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1、人教pep版学年最新四年级上册英语导学案全集汇编【人教pep版】2018学年最新四年级上册英语导学案全集汇编目 录Unit1 My classroom 1Unit2 My Schoolbag 39Unit3 My Friends 53Unit4 My home 72Unit5 Dinners ready 83Unit6 Meet my family 95Unit 1 My classroom课题:Unit 1 My classroom (第1课时) 授课时间: 一、学生学习什么学习目标 1 能听懂、会说:Whats in the classroom? Aboard, two lights, m

2、any desks and chairs.并能在实际情景中运用。2 能听、说、认读本课主要单词:classroom, window, door, picture, board, light,3 能听懂并能按照指令做事情。二、学生怎么学学习过程1、复习题:将下列单词与对应含义相连:Book A.尺子Pencil box B.书本Schoolbag C.蜡笔Ruler D.书包Eraser E.橡皮Crayon F.铅笔盒2、尝试学习题(1)、尝试拼读单词,并写一写。 (2)、相互交流,用什么方法记住本课的6个生子。(3)、尝试用句型“Whats in the classroom? Aboard,

3、 two lights, many desks and chairs.”等简单描述教室中的事物。3、巩固练习题:(1)This is new desk.A. I B. me C. my(2)Let go to school.A. our B. us C. we(3). ! This is our classroom.A.See B.Look C.Watch(4)I a new picture.A. has B. to have C. have(5). is the book? Its on the desk.A. When B. Why C. Where(6).I see “e”.A. a B

4、. an C. /4、总结归纳:(1)、知识点归纳:认读、默写classroom、window、blackboard、light、picture、door、这6个单词。(2)、做题技巧归纳:用音标来拼读单词,是记住单词很有效的一种方法。三、学生学得怎么样当堂检测:对照目标课堂检测题:选择正确答案 ( )1、Turn _the light ,please !A、 under B、 on C、 in( )2、We have _new classroom.A、the B、 an C、 a( )3、We have five new _.A、 chair B、 chairs C、 chaires( )4

5、、 Let me _the window.A、 sweep B、 put up C、 clean2、当堂检测结果(检测题正确率):检测题正确率 90% 。3、补救过关(需要补救的知识点及补救练习):课题:Unit 1 My classroom (第2课时) 授课时间:一、学生学习什么学习目标1、听懂,会说并在日常生活中运用we have .这一句型2、听懂,会说表建议的句子“ lets go and have a look.”3、能听懂,会说并能恰当使用表方位的词near二、学生怎么学学习过程1、复习题:复习上节课所学单词,写出下列单词的汉语意思。1、blackboard _ 2、pictur

6、e_3、window 4、light_5、door_ 6、classroom_2、尝试学习题(1)、尝试拼读新单词:really、near、TV、clean、help,并写一写。(2)把相对的英汉句子连起来。1、Clean theblackboard . A、 开灯。2、Turn on thelight.B、 擦窗户。3、Sweep the floor. C、 挂上图。4、Put up the picture.D、擦黑板。5、Clean thewindow. E、打开门。6、Open the door.F、扫地。(3)、精讲P4、P5的内容3、巩固练习题:(1)、熟读P4、P5的对话内容(2)

7、、老师发口令学生做动作:open the door、turn on the light、close the window、put up the picture、clean the blackboard.(3)、选一选( )1、There is in the classroom。 A、a black board B、 some doors C、many chairs( )2、There are many and desks. A、chairs B、a chair C、chair三、学生学得怎么样当堂检测:( )1、当你想要知道教室里有什么的时候,你应该问?A、Whats in the class

8、room?B、Whats on the classroom?( )2、当你想表达“它是一个点灯。”的时候,你应该说?A、Its a blackboard.B、Its a light( )3、当Lily想让Lucy打开灯的时候,她应该说?A、Turn on the light.B、Turn off the light.2、当堂检测结果(检测题正确率):3、补救过关(需要补救的知识点及补救练习):课题:Unit 1 My classroom (第3课时) 授课时间: 一、学生学习什么学习目标1 能听懂、会说:This is my classroom. The wall is white. The

