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1、看电影学英语叫我第一名中英文剧本对照我叫布莱德 科恩My name is Bradley Cohen. 但我小时候有很多绰号But when l was a kid, people called me by lots of names. 我弟弟杰夫叫我波波医生My brother, Jeff, called me Dr. Bobo. 我妈叫我 宝贝My mom called me honey. 学校的同学呢And the kids at school? 什么都有叫的 神经病 怪胎等等Well, they called me everything from spaz to freak. 我没什么

2、朋友I didnt have many friends actually. 但我有个同伴一直陪着我But I did have a constant companion. 印象中它没有不在我身边的时候I can barely remember a time, when it wasnt there. 现在有时候不会对我带来麻烦Now sometimes, it wasnt a problem for me. 有时候就会Other times, it was. 丢掉什么丢掉书Drop what? Drop books? 住手 Stop it. 你害怕吗 布莱德怎么啦Are you scared

3、Brad? Whats wrong? 少烦我Leave me alone. 打 打 打 Fight! Fight! Fight! 这是干嘛What is going on! 来啊 有种就来打 住手 Comon. Bring it on! Stop. 不准再打了 住手 回去上课 Stop that fighting right now! Stop! Get back to class! 少胡闹 你完蛋了啦Stop that nonsense. You are in big trouble, mister. 女孩掉进泥巴里弄脏了The girl fell in the mud and got di

4、rty. 我和我多年的同伴有个共识 One thing my Constant Companion and, 那就是我们讨厌上学I agreed on was that we hated school. 我等不及想毕业了I couldnt wait until I got out. 不用再写作业 不用再看书 No more homework, no more books, 不用再看老师的狰狞脸色no more teachers dirty looks. 我的同伴是在我岁时出现的My Companion first showed up, when I was six但过了很多年它才有名字but

5、it was years before it had a name. 现在精神科医生说我只是过动Now the shrinks said I was just hyper我会发出怪声和做怪动作 I made funny noises and acted, 来吸引我自己的注意weird to draw attention to myself. 这只是一个过渡期 It was just a phase: 我长大以后就会恢复正常Id grow out of it and be normal. . .跟别人一样like everybody else. 从小到大 这个同伴一直跟着我Through it

6、all, my constant companion stuck with me. 现在我朋友只觉得 Now, to my friends, 布莱德 本来就是这样Im just regular, ole Brad.我喜欢棒球 爱听年代的老歌The guy who likes baseball. And who loves cheesy s music. 他们觉得这比我发出的怪声更怪Which they think is much weirder, than the noises I make. 警官好 我有超速吗Afternoon, officer. Was I speeding? 超过速限哩

7、Twelve miles over the limit. 圣路易你是观光客St. Louis, huh? You a tourist? 不是 我住亚特兰大 刚搬来这里No, I live in Atlanta now, I just moved here. 我刚才大概有点分心吧I guess I was a little distracted.你有喝酒吗Son, you been drinking.? 没有 我有妥瑞症候群No. No, sir. I have Tourette Syndrome. 放轻松 请你在这里签名Take it easy, son. Im going to need y

8、ou to sign this. 你要找怎样的工作So. What kind of job you looking for? 教书Teaching. 我想当老师Im going to be a teacher. 我经常看到这种表情I get that look a lot但我从不放在心上but I never let it get to me. 你有布莱德利大学的学士学位I see youve got a B. A. from Bradley University 那是在伊利诺州吧thats in Illinois, isnt it? 是的Yes, maam ! 毕业成绩优异 推荐度很高Gra

9、duated cum laude, high recommendations, 你的教学成果评估非常优异 好极了your student teaching evals are outstanding, excellent. 你怎么会决定要教书What made you decide to go into teaching? 我就只想教书 我觉得我是天生的老师料Its all Ive ever wanted to do. I feel like I was born to teach. 为什么选择亚特兰大Why choose Atlanta? 我是指你的家乡在密苏里I mean.Missouri

10、s your home. 我想当勇士队的球迷 所以 Im thinking of becoming a Braves fan. So, ahh.乔治亚州认可 我的伊利诺州教学执照Georgia honors my Illinois teaching certificate. 就爱上了亚特兰大Plus I fell in love with Atlanta当我来这里当营队辅导员 when I worked down here as a camp counselor. 我现在就住这里I live here now. 我爸和我继母也住这里So does my Dad and my Stepmom.

