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译林英语六年级上册Unit8 Chinese New Year四课时和Project 2 两课时.docx

1、译林英语六年级上册Unit8 Chinese New Year四课时和Project 2 两课时Unit8 Chinese New Year 第一课时(Cartoon time)教学目标:(一)知识目标1能听懂、会说、会读单词:get,Hong Kong,next week,tangyuan,food,firecrackers,fireworks,lion dance,red packet,Chinese New Years Eve,Chinese New Years Day.2能听懂、会说、会读、会写句子:What are you going to do? Im going to (二)能力

2、目标1能初步理解并朗读课文。2能在理解课文的基础上讲述Anna一家是如何过中国新年的。教学重点:1能听懂、会说、会读单词:get,Hong Kong,next week,tangyuan,food,firecrackers,fireworks,lion dance,red packets,Chinese New Years Eve,Chinese New Years Day。2能听懂、会说、会读、会写句子:What are you going to do? Im going to 3能初步理解并朗读课文。教学难点:1能听懂、会说、会读单词:get,Hong Kong,next week,tan

3、gyuan,food,firecrackers,fireworks,lion dance,red packets,Chinese New Years Eve,Chinese New Years Day。2能听懂、会说、会读、会写句子:What are you going to do? Im going to 3能初步理解并朗读课文。4能在理解课文的基础上讲述Anna一家是如何过中国新年的。方法手段挂图,卡片,PPT教学过程Step1 Warm-up1. Sing a song: “Happy New Year”2. Free talkT: Boys and girls, you sing ve

4、ry well. Are you happy now?Do you like New Years Day?What do people usually do on New Years Day?When is New Years Day?What date is it today?Oh, the New Years Day has passed. But another festival is coming.Step2 Presentation1.揭示课题T: Look at the picture. What festival is it?T: Yes, youre right. So tod

5、ay well learn something about Chinese New Year. Please read after me: Unit8 Chinese New Year.2. 讲授Chinese New Years Day和Chinese New Years Eve(1)T: Boys and girls, do you like Chinese New Year?T: Me, too. But when is the Chinese New Year this year?(呈现日历表)T: Yes, and we call it Chinese New Years Day.(

6、讲授Chinese New Years Day)(2) (教师指着2月18日问)T: What date is it?T: Yes. And we call it “Chinese New Years Eve” (讲授Chinese New Years Eve)3. 教授单词、词组:light, firecrackers, get, red packet(1)T: What do people usually do on Chinese New Years Eve? You can choose from the pictures.(PPT呈现各种不同节日的活动图片)Which picture

7、s?T: Yes, youre right. Look at the picture, What are they doing? (引导学生回答)(2) 同法教授:get, red packet, watch fireworks(3)Ss read the new words and phrases.4. 教授句型:What are you going to do? Im going toT: Chinese New Years Eve is fun. We can do many things. Now I want to know your plan of this Chinese New

8、 Years Eve.What are you going to do on Chinese New Years Eve?(引导学生回答)(PPT呈现句型: What are you going to do? Im going to并讲解be going to)Step3 Practice1. Teacher and the Ss make a short dialogue by using the sentence pattern2. Work in pairs.3. Three pairs show their dialogues.Step4 Story time1. Watch and

9、orderT: You did a very good job. Look at the girl. Who is she?What is she doing?T: She is writing an e-mail about Chinese New Year to Su Hai. What is Anna going to do at Chinese New Year? Please watch the video and order the pictures.2. Listen and answerT: Now we know the e-mail is talking about Chi

10、nese New Year. But is it about Chinese New Year in Taixing?T: So where is the e-mail talking about? Lets listen and answer the questions.(1)Where does Anna live?(教授Hong Kong)(2)When is Chinese New Year? (教授next week)(3)What are Anna and her family going to do tomorrow? (教授 food,tangyuan)(4)What are

11、they going to do on Chinese New Years Eve?(5)What are they going to do on Chinese New Years Day? (教授lion dance)(6)What are they going to do on the 2nd day of Chinese New Years Day?3. Read the text(1) read after the tape.(2) read in groups.4. Retell the text.Step5 Extension1、我国各大传统节日的名称及活动,增强学生的民族自豪感

