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人教新目标英语七年级上册Unit 4Section A 1a2d优质课教案.docx

1、人教新目标英语七年级上册Unit 4 Section A 1a2d优质课教案Wheres my schoolbag? Section A (1a-2d)Learning Goals一、语言知识:(常用词汇和短语) where, table, bed, sofa, chair, on, under, come on,desk,think.二、语言功能:能用Where 问句和一般疑问句提问,并用方位介词 来回答;注意名词的单复数Where is? Its in on/underWhere are? Theyre in on/under三、学习策略:1. 组织学生进行句型操练,讲授语言知识,总结学生

2、在听的过程中接受的松散的语言知识,使其条理化、规范化,让学生更牢固地掌握语言知识。2加强英语的立体教学创设英语环境,组织兴趣组活动,为学生营造自主学习的强烈氛围。四、情感教育:促使学生了解和关心自己和他人的家居环境,热爱自己的家,养成良好的生活习惯。从完成任务的过程中,学会互相合作,互相帮助,互相提高的社会交际意识。Teaching stepsStep I. Pre-listening activities 1. Preview (Look at Page19-20)1)Show the pictures of a room on the screen. Let students list t

3、he things first. Then ask the students to match the things in the picture. 2)Translate the following phrases 1. 在沙发上_ 5. under the table_2. 在桌子里_ 6. on the floor _3. 在椅子上_ 7 in the schoolbag_4. 在书架上 _ 8. under the bed_ (设计意图:让学生做好充分的预习,解学生的预习情况及难点所在,为以学定教打下基础。)2. Warming up and leading inTalk with t

4、he students about the things in the classroom by asking “What is it/are these?” revising the new words and have a group competition between boys and girls to brainstorm whatthings in a bedroom/a study/a living-room? The group which can list more things is the winner(设计意图:这一环节采用竞赛的方式,看看哪一组想出的方法最多给予及时

5、的表扬。学生积极性很高,能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务, 尽情享受学习的乐趣。)Step II. While-listening activitiesTask1: Listen and finish 1b1) Listening for the main idea. The main idea of the three conversations is that _C_.A: the people are talking to each other about themselves.B: the people are talking to each other abo

6、ut what things are.C: the people are talking to each other about where things are.2) Listening for details.(听取细节).Listen to 1b and number the picture (1-4).3) Post-listening: Guide Ss to summary the usage of in, on, under, according to the pictures: 3) Pair work: Let students practice the dialogue i

7、n pairs and act it out. A: Where is/are the?B: Its/ Theyre(设计意图:使学生把语言当作交际工具来运用让学生体验和实践语言,锻炼提高其语言表达能力。)Task2: Listen and finish 2a, 2b1 Listening for the main idea. The dialogue is about _A_.A: Stationery (文具) B: Furniture(家具)2. Listening for details. (1)2a Listen and number the things (1-6).(2)List

8、en again. Find the things from 2a and number them in the picture (1-6) (3) Listen and fill in the blanks.-Hey, Helen! -Yes?-Is my _ game on the table?-No, it isnt. Its _ the bookcase.-Oh, OK. How about my_? Are they in the bookcase , too?-No, they_. They are on the chair.-Oh. So, where is my_ _ ?-Hm

9、m. Its _ the sofa. -And wheres my schoolbag?-Its under the table. And the ruler is under the_.-Oh, I see. And where are moms_?-The keys? They are on the table.(4) Listen and repeat.(设计意图:听力先听大意再听细节,循序渐进进行输入活动由易到难,有层次有梯度,可以增大学生学习的信心。)StepPost-listening activities. (听后活动)(1) Try to retell the passage.

10、The computer is _. The books are _. The pencil case is _. The school bag is_.The ruler is _. The keys are _.(2) Role-play the conversation in pairs. Then act it in front of the classroom. 1. Show a picture of a room. Give the Ss one minute to look at it, and then ask them what kind of things they sa

11、w and where the things are. Have a competition among groups. See which group can remember all the things and where they are.2. Guide Ss to practice the conversation in pairs and get some pairs to act it out without books.Mom: Come on, Jack! Jack: Oh,no! Where is my bag? Mom: Hmm is it on your desk?

