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1、医学英语消化系统Medical EnglishDigestive system(Gastrointestinal tract, Gl)消化系统Fang, Xiao yi (Judy)房晓祎Department of Pediatrics, First Affiliated Hospital ofShantou University Medical CollegeobjectivesRemember the roots pertaining to the digestive systemDescribe the structures and functions of the organs in

2、digestive systemDescribe the digestive process of the foodKnow common symptoms and signs of the Gl tract diseasesKnow several common disorders of digestive systemRelated rootsoro-, stoma-, stomato: stomatic, to the mouth 口的esophago-: esophageal, to the esophagus食道的gastro-: gastric, to the stomach 胃的

3、chole-: biliary, to the bile胆汁的cholecysto-: to the gallbladder胆囊的hapato-: hapatic, to the liver肝的spleno-: splenic, to the spleen脾的laparo-, abdomino-: laparal, abdominal腹的entero-, intestino-: intestinal, to the intestine小肠的duodeno-: duode nal, to the duode num 十二扌旨肠的jejuno-: jejunal, to the jejunum空肠

4、的ileo-: ileal, to the ileum回肠的colo-: colonic, to the colon结肠的procto-: to the rectum直肠的The Digestive SystemThe digestive system consists of organs that break down food into components that the body uses for energy and for building and repairing cells and tissues.Abdominal regionsHC: hypochondriac reg

5、ions 季肋区 U: umbilical region 脐区E: epigastric region 上腹部 RIF, LIF: right and left iliac fossae 骼窝L: lumbar regions 腰部 HG: hypogastric region 下腹部Upper Gl tract:一 mouth - Chewing and secretion of salivary enzymes一 (o)esophagus - the long tube between the mouth and the stomach. It uses rhythmic muscle m

6、ovements (called peristalsis) to force food from the throat into the stomach. “gullet”一 stomach - a sackJike,muscular organ that is attached to the esophagus Both chemical and mechanical digestion takes place in the stomach. The entrance is cardia (贲l、j) and the exit ispylorus (幽门).一 duodenum - the

7、first part of the small intestine runs from the stomach to the jejunum. Lower Gl tract:-Small intestines:jejunum 空肠ileum回肠一 Large intestines:cecum盲肠 and appendix阑尾Colon结肠:ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid colonrectum 直肠anus肛门 Accessory structures:-salivary glands - glands located in the

8、mouth that produce saliva that contains enzymes that break down carbohydrates (starch淀粉).-liver - a large organ located above and to the right of the stomach .It filters toxi ns from the blood, and makes bile and some blood proteins-gallbladder胆囊-a small, sac-like organ located by theduodenum .It st

9、ores and releases bile into the smallin testi ne.-pancreas - an enzyme-producing gland located below the stomach and above the intestines. Enzymes from the pancreas help in the digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the small intestines.一 Ampulla of Vater瓦特氏壶腹 Special terminologies:一 peris

10、talsis 一 rhythmic, wavelike muscle movements that propels food along the gut by the coordinated contraction of muscle in one area and relaxation in the next. Peristalsis is involuntary - you cannot control it. It is also what allows you to eat and drink while upsidedown.一 chyme food in the stomach t

11、hat is partly digested and mixed with stomach acids Chyme goes on to the small intestine for further digestio n.Adjective form of the termsMouth Esophagus Stomach Cardia Pylorus Liver Duodenum Jejunum Ileum CecumM Colon Rectum Anus Appendix Abdomen Saliva Bile PancreasOralEsophagealGastricCardiacPyl

12、oricHepaticDuodenalJejunalIlealCecalColonicRectalAnalAppendicalAbdomi nalSalivaryBiliaryPancreaticCDFunctions of the GT tract1.Digestion of food:/ mastication in the mouth/ swallowing through the throat/ mixing in the stomach and small intestine,/ enzymatic digestion in the stomach and small intesti

13、ne/ absorption by the stomach, small intestine and large intestineFunctions of the GT tract2.Motility:/ Peristalsis and mass movement throughout gut3.Storage of food wastes:/ In the stomach, sigmoid colon and rectum4.Excretion:/ Defecation through the rectum and anusFunctions of the GT tract5.Secret

14、ion:/ Exocrine, endocrine and paracrine secretions throughout the glands in the Gl tract and pancreas and liver6.Defence:/ Gastric acid secretion through stomach;“ Mucus secretion throughout gut;/ Immune response by Peyer5s patches and macrophages in mucosa;/ Secretion of IgA through the mucosal sec

15、retionsHowdoesItworkdigestion of foodHow does it work?Food is in gested by mouth and chewed by teeth .It passes down the throat, down through the esophagus, and into the stomach, where food continues to be broken down by the acids and enzymes.The partially digested food (chyme) passes into the duode

16、num (first part of the small intestine).The jejunum and ileum are also part of the small intestine, where the food is fully digested and the nutrients are absorbed into the blood.The liver, the gallbladder, and the pancreas produce enzymes and substances that help with digestion in the small intesti

17、ne.The last section of the digestive tract is the large intestine, which in eludes the cecum, colon, and rectum. The appendix is a branch of the large intestine. Some of the water are absorbed here.Indigestible remains of food are expelled through the anus.exercise Point out the organs in the diagra

