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1、高二年级英语教学计划Telephones高二年级英语教学计划:Telephones教材是死的,不能随意更改。但教法是活的,课怎幺上全凭教师的智慧和才干。下面这篇是小编为大家整理的高二年级英语教学计划:Telephones,希望大家喜欢!一、教法建议【 抛砖引玉 】单元双基学习目标. 词汇学习get together, all the best , have a word with , in other words ,excellent , chat , connect with , hire , wind ( vt . ) , strengthen ,frequently , recover

2、, smart , distant , lately , interrupt ,remind , lack , due , income , announce , bargain , sew ,needle , thread , frequent , free of charge , dial , have onconversation , handle ( n . ) , directory , telephone ,. 交际英语1. Hello . Can I speak to , please? There is no here .2. Im sorry . I think I dial

3、led the wrong number .3. Hello . Is that ? I called to ask/tell you4. Hold on . Ill go and get5. Please could I have a word with ?6. Ill have to ring off now . Someone wants to use the phone . 语法学习进一步学习名词性从句的用法。作用相当于名词的从句叫名词性从句。名词性从句包括主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句。1 . 主语从句:复合句中充当主语的从句叫主语从句。如:That he is ready

4、 to help others is well - known .( that 引导主语从句在从句中没有含义,也不充当成分,但不宜省略。 )Whether he will attend the meeting is not decided . ( 不用 if 引导主语从句。 )其他的连接词还有 who , what , which , when , where , how , why 等。如:Which team will win the match is still unknown .What we need is your help .How he became a famous musi

5、cian is known to all .主语从句做主语,句子显得不太平衡,因此常将它移到名子后面,前面用引导词 it 来作形式主语。如:Its a pity that she had made such a mistake .2 . 表语从句:用作表语的从句叫表语从句。如:That is why I didnt attend the meeting .I didnt know it . That is because I didnt attend the meeting .They are just what Im looking for .其他连词还有 that , whether ,

6、as if , who , which , when , where , how , why等。3 . 同位语从句:用作同位语的从句,叫同位语从句。它一般跟在抽象名词 ( 如 idea , news , fact , possibility 等的后面,用以说明名词所表示的具体内容。引导同位语的词有连词 that , 连接副词 how ,when , where 等。如:The idea that computers will recognize human voices surprises many people .The possibility that the majority of th

7、e labour force will work at homeis often discussed .注意同位语从句同定语从句的区别:1 ) 同位语从句的连接词 that 在从句中不充当成份,没有实际含义,而定语从句的连接词 that 在从句中常做主语或宾语。如:The news that he told us just now is exciting . ( 定语从句 )The news that our team won the game is exciting . ( 同位语从句 )2 ) 同位语从句的连接词 that 在从句中不能省略,而定语从句的连接词that 如果在从句中充当宾语

8、,可以省略。如:The news that he told us just now is exciting .句中的 that 在从句中做 told 的直接宾语,所以可以省略。3 ) 同位语从句常用连接词 that , 连接副词 when , where 等常用于 have no( some ) idea 后。如:I have no idea when he will be back . ( 同位语从句 ) =Idont know when hell be back .I will never forget the day when I joined the army . ( 定语从句 )【

9、指点迷津 】very 误用例析1 . 误 Im very afraid hes out . 正 Im very much afraid hes out . 析 very 不能修饰 afraid , asleep , awake , alone , alive 等表语形容词,这类形容词要用其他副词修饰。如:be wide awake , be fast ( deep , sound )asleep , be quite alone , be very much alive。2 . 误 The situation seems to be very improved . 正 The situatio

10、n seems to be very much ( much ) improved . 析 在没有形容词化仍有动词性的现在分词和过去分词之前不能用 very ,应用 very much 或 much。very 只能修饰 amusing , disappointing , exciting ,interesting , moving , pleasing , satisfying , devoted , interested , learned , pleased ,surprised , tired , worried 等形容词化的分词。3 . 误 Im very tired that I c

11、ant walk a bit farther . 正 Im so tired that I cant walk a bit farther . 析 very 不能替代 sothat 和 tooto 中的 so 和 too 修饰其形容词和副词。sothat 与 tooto 属于固定句型结构。4 . 误 It was very impossible for her to catch the 9 oclock train . 正 It was quite impossible for her to catch the 9 oclock train . 析 very 不能修饰 impossible ,

12、 mistaken , different , right 和 wrong 等不可分等级的形容词。修饰这些词时,常用 quite。5 . 误 The book is very worth reading . 正 The book is well worth reading . 析 worth 是表语形容词,表示很值得时,常用 well 修饰而不用 very。6 . 误 He is very anxious to leave . 正 He is too anxious to leave . 析 句式主语 + 系动词 + ( only , , but ) too + adj . + to do s

13、th . ,意为非常或 + 分去干某事,此时不用 very 代替 too。能用于这一句式的形容词有anxious , eager , ready , pleased , glad 等。二、学海导航【 学法指要 】单元重点词汇点拨1 . hire 常用作动词,意为雇用 ( 某人 ) ( =employ ) ;租借 ( 东西 ) (=rent ) 。例如:They hired five more hands for the rice harvest .They hired a concert hall with accommodations for 300 people .2 . wind 用作动

14、词时,为不规则动词,过去式和过去分词都是 wound , 可以表示 ( 道路、河流等 ) 弯曲,蜿蜒; ( 把毛线等 ) 卷起,卷成球; ( 把某物 ) 卷在 ( 某物、人等 ) 上,缠绕;上紧 ( 发条 ) 。例如:The river winds through the jungle .The road winds up the mountain .Will you wind the wool into a ball?3 . strong 用作形容词,其名词形式为 strength , 动词形式为 strengthen。例如:Which do you think is stronger ,

15、a lion or a tiger?He has a very strong will .They took strong measures at last .The light is too strong for this room .This coffee is too strong for me .He got his strength back slowly after his illness .She doesnt have enough strength to walk upstairs .We want to strengthen our ties with them .4 .

