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1、国贸专业英语第9章资料Unit 9 Insurance for Goods in Transit货物运输保险 Is marine insurance(海上保险)only provided for ocean transport? Read the following article and you will know more about insurance for goods in transit. 海上保险是否仅仅为海洋运输提供服务?阅读下文,你将会对运输物资保险有更多的了解。Key terms : marine insurance 海上保险 insurance interest 可保利益

2、 total loss 全损 general average 共同海损1. The insurance that covers losses of goods in transit is always called marine insurance(海上保险), even though ocean transport may not be involved in the matter at all . 为货物在运输过程中所受损失提供保障的保险一般称为海上保险,甚至货物不在海上进行运输。Marine insurance is a contract(合同) whereby(凭那个) an insu

3、rer(保险人) indemnifies(赔偿) the insured(被保险人) against losses incident(伴随而来的) to transportation. 海上保险是一种合同,通过该合同,保险人对运输过程中的损失对被保险人进行赔偿。2. Originally marine insurance was provided only for transport and consequently the name was adopted(采用). 起初,海上保险仅仅为海上运输所提供,后来这个名字沿用了下来。When marine insurance applies to

4、ocean transport it is called wet marine insurance(海洋海上保险).应用在海上运输中的保险称为海洋海上保险。 If no ocean transport is involved it is called inland marine insurance or dry marine insurance. 如果不涉及海洋运输则称为内陆水上保险。Either way, it exists to protect goods from the perils(事故,风险) of transportation.无论是前者还是后者,都用于保护货物在运输中不受各种事

5、故的影响。3. Marine insurance for marine adventure(冒险) was one of the first forms of insurance.为海上冒险事业而设的海上保险是最早的险种之一。In early times insurance was forbidden by most Christian(基督教的)and Islamic(伊斯兰教的)religious(宗教的)tenets(信条) because it was interpreted(解释)as a means of avoiding the punishment God meant for(

6、预定作某种用途) seafarers(航海者).保险早期受到基督教和伊斯兰教信条的禁止,因为根据其教义,保险是航海者逃避上帝惩罚的工具。Attitudes changed quickly with the discovery of America and routes from Europe to Far East.发现美洲大陆以及欧洲到远东的航线后,这种态度很快得到转变。Not only did voyages become longer and riskier; but ships became larger and cargos more valuable. 随着航程越来越远,航行风险加

7、大,船舶吨位上升,货物的价值增大。Ship owners who gladly accepted the risk of sailing a 70-foot ship from England to France balked (犹豫不决)at an uninsured(没有保险)3 month passage(路程) of a vessel(船)of several times(几倍)the tonnage to the Americas or around Africa to India and the Far East. 如果驾驶长度为70英尺的轮船往返于英国与法国之间,船主们会很乐于接

8、受;但是如果没有保险,驾驶吨位几倍以上的海轮赴美洲或者绕过非洲到达印度和远东,航程达三个月,船主们都会犹豫不决。Consequently the English developed the standard marine insurance policy or contract of indemnification(赔偿)for the perils (事故,风险)of the sea.于是,英国人建立了标准的海上保险合同,对海难进行赔偿。The most famous and earliest insurance group was Lloyds of London, an associat

9、ion(协会;社团) in the United Kingdom. 最早最有名的海上保险团体是一家英国的机构,叫伦敦劳合社。The corporation defines the rules of operation, but individual members called names, or groups of members called syndicates (辛迪加;联合企业),actually underwrite(承担) the risks.该组织规定操作规则,但是真正承担风险的是被称为会员的个人或者辛迪加的一组成员。4. A marine insurance policy(保

10、险单)will generally be issued(发布) only to a party with an insurable interest(可保利益). 保单通常只发给享受可保利益的团体。This means that the policy is issued only to the actual party who would suffer a financial loss if damage occurred while the policy is in force(生效).也就是说,只发给在保单生效过程中发生损害的真正经济受损方。An insurable interest is

11、 not necessarily ownership of the cargo itself. 可保利益不一定是货物的所有权本身。For example, if one is obligated (a. 有义务的) to pay transportation costs, one may insure against the cost of paying freight a second time if the goods are lost in transit. 例如,假定某人必须承担运输费用,他就可以投保,以免一旦货物在运输中受损失时还要对货物再次做出赔偿。A typical marine

