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1、备战中考英语完型填空的解题思路与步骤典型试题41页备战2021年中考英语完型填空的解题思路与步骤典型试题1.完形填空的做题误区 很多同学说,他们做完形填空时,往往采用“翻译法和代入法”,即做题时翻译文章内容,感觉哪个合适选哪个,看看划横线处有没有一些固定搭配,然后作选择或者填空。 其实这样做是很危险的:1 在实际考试中,翻译很容易受母语影响,进行错误选择; 2 并不是所谓固定搭配一定是正确选项,完形填空是考查单词在语境中的运用。如果这个搭配或短语是不符合语篇、段落逻辑的,即便是固定说法,也是不合适的,在阅卷的时候这样的答案一定是错误的。 2.考查重点及解题思路 (1)纵观这几年中考真题、一模、

2、二模试卷,以及一些学校的月考、期中、期末试卷发现,完形填空重点考查单词,短语在句子、段落、篇章中的含义,而并非单词本身的“认知”含义。 这就为什么一些同学其实单词量并不缺乏,但完形却得分率不高的原因。 (2)解题思路 1.首句重点读 首句很多情况是topic sentence(主题句),告诉你文章的背景和主旨。首句一般不设空,如果首句设空,请重点读后面的例子,例子里面会提供线索。现在很多考题都是用后面的例子印证首句。2.重点关注例子与例子之间的关系 几个例子联合起来都是去证明本文中心的,但例子与例子有时候会有正反对比或者是平行关系。3.选词请重视“具体表达”、“最佳适用原则”4.选词之场景原则

3、5.平行原则的运用 3、解题步骤 做题前: 先花12分钟时间通读全文,大致了解文章的体裁(记叙文、议论文或其他)、主要文章内容、几个段落及每段的首尾句、是否有小标题和项目符号(这个往往是该段的主题句)。 做题时: 逐个击破,做到通读与猜测并行。对含义明显的词汇,固定搭配或习惯用法,常用句式等纯知识问题,可以边读边随时猜测出答案。 针对在通读过程中未能轻易猜测出答案的题目,利用上下文中、字里行间的线索猜测出答案。 此外,首句和小标题要重点读,充分体会文章论证结构,灵活使用技巧(例子与例子的关系,例子与中心句的关系、平行关系等等),注意逻辑对应,指代清晰。 特别提醒大家,绝对避免见空填空(即看到一

4、个空格,直接看选项进行选择),这样很危险,失误率会大大增加。 再次强调,完形填空强调单词、短语在语境(句子层面,段落层面,篇章层面)的应用。请填第一格词,务必读到第二格,很多时候两格之间出题者往往给了很多暗示和线索,依次类推。 做题后: 请重读全文1-2遍,确保单词在该句语法、语义、语境中都适用如果发现个别填空使文章文理不通或语法结构有问题,就说明选答不正确。对这样的填空应该认真推敲,进行调整。 可以从以下几个方面对所选答案进行核查:(1)所选择的单词或短语是否符合本句内容,使上下文连贯和谐,与全文意义相协调; (2)所选择的单词或短语是否符合某种固定搭配; (3)所选择的单词或短语是否符合某

5、种句型、时态、语态的特殊要求; (4)所选词本身和附近的词有无特殊要求,如有些动词后面只接动名词而不能接不定式习题练习一、完形填空实战演练十篇1.完形填空 Once there was a father and a son. They were ill-tempered(坏脾气的) and never gave way to 1. One day the father 2 to ask some friends to dinner in his house. He 3 his son to buy some meat in town. When the son walked to the to

6、wn gate, a man was coming from the outside. The gate(大门) wasnt 4enough to let two men in and out at the same time. But neither of 5 would give way to the other. They stood straight face to face inside the gate hour after hour. But the father was worried. “What shall I do? My son hasnt 6 yet. I cant

7、wait any more.” He wanted to know what was the 7 with his son. So he left his friends at home ,and went to town 8 his son. “You may first take the 9 home for my friends .Let me 10 here against him instead.” he said to his son when he knew what had happened.1. A. oneB. anotherC. otherD. others2. A. d

8、ecidedB. decidesC. decideD. decision3. A. hopeB. toldC. letD. tells4. A. longB. wideC. highD. tall5. A. theirB. theyC. themD. theirs6. A. goneB. boughtC. returnedD. been7. A. wrongB. accidentC. thingD. matter8. A. to look forB. looked forC. to findD. found9. A. meatB. dinnerC. breadD. money10. A. st

9、oodB. standsC. standD. standing2.It was in autumn. A young woman was ill. She 1 in the hospital. There was a tree 2 her room. She saw the leaves fall down. Day after day, there were less and less leaves on the tree. The woman was very 3 . She didnt want to eat or drink, and she didnt want to talk. T

10、he doctor asked her to 4and take a walk. She wouldnt do that. She became worse day by day. One day she said, “When the last leaf falls down, I will die, 5 .”An old artist knew that. He decided to help this woman. One night, all yellow 6 fell down. The artist painted a green and yellow leaf, then put

11、 it in the tree. The next morning, 7 the woman looked out of the window and saw the last leaf, she was filled with 8 . She wanted to be alive. She didnt want to fall down like other leaves. From then on, she became 9 and lived a long time.Dont 10 your hope at anytime.1. A. playedB. stayedC. studiedD

12、. worked2. A. outsideB. insideC. fromD. from3. A. gladB. relaxedC. sadD. interested4. A. fall asleepB. get readyC. hurry upD. get up5. A. tooB. alsoC. eitherD. neither6. A. flowersB. plantsC. leavesD. trees7. A. ifB. beforeC. untilD. when8. A. hopeB. dreamC. interestD. happiness9. A. worse and worse

