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1、全国各地市110份中考英语试题解析版汇编完形填空填词型2011年全国各地市110份中考英语试题解析版汇编完形填空(一)填词型【2011上海】D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with suitable words .( 在短文的空格内填入适当的次,使其内容通顺. 每空格限填一词, 首字母已给 ): ( 14分) At one time, making a film was an expensive activity only for a small group of people and film companies. Not only we

2、re the tools and machines expensive but the cost of film was also far greater than most people could afford. However, modem technology has c 92 all that. New technology has really opened up the world of film-making for film fans. Now a cameradoes not cost m 93 and most young people are certainly abl

3、e to pay for it. So all you need is to get one for yourself. With that, you may then start your own film-making. However, film-making is t 94 work. You probably need many other people to help you.For example, the p 95 of actors and actresses is very important in your film. Of course, these actors an

4、d actresses may be your schoolmates, friends or family members. You dont even need to pay them a cent while they are glad to be part of your job. B 96 , you need to make up a story. Can you write your own one? If you have good imagination, you can create an attractive story e 97 . Many world-famous

5、film makers and producers are also good story-writers. If not, perhaps you need someone else to write it for you.An excellent story is the key to making a s 98 film.【主旨大意】文章指出,随着生活水平和现代科技的提高,人们自己制作一部电影已经不再是什么稀罕的事。文章指出要制作一部优秀的电影,除了优秀演员之外,还需要有一个好的剧本,这是电影成功的保证。92. changed 【解析】上文提到在过去,制作一部电影是一件十分昂贵的事,只有

6、少数人和电影公司才能干。然而现在随着时间的推移,现代科技将这一切都改变了,故填changed;93. much 【解析】本句意为“现在一部相机花费并不多”,价格大多数人都能坦然接受,故填much;94. tiring 【解析】该句意为“然而,电影制作是一件很累人的事”,work是不可数名词,故要说tiring work,不能加a;95. population 【解析】下文中都是在谈论电影中的那些男女演员,加上谓语动词是单数,故应填population;96. besides 【解析】上边提到了演员,下边接着讲述应该要有剧本,故填besides;97. character 【解析】这个地方讲“如

7、果你的想象力丰富,那么你就能够创作出一个具有吸引力的人物,”,故答案填character;98. successful 【解析】该句意为“一个优秀的故事是电影成功的关键”,故答案填successful;【2011山东聊城】五、选词填空(共10小题,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从所给单词中选出适当的词,并用其正确的语言形式填在标有题号的空白处,使语意通顺、完整。(每空一词且每个单词只能用一次)beautiful, same, classroom, deeply, friend, classmate, do, know, look, anything, because, successful My

8、teachers thought I was the worst student. My family also had the 11 thought as my teachers. When I was going to give up my studying, a new teacher, Miss White came to our school. She was young, 12 and knowledgeable (知识渊博的). One day, I was sitting alone in my 13 , Miss White came up to me and talked

9、to me happily. Soon her smile away my unhappiness. “Do you think I can go to college?” I didnt 14_ why I asked such a question. I thought she must say “no”. 15_ everyone else said so. But she said, “Dear, you can do 16_ you want. Just try, and youll get closer to success. I believe you are the best!

10、”I was touched 17_ by her words. I decided to study hard. From then on, we became good 18_. She often helped me with my study in her free time.In the end, I 19_ well in my studies and went to a good college. Miss White is an angel(天使). Her words have kept me going forward. She helped me to see that

11、I am special and can be 20_ in life.Keys: 11. same 判断推理题。根据前一句话意思我的老师认为我是学生,后面应该是我的家人也有同样的想法。12. beautiful 细节判断题。根据句意,她既年轻、漂亮又学识渊博。13. classroom 细节推理题。根据上下文意思,得出答案classroom。14. know 细节判断题。根据语境意思,我不知道我为什么问这样的问题。15. Because 细节判断题。根据上文我的心里想法,得出答案。16. anything 细节推理题。这是一句常用语,只要你想做到的,你就能够做好任何事情。17. deeply

12、 细节推理题。老师的话深深地触动了我。18. friends 细节判断题。根据上下文意思,得出我和老师成为好朋友了。19. did 细节判断题。根据语境意思,是一般过去时,所以应该用动词的过去式。20. successful 细节推理题。 根据上下文意思,得出答案是成功的。【2011 山东烟台】阅读下面短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示补全文中所缺的单词, 答案写在题后的横线上。“Sorry” is a word that people in Britain often say in their daily life. One day while I was w 1 on the street,

13、a young man ran by hurriedly, brushing(轻擦)against my handbag. He continued his way, but turned b 2 and said “sorry” to me. Even in a rush, he didnt f 3 to say “sorry”. One day, after I bought some bananas, the shopkeeper was passing me the change, but I wasnt ready for it and a coin dropped onto the

14、 ground. “Sorry, Madam,” he said w 4 bending to pick it up. I was s 5 why he said “sorry” to me. Another time, I stepped on a mans f 6 at the entrance to a cinema. At the same time, we b 7 said “sorry”. Slowly, I got to know that when something unpleasant happens in daily life, the British dontc 8 m

15、uch about who is wrong. If someone is in trouble, a “sorry” is always n 9 . Perhaps that is w 10 I seldom see people quarrel on the buses or streets in Britain. 【主旨大意】文章介绍了sorry这个词在英国人日常生活中被广泛使用,同时sorry也让人与人之间的关系更加和谐。1. walking 【解析】根据上下文可以看出这个句子是过去进行时,故此处填walking。2. back 【解析】根据句意和上下文,可以知道这个人转身说了句“so