12、 insurance policy contains the name of the insured(被保险人)and a description(描述)of what is to be insured and specifies(指定) the risks that are to be covered, the trip or period of time for which the policy will be in force(生效), the value limits of the policy(保险单),and the name of the insurance carrier(承运

13、人). 典型的海上保险单包括被保险人姓名、对保险标的的描述、承保的险别、保单生效的航程或期限、保单金额限制以及保险公司的名称。Marine insurance is normally(一般地) sold through brokers(经纪人) who specialize in this business. 海上保险一般通过专门从事该业务的经纪人出售。Though such brokers represent the insurance carriers, they have a duty of fair dealing(公平交易) to the insured.尽管经纪人代表保险公司,但他

14、们也有义务与被保险人进行公平交易。5. Why insure cargo at all ? 为什么要对货物保险呢?Isnt the carrier responsible if something is damaged? 如果遇到损失,承运人不该负责吗?Often the carrier has no liability. 很多情况下承运人并没有责任。 The responsibility of the carrier is defined by trade custom and often formalized (使正式的)in the U.S. Carriage of Goods by S

15、ea Act, which is specified as the applicable law in most ocean bills of lading(海运提单) issued (发行的)today.承运人的责任有贸易规定,常常通过美国货物运输海上法案进行规范,在当今签发的许多海运提单上都表明该法案适用。6. The carrier must provide a seaworthy(适于航海的) ship, a proper crew(船员),and shipshape(井然有序的) machinery. 承运人必须提供可以适用航海的船只、合适的船员、井然有序的机械装置。If the c

16、arrier does the loading it must properly load, handle, stow(收藏), carry, and discharge cargo. 如果承运人负责装卸货物,则必须妥善装载、操作、收藏、运送和卸载所运货物。 Unless the cargo owner can prove that the vessels ownership did not meet these obligations(义务), and the failure caused the loss, the ship owner is not liable(有责任的) for da

17、mage.除非货主能证明船主因没有达到以上要求而造成损失,船主不对损失负责。7. Even if the shipper can prove that the vessel did not meet its obligations(义务), the clause paramount(首要条款)of the bill of lading will probably specify that the U.S. Carriage of Goods by Sea Act(CAGSA) 货物运输海上法案is the law applicable to the transaction.即使货主能证实船舶达

18、不到以上要求,提单的首要条款上也很可能说明了美国货物运输海上法案适用于此次交易 。This law limits the damages to be paid by the carrier to $500 per package if shipping by sea or $20 per kilogram if by air.该法案规定承运人赔偿的限额为:海运每件单位500美元;空运每公斤20美元。Most ocean bills of lading(海运提单)name CAGSA as the applicable law ,even though the U.S. may not be i

19、nvolved in any way in the contract.大部分海运提单规定美国货物运输海上法案为适用法案,即使在保单中任何一项都与美国无关。 The law that defines what particular collection of cargo constitutes(构成) a package is quite complicated(复杂的)and probably varies in the courts(法院) of different countries.多少货物为一件单位,对此做出定义的法案十分复杂,很可能在不同国家的法院中各不相同。8. It is up

20、to the cargo owner to prove that the carrier did not fulfill its obligations, and this is often difficult. 证明承运人未能履行职责的任务落在货主的头上,然而完成此项任务一般都十分困难。The only witnesses(证人)on the ship at sea are usually employees of the carrier, who are understandably (可以理解的)reluctant (不情愿的)to give evidence against their

21、 employer. 船舶在海上航行,唯一的证人是承运人手下的雇员,而他们往往不愿意提供对雇主不利的证据,这一点不难理解。Cargo damage often occurs with no fault(错误) on the part of the carrier. 货物受损往往不是承运人的错。The carrier can hardly be blamed for lightening strikes(闪电攻击) or port labor disputes(劳工纠纷). 遇到闪电的轰击或港口劳工纠纷就根本不能怪罪于承运人。The solution is for those with an i

22、nsurable interest to purchase marine insurance.解决问题的办法是有可保利益者 购买海上保险。9. Marine insurance claims are adjusted according to rules quite different from those used in ordinary casualty(意外事故) insurance.海上保险确定的依据与适用于普通意外事故保险的依据不同。Generally it is less difficult to adjust a marine insurance claim.一般来说海上保险没有

