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1、英语易混词汇讲与练英语易混词汇讲与练1althoughthough (1) 一般情况下,两者可换用(although多用于句首)。 (2) 所引导的让步状语从句放在主句前从句中用部分倒装时,用though(=as)。 (3) 只能说as though(=as if); even though(even if)。 (4) though可用作副词,放在句末或句中表示“然而”“不过”,although不可。 (1)_ they tried hard, they didnt finish the work on time. (2) They didnt stop to have a rest_they

2、 were tired. (3) He speaks English as _he were an Englishman. (4) Even _he didnt tell me anything about it. I know the whole thing. (5) _Child he is, he knows a lot about computers. (6) He said he would help me with my English; he didnt_, . 2too muchmuch too too much后接不可数名词(如果接可数名词用too many),还可单独使用,

3、用作代词或副词(作宾语或状语)。 much too不可单独使用,后面要接形容词或其他副词可修饰动词。 (1) The car is _expensive for a common family in China. (2) You drank_ last night. (3) You eat _sugar every day. Its bad to your health. (4) Its _hot today. (5) What you said is _for the girl. 3holidayvacationleaveoff (1) Christmas is a _for everybo

4、dy (2) The children will take their summer _in half a month. (3) The manager is on _.(4) The headmaster gave me a day_. (5) I have to ask you for half a days _.4allow / permit/let/make allow和permit在许多情况下可以换用,只是词义的强弱有些差别:allow侧重于“听任 默许 不加阻止”;permit强调“正式认可” “批准”的意思。Let属普通用语;make是“使”。在使用中还要注意以下几点: (1)

5、可以说allowpermit sbto do不可以说allowpermit sbdoing。 (2) 可以说allowpermit doing不可以说allowpermit to do。 (3)可以说let sb. do sth. 不可以说 let sb. to do sth. (4)可以说make sb. do sth.不可以说make sb. to do sth. 但要说:Sb. is made to do sth. 1. Students are not allowed _(enter)the net-bar. 2. Children are not permitted _(watch)

6、this play. 3. Do you allow_(smoke)in the office? 4. Please let me_(introduce)myself. 5. What make you_(think)I am a farmer? 6. The children are made_(do)a lot of homework every day. 7. That teacher often _too much noise in the classroom. 8. Schools do not _smoking. 9. He was angry with me and didnt

7、_me into the room. 5throughacross across(横过、穿过)着重指从一条线或一物体表面的一边到另一边。含义与on有关。 through(穿过,从通过)着重指空间的一头纵穿到另一头。含义与in有关。 (1)A train is running _the tunnel. (2)Dont run _the street while the traffic light is red. (3)There is a shop _the road. (4)I dont think he will live _the night. 6be made frombe made o

8、fbe made inbe made intobe made up of be made offrom意为“由.制成”。用以制造的原材料已改变,在制成品中看不出原材料,用from;原料未改变,在制成品中仍看得出原材料,用of。 be made in指产地,意为“在.制造,由.制造”。 be made into意为“将.制成”。与以上短语不同,它的主语为原材料。 be made up of指“由.组成”。 1. This kind of books is made _ a kind of paper which is made _bamboo. 2. The necklace made_glas

9、s instead of diamond is made _GuangZhou. 3. What can this piece of wood made_? 4. The club is made_twenty members. 5. These table are made_ our factory. They were made_ wood. 6. Wood can be made_ tables and other furniture. 7. China is made _56 nations. 7by bikeon a bikein a bus by,in,on用于交通工具时用法如下:

10、 表示旅行方式,不涉及交通工具时用by。如:by air,by water,by sea,by land(road)。 泛指交通工具时用by,表交通工具的名词前不用冠词,不用复数词尾。如:by plane,by bus,by boat,by train。 交通工具前有冠词或物主代词等修饰词时,用in或on如:on a red bike,onin a bustrainship。 交通工具前有起始或到达时间时,也可用by。如:byon,the 11:00 train。 “骑马,骑骆驼,步行”均用on。如:。on horseback,on a horse,On the camel,On foot。

11、1.I usually go to school_bus,but this morning I went_my brothers bike. 2.I went there_the No.6 bus but came back_my friends car. 8no one/none (1) no one用来指人,不能接“短语,当它作主语时,谓语动词用单数 (2) none不仅指人也可指物,其后常接of短语,构成none of+名词/代词结构,当名词或代词为复数时,谓语动词用单复数均可. (3) 回答how manyhow much引起的问句用none;回答who引起的问句用no one. (1

12、)_ likes a person with bad manners. (2) _of his friends came to help him. (3) Almost _believes him. (4) _of them has/have seen the film.(5)-How much coal is left? -_ . (6) -Who entered the room? - _. (7) How many students are there in the classroom? - _. 9wear / dress / put on / have on / in / be dr

13、ess in / pull on / with (1) 强调动作 sb. dress sboneself ;sbput on(衣服、鞋、帽等) ;sbpull on(衣服、鞋、帽等) (2) 强调状态 sb. wear(衣服、鞋、帽、手套、眼镜、头发、胡须等。还可接颜色); sbhave on(衣服、鞋、帽、手套等) ;sbbe in(颜色、衣服); sbbe dressed in(颜色、衣服) (3)其他用法pull on表示不经心地、随随便便或匆匆忙忙地穿上戴上。 wear可用于进行时,有时可用wearing作状语或定语 have on不可用于进行时,也不可用现在分词作状语或定语 in除了

14、同be连用作表语外,还可单独作定语。 dress还可用作不及物动词,指“日常的穿着”。 with只能接眼镜、手套等,用作定语。 (1) She got up late, so she _her clothes and went to school in a hurry. (2)She is _a new skirt today. She looks more beautiful. (3)He is going out. He is _an overcoat. (4)The nurses are all _in white. (5) She _her son and sent him to sc