16、rry”,故此处填back。3.forget/ fail 【解析】根据上下文可以知道这个人虽然不停地跑着,也没忘记说sorry,故此处填forget/fail。4. while 【解析】根据句意可知,这个人一边说sorry,一边将掉在地上的硬币捡起,故用while。5.surprised 【解析】该句意为“我感到很惊讶,他居然对我说对不起 ”。(因为这不是他的错),故填surprised。6. foot/ feet 【解析】该句意为“还有一次,我在电影院的门口不小心踩到了别人的脚。”此处要填foot/feet。7. both 【解析】接上句“我们两个都说了对不起”,所以填both。

17、 【解析】这里是说英国人不很在乎谁对谁错,故要填care。9. necessary 【解析】该句意为“如果某人处于困难之中,对不起总是需要的”,故填necessary。 10. why 【解析】该句意为“或许这就是我们为什么在英国很少见到大街上或者公共汽车上吵架的原因吧”,此处填why。【2011湖北武汉】五、词与短语填空(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)先阅读短文,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使全文在逻辑上正确。(提示:选项中有一个是多余的。)go back / mad / need / mind / hurry up / politeWe asked some people w

18、hat annoyed them. Heres what they said:I dont like waiting in line when a shop assistant has a long telephone conversation. When that happens, I usually say, “Would you (71) helping me?” And I dont like it when shop assistants follow me around. Then I say, “Could you please no follow me around? Ill

19、ask you if I (72) some help.” Usually the shop assistants say they are sorry, but sometimes they get (73). If that happens, I wont (74) to that store again.I get annoyed when someone talks to me while Im reading. This happens to me al the time in the school library. When it happens, I usually talk t

20、o the person because I want to be (75). But because Im polite, people dont know Im annoyed. So they do the same thing again. Perhaps in the future I should try not to be so annoyed.71.mind 72.need 73.mad 74.go back 75.polite【2011黑龙江绥化市填词型】(D)Everybody likes to have a good time, but do you know that

21、laughing is very good for your health? Scientists believe that laughing can help your body fight illness. Because of this, an Indian doctor opened the first laughter club in 1995.Now there are more than 1,000 laughter clubs around the world. A laughter club is a place where you can go to laugh in yo

22、ur way for happiness and good health. Steve Wilson, the man who took laughter clubs to America, said, We laugh with each other, but never at each other. At first, the laughter exercise feels a bit false. But soon the laughter becomes real. Laughter is very important when we communicate with other pe

23、ople. It helps us make friends and understand each other better. We can laugh with people all over the world. It is the same in any language. So never be afraid to laugh. Its good for your health. Fill in the blanks according to the passage. Only one word for each blank.Laughing can make us happy an

24、d (71)_. The first laughter club (72)_openedin 1995. Now there are (73)_1,000 laughter clubs all over the world. We can go to alaughter club to laugh for our health, but remember (74)_to laugh at each other. Laughter is an international language. It is (75)_to each others understanding. Lets laugh w

25、ith people around us.【主旨大意】“笑一笑十年少”,微笑不但有助于身体健康,而且微笑还是沟通的第一张名片。71, healthy 72 .was 73. over 74. not 75, helpful / important / useful / necessary/good【2011泰州】 Your maths teacher may wear old-fashioned clothes and always pronounce your name wrongly. Your English teacher may love to start classes with

26、tests. Perhaps it is hard f 1 you to accept these. But they eat pizza, go to movies and enjoy sports at weekends, just like you. So how can you g 2 along with your teachers? Here are some tips. F 3 ,do the following things: Dont be late for school. H 4 in your homework on time. Be polite to your tea

27、chers. Second, show an interest in the subject. Even if you are not g 5 at your maths or English, you should do your b 6 to learn it and show your teacher that you are a hardworking student. You can also come to your teacher during his/her spare time. Use this time to get some help or talk about you

28、r progress in class. You may be surprised to learn that your teacher is more relaxed in his/her free time t 7 in his/her working hours. A good relationship with your teachers will help you now and in the f 8 .There may be some t 9 you will always remember because they change you and your life. After

29、 f 10 school, you may even go back to visit them. And they are always proud of that.答案:1.for 2.get 7.than 8.future 9.things 10. ? 【2011宁夏】从下面方框中选择适当的词填入短文中,使短文通顺正确(注意有些词要用适当的形式)。方框中有两个多余的词。leave, if, arrive, all, bike, but, success Last Sunday my brother and I went fishing.

30、 We got up very early that day. When we (76) _ home, the moon could still be seen in the sky. The morning air was cool and I felt wind on my lace. This made us very comfortable. We laughed and talked (77) _ the way while we were riding our (78) _. By about six we were already sitting by the river. F

31、ishing is not easy. If you want to be (79) _, you must be very careful. That day we had another good catch. We caught a lot of fish and enjoyed ourselves very much. It was late when we got home. We fell a little tired (80) _ happy. Fishing is a very good sport. I like it very much.答案:76. left 77. al

32、l 78. bike(s) 79. successful 80. hut(2011湖南岳阳中考)(D) 阅读填空 根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。Our eyes are very important to us. They are like cameras. We can see beautiful things and colors around us. 56 our eyes. But if we dont take care of them, they may hurt. 57 do we protect our eyes?0n sunny days, the sun shines brightly. So wed better 58 our sungla

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