11、很高兴能得到家人的支持Well, its nice to have family here to.give you support. 我们还是来谈谈大象吧Maybe we should talk about the elephant. 大象Elephant? 这屋里的大象 我的妥瑞症In the room: my Tourettes. 不行 基于美国残障法案 No. The Americans with Disabilities Act 我不能问你doesnt allow me to ask you. . .我知道 但我想告诉你 I know, but Id like to tell you

12、我也有告诉我教的学生just like I tell the kids in my classes. 我跟他们解释这是大脑的问题See, I explain to them that its a brain thing让我发出奇怪的声音 that causes me to make strange noises 就像打喷嚏一样控制不了theyre like sneezes, irrepressible. 你想打喷嚏就非打不可When you have to, 非打不可you have to. 学生都怎么回应How do they react? 他们明白以后就接受了啊Once they unde

13、rstand, theyre fine with it. 在课堂上从来不是问题Its never caused any problems in a classroom. 我只想要一个机会All I want is a chance. 让我面试Just get me the interviews, 向他们证明我能胜任这个工作and let me prove to them that I can do the job. 美国残障法案明文规定 The Americans with Disabilities Act says 我有权利得到这样的机会Im entitled to a chance. 朗恩

14、 Ron! 结果怎样Hey, howd it go? 他们就说谁想要像狗叫的老师Oh, you know: Who wants a teacher that barks like a dog? 叫我去找别的工作You should try another line of work. 真的假的Are you serious? 他们没看你的履历吗Didnt they look at your resume? 你是在开玩笑啦Youre kidding. 他们会安排我跟几位校长面试Theyre setting up interviews with some principals. 太好了 几时Fant

15、astic! When? 我不知道 要等他们的电话Oh, I dont know. Ive gotta wait for their calls. 换衣服 我们去庆祝Get changed we gotta go celebrate. 你不是有约会吗Havent you got a date? 我问问她有没有朋友Ill see if shes got a friend. 你也是时候该认识几个女生了Its about time you started meeting some chicks. 我现在没心情交女朋友啦I cant focus on dating right now. 有没有人说过你

16、走火入魔了Has anybody ever tell you youre obsessive? 只有我去看的每个精神科医生啦Only every shrink I ever saw. 那你慢慢专心吧Well, have fun focusing. 你爸又打来了Oh your Dad called again. 你有空还是回个电话给他吧Maybe you should call him back, you know? 好 待会儿见All right. Ill see you later. 回电话给我爸Returning Dads call? 那我要作好准备才行Id have to prepare

17、 for that. 我爸妈在我小时候就离婚了See, Mom and Dad had divorced when I was a little kid and my relationship我和我爸的关系一直都 with Dad had always been 怎么说 应该算是复杂吧umm, lets just say complicated? 我磨光了他的耐性 就像黑板上的钉子一样I mean, I wore out his patience like nails on a chalkboard. 更糟的是我弟弟杰夫也有点过动It didnt help that my brother Je

18、ff was also a little hyper. 爸爸说他在等着回亚特兰大的家Dad said hes waiting to get back to his home in Atlanta, 他想跟你说再见hes waiting to say goodbye 再见 Goodbye! 你会惹他生气啦Youre gonna make him mad! 来 我们比赛 Come on Ill race you! 想跟我比门儿都没有啦Against The Green Dragon? You gotta be kidding笨蛋 Sucker! 你作弊 Cheater! 抄捷径 Short cut

19、! 你骑脚踏车耶 You got a bike. 再见了 杰夫See you, Jeff. 不公平啦Hey! Thats not fair! 来啊 Aw, comon! 杰夫Jeff! 你赢不了我啦Youre not going to beat me! 看 我就要赢了See, Im gonna win. 不公平 你骑脚踏车 Thats not fair! You got a bike! 不准你这样 不 你作弊 Oh, no youre not! Oh, no! You are! 你这家伙 小声一点啦Hey guys! quiet down, you guys, quiet down. 别让邻居

20、发现了 过来We do have neighbors you know. Come here. 看吧 我赢了See, I did beat you. 冷静下来 布莱德 过来 Yeah. Calm down. Brad, comere. 好了 请你专心一点Comon honey, focus, would you? 过来 过来这里站好Comere. Come here! Stand here. 听着 听我说 请你专心好吗Listen. Listen up. Focus, please. All right? 请你们帮我一个忙I need you guys to do me a favor. 你们

21、俩要多体谅妈妈 好吗I want you both to make life a little easier for your mom, okay? 你们快把她搞疯了 You are driving her nuts. 听好 住手 布莱德 Guys, listen! Hey, hey. Stop it! Brad! 要帮忙她做家务事Help her out around the house但首先 不能再捣蛋了 明白but most of all let us stop the obnoxious behavior, OK? 嗨 听着 我是认真的Hey, listen. I mean it! 别