13、B. better and betterC. harder and harderD. thinner and thinner10. A. give outB. give inC. give upD. give away3.完形填空 My uncle John used to live in a beautiful little house by the sea in Atlantic City. I say he used to live there 1he doesnt live there any more. He was killed two years ago. He 2 living

14、 there before he died. He had $60 million in the bank. After Uncle Johns death, I came to stay in his house for a while. I had been there for two days when I 3 a message on the screen of the old computer. I was very surprised, because I thought the computer had been4.he message said, You have new 5

15、! When I read it, I thought it looked like the 6 of a novel. This looks interesting. I thought, It must be 7 one of Uncle Johns friends. I decided I should make an answer to the e-mail to tell him or her that Uncle John was 8 . However, the computer would not let me 9 . Every day for the next three

16、weeks, more e-mails kept arriving. I printed 10 of all of them. The story was about Jane Winterbourne, a young writer working on her first novel. She sent her novel to Jack Tanner, an old writer and asked him to 11 her to publish it. However, he cheated her, and published the novel himself-pretendin

17、g that he had 12 it. The novel was very 13 . Tanner made a lot of money, and bought himself a house by the sea in Atlantic City. It was then that I realized that Jack Tanner and Jane Winterbourne were 14 names. Jack was 15 to be Uncle John.1. A. soB. becauseC. thoughD. once2. A. lostB. finishedC. ch

18、angedD. enjoyed3. A. sentB. noticedC. readD. typed4. A. broken downB. turned offC. sold outD. put away5. A. informationB. postC. mailD. business6. A. pictureB. storyC. endD. beginning7. A. likeB. aboutC. fromD. to8. A. deadB. sickC. outD. busy9. A. playB. replyC. watchD. stop10. A. copiesB. piecesC.

19、 partsD. covers11. A. teachB. helpC. showD. refuse12. A. missedB. correctedC. writtenD. bought13. A. newB. expensiveC. importantD. successful14. A. falseB. trueC. longD. beautiful15. A. pointedB. speltC. meantD. called4. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Patricia is a pianist and music teacher in C

20、alifornia.She wanted to 1money for music scholarships at her local community college.One day she had an idea.She thought,Im going to ride my 2 across the United State this summer.Im going to ask people to give money 3 every mile I ride.She talked to the people in the community about4idea. They all l

21、iked the idea and strongly supported her.So she felt very 5 for it. Patricia joined about forty other 6 who were all from California.They began the long 7 across the US in Astoria,Oregon.Patricia went up and down huge hills.She saw beautiful countryside and 8 friendly people. 9 there were problems,t

22、oo.The 10 was sometimes very hot,windy or cold.Patricia was tired and sore every night. One day she 11 an accident.She 12 her bike and her toes were badly hurt.But she continued to ride.She overcame many difficulties and spent two 13 on the whole ride.She raised more than $10,000 for music scholarsh

23、ip.Patricia was happy and 14 of it. She did it! People dont 15 her when she tells them her age.Patricia looks very young and acts very young.Can you imagine that she is 67 years old? The 67-year-old woman rode across the US in sixty days !1. A. makeB. borrowC. useD. save2. A. carB. busC. bikeD. plan

24、e3. A. onB. forC. withD. from4. A. myB. hisC. herD. your5. A. sorryB. worriedC. excitedD. comfortable6. A. ridersB. driversC. playersD. writers7. A. lifeB. tripC. holidayD. distance8. A. metB. madeC. toldD. found9. A. SoB. ButC. AndD. Then10. A. weatherB. journeyC. environmentD. temperature11. A. ha

25、dB. sawC. tookD. happened12. A. got offB. set offC. went offD. fell off13. A. daysB. weeksC. monthsD. years14. A. shyB. proudC. shameD. serious15. A. understoodB. acceptC. thankD. believe5.完型填空 Our new English teacher, Mr. White arrived today. Hes American. He smiles a lot and hes friendly but he sp

26、eaks very 1. Its difficult to understand his words. He also expects us 2 hard, and speak English all the time in our English lessons. 3 the first class, Mr. White introduced himself, and showed us photos of his family. He 4a big family, two brothers and a sister. His brothers all 5 him. They are ver

27、y tall, and they have dark hair, but one brother has 6 beard. His sister is slim, and she has fair hair. They were smiling in all of the photos and look friendly.Then he told us about America and Americans. He showed us how Americans say, Hi. How are you doing? and 7 when they meet people. We all pr

28、acticed. That was fun. And he also told us that Americans are cheerful, 8 people. They smile a lot and are usually friendly 9 Americans think its polite to be friendly.At the end of the lesson, we all said Goodbye, See you soon to everyone. English lessons 10 going to be enjoyable!1. A. fastB. faste

29、rC. slowD. slower2. A. studyB. to studyC. studyingD. studies3. A. OnB. AtC. ByD. During4. A. has gotB. gotC. gettingD. had got5. A. looks likeB. look the sameC. look likeD. looks the same6. A. aB. anC. theD. /7. A. shake handB. shake handsC. shake a handD. shake the hand8. A. lovingB. lovelyC. livin

30、gD. lively9. A. soB. andC. becauseD. but10. A. areB. isC. wasD. were6.通读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后在各小题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。One morning a fox was searching for his breakfast. He went down to the lake to 1some fish. Suddenly he saw a rabbit digging a hole on the bank of the lake and decided to eat it instead. Not wanting the rabbit to discover him, the fox moved 2 towards his meal. As he got closer, he stepped on some dry leaves. The rabbit then 3 in fear. When he sa

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