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1、必修五选修六单词知识点复习英语复习必修5Unit 1(1)characteristic n. _radium n. _painter n. _put forward _scientific adj. _conclude vt. & vi. _conclusion n. _draw a conclusion _analyse vt. _infect vt. _infections adj. _cholera n. _defeat vt. n . _expert adj. n_attend vt. _physician n. _expose vt. _exposeto _deadly adj. _

2、cure n. vt. _outbreak n. _challenge n. vt. _victim n. _absorb vt. _suspect vt. n. _enquiry n. _neighbourhood n. _severe adj. _clue adj. _pump n. vt. _Cambridge _foresee vt. _investigate vt. & vi. _ investigation n. _blame vt. n_pollute vt. _handle n. vt _ germ n. _link vt. & n. _linkto _announce vt.

3、 _certainty n. _instruct vt. _responsible adj. _construct vt. _construction n. _contribute vt. & vi. _apart from _firework n. _chart n. _creative adj. _co-operative adj. _positive adj. _(be)strict with_Nicolaus Copernicus _revolutionary adj. _movement n. _make sense _backward adv. & adj. _loop n. _

4、privately adv. _spin vi. & vt_ brightness n. _enthusiastic adj. _cautious adj. _reject vt. _universe n. _Unit 1(2)n. 特征;特性_n. 镭_n. 画家;油漆匠_提出_adj. 科学的_vt. & vi. 结束;推断出_n. 结论;结束_提出结论_vt. 分析_vt. 传染;感染_adj. 传染的_n. 霍乱_vt. 打败;战胜;使受挫n. 失败_adj. 熟练的;经验或知识丰富的专家;行家_vt. 照顾;护理;出席;参加_n. 医生;内科医师_vt. 暴露;揭露;使曝光_使显露;

5、暴露_adj. 致命的_n. 治愈;痊愈vt. 治愈;治疗_n. 爆发;发作(尤指疾病或战争) _ n. 挑战 vt. 向挑战_n. 受害者_vt. 吸收;吸引;使专心_vt. 怀疑 n. 被怀疑者;嫌疑犯_n. 询问_n. 附近;邻近_adj. 严重的;剧烈的;严厉的_adj. 线索;提示_n. 泵;抽水机 vt. (用泵)抽(水)_vt. 预见;预知_vt. & vi. 调查_n. 调查_vt. 责备;谴责过失;责备_vt. 污染;弄脏_n. 柄;把手 vt. 处理;操纵_n. 微生物;细菌_vt. & n. 连接;联系_将和联系或连接起来_vt. 宣布;通知_n. 确信;确实_vt. 命

6、令;指示;教导_adj. 有责任的;负责的_vt. 建设;修建_n. 建设;建筑物_vt. & vi. 捐献;贡献;捐助_除之外;此外_n. 烟火(燃放)_ n. 图表_adj. 有创造力的;创造性的;独创的 _adj. 合作的_adj. 积极的;肯定的;确实的_对严格的_adj. 革命的;重大变革的_n. 移动;运动;动作_讲得通;有意义_adv. & adj. 向后地(的);相反地(的);退步地(的) _n. 圈;环_adv. 私下地;秘密地_vi. & vt. (使)旋转;纺(线或纱) _ n. 明亮;亮度;聪颖_adj. 热情的;热心的_adj. 小心的;谨慎的_vt. 拒绝;不接受;

7、抛弃_n. 宇宙;世界_一. 重点词汇Expose: be exposed to; expose sth. to sb.; expose sb. to sth.Absorb: absorb/attract/draw ones attention; be absorbed inBlame: blame sb. for (doing) sth.; blame sth on sb.; be to blame二重点句型Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.On

8、ly 修饰副词. 介词短语. 状语从句放在句首要用半倒装。三. 语法(过去分词作定语和表语)定语:非谓语动词置于名词前后表语:非谓语动词位于系动词之后练习题1. The student was _ reading the novel that he didnt sense that his teacher was just standing beside him.A. very absorbed on B. very absorbed in C. so absorbed in D. so absorbed on2. it was the boy, rather than his teacher

9、, that _ for what the boy had done.A. were to blame B. were to be blamedC. was to blame D. was to be blamed3. _ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin.A. Exposed B. Having exposedC. Being exposed D. After being exposed翻译:(only)1. 只有在那时我才意识到我所犯的错误。_2. 只有以这种方式你才能取得进步。_3. 直到他们讨论了那个问题几个

10、小时之后才作出决定。_(if only)1. 要是他当时在这儿就好了。_2. 要是我像你一样聪明该多好啊!_3. 但愿他能把决定告诉我。_用所给动词的适当形式填空1. The poor boy got _ (blame) about losing the money.2. The island, _ (join) to the mainland by a bridge, is easy to go to.3. The rare fish, _ (save) from the cooking pot, has been returned to the sea.4. I like the room