12、Jack: No. And its not under the chair. Mom: Oh! Its on the sofa. Jack: Thank you, mom. Erwhere is the map? Mom: I think its in your grandparents room.Jack: Yes, its on their bed! And my hat?Mom:Its on your head!Jack: Oh, yeah! Ha-ha!(设计意图:根据先输入后输出的原则进行有效地输出活动。让学生进行Role-play 活动,准备帽子 ,背包,地图等道具,让学生到教室前

13、面表演妈妈和孩子之间的对话。这样能很好地训练学生的口语表达及语言运用能力,学生非常喜欢这种表演的活动,全身心的投入而且乐此不疲)。Step IV. Inquiry into knowledge by translation观察并翻译下列句子体会语法。Where is the map? _?Its in your grandparents room. _.Where are my books? _?They are on the sofa._.Where are their keys? _.They are on the table. _.1这里wheres=_ _, Where is/are

14、这一句型表示_.结构为Where_ /_ +定冠词/物主代词+名词。Where is my book? _ there . Where are my books? _ on the desk.2. Its under /in /on the desk. 译为_。在床下_。 在桌子上 _在书包里_3. Is the map on the sofa?肯定回答 Yes, _ _. 否定回答 No, _ _.(设计意图:翻译探究,通过翻译来体验Where is/are的用法,同时也训练了学生的合作精神及探究精神)。StepMake a summary (Guide Ss to look at the

15、mind maps and summary) We have learned: (1)Words: _.(2)Sentences: _.(3)Grammar: _ is my book? _ is on the sofa. _ are my keys? _ are under the table.(设计意图:思维导图呈现部分关键词、关键短语或句子,学生由思维导图可以产生联想、唤起记忆。鼓励学生根据思维导图提示总结语言知识并且巩固了所学文本内容。提高学生的自我归纳总结能力,从而提高学生的自主学习水平。)StepVI. The end-of class test I翻译词组 1我的椅子 2他的棒球

16、 3 在桌子下面 4在沙发上 5他的钥匙 6在书柜里 II 根据汉语完成句子。 1 我的夹克衫在哪里? - my ? 它在桌子底下。 -Its the . 2他的钥匙在沙发上吗? - Keys the sofa? 3它在书橱里吗?- it the ?不,它不在。 - , . 1. Whats this English? 用单词的适当形式填空。1. Where are the books? _ (it) are in the schoolbag2. Whos that girl? _ (her) is my sister.3. Those are your _ (key).4. Where_ (

17、be) the schoolbagsStep Homework设计自己理想中的房间,把它画出来,并在旁边加注英文说明。板书设计:Unit 4 Where is my backpack?Where is-? Where are-? 方位介词Its on/in/under-. Theyre on/in/under-. on Is it on/in/under-? Are they on/in/under-? InYes, it is. Yes, they are. underNo, it isnt. No, they arent.Answers:合作探究答案:1.(1)地图在哪里? 它在你祖父母的

18、房间里。我的书在哪里? 在沙发上。他们的钥匙在哪里? 它们在沙发上。(2)Where is. 在哪里 is/are Its Theyre2.它在桌子下/里 / 上面。under the bed on the table in the schoolbag3. it is it isnt检测题答案:I.1 my chair 2 his baseball 3under the table 4on the sofa 5his keys 6in the bookcase II.1Wheres jacket under table 2. Are his on 3. Is, in, bookcase No

19、it isnt III 1. They 2. She 3. Keys 4.are 教学反思:亮点: 本节课的重点是练习介词in, on, under 的用法,而且是一节听说课。为了更好地训练学生,本案设计了一系列的学习活让学生充分参与到教学中来,更加侧重于学生的训练,更加有利于学生掌握并运用介词in, on, under。由于本课时是听说课。每完成一个听力任务之前,老师都先呈现该听力的语境及听的技巧,为接下来的听做好准备。所以注重了学生的听力和表演技能的培养。 使用建议: 为了达到良好的教学效果,我们应该鼓励学生参与到教学中来,两人或小组为单位进行大量的训练。同时借助于多媒体或现有的教学设施使学生更加直观地了解并掌握知识。

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