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1、2大学英语四级考试精讲班短对话讲义1大学英语四级考试精讲班第9讲讲义短对话(上)短对话问答题可以说是各类考试中最常见、最固定的一种听力试题类型, 四级考试尤其如此。 四级考试改革后,知对话只是由每套10个题变为了8个,但考查内容未变,仍然不外乎是对对话内容本身场景和句式结构表达功能两个方面的考查。短对话命题规律一、答案从对话中直接摄取此类命题主要考查考生对细节内容的分辨能力。答案在原文中直接出现,可直接摄取。需要注意的是,随着考试要求的提高,在近年的四级听力考试中,直摄型试题已越来越少。例;W: Hi, George. Could you give me a ride? I want to b

2、uy some food for the picnic.M: OK. Im going home, but I can drop you at the supermarket.Q: What does the woman want to do?A Buy something for the picnic.B Go shopping with the man.C Go shopping with the man.D Have a picnic.解析选A。四个选项均是动词短语,A、D都和picnic有关,猜测答案可能和picnic有关。听对话,女士说I want to buy some food

3、for the picnic “想为野餐买食物”。听问题,问女士想干什么,直接摄取答案A。二、答案是对话的同义表达此类命题主要考查考生对对话中关键词语的理解能力,正确答案一般都是对话中关键词语或句子的同义表达。这类命题方式在四级考试中最为常见,考生需要重点注意。例1:W: Bob said that Seattle is a great place for conferences.M: He is certainly in the position to make that comment. He has been there so often.Q: What does the man say

4、 about Bob?A Hes been to Seattle many times.B He has chaired a lot of conferences.C He has a high position in his company.D He lived in Seattle for many years.解析选A。解答此题的是理解同义表达间的转述 has been there so often为has been to Seattle many times。因此选A。 例2:W: So you finally listened to your wifes advice and gav

5、e up smoking.M: It was my doctors advice. Im suffering from high blood pressure.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?A The man no longer smokes.B The man is under pressure from his wife.C The man usually follows his wifes advice.D The man refuses to listen to his doctors advice.解析选A。give up smo

6、king 相当于 no longer smokes, 也就是说男士不再吸烟了,因此选A。近年真题中的同义表达归类为了便于考生归类记忆、熟悉口语中的习惯表达、熟记常用短语并能对其进行释义,我在此将历年真题中的同义表达例举出来,供大家参考。1. Yes. The food and drinks were great, but if only we had known a few of the other guests. (2006.6.1) They knew none of the other guests at the party.2. I gave it to my friend, but

7、there should be copies available in the library. I can pick one up for you. (2006.6.5) To get the seminar schedule for the woman.3. W: Here is this weeks schedule, Tony. On Monday there is the board meeting. You speech at the Lions Club is on Tuesday afternoon. Then on Wednesday you have the appoint

8、ment with your lawyer. And (2006.6.7)Give a speech.4.Yeah. But you know Jessie. If she has something in mind, everyone will know about it. (2006.6.8) Jessie always says what she thinks.5.Sure. Mary is active and sociable. Betty is the most talkative woman Ive ever met. But guess what? Helen is just

9、the opposite. (2006.6.9)Helen is quiet.6.Shed better have it examined by a doctor anyway. And Ill call her about it this evening. (2005.12.1)See a doctor.7.Everything is coming along really well. Ive been thinking about graduate school. But Ill talk to my tutor Dr. Garcia first and see what she thin

10、ks. (2005.12.3) Shell consult Dr. Garcia about entering graduate school.8.Well, not necessarily worse. But were seeing more swings. (2005.12.5) There are more extremes in the weather.9.Why book a hotel? My brother has 2 spare rooms in his apartment. (2005.12.7) The man can stay in her brothers apart

11、ment.10.Eroh, I hate to tell you this, but I cant seem to find them. (2005.6.1) The tools the man borrowed from the woman are missing.11.If I were you, I would turn it in to the security office. It is behind the administration building. (2005.6.2) Hand in the ring to the security office.12.Why dont

12、you buy one yourself? Think how much the time you could save. (2005.6.3) Buy her own computer.13.Dont you think that cinema is a little out of the way? (2005.6.5) The cinema is some distance away from where they are.14.He is certainly in the position to make that comment. He has been there so often.