11、 _ (decorate) with flowers.5. The old woman was able to make small children remain _ (absorb) in her story all the time. 必修五Unit 2(1)Unit 2unite vi. & vt. _kingdom n. _consist vi. _consist of _ London Heathrow Airport_province n. _River Avon _River Thames _River Severn _divideinto _Wales _Scotland _

12、Northern Ireland_clarify vt. _accomplish vt. _conflict n. _unwilling adj. _break away (from) _union n. _the Union Jack _credit n. _to ones credit _currency n. _institution n. _educational adj. _convenience n. _rough adj. _roughly adv. _Midlands _nationwide adj. _attract vt. _historical adj. _archite

13、cture n. _Roman n. adj. _collection n. _administration n. _port n. _Anglo-Saxon _Norman n. adj. _Viking n. _countryside n. _enjoyable adj. _leave out _opportunity n. _description n. _fax n. vt. _possibility n. _plus prep. adj. _quarrel n. vi. _alike adj. _take the place of _break down _arrange vt. _

14、wedding n. _fold vt. _sightseeing n. _delight n. vt. _royal adj. _uniform n. _St Pauls Cathedral _splendid adj. _Westminster Abbey _statue n. _Buckingham Palace _Greenwich n. _ longitude n. _imaginary adj. _navigation n. _Highgate Cemetery _communism n. _ original adj. _thrill vt. _pot n. _error n.

15、_tense n. _consistent adj. _unit2(2)vi. & vt. 联合;团结_n. 王国_vi. 组成;在于;一致_由组成_伦敦希思罗机场_n. 省;行政区_ 埃文河_泰晤士河_塞文河_把分成_威尔士(英)_苏格兰(英)_北爱尔兰(英)_ vt. 澄清;阐明_vt. 完成;达到;实现_n. 矛盾;冲突_adj. 不愿意(的);不乐意(的)_挣脱(束缚);脱离_n. 联合;联盟;结合;协会_英国国旗_n. 信任;学分;赞扬;信贷_为带来荣誉;值得赞扬;在名下_n. 货币;通货_n. 制度;机制;公共机构_adj. 教育的_n. 便利;方便_adj. 粗糙的;粗暴的_ad

16、v. 粗略地;粗糙地_英格兰中部地区(英)_adj. 全国性的; 全国范围的_vt. 吸引;引起注意_adj. 历史(上)的;有关历史的_n. 建筑学;建筑艺术_n. (古)罗马人adj. (古)罗马的_n. 收藏品;珍藏;收集_n. 管理;行政部门_n. 港口(城市)_n. 盎格鲁-撒克逊人adj. 盎格鲁-撒克逊人的_n. 诺曼人;诺曼语 adj. 诺曼的;诺曼人(语)的_n. 北欧海盗;斯堪的纳维亚人_ n. 乡下;农村_adj. 令人愉快的;使人高兴的_省去;遗漏;不考虑_n. 机会;时机_n. 描写;描述_n. 传真(机)vt. 用传真传输(文件)_n. 可能(性)_prep. 加上

17、;和 adj. 加的;正的;零上的_n. 争吵;争论;吵架 vi. 争吵;吵架_adj. 相同的;类似的_代替_(机器)损坏;破坏_vt. 筹备;安排;整理_n. 婚礼_vt. 折叠;对折_n. 观光;游览_n.快乐;高兴;喜悦 vt.使高兴;使欣喜_adj. 王室的;皇家的;高贵的_n. 制服_圣保罗大教堂_adj. 壮丽的;辉煌的;极好的_威斯敏斯特教堂(英国名人墓地)_n. 塑像;雕像_白金汉宫_n. 格林尼治(英城市)_n. 经线;经度_adj. 想象中的; 假想的;虚构的_n. 导航;航行_海格特墓地(英伦敦北郊,内有马克思及其家人的坟墓)_n. 共产主义_adj. 最初的;原始的;

18、独创的;新颖的 _vt. 使激动;使胆战心惊_n. 罐;壶_n. 错误;过失;谬误_n. 时态_adj. 一致的_重点词汇:1.convenience:at ones convenience; if it suits ones convenience; it is convenience for sb to do sth2.arrange: arrange sth for sb; arrange to do sth; arrange for sb to do sth; arrange with sb to do sth (1)安排某人做某事用arrangefor sb to do sth (2

19、)arrange 接that从句用(should+动原)(3)make arrangements (for sth/for sb to do sth)3. leave: leave out; leave alone; leave about; leave aside; leave behind; leave for; leave off4. take: take the place of; take ones place; in place of; take place5. break: break down; break in; break into; break out; break th

20、rough; break up; break away (from)6. consist: consist of (=be made up of=be composed of); consist in; consist with重点句型It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.It is natural/ important/ necessary/ a pity/ a shame that从句谓语使用(should+动词原形)表示必要性、惊讶、气愤等情感重点语法:过去分词作宾语补足语(重点考察的宾补词汇:leave, make, find, see, have, get)练习题:1. Ive arranged _ Mrs. Smith to look after you for a few days.A. / B. in C. for D. of2. _ by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm.A. Attracting B. Att

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