why didnt he come to school today? Because he was ill. He didnt come today because of his illness. 7owner 拥有者,主人。 动词为:own 拥有。He owns the house, so he is the owner of it. 8The earrings might be a present for his mother. 这对耳环有可能是给他母亲的礼物。五 课堂展示。

14、(一)各小组展示预习成果,朗读本课时生词,(二)展示3a 中课文预习成果,给句子排序。(三)展示对3a / 3b / 4 中的重点词汇,短语和句型的预习成果,完成下列习题。 A、用所给词的正确形式填空。 1,We havent found the _ (own) of this watch till now. 2, Do you know why Tony feels _ (worry) these days.? 3, His pen _ (drop) during his party last night . 4, He failed the _ ( finally) exam. B、单项选

15、择。 1The bags must be _, A: Lileis and Lipings B: LiLei and Lipings C: LiLeis and Liping D: LiLei and LiPing 2 The exam_ 25 of the final exam. A make up of B; makes up of C makes up D: makes of 3 If you have _ idea where it might _, please call me . A: some is B; any is C: some, / D: any be 4“What do

16、es anxious mean ? “It means _”. A: worried B: happy C: serious D: worry 5 He didnt go to the concert _ his mothers death. A: because B: for C: because of D: as 四【课后巩固】。一) 句型转换;The man outside the door must be Mr Green.(改否定)The man outside the door _ _ Mr Green. 2, Do you know whose the computer is ?

17、 (写同义句) Do you know _ the computer _ _? 3, He didnt go to school because it rained heavily. (写同义句) He didnt go to school _ _ the _ rain. 4, This may be Jims pen (就划线部分提问) _ _ may be this? 5, He is worried about his test. (写同义句)He _ _ his test. = He_ _ _ his test.二) 根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。1屋里的灯亮着,李明一定在里面。

18、The light in the room is _, LiMing _ _ in.2池塘里有太多的水。 _ too _ water in the pool.3, 这种药对这个男孩的生命是至关重要的。 This medicine is _ to the boys life.4, 那副眼镜是我的。 That _ of _ _ _ _5, 我希望取得好成绩。 I hope to _ _ _ Unit 5 It must belong to Carla 第三课时:导学案:(Section B 1a-2c)编著:陈元林【学习目标】: 一)掌握本课时生词的正确发音及拼写:P37 1, chase: 追逐

19、,追赶。 2,sky 天空,天 3,helicopter. 直升机。 4,creature 生物。动物。 5,catch 赶上,捕获。 二) 完成2a / 2b 中的听力任务。三)掌握本时中出现的重点词汇,短语和句型。【学习重难点】一)重点词汇,短语和句型。二)听力理解。【学习过程】 一)预习本课时生词,掌握各生词的正确发音。 二)预习37页中 1 中的内容,看图利用方柜里的单词,写出其b,c 图画里的两个句子。 a. The UFO is landing. b, _ c,_三)、听力训练。完成2a, 2b 中的听力任务。四)、重点导学:1,be late for school/ work 上

20、学/班迟到。2,see sb doing sth, 看见某人正在做- 3,a woman with a camera. 一个带相机的妇女。4,catch a bus 赶汽车。5,must / may /could / might +be +doing sth.一定/可能正在做某事,(猜测某人正在做-)Cant / may not / might not / could not +be +doing sth 一定不 / 不可能正在做- 6, make a movie. 拍电影。五)、课堂展示;一)各小组展示预习成果,朗读本课时生词。 二)展示重点导学学习成课,完成下列习题。A、 根据句意及首字母

21、提示完成下列句子。1,Dont c_ after others in the street, Its dangerous.2, We can see lots of stars in the s_ at night.3, My uncle bought a c_yesterday, Because he wants to learn to take photos4,The plane l_ ten minutes ago.5, He got up very carly this morning to c_ the first bus.B、用所给动动词的适当形式填空。1,I saw him _(

22、watch) TV when I came in .2, She could be _(shop) in the suppermarket.3, There is a pen _(lie) on the ground.4, Linda _(make) a lots of friends since she came here.5, This book might belong to _( she) 四【课后巩固】。一)单项选择;1,Why do you think the man is running? He could _ for exercise.A, be running B, run

23、C, go D, be good 2, Is there _ in the sky? A, something B, something strange C, strange something D, anything strange 3, The dictionary _ Lucy. A, is belonged to B, belongs to C, was belonging to D, belonged 4, Must I finish work today? _ A, Yes, you need, B, No, you mustnt C, Certainly not D, No, y

24、ou neednt 5, Whats that in the tree, can you see? There must _ some birds _ in it . A, are, sitting, B, be, sit C, have, sitting D, be, sitting 二) 根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。1,他们一定是在拍电影。 They _ _ _ a movie.2,我妈妈可能在家。A:_ my mother _ at home.B: My mother _ _ at home.3, 昨天汤姆上学又迟到了。Tom _ _ _ school again yesterd

25、ay.4, 多奇怪的生物呀!What a _ _!5, 他喜欢跑步锻炼。He likes _ _ _ Unit 5 It must belong to Carla 第四课时:导学案: (Section B 3a- 4 ) 编著:陈元林【学习目标】:一)掌握本课时生词的正确发音及拼写:1unhappy 不快乐的 反义词:happy 2 extremely极其非常3 interview.面试,采访4,noise噪音5,wind风 6,neighbor邻居7,footstep 脚步声,足迹8 garbage垃圾,废料9, director.主管,主任10,monkey猴子11,escape 逃跑,逃

26、走二)正确理解3a 中的课文,并能流利颂读. 三)掌握本课时中出现的重点词汇和句型.【学习重难点】一) 3a4中的重点词汇和句型。二)颂读3a 中的课文。三)3c 中的写作练习。【学习过程】一)预习本课时单词并掌握其正确发音和拼写。二)重点理解3a 中的课文,尝试正确翻译每个句子。三)找出3a -4 中的重点词汇和短语。四)尝试颂读课文。五)尝试续写3c 中的课文。六)、重点导学:1 Strange events in Bell Tower neighborhood. 钟塔社区的奇怪事。2 used to do sth: 过去常常做某事。 Be / get used to doing sth:

27、 习惯于做某事。 I used to get up at 7:00, but now I am used to getting up at 6:00. Did you use to get up at 7:00? There used to be many trees here. 3 these days 这些天,如今。4 happen (偶然地,无计划地) 发生.无被动语态。An accident happened to Liping.李平发生了车祸。误:An accident was happened to Liping. Liping happended an accident. 5 i

28、n the neighborhood = near here 社区,附近。6 everyone is unhappy. 不定代词作主语,谓语动词用单数。7 be worried = be anxious be worried about = worry about 如:Dont be worried about that = Dont worry about that .8 noise噪音, voice 嗓音 sound 声音 如:There is a loud noise outside the classroom, so the teacher raised his voice and s

29、aid : “ light travels faster than sound.” 9 I think it must be teenagers having fun : having fun 现在分词作后置定语。 如:The man standing under there tree is my brother. 10 anything strange 任何奇怪的事情。形容词修饰不定代词,要后置。 如:I have something important to tell you. 11, There must be something -含情态动词的there be 结构形式。在这里表推测:一定有-。12,escape from : 从- 逃离。13, be afraid of 害怕。14,in ones dream. 在某人梦中。课堂展示:一)各小组展示,朗读本课时单词。 二)各小组展示对3a中课文的理解。三)各小组展示对3c 中课文的续写。四)各小组展示对重点导学中考点的掌握情况,完成下列习题。 A)单项选择:1,There is too much noise, _ ? A: What is happen

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