18、m and tell us its functionsteethepiglottislivergallbladdercommon bile ductcolonappendix148910131423567111215salivary gland tongue esophagus stomach duodenum pancreas small intestine rectumCommon Symptoms and Signs ofGT bisordersSymptoms:-abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, heartburn 胃灼热,dyspepsia消化不良,

19、anorexia食欲减退, regurgitation反流,belching/burping暧气, bloating WIK, dysphagia吞卩因困难,passage of gas排气,constipation便秘,diarrhea腹泻, hematemesis呕血,melena黑便,tarry stools木白 油样便,bloody stools/ hematochezia/ hemafeciaffl5 mass protruding from the anus肛门突出物Signs:一 abdominal tenderness压痛,palpation of mass, peritone

20、al signs: rebound tenderness反跳痛 and guarding肌卫;jaundice黄疸, hepatomegaly 肝夭Common Gl DisordersGastritis 胃炎Peptic ulcer 消化性溃疡Constipation 便秘Diarrhea 腹泻Gallstones, cholelithiasis 胆石症Hepal汁is 肝炎Jaundice 黄疸Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis 肥厚性幽门狭窄Intestinal obstruction 肠梗阻Acute appendicitis 急性阑尾炎Cancer of GI

21、 tract 消化道肿瘤Acute or chronic Inflammation of the stomach;Acute gastritis is almost always caused by drugs (such as aspirin) or by chemicals (such as alcohol) causing chemical exfoliation of the surface epithelial cells and decreasing the secretion of protective mucus. Chronic gastritis is the chroni

22、c inflammatory changes in the mucosa cause atrophy and epithelial metaplasia化生.-Type A: autoimmune-Type B: bacterial infect io n(He/cobacfer pylori, H. pylori, HP,幽门螺旋杆菌)-Type C: refluxsymptoms and signs of gastritisA gnawing or burning ache or pain (indigestion) in the upper abdomenNausea, vomiting

23、Loss of appetiteBelching打嗝,bloating 胃胀A feeling of fullness in upper abdomen after eating Weight lossAcute gastritis occurs suddenly and is more likely tocause nausea and burning pain or discomfort in upperabdome n. Chronic gastritis develops gradually and is more likely to cause a dull pain and a f

24、eeling of fullness or loss of appetite after a few bites of food.Peptic ulcer消化性溃疡A peptic ulcer is a sore or hole in the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, which usually occurs in the stomach or the duodenum.Most of the time, this is caused by infection with H pylori.-Gastric ulcer, GU 胃溃疡,-Duod

25、enal ulcer, DU十二指肠溃疡The Symptoms of the peptic ulcerBurning (heartburn) or gnawing pain in the upper abdomen that improves after eating but returns a few hours later or in the middle of the nightA change in appetite with weight gain or weight lossNausea or vomitingFrequent burping暧气 or bloating 胃胀Dy

26、spepsiaThe Symptoms of the peptic ulcer the signs of a more serious condition: perforation $ 孑匚 hemorrhage 出血一 Sharp, sudden, persistent stomach pain一 Hemafecia便血:Bloody or black stools, tarry stools, melena黑粪一 Hematemesis卩区血:Bloody vomit or vomit that looks like coffee grounds fluids咖啡渣样液一 (hemopty

27、sis咯血,emptysis)Constipation 便秘Having infrequent bowel movementsOne can help prevent constipation by:一 Drinking plenty of fluids一 Eating a diet that is high in fiber一 Exercising一 Not holding your stoolIf constipation continues, doctor may suggest using a laxative缓泻药Diarrhea 腹泻Passage of excessively l

28、iquid or excessively frequent stoolsIt may be infective or noninfective.Gastroenteritis: H 肠炎-Viruses: Rotavirus, RV,轮状病毒一 Bacteria: Escherichia coli/E. coli大肠杆菌一 Parasites: Entamoeba histolytica阿米巴原虫一 Fungi: Candida albicans白色念珠菌Non-infective diarrhea一 incorrect feedi ng, in appropriate antibiotics

29、 usage, lactose intolerance乳癮不耐受Complications Dehydration 脱水: Abnormally low water content in the bodyComplications Disturbances of electrolytes and acid-base balance电解质、酸碱平衡紊乱:(K: Potassium, Na: Sodium, Cl: Chlorine,Ca: Calcium, Mg: Magnesium, HCO3 bicarbonate) 一 Hypo/Hyperkalemia低钾血症/高钾血症低氯血症 低钙血症

30、- Hypo/Hypernatremia低钠血症/高钠血症 一 Hypochloremia-Hypocalcemia-Acidosis/Alkalosis 酸中毒 / 碱中毒(metabolic/respiratory 彳弋谢性/呼吸性)Gallstones 胆结石Cholelithiasis 胆石症Gallstones are clusters of solid material that form in the gallbladder.The most common type is made mostly of cholesterol胆固醇.Gallstones may occur as

31、one large stone or as many small ones. They vary in size and may be as large as a golf ball or as small as a grain of sand.The Symptoms of GallstonesSevere pain in the upper abdomen that starts suddenly and lasts from 30 minutes to many hoursPain under the right shoulder or in the right shoulder bladeNausea or vomitingIndigestion after eating high-fat foods, such as fried foods or dessertsHepat汁is肝炎is an inflammation

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