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1、论紫色中西丽自我意识的觉醒英语论文XXXX大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书编 号: 论文(设计)题目: 论紫色中西丽自我意识的觉醒 学院: XX学院 专业: XXXX 班级: XXX级英语XX班 学生姓名: XXX 学号: XXXXXX 指导教师: XX 职称:XXX 1、论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务本论文的研究目标是论述紫色中西丽自我意识的觉醒。其主要任务是通过分析黑人女性所遭受的双重,西丽自我意识觉醒的过程以及自我价值的实现。2、论文(设计)的主要内容 本论文分为三章,第一章介绍黑人女性所遭受的双重压迫,第二章阐述女 主角追求自我价值的历程,第三章探讨西丽自我价值的实现。3、论文(设计)的

2、基础条件及研究路线 本论文的基础条件是不同的文学家及女性主义学者对紫色的研究结果。研究路线是分别阐述黑人女性所遭受的双重和女主角自我意识觉醒的过程以及自我价值的实现。4、主要参考文献Walker, A. 1983. The Color Purple. London: Womans Press.Woolf, V. 1985. A Room of Ones Own. London: Granada PressBloom, Harold. 1989.Alice Walker. New York: Chelsea House Publisher艾丽丝沃克著, 杨敬仁译.1988.紫色.北京:十月文艺出

3、版社.刘源.2006.紫色与艾丽斯沃克的妇女主义. 世纪桥 5、计划进度阶段起止日期1确定初步论文题目3月16日前2与导师见面,确定大致范围,填开题报告和任务书,导师签字3月16日-3月23日3提交论文提纲3月23日-3月30日4交初稿和文献综述3月30日-4月20日5交终稿和评议书5月8日前指 导 教师: 年 月 日教研室主任: 年 月 注:一式三份,学院(系)、指导教师、学生各一份XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书XXX 学院 XXXX 专业 XXXX 届学生姓名XXX论文(设计)题目论紫色中西丽自我意识的觉醒指导教师XX专业职称X所属教研室商务英语系研究方向20世纪英国文学课题

4、论证:从黑人女性所遭受的双重压迫和女主角追求自我价值的历程及自我价值的实现论证西丽自我意识的觉醒。方案设计:第一章介绍黑人女性所遭受的双重压迫,第二章阐述女主角追求自我价值的历程, 第三章探讨西丽自我价值的实现。进度计划:3月16日前确定初步论文题目 3月30日前写开题报告、任务书3月30日前提交论文提纲4月20日前提交初稿和文献综述5月8 日前交终稿和评议书指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见: 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)评议书姓 名XXX学院XXX学院专业XXX年级(班)XX级英语X班论 文 题 目论紫色中西丽自我意识的觉醒完成时间XXX

5、5/08论文内容摘要 艾丽斯沃克是美国文学史上最著名的黑人女作家之一。她的代表作品紫色发表于1982年,一经出版便引起了评论界轰动,并获得普利策文学奖和美国国家图书奖。艾丽斯沃克深受女姓主义影响,并把争取种族平等、女性解放作为其毕生的事业,她的这种女姓主义思想在小说紫色中得以体现。小说紫色深刻分析了黑人女性所遭受的来自种族主义和性别主义的双重压迫,揭示了阻碍黑人女性觉醒与获得解放的因素,呼唤黑人女性自我意识的觉醒,把争取女性平等的斗争扩大到黑人群体中。小说揭露了黑人男性和白人对黑人女性的歧视和压迫,并展现了黑人女性团结一致摆脱压迫,重建黑人男性和女性之间的和谐关系。本文旨在阐述紫色中女主角西丽

6、自我意识的觉醒。全文共分为三章。第一章主要阐述黑人女性所遭受的双重压迫黑人男性的性别歧视和压迫以及白人的种族歧视和压迫;第二章介绍了女主角追求自我价值的历程。从服从,抗争到和解以及在追求自我价值过程中所得到的女性朋友的帮助。第三章阐述了西丽自我价值的实现。包括经济的独立以及精神家园的重建。 指导教师评语 年 月 日指 导 教 师职称初评成绩答辩小组姓名职称教研室组长成员答辩记录: 记录人签字: 年 月 日答辩小组意见: 组长签字: 年 月 日学院意见: 评定成绩: 签章 年 月 日XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述Literature Review Alice Walker is on

7、e of the most outstanding black female writers in the American literature history. Her works most vividly reflects love and hate, happiness and sadness, fantasy and disappointment of black women. The Color Purple is her masterpiece, which created a fresh black female image by narrating black womens

8、suffering. Critics and linguists in the world gave a lot of attention to the success of The Color Purple. Foreign scholars mainly concentrated on review of The Color Purple, which can be divided into several aspects. Firstly, some scholars discussed the implied meaning of the purple in The Color Pur

9、ple. For example, in America, Teresa Tavormina(1986)made analysis of the parallels between clothing and the perception of the characters, Celie cannot get her preferable clothes of purple color, indicating that she has been deprived of freedom, The Color Purple also implies that she has been beaten,

10、 for the purple is also the color of scars; on the contrary, the symbols of Shugs fur clothing gives us the impression that Shug is much more powerful, since fur is the sign of animal. Secondly, some scholars concentrated the heroine Celie in The Color Purple. For example, Linda Abbaandonato(1991),

11、she talks about the wakeness of the identity of the black women in the novel, she takes Ceile as the typical one. In addition, there are some scholars to analyze the status of the black in the society from racial angle. For example, Linda Selzer(1995)discusses the habits and traditions between the r

12、ace and domesticity of American family, especially in the black peoples family. Many comments in abroad also are from womanism perspective. For example, Susan Willis(1987)analyzed the theme of The Color Purple from the perspective of the black feminism.According to her thesis, The Color Purple is co