16、interrupt 意为阻碍 ( 某人 ) ,打断 ( 某人 ) 的话;使 ( 工作、谈话等 ) 中断, ( 使 ) 终止。例如:Dont interrupt ( me ) while I am working .Im sorry to interrupt you , but theres someone to see you .A flash interrupted the program .5 . lack 既可用作名词,意为欠缺,不足;也可用作动词,意为缺少, (对 ) 不充裕。例如:The project failed due to lack of money .Lack of hea

17、t made us cold .She lacked the experience to get the job .They are so rich that they lack for nothing .6 . need 既可用作实义动词,也可用作情态动词,意为需要。用作实义词时,其后通常跟名词,带 to 的不定式或动词 - ing 形式作宾语。例如:I need your help .Here are some exercises that need to be done after class .Your telephone needs repairing ( =to be repair

18、ed ) .用作情态动词,通常用在否定句或疑问句中。例如:Need you go now?You , I must .You neednt come to the meeting this afternoon if you have something importantto do .7 . announce 用作动词,意为发表,宣布,告知,其名词形式为announcement。The government announced its new economic policies .The news was announced to the public on TV .Please announ

19、ce to your class that there will be no school tomorrow .A warm sunshine announces the coming of spring .Id like to make an important announcement .8 . recognize 用作及物动词,意为认出;辩认。例如:He didnt recognize me in my disguise .I recognized his voice over the phone .另外,recognize 还可以作承认;意识到解。例如:He refused to re

20、cognize her as his lawful heir .We recognize that country as an independent state .单元词组思维运用1 . All the best . 是临别时表示祝愿的用语,相当于 All the best wishes toyou . 的意思。也可以说:All the very best . 后面还可以加适当的状语。例如:All the best in your new job .All the best with your family .All the best in your study/business .2 .

21、have a word with 意为和说句话,其中的 a word 也可以用 a few words代替,表示 ( 说 ) 几句话的意思。例如:May I have a word with you?I want to have a few words with you , are you free now?The teacher would like a word with you in his office .Is Miss Mary in? Id like to have a word with her .3 . in other words 意为换句话说;换言之;而 in a ( on

22、e ) word 意为总之,总而言之;in words 意为用语言,用文字。例如:They are not the revolutionary in deeds , but in words .In a word , they are working very hard .An apple a day keeps a doctor away . In other words , eating some fresh fruitevery day will do good to peoples health .In other words , we can finish the work on t

23、ime only in this way .He has been working too much , and is not at all well . In other words , he needsholiday .4 . bring along 意为把带来,领来。例如:I want to bring my friend along to see you .Bring your suitcase along with you .5 . be connected with 的意思是与有关 ( =to be related to ) 。例如:I always considered your

24、 brother to be connected with that club .The meeting was connected directly with this affair .He is in no way connected with this business .The discussion will be connected closely with our work .6 . go wrong 意为出了毛病。go + adj . 表示转变成,go 是连系动词,意为变得。这个结构常表示情况变坏。例如:What can be done in order to make sure

25、 that no one in the world goes hungry?The machines go wrong .He went almost mad when he heard the news .His illness is going worse .7 . have on ( =be wearing ) 穿 ( 戴 ) 着,表示状态,无进行时态,但有动词 - ing 短语形式。例如:The man having nothing on walked in the wools .put on 表示穿的动作,wear 表示穿的状态。两者后均跟表示服装的名词作宾语,wear 还可以表示戴

26、手表,眼镜,首饰,花等。in 表示穿的状态,但它除接表示服装的名词外,还可接表示颜色的名词。例如:He put on his raincoat and soon disappeared in the rain .The man , wearing black glasses , is in blue .dress 既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词,后面只能跟表示人的名词或代词 ( 表示自己穿衣时用反身代词 ) ,不能跟表示服装的名词。例如:After the bath , he dressed himself .She hurriedly dressed her daught

27、er and took her to the zoo .The beggar was poorly dressed .( 过去分词 dressed 用作表语,表示穿的状态。 )Get up and dress quickly .pull on , have on , put on 均为动词 + 副词构成的短语动词,这类短语动词当其后的宾语为名词时既可放在两词中间,也可放在副词后;若其后的宾语为代词时,则宾语只能放在两词中间,如你今天不必戴帽子。可译为:You dont need to put on your cap today .You dont need to put it on today

28、 . ( it refers to your cap here ; We cant say puton it )8 . in case 用作连词,意为在的情况下,万一的话;以防,免得。例如:In case anything important happens , please call me up .Take a taxi in case you are late for the meeting .In case I forget , please remind me of it .in case of 万一,以防,后面跟名词。如:In case of fire , dial 119 .Tak

29、e your raincoat in case of rain .单元难点疑点思路明晰1 . Would you like a word with her?你想和她说几句话吗?a word =a few words 与某人说话交谈 have a word with sb . =have a fewwords with sb1 ) Is Mary in? I want to have a few words with her .与 word 有关的常用词组。address a few words to sb . 对某人讲几句话 break ones word 失信,食言not to breathe a word about sth .对某事只字不提 eat ones words 收回前言,承认说错

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