12、,加深了解我国传统文化,并培养热爱传统文化的美好情操。2、懂得句子:Of a nation, of the world. (民族的才是世界的。)学生回答老师问题,并两两交谈S: Its Chinese New Year.学生齐读课题。Ss: Yes, we do.S: Its on 2.19th.S: Its the eighteenth of Feb.Ss: Picture 1Ss: Theyre lighting firecrackers(教师教授light,firecrackers)Ss: Im going to Ss: Shes writing an e-mail.Ss: No.根据板

13、书复述Anna一家的新年安排第二课时(Grammar & Fun time)教学目标:掌握一般将来时的句式结构,能用一般将来时谈论自己的节日安排。教学重点:1.句型be going to 的用法。2.介词in 、at在节日名称前的用法区别。教学难点:掌握一般将来时的句式结构,能用一般将来时谈论自己的节日安排。教学准备:挂图,卡片,PPT教学过程:Step 1:Revision1.Say the words and phrases.映示课文插图,说出相应单词及词组。2.T:What is Su Hai going to do ? Guess!3.T: Chinese New Year is a

14、popular holiday in China. What are you going to do this Chinese New Year? Im going to (板书)4.指名学生提问:What is he/she going to do ? He/She is going to What are they going to do? They are going to Step 2:Grammar time1.T: Lets read the sentences.呈现Grammar time中的句子,2、教师总结。一般将来时表示在将来某一时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态,也可表示将来

15、某一段时间内经常发生的动作或存在的状态。结构:be going to + 动词原形What is he going to do at Chinese New Year ?He is going to watch a lion dance .What are you going to do on Chinese New Years Eve ?Were going to have a big dinner .Step 3: Practice .1.我打算明天打扫我的房间。I _ going to_ my bedroom tomorrow.2.他这个周末准备去拜访他的祖父母。He _ _ _ _ h

16、is grandparents this weekend .3.他们今天晚上将要读英语。_ _ going to _ English this evening.Step 4:Fun time1.T: Do you know any other holidays ? What holiday do you like best? Why?2.Discuss in pairs .3.What do people usually do at/on?了解at与on的用法区别。4.Show some pictures on the blackboard .5.Get some students to pi

17、ck one of them, then ask and answer .Step 4 Consolidation1.Work in groups of four .2.Show time .3.Choose one picture to write .选择一幅感兴趣的图片写一写。根据香港和大陆人的节日习俗有所不同,来猜测苏洋的节日安排。Ss: Im going toPractice in each group of four.生以问答形式朗读,试总结一般将来时的句式特点。What are you going to do at/on?Im going to 学生各自展示节日活动的照片,说说自己

18、做了什么,及下一个这个节日打算做什么。第三课时:(Sound Time Culture Time & Cartoon time)教学目标:1.能正确读出字母组合oo发音,并能够体会小诗的韵脚。2.能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事。3.了解圣诞节,春节和感恩节的节日文化,并能用英语做简单的介绍。教学重点:1.通过朗读,体会字母组合oo的发音规律和小诗的韵脚。2.通过趣味卡通故事,帮助学生强化语言知识,训练语言技能,着重培养学生的阅读理解能力。教学难点:掌握一般将来时的句式结构,能用一般将来时谈论自己的节日安排。教学准备:挂图,卡片,

19、PPT教学过程:Step 1:Revision1.Pick and sayT shows some pictures on theblackboard , and gets some students to pick one of them, then ask and answer :2.Review Story TimeT: What are Annas family going to do on Chinese New Year Eve/ Chinese New Year Day?3.Review : red packets , fireworksT: Yes, so are we. We

20、 are going to do the same things and also to cook dumplings on Chinese New Year Eve, right? We are all looking forward to it. So , we can say: Chinese New Year is the most important festival in China.Step 2:Culture Time1. T: OK. Do you know what holiday the important holiday is in the USA/ the UK?Wh

21、at do people do at Christmas?What do they eat?2. T shows pictures about the three holidays, and let them match.3. Read after T.Step3:Cartoon Time1.T: Bobby mum is preparing for Chinese New Year, too. Well, what is Bobby going to do? Now, read it.T Shows pictures of this part, and ask2.Judge:A .Bobby