15、hool. Then she _herself in a coat and went to work. She always _well. (6)When a person is born, he/she _nothing When he/she dies, he/she carries nothing.(7)When did you get the shoes you _yesterday? (8)She likes to _black (clothes). (9)The girl _red is our monitor. (10) The woman teacher _glasses En

16、glish teacher. 10agree onagree withagree to agree on表示在某一点上达成协议或取得一致意见 agree with表示同意、赞成某人说的话,后接sb或wh-从句,或表达意见,想法,观点,决定的词(opinion, view, idea, decision)还可以表示与.一致,适合; 此时主语一般不是表示人的词. agree to后接计划、安排、建议、条件等词(plan, arrangement, suggestion, terms).agree to do。表示“同意做某事”。 (1) I_ what he said. (2) After a f

17、urther discussion, both sides _the date for the next meeting. (3) They didnt _each other on that point. (4) A verb should _its subject in number and person. (5) At last the teacher _give him another chance. (6) Do you _the arrangement? (7) They all _the matter. 11spendcosttakepay (1) sb. spend some

18、timemoney on sth或sbspend some time/money on sth.或sb. spend some time/money/(in)doing sth (2) sth. cost sb. some money/time/life/health (3) It takes sbsome time to do sth或sb. take some time to do sth或 sth take sb some time to do (4) sb. pay (sb.)some money (for)sth. (1) It _him three years to write t

19、he book. (= He _three years to write the book. The book _him three years to write. = He _three years writing the book. ) (2) Every year he _a lot of money on books/in buying books. (3) This dictionary _me 100 yuan. (4) Making experiment like that _much time and labour. (5) Careless driving may _you

20、your life. (6) They have decided to _70 000 yuan for the newly built house. (7) Well _you in a few days, when I have money. 12a number ofthe number of a number of的意思是“一些:许多”,相当于many,用于修饰可数名词。它所修饰的名词作主语时,中心词是复数名词,谓语动词用复数形式。 the number of的意思是“.的数量;号码”。当它与后面的名词连用时,中心词是the number。如果用作主语,即使后面的名词是复数,谓语也要用

21、单数。 (1)Do you know _my telephone? (2)_ trees planted in our village is never under 200 every year. (3)We have lived here for _years. (4) _jobless people grows in the country at present. (5) _students are playing football on the playground. (6) _students in our class is over 70. 13soundnoisevoice (1)

22、 sound指各种听得见的声音,这种声音可以是悦耳的,也可以是不悦耳的。 (2) noise指各种“噪音;响声;喧闹声”。 (3) voice指人的说话声、歌声或笑声,也可以指鸟鸣声,还可以用于比喻。 (1) I heard a strange _in the next room. (2)She listened to the low_, sad of the sea. (3) The manager must be in the next room. I heard his_ . (4)Dont make such a _. (5) The_ from that factory makes

23、it difficult for me to go to sleep. (6)_ travels fast, but light travels faster. (7)The baby cried at top of his _.14as many asas much as as many as意为“多达,之多”,常用在人或物的具体数量前,结构为:as many as+数词+复数名词。as much as常用在“雨量、水量、时间量、重量、钱数、价格”等方面,表示“总量”和“单位量”的大小,结构为:as much as十数词+复数名词。 比较:.倍数+as many+复数名词+as;倍数+as

24、much+不可数名词+as。 (1) _250 000 people lost their homes in the earth quake. (2)The rain is plentiful here, often _seventy inches every year. (3) At the job, she could earn _eighty dollars a week. (4)The civil war in that country lasted _16 years. 15prepareprepare forget(be)ready (1) get/be ready意为“准备好”,

25、强调准备的结果。常见结构有:get ready(for sth)get sth. Ready be ready(for sth)be ready to do(准备干某事,乐于干某事) (2) prepare意为“准备”,强调准备的动作与过程。宾语是这一动作的承受者。其后也可接双宾语,还可接不定式。 (3) prepare for意为“为.做准备”,for的宾语不是动作的承受者,而是表示准备的目的,即所要应付的情况。 prepare常见结构如下: prepare sth准备某物(事); prepare sthfor sth为做准备 prepare to do sth准备做某事 prepare f

26、or sth. 为某事做准备 prepare sbfor sth. 使某人对某事有思想准备 be prepared for sth准备好应付某事 (1) Mother was busy _lunch in the kitchen when I got home. (2)The doctor told the nurses to _the operation at once. (3) We _to do anything for the people. (4)Will you help me _the party? (5) Please _by seven o clock tomorrow mo

27、rning. (6)The teacher is _the exam. (7)The students are _the exam. (8)Will you _her for the bad news that is coming? 16discoverinventfind discover指“发现”原本存在而未为人所知的东西。discover还作发现(某种情况)”讲,后面可以接名词、代词、复合宾语、宾语从句;invent指“发明”原本不存在的东西;find指“找到”原本丢失的东西。 (1)Electricity wasnt _by Edison, but he _the electric l

28、ight. (2) Have you _the bike you lost last week? (3) We _her to a good doctor. (4)This kind of machine was _many years ago. 17completefinishend (1)词义方面:finish是一般用语,常用于完成日常活动,有时指“吃完”;complete是较正式的用语;常用于完成预定的任务、工程、建设等,有时含有“使.变得完整起来”的意思;end是指“结束”或“终止”某项活动,不强调该活动是否圆满完成。 (2)结构方面:finish后接名词、代词或动词ing形式;complete后接名词或代词;end后接名词或介词短语。 (3)词性方面:finish和end还可用作不及物动词,complete不可,但是complete可以用作形容词,意为“完整的,全部的”,用作表语或定语。finished可以用作表语或定语。 (1)This term will _

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