13、incident with the ideology of black feminism. The way to save black women from suffering is obviously the main principles of black feminism. Foreign scholars made a lot of study of The Color Purple itself, and at the same time, some scholars also pay attention to the comparative study of The Color P

14、urple. It is be pointed out that all of the women only realize themselves is a great unique individual, and then they can win true spiritual existence. In conclusion, foreign scholars have quite mature research on The Color Purple, which can be good reference for this paper. In Chinese academic fiel

15、d, researches on The Color Purple mainly concentrate in two forms of critics and collected paper. Many critics studied it from the perspective of the difference. Some studied the protagonists awakening from the perspective of black feminist, for example, Huang L.N.(2002)pointed out that in spite of

16、the limitation in the novel, Walker reveals us a vivid depiction of the Afro-American family life, especially the black womens sufferings, struggles and final triumphs. The most important one is her focus on the internal “black-on-black” oppression and black womens fight for their own rights. In the

17、 same year, Zhang L.J.(2002)studied Alice Walkers other three novels to interpret the awakening of black women. He pointed out that the process of black women awakening may reflect changes of American black womens social status. Some scholars also explored the deconstructionism contained in the nove

18、l, for example, Liu Yuan(2007)thought that Alice walker not only highly praised the courage and strength represented by black women in the face of double oppression. And they gave black men empathy ability,and promoted their growth. He also thought that they broke and rewrote patriarchal social form

19、, to some extent. There are comments on the religious thought in The Color Purple in academia. For example, Zhang H.M.(2003)pointed out that the black womens betrayal of God marks self-consciousness awakening of them, and materialization of God image indicates mature self-awareness and religious fai

20、th of the protagonist.In domestic researches on The Color Purple, Liu X.L.(2009)analyzed the growth course of Celie, and concluded that womanism ideas contains ego lost, self-consciousness awakening. Gao J.C.analyzed womanism in The Color Purple. He thought that Walkers womanism surpasses gender dis

21、crimination and racism, and focuses on the integrity of the whole human society, which is actually the core walkers womanism, and the greatest contribution to traditional feminism. Relevant academic achievements by domestic scholars on The Color Purple are relatively still rare, and inferior to the

22、international level. Researches of Chinese scholars mainly focus on some certain characteristics, and lack of comprehensive and systematic evaluation. In previous studies, it is obvious that the awakening of the self-value is an important aspect of The Color Purple, and runs through the whole story.

23、 This thesis focus on the awakening of the self-value of Celie through the illustration of the double oppression upon the black women and the awakening process of Celie as well as the realization of the self-value and makes the final conclusion that black women can get real revival and achieve harmo

24、nious coexistence with men by self-improvement,s elf-reliance, and self-struggle on the direction of womanism.本科生毕业论文题目: 论紫色中西丽自我意识的觉醒作者姓名: XXX 指导教师: XX 所在学院: XXX学院 专业(系): XXXX 班级(届): XXXX届 完成日期 XXXX 年 5 月 8 日Awakening of the self-value An Analysis of Celie in the color purpleBYXXX Prof. XXX, TutorA

25、 Thesis Submitted to Department of English Language and Literature in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of B.A. in English At XXXX UniversityMay 8th, XXXXAbstract Alice Walker is one of the most outstanding black women writers in American Literature. The color purple which was p

26、ublished in 1982, is considered as her representative work. The novel has aroused great reverberation since its publication and also makes Alice Walker win the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award. Greatly influenced by feminism, Alice Walker regards achieving racial equality and womens libera

27、tion as her life career, which was greatly reflected in the novel The Color Purple. The novel deeply analyses the double oppression of black women, which were racism and sexism and revealed the barriers of black women awakening and liberation. It encourages black women to wake up and fight for selfh

28、ood. It expanded the struggle for womens equal rights to the group of black people. The novel exposes the black men and the white peoples oppression and discrimination to black women and shows the black womens unity to get rid of the oppression and rebuild the harmonious relationship between black m

29、en and women.This thesis will illustrate the awakening of the self-value of Celie and is divided into three chapters. Chapter one focuses on the double oppression that the black women suffer, which are the sexual discrimination and oppression from the black men and the racial discrimination and oppr

30、ession from the white people. Chapter two emphasizes the process of Celies pursuit of self-value,from compliance to fight and at last reaching a reconciliation and the help Celie got from her sisters.Chapter three realization of self-value including the economic independence and the rebuilding of sp

31、iritual home. Key words: The Color Purple self-value oppression awakening resistance摘要 艾丽斯沃克是美国文学史上最著名的黑人女作家之一。她的代表作品紫色发表于1982年,一经出版便引起了评论界轰动,并获得普利策文学奖和美国国家图书奖。艾丽斯沃克深受女姓主义影响,并把争取种族平等、女性解放作为其毕生的事业,她的这种女姓主义思想在小说紫色中得以体现。小说紫色深刻分析了黑人女性所遭受的来自种族主义和性别主义的双重压迫,揭示了阻碍黑人女性觉醒与获得解放的因素,呼唤黑人女性自我意识的觉醒,把争取女性平等的斗争扩大到黑人群体中。小说揭露了黑人男性和白人对黑人女性的歧视和压迫,并展现了黑人女性团结一致摆脱压迫,重建黑人男性和女性之间的和谐关系。本文旨在阐述紫色中女主角西丽自我意识的觉醒。全文共分为三章。第一章主要阐述黑人女性所遭受的双重压迫黑人男性的性别歧视和压迫以及白人的种族歧视和压迫;第二章介绍了女主角追求

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