22、 eats some dumplings before dinner.B. Bobby gets a red packet from Tina.C. Bobby is going to visit Aunt Alice on Chinese New Years Eve.D. Bobby does not like cakes.3. Read the text after T.4. Act it in roles.Step 4 Sound Time1.Show a picture of this partT: Theres a man cooking here.Who is he? ( a co

23、ok)What is he doing? ( looking a cookbook)2. Read the sentence by themselves and summary the pronunciation/u/3. Listen to the tape and repeat4. Find some other words: classroomWhat are you going to do at/on?Im going to S: Theyre going to .Ss read Culture Time by themselves and discuss:Ss to pair the

24、m and the text after reading.第四课时(Checkout timeTicking time)教学目标:1.知识目标:复习,巩固本单元设计四会词汇和句型。2.技能目标:进一步复习、小结be going to句型的用法。正确掌握,灵活运用be going to的陈述句、特殊疑问句问法及其回答。教学重点:能掌握be going to句型使用方法。并能将它与现在进行时正确区分。教学难点:能熟练运用be going to句型展开话题询问和回答。教学准备:挂图,卡片,PPT教学过程:Step1: Revision1.Free talk.通过看图片,交流在春节前后,除夕,春节期间

25、人物的活动来重温storytime的内容。既学习了句型,又为完成下一个任务作了铺垫。What are they going to do before Chinese New Years Eve?What are they going to do then?What are they going to do on Chinese New Years Eve?Step2. Choose and write1. 组织学生完成电子邮件。2. 交流学生的答案。3.组织学生就邮件内容相互之间小组问答:Who is writing an email?What is Su Hais family going

26、to do tomorrow?What are they going to do on Chinese New Years Eve?What are they going to do after dinner?What are they going to do then?What are they going to do at 12 oclock?What are Su Hais sister and I going to do after that?What are Su Hais parents and grandparents going to do ?What are they goi

27、ng to do on Chinese New Years Day?Are they going to have a lot of fun?Step3: Practice根据学生的实际情况回答下列问题What are you going to do at Chinese New Year?Who are you going to visit?What are you going to eat?What are you going to eat?What food are you going to make?What places are you going to visit?Step6 Sum

28、mary语法小结:一般将来时表示在将来某一时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态,也可表示将来某一段时间内经常发生的动作或存在的状态。结构:be going to + 动词原形What is he going to do at Chinese New Year ?He is going to watch a lion dance .What are you going to do on Chinese New Years Eve ?They are going to buy some new clothes.They are going to make some dumpings and tangyu

29、an.They are going to have dinner and buy some flowers.Project 2 Reuse and recycle 第 1课 时教学目标:1.能熟练掌握5-8单元的重点词汇句型以及语法知识。2.能灵活运用5-8单元的日常交际用语。3.通过思考、讨论、交流和合作,学习制作海报。4.准备制作海报的材料。教学重点:1.通过对话操练,学生进一步掌握第五至八单元的四会单词和句型。2.通过复习,学生能灵活使用第五至八单元的日常交际用语。教学难点:能灵活使用第五至八单元的日常交际用语,语法知识。教学方法:听说法、表演法、操练教学法。教学过程:Step 1 复习

30、反馈1. Read the main words from Unit5 to Unit8 correctly.2.Read the main sentences from Unit5 to Unit8 correctly.3.Free talkT: What does it mean?T:What can we do to?T: What are you going to do?T: How do you go to school every day?T: Are you going to watch fireworks on Chinese New Years Day?Step2 理解运用训练图片导入教师安排学生课前在网络上搜索有关废旧物品回收再利用的图片,在课上和大家一起分享,完成步骤A.Step 3 合作学习在图片的提示下,教师可以喝学生开展“回收利用”的讨论,完成步骤。在此过程中,教师要向学生明确和两个不同的概念。前者是一个工业加工过程,目的是再利用;后者是有些废旧物品可以不经过回收过程而直接再利用。如:T: What can we reuse?T:What can we recycle?T:How can we reuse plastic bottles?Step 4 巩固新知1.

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