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1、高一英语翻译专题训练100题含参考答案高一英语翻译专题训练100题(含参考答案)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、完成句子1为纪念那些在大火中冒着生命危险抢救伤员的消防员,我们举行了一场仪式。We held a ceremony _ the firefighters risking their lives to save the injured in the big fire.2约翰有点担心,因为他第二天要做一份新工作,他不确定自己能否胜任。John was a little worried because he _ a new job the next day and he wasnt s

2、ure whether he would be fit for it.3我们把所有的书都打包在木箱里,这样它们不会被损坏。We packed all the books in wooden boxes so that _.4他反对这个主意,不过我觉得我能够说服他接受。Hes against the idea, but I think I can _. (talk)5迈克告诉我他第二天要去参观迪士尼乐园。Mike told me that he _ the Disneyland the next day.6我把邮件整理好,然后定下心来做一些重要的工作。I sorted out my mail,

3、and then _ some serious work.7布朗夫妇希望看到他们的女儿安定下来,结婚生子。Mr. and Mrs. Brown would like to see their daughter _, get married, and have kids.8你应该努力去和你的父母沟通你的烦恼。毕竟,他们是最关心你的人。You should try to communicate with your parents about your troubles. _, they are the ones who care about you most.9去年,他有幸与一些世界顶级的运动员一

4、起训练。He _ with some of the worlds top athletes last year.10你对考试成绩满意吗?非常满意。这是我最好的成绩了。Are you content with the result of the exam?Not a little. I _ one.(“否定词+比较级”表示最高级含义)11傍晚,我们通常聚在篝火旁,听着美妙的歌声,吃着美味的食物。In the evening, we usually _ the campfire, listening to beautiful songs and eating delicious food. (ga

5、ther)12在国外工作时,想到回家是唯一让他高兴的事。The thought of going back home was all that kept him happy _.13我们学校的实验室有一流的科学设备,所以做实验很方便。We have first-class scientific equipment in our school lab, so _.14他们还没有确定乐队的名字。They havent _ a name for their band yet.15约翰通过做生意实现了他发财的夙愿。John achieved his ambition of _ by doing bus

6、iness.16你十点钟开车来接我去车站方便吗?_ at 10 oclock and drive me to the station? (convenient)17当皮特在大学校园的第一天就碰到他的小学同学汤姆时,他非常兴奋。Peter was so excited _ Tom, his primary school classmate, on the first day on the college campus.18这个小镇离机场很近。The town _ the airport.19如果方便的话,请帮我在面包房买点面包。_, please help to buy some bread f

7、or me in the bakery.20(天津部分区模考)他一旦下定决心做某事,就决不会放弃。Once he makes up his mind to do something, never _.21为了实现他的目标,戴维把他大部分时间都倾注在了他的生意上。In order to _, David devoted most of his time to his business.22这些天一直下雨,我希望明天天气会变好。It has been raining these days; I wish the weather will _ tomorrow.23为了改善环境,这个城镇禁用塑料袋。

8、The town is banning the usage of plastic bags _. (attempt n.)24起初我不同意,但转念一想,我意识到她是对的。(用thought的相关短语完成句子)At first I disagreed, but _ I realized she was right.25当你感觉就要勃然大怒的时候,试着把注意力从愤怒转移到想象愉快的事情上。When _, try to switch the focus away from anger to thinking of something pleasant. (point)26在过去的几年里,中国在环境保

9、护方面已经取得了巨大的成就。In the last few years, China _ in environmental protection.27该党在州选举中遭遇失败。The party _ in the state elections. (defeat n.)28他工作效率很高,大家都很钦佩他。(用thought的相关短语完成句子)He was efficient at his job and _ by everyone.29这支军队训练有素,装备精良,击败敌人几乎没有困难。The army was well-trained and well-armed, and had little

10、 difficulty _. (defeat vt.)30大家都对他评价不错,他似乎是个好人。He seemed to be a good man, _ by all. (thought)31观光途中我从未觉得无聊过。At no time _ during the tour.32我们绝不容忍这样的事情继续下去。In no way _. (allow)33他陷入了沉思,差点撞上一个提着重箱子的男人。(用thought的相关短语完成句子)_, he almost knocked into a man who carried a heavy box.34共享单车不仅给了我们一个锻炼的机会,而且有助于

11、减少私家车的使用。_ bike-sharing give us a chance to exercise, _ it helps to decrease the use of private cars.35尽管风吹雨打,我仍然喜欢在外面工作。_ the wind and the rain, I still enjoy working outside.36尽管存在各种问题,有几个队员还是表现得很出色。_ _ _ all the problems, several of the players produced excellent performances.37当我们处于危险之中时,我们应保持镇定

12、。(danger)When we _, we should keep calm.38他收集的数据对你的研究做出了很大的贡献。(contribution)The data which he collected _ to your research.39有200人出席会议。There were 200 people _.40去年我们公司为该基金会捐了一大笔钱。Our company _ the fund last year.41吉姆和他的父母正在国外旅行,所以他们能好好欣赏美景并学习异国文化。(as well as)Jim, _ his parents, _ (be) travelling in

13、foreign countries, so they can enjoy beautiful scenery and learn foreign cultures.42目前我们没有进一步的消息。We do not have any more information _ time.43这台电脑储存了大量信息。(amount)This computer stores _ information.44我觉得在将来我能为贵公司做些积极的贡献。I feel I can _ your company in the future.45玛丽在100米比赛中得了第一名。难怪她看起来非常兴奋。Mary has g

14、ot first prize in the 100-metre race. _ she looks so excited.46知道我的工作被人欣赏让我感觉很好。(It)_ makes me _ good _ my work is appreciated.47这个故事的寓意是有时候一点恐惧是我们保持积极与活力所需要的。(what)The moral of the story is that sometimes a little fear is _ to stay active and alive.48听轻音乐和运动对缓解人们悲伤的情绪很有帮助。(take)Listening to soft mu