22、再胡闹OK? Quit the clowning. 你弟觉得好玩 但我不觉得Your brother may think its funny, but I dont. 我控制不了嘛I cant help it. 不 你可以的Yes, you can. 只要自制一点就可以了Theres nothing wrong with you that a little self-control wouldnt fix. 停下来Now, stop it. 诺曼 什么事Norman? Yeah! 飞机可是不等人的哦Theyre not going to hold that plane for you. 好 好

23、了 抱一下Okay, all right. Gimme a hug. 爸爸再见See you, Dad! 再见了 小杰Bye-bye, J-man爸 我爱你I love you, Dad. 我也爱你Love you too, kiddo. 听好了 下次改住我家吧 咋样Hey, listen up well stay at my house next time. OK? 好 我带你们去看勇士队的球赛OK! Ill get tickets to a Braves game. 布莱德 记住我们刚才讲的And Brad, remember what we talked about:要自制一点 好吗Se

24、lfcontrol. All right? 妈 需要帮忙吗Need any help with anything, Mom? Well.既然你提了就来帮忙吧now that you mention it.离婚后 我和杰夫帮忙妈妈创业After the divorce, Jeff and I helped Mom with her new business. 她四处在兜售精品高级服饰Sort of a high class traveling boutique. 可能也不算是帮忙啦Well, maybe helped isnt exactly the right word. 艾伦 这些衣服好漂亮

25、Oh, Ellen, these things are exquisite! 在圣路易找不到这种流行款式You never find styles like this in St. Louis. 这是直接从加州来的 比佛利山庄Well, it is direct from California. Beverly Hills. 大家都这样穿This is what everyone is wearing. 你看这件 孩子们孩子们Look at this. Boys? Boys! 躲猫猫Hide and seek? 开始数Count. 一One.艾伦 我不想看两位数的衣服Now, Ellen, I

26、 dont want to see anything in double-digits. 加州的东西都不贵Oh, honey, everything in California runs small. 你试穿看看Go ahead. Just try it on. 布莱德 请你冷静下来Brad, would you please calm down? 他像狗一样吠耶 Hes barking like a dog, for goodness sake! 看Now look. 别误会了Dont take this the wrong way 恕我直言 我当你是朋友才讲的you know I woul

27、dnt say this to you if we werent friends 你有没有考虑过找人驱魔but have you considered an exorcist? 我觉得你还是要面对现实 You know, I think you might have to face. 你的尺寸是12号the fact that youre a size 12.如果你不好意思 我帮你剪标I can cut the label, if it makes you feel better. 这是新医生 听听他怎么说Its a new doctor lets just listen to what he

28、 has to say. 我都知道他会说什么了I know what hell have to say. 你因为离婚的事生你妈的气5吗布莱德Do you feel any anger toward your mother, because of the divorce, Brad? 没有啊No. No. 你因为爸爸不跟你住而气他吗Do you resent your father because he doesnt live with you anymore? 不会啊No. 爸妈离婚你会自责吗Do you blame yourself for the divorce, Brad? 这发生在我很

29、小的时候 我甚至不记得了It happened when I was a little kid, I dont even remember it. 科恩太太 布莱德无法接受父母离婚Mrs. Chen, Brad has some serious denial issues regarding the divorce. 在家里要给他界定得很明确What he needs at home are some clear boundaries. 要让他理解这种行为完全无法接受He needs to understand that this behavior is totally unacceptabl

30、e. 这就是你的职责了 科恩太太And that, Mrs. Cohen, is your job. 最难过的就是我让妈妈很辛苦The hardest part was knowing how tough I made things for Mom. 我有在尽量帮忙她了I tried as best as I could for her. 记得让他按时吃药Make sure he keeps taking his medication, OK? 至于我爸And for Dad? 三振 Strike three! 我打棒球I played sports. 在球场上 我是如鱼得水On the ba

31、ll field, I fit right in. 我是说 打棒球的每个人I mean, everybody makes 都会发出怪声 做一些奇怪的动作funny noises and has strange tics at a baseball game. 波波加油 Go, Bobo! 布莱德加油 快 Come on, Brad! 非常感谢Thank you very much. 好了 要点什么All right. What can l get you? 听好了 我有好消息要告诉你们Hey, guys. I got something pretty exciting to tell you. 别吃这么快 你会打嗝Honey, dont eat so fast. Youre gonna get the hiccups. 他老是在打嗝Hes always got the hiccups. 你才打嗝咧Youre a hiccup! 听好了 你别这么激动好吗Listen, hey! Would you just relax? .

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