23、那么困难。10. When there is a partial loss of the value of insured(已投保的)cargo,the loss is called a particular average(单独海损). 被保险货物遭受部分损失成为单独海损。An example is storm damage to cargo stowed(装载)on deck.以装在甲板上的货物受风暴袭击为例。After the storm the cargo is worth one-third less than its value when shipped. 风暴过后,货物的价值比装

24、船时少了三分之一。Particular average is adjusted by determining the percentage of lessened value and multiplying(乘以) by the policy limits. 计算单独海损时要确定损失价值的百分比,再乘以保险金额。 In this case, if the policy limits were $1,000 the policy would pay $333,33. 在此案例中,如果保险金额为1000美元,保单将赔偿333,33美元。The policy limits are the absol

25、ute determination(依据)of the value of the cargo in marine insurance; the actual market value of the cargo , whether greater or less than the policy limits, is irrelevant(没有关系) for adjustment purposes.在海上保险中,保险金额为确定货物价值的绝对依据;而货物的实际市场价值,无论大于或小于保险金额,都没有关系。11. If a shipment can be divided into parts and

26、one part is totally destroyed, this is not exactly particular average. 如果运载货物分成若干部分,而其中一部分完全损坏,就不是严格意义上的单独海损。Marine insurance policies are usually broken down into value per unit in these cases.海上保险单在这些情况下通常对各部分的价值单独计算。A shipment of 20 luxury automobiles(汽车) may be covered by a policy that has limit

27、s of $50,000 per automobile, and if one is inadvertently(非故意地)dropped into the water and destroyed during loading the policy will pay $50,000 without regard to the losss percentage of the total shipment value.运送20部豪华轿车可以由一个保单涵盖,每部轿车保险金额为50,000美元,如果其中的一部不幸落入水中或在装载过程中损坏,保单将赔偿50,000美元,而不考虑在整个运输中价值损失的百分

28、比。12. If a shipment is so damaged that there is no value left, for example, in case of (万一,假设)a sinking in deep water, the claim(索赔)is easy to adjust: It is simply the policy limit. 如果货物损失十分严重,没有剩下什么价值,例如沉入深水,则赔偿金额很容易确定,就是保险金额。There is no bickering(争论)over the actual value of the shipment. 不用考虑货物的实际

29、价值。Such a total loss(共同海损) may occur without physical damage to the goods. 这种共同海损有可能发生,而货物本身并没有什么实际损坏。This could occur if a storm or engine problem at sea delays a shipment of parts until they can no longer be used by the buyer or the cargo is captured(捕获;占领)by an enemy. 可能由于风暴或海上发动机失灵,以至于购买者不能使用,或者

30、货物被敌人抢走。If covered by the policy this is called a constructive(推定的) total loss(推定全损). 如果进行了保险,则称之为推定全损。The insurance company will pay the policy limits, but will be entitled to(有权给) what is left of the goods. 保险公司将赔偿保险金额,但是有权享有剩下的货物。The insurer(保险公司,承保人)can perhaps sell them for some purpose and rec

31、over(弥补)at least some small part of their value.保险公司可能处于某种目的卖掉货物,来挽回至少一小部分价值。This is called salvage(海上救助) value残值。 这叫作委付。13. The owner of the goods is required by law to use all reasonable means to protect the goods. 依照法律货主必须尽全力保护货物的安全。If this is not done, coverage (保险金额)may be avoided by the insure

32、r(保险公司). 如果没有这么做,保险公司可以免付保险金额。The insurance company is liable to(有义务的) pay the expenses(费用)that the insured(被保险人)incurs(引发)in protecting the goods from harm. 保险公司有义务承担被保险人用于保护货物不受侵害而支付的费用。If it appears to a party that it will cost more to protect the goods than they are worth, either the insured(被保险

33、人) or insurer(保险人) can offer to abandon(放弃) the goods in order to minimize the losses.如果对一方来说,保护货物的花费会大于货物本身的价值的话,被保险人或保险人都有权利抛弃货物以减少损失。 This is called an abandonment(委付;报废;废弃). 这种行为称为委付。The insured must agree to an abandonment; but if the insured does agree, the insurer pays for total loss and obtains whatever is left of the

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