15、sic, as well as _ exercise, helps a lot in relieving peoples sad emotions.49父母的行为对孩子的影响很大。(influence)Parents behaviours _ children.50即使她什么也不做,她的丈夫仍然爱她。_ she does nothing, her husband still loves her.51外面那么吵,我无法集中精力学习。(focus)With all that noise going on outside, I cant _ my study.52十五岁时,她来到巴黎寻找致富之路。A

16、t fifteen she came to Paris _.53我的父母对我的同学琳达印象很好。(impression)My parents _ of my classmate Linda.54那个人的车坏了,我们都跑过去帮忙。(一句多译)(1)We rushed over to help the man, _ had broken down.(2)We rushed over to help the man, _ had broken down.55在一些地方,女人们挣钱而男人在家带孩子。In some places, women earn money _ men stay at home

17、with their children.56我父母的意见会影响我的决定。(一句多译)(1)My parents opinion will _ my decision.(2)My parents opinion will _ _ _ _ my decision.57许多组织在尽力鼓励人们随时随地行善举。Many organizations try to _ kind acts, wherever and whenever they can.58在澳大利亚,很多年轻人喜欢冲浪,在这项运动中他们能寻求刺激。In Australia, many young people like surfing, _

18、.59当我们试图发现他人的优点时,不知不觉中自己的优点也会得到彰显。_ the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves.60看来不可能达成协议了,因为委员会的大多数成员都持反对意见。_ because the majority of the committee members are against it. (seem)61经理让他不要再来了。换句话说,他被解雇了。The manager asked him not to come again. _, he was fired.62房间太小容纳不了那么多人。The r

19、oom is too small _.63作为一名党员,他觉得他的职责就是全心全意为人民服务。As a party member, he feels his duty is _ heart and soul.64我们运动的主要目的是为不幸的人筹款。(不定式作表语)Our campaigns main purpose is _.65在你生日那天,有好事在等着你呢!Theres a real treat _ on your birthday!66现在你需要做的是努力学习。All you need to do now is _.67总之,阅读经典文学作品不仅重要而且必要。_, reading cla

20、ssic works of literature is not only important but also necessary.(固定搭配)68一旦我们食言,就不会再有人相信我们了。Once we _, nobody will trust us again.69我总是信守诺言,这一点对我十分有利。It is a great advantage to me that I always _.70我现在唯一想做的是躺下来好好休息一下。The only thing I want to do now is _ to have a good rest.71新技术的目的是让生活变得更容易,而不是让它变得

21、更困难。The purpose of new technology is _, not to make it more difficult.72他很担心,因为他丢了装有护照、身份证和钱的包。He was worried, because he lost his bag _.73春节前,家家户户都努力把房子从上到下打扫干净。Before Spring Festival, every family often _ from top to bottom. (effort)74人类不同于动物,因为人类可以把语言作为交流的工具。Human beings are different from animal

22、s _.(in that)75她一字不差地把他们的谈话向我复述了一遍。She repeated their conversation _ to me.76总之,我对你的工作很满意。_, Im very satisfied with your work.77这项服务仍不尽如人意,但该公司表示,他们正在为此努力。The service is still not satisfactory, but the company say they are_.(work)78不仅汤姆和玛丽喜欢踢足球,我也喜欢。_ fond of playing football.( not onlybut also)79这位

23、作家兼诗人下周将给我们做一个关于英语学习的演讲。The writer and poet_ next week.80规律运动配合适当的饮食,从长远来看对我们的健康有益。Regular exercise, along with proper diets, _. (benefit)81联合国领导人正在努力寻找和平解决冲突的办法。U.N. leaders are working hard to_ the conflict.82请记住,只有医生和护士才能进人病人的房间。Please bear in mind that nobody but_ to enter the patients room.(all

24、ow)83没有人能轻易成功。总之,罗马不是一天建成的。No one can succeed easily. _, Rome was not built in a day.(all)84王先生是一个很好相处的人。Mr Wang is a person who is easy_. (get along)85无论是他还是我,都不能说服她改变主意。_able to persuade her to change her mind.86总经理说他们会竭尽全力满足顾客们的要求。The general manager said that they would try their best to_.87他毫不犹

25、豫地承担了那项最难的任务。He_ the most difficult task.88被这所大学录取的条件之一是你要通过它组织的英语测试。_for admission to the university is that _the English test organized by it.89鲍勃经常在健身房运动。难怪他身材那么好。Bob often works out in the gym. _.90下午五点以后,游客不允许进入上海博物馆。Visitors are not_ the Shanghai Museum after 5 p. m.91玛丽发现信封被打开时,她母亲承认看了那封信。Whe

26、n Mary found the envelope open, her mother_.92很多人惊叹于黄果树瀑布的美。Many people _of Huangguoshu Waterfall.93玛丽指着那座雕塑,惊奇地问:“那是什么?”“Whats that?” Mary_, pointing at the statue.94你无论什么时候需要帮助,都尽管给我打电话。Dont_ whenever you need a helping hand.95每个星期六,汤姆和他的朋友们一起去滑冰。 Tom, _, _skating every Saturday.96让这所学校自豪的是超过百分之九十

27、的学生都被重点大学录取。 _ more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities.97我要把他的电话号码写下来,以免忘记。 _, Ill write down his telephone number.98尽管他有时迟到,他还是个好学生。 _, he is a good student.99污染对生活在这个城市里的每一个人的健康都有害处,更不用说对环境的破坏了。Pollution has a negative effect on the health of everyone living in the city, _. (not to mention)100他敲窗户以吸引我的注意。He knocked on the window_

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