9、floor is green.并能用This is.和表示颜色的词来描述教室中的事物。2 能听、说、认读本课主要单词:computer, teachers desk, fan, wall, floor。二、学生怎么学学习过程1、复习题:.读句子,用“”标出正确的句子。(8分)(1)、A Let me clean the window . ( ) B Let she clean the window . ( )(2)、A I have two lights and three books.( ) B I have five picture and many pen .( )(3)、A The p

10、icture is under the wall .( ) B The picture is under the wall. ( )(4)、A Put up the picture . ( ) B Turn in the light. ( )2、尝试学习题(1)、尝试拼读新单词:teachers desk、computer、fan、wall、floor,并写一写。(2)英汉连连看:1、near the window A、三张书桌2、three desks B、在窗户旁边3、on the floor C、在教室里4、in the classroom D、一本绿色的书5、a green book

11、E、在地板上(3)、精讲、精练P10至P11.3、巩固练习题:(1)完成P9的练习题。(2)情景交际( )1、当你向别人介绍自己的教室时,你应当说: A、This is my classroom. B、This is my room.( )2、你想要告诉别人墙是白色的,你应该说: A、The blackboard is white.B、The wall is white.( )3、当你想知道桌子上有什么时,你应该问: A、Whats on the table.? B、What are they?三、学生学得怎么样当堂检测:1、选一选。( )1、This is classroom.A、me B、

12、my C、I( )2、The wall white.A、is B、are C、am( )3、Look the picture.A、at B、to C、on( )4、Let clean the desks.A、us B、we C、he2、当堂检测结果(检测题正确率):3、补救过关(需要补救的知识点及补救练习):Unit 1 My classroom学习目标:1. 灵活运用介词in, on, under和near.2. 能够够规范书写Where is?及其答句Its on/in/under/near学习重点:书写重点句型。学习难点:理解介词在中英文句式中的的不同。一、Review to under

13、stand (温故知新)Read and translate.(英汉互译。)1. classroom _ 2. 电扇_3. window _ 4. picture _5. door _ 6. blackboard _7. 地板_ 8. teachers desk _9. light _ 10. wall _二、Self-learning (自主学习)选择最恰当的答案,将其序号填入前面的括号中。( ) 1. We _ a new classroom. A. have B. are C. is( ) 2. -Our new classroom is very big. -Lets go and h

14、ave _ look. A. the B. a C. /( ) 3. -_ Johns seat? A. Whats B. Where C. Wheres( ) 4. There is a picture _ the wall. A. on B. in C. at( ) 5. Your school is _ big. A. so B. go C. to( )6._ go and have a look. A. Let B.Lets C. Let to( )7.This is a_ desk. A.teacher B. teachers C. teachers( )8.Lets clean t

15、he classroom._. A. Thank you. B. All right. C. How nice.( )9. _? Its near the window. A. Do you like it? B. Its green. C. Wheres my seat?( )10.Look! This is my red desk. _ . A. Great! Its very nice. B. Thank you. C. Nice to meet you.三、Group-work (合作探究)Read and guess the meanings. (读一读,翻译下列句子。)1. Whe

16、re is my classroom? _.2. Its near the window. _.四、Consolidation(巩固练习)Look and write. (看图仿写句子。)五、Expanding Practice (拓展训练) 读一读,连线。Wheres my seat? Many desks and chairs.Whats in the classroom? Its near the door.This is my new classroom. Good idea.Lets clean the classroom. Wow! Its so big!Look at the p

17、icture. Nice to meet you.We have a new classroom. Really? Lets go and have a look.第一单元 课题:lets talk (A) 课型:新授 主备人: 学习目标:1、理解并掌握句子:We have a new classroom. Whats in the classroom?;2、会用near表示方位。 学习重点:会区分our 和my 的发音及用法。 课前尝试 1、复习句型:This is I have 如:this is my new dog. I have a dog , 2.练习说话:Where is it?

18、 回答:Its on/in/under/the 3、把单词补充完整并翻译。 w_nd_ _ ( ) d_ _r ( ) p_ct_ _ _( ) b_ _rd ( ) l_ght ( ) cl_ssr_ _m ( )课堂探究 老师提问: 1、Whos he?2、Whats in the classroom? 3、Is the new classroom big? 4、Where is Sarahs picture? 课后检测 1、结合实际情况用We have说句子。如:We have a new classroom. We have many desks. 2、互相问一问对方的学习用具在什么位

19、置。Wheres your pen? Its 3、将对话按顺序编号,使其成为一段完整的对话。Xiao Ming, we have a new classroomHello, Li Hong. Li Hong, this is our new classmate-Peter.Its near the window.Its so big!Where is my picture?Nice to meet you, too. Hello, Xiao Ming. Nice to meet you.Lets go and see. Ok. Wow! 作业设计一、选择填空。1. What colour is

20、 the ball?( )A.Its big. B. Its blue. C. Its near the window.2. Whats in your classroom?( )A.This is a desk. b.Its nice.c.A board, two lights, many desks and chairs.3. Where are your pencils? ( )A. I have many bags. B. They are heavy. C. They are in my bag.4. Where is my seat?( )A. Its in the desk. B

21、. Its near the window.二、练习句子:We have第一单元 课 题:lets lean A 课型: 新授 主备人: 学习目标:1、理解句子: Whats in the classroom?2、能够听、说、认、读classroom, window, door, picture, blackboard, light等单词。 学习重点:1 window一词注意w的发音,不要与v的发音混淆。2在回答“Whats in the classroom?”时,注意单词复数的读音。 课前尝试1、与同桌说说你知道的文具单词。2、把下列单词补充完整。 pe_cil, ru_er, b_g, b

22、_ _k, pencil-c_se, era_er, cra_on, p_n3、小组做问答练习,如:Whats in the bag? Whats in the pencil-case ? 课堂探究老师提问:1、How many pencils/pens?2、Whats in the classroom?我能正确使用单数和复数进行回答。课后检测 Listen, draw and say 1根据下面内容在纸上作画。 所听内容:This is my classroom. Whats in the classroom? A picture, two boards, two doors, three

23、windows, six lights , many desks and chairs. 2、说出自己所画的内容,核对答案。 3、两人一组,看图做问答:Whats in the classroom? 作业设计1.练习说话:Whats in the classroom? / bag/pencil-case?2.说出下列短语的汉语意思open the door . turn on the light .sweep the floor. clean the window put up the picture . clean the board .3.抄写单词。第一单元 课 题:lets spell(

24、A) 课 题:新授 主备人: 学习目标:1、学习书写英文字母Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee。2、认读单词:cake, face, name,make.学习重点:大写C和D, 小写b和d易混淆; 大写B和E的笔顺 课前尝试1、英汉互译。开门_ turn on the light_擦窗_ put up the picture_clean the blackboard _2、背诵字母表。3、看课本听录音跟读单词和字母。 课堂探究 1、字母的读音和书写笔顺 2、Whats this? 3、what colour is it? 课后检测 1、正确使用a和an。Its( ) hand. Its (

25、) apple. Its ( ) ant2、游戏1:看谁找得快(找字母)3、游戏2:给字母配对子 4、正确书写以下字 母 D EaC a A B作业设计 1、补充单词,并选几个喜欢的单词话把图画下来。_at _ gg _ pple _uck _all _eef h_nd _esk _lephant 2、选择( )1、Where is the teachers office? A: Forty-five ( )2、Do you have a library ? B:Its on the second floor。( )3、How are you ? C: Sure ,here you are (

26、 )4、 How many students are there in your class? D: Yes,I do. ( )5、May I have a look? E: Fine ,thank you3、大声朗读单词第一单元 课 题: lets learn(B) 课型:新技授 主备人: 学习目标:1、理解句子:This is my classroom The wall is white. The door is orange;2、能够听、说、认、读单词:computer, teachers desk, fan, wall, floor 学习重点:1、复习色彩单词并运用修饰并描述教室。 2、表达复数时be动词的运用 课前尝试1、我们一起复习一下有关颜色

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