13、 (2005.6.6) Hes been to Seattle many times. 15.Great. I am dong a report on the rain forest. Maybe I can get some new information to add to it. (2005.6.8) She thinks the lecture might be informative.16.Ive got to go over my notes for tomorrows midterm. (2005.1.3)I have to study for the exam.17.Even

14、more and more kids are going on-line education, I believe fewer of them will quit school altogether. (2005.1.4) I think conventional schools will continue to exist along with on-line education.18.Most students usually look for a job by searching the want ads in the newspapers. (2005.1.5) Most studen

15、ts find a job by reading advertisements.19.There were only thirty-eight names on Professor Newvens class list, so a few of students at the back didnt get the copy of their reading assignment. (2005.1.7) Some of the students were not on Professor Newvens list.20.Although she won the English speech co

16、ntest, she didnt think its such a big deal. (2005.1.8) She is modest about her success in the contest.21.If the weather is this hot tomorrow, we may as well give up the idea of playing tennis in the afternoon. But the weather forecast says it will cloud over by mid-afternoon. (2005.1.10) We shouldnt

17、 change our plan.22.I ran into my friend Mark yesterday on the street, and he said he hadnt heard from Maria in two months. (2004.6.1) Mark and Maria had not been in touch for some time.23.Mr. Brown cant come to meet John in person so Ive come in his place. (2004.6.2) I am meeting John on behalf of

18、Mr. Brown.24.Suffering from high blood pressure, I followed the doctors advice and gave up smoking. (2004.6.4) I listened to the doctors advice and no longer smoked.25.Frank is back in school taking courses for a teachers certificate. (2004.6.5) Frank is planning to become a teacher.26.Why dont you

19、quit your present job and deliver flowers for me? (2004.6.6) I advise you to leave your present job to work for me.27.Its a good thing you called to remind John of his appointment for his annual checkup tomorrow. He thought it was today. (2004.6.8) John was confused about the date of the appointment

20、.28.Ive just run out of film so I cant take a picture of you. (2004.1.2) I cant take a photo of you.29.Though the food in this restaurant is horrible, it is nice just to get away from all the noise. (2004.1.3) Its quiet in the restaurant.30. Id like to help you, but I am already five minutes late fo

21、r my appointment with Mr. Johnson, and his office is on the other side of the campus. (2004.1.6) Im hurrying to Mr. Johnsons office so I cant give you help.31. Its still too early to quit though you are not improving. (2004.1.7) You should not give up.32. The banana pie is incredible but Mike doesnt

22、 care much for desert. (2004.1.8) The banana pie doesnt appeal to Mike.33. Why does Lucy always wait until the last minute for her exam? (2004.1.9) Lucy has bad study habits.34. I really cant afford any more interruptions by Grace right now. (2004.1.10) I am losing patience with Grace.大学英语四级考试精讲班第10

23、讲讲义短对话(下)35. Bob probably just got held up in traffic. Lets give him a few more minutes (2003.9.1) We are going to wait for Bob.36. Lets calm down and try to figure things out. (2003.9.4) We try to think of a solution.37. Im afraid, Helen Ware, registration for students with last names begin with “W

24、” doesnt start until tomorrow. (2003.9.7) Helen Ware arrived for registration too early.38. This is not our suitcase. The old lady must have taken ours by mistake. (2003.9.9) The old lady took our suitcase for her own.39. Ive got my air ticket to Hong Kong. (2003.9.10) I am flying to Hong Kong.40. T

25、he professor didnt speak slowly enough for us to take notes. (2003.6.3) The professor spoke too fast.41. I bought some used furniture and it was a real bargain. (2003.6.4) The furniture I bought was very cheap.42. I didnt read the book straight but just covered a few chapters that interest me most.

26、(2003.6.7) I read the book selectively.43. I had a car accident. Only some minor injuries though. (2003.6.8) I read slightly injured in a traffic accident.44. Its already sold. (2002.12.2) Its no longer available.45. I call my parents at every weekend. (2002.12.4) I phone my parents regularly at wee

27、kends.46. Therell be another bus in two or three minutes. (2002.12.5) The next bus is coming soon.47. If it does rain, the whole thing will have to the cancelled. (2002.6.4) We will not do as planned in case of rain.48. The more the professor talks, the less I understand. (2002.6.5) I find it hard t

28、o follow the teacher.49. Bob didnt mean to hurt Mary. (2002.1.4) Bob had hurt Marys feelings.50. I am working as Professor Williams teaching assistant. (2002.1.7) I assist Professor Williams with his teaching.51. I was under the impression that the tickets for the show were sold out a long time ago.

29、 (2002.1.8) I thought there were no tickets left for the show.52. Mrs. Longs briefing was very important to the mission we were going to carry out, so you could not sleep through that. (2002.1.9) You should have been more attentive.53. The experiment wasnt as easy as I had thought. (2001.6.2) I had

30、expected the experiment to be easier.54. Ill try to bring Bill up to date on what weve done. (2001.1.3) I will help Bill to catch up.55. Susans father loves to fish, so well have something to talk about. (2001.1.4) I have the same hobby as Susans father.56. Well have to leave very early. (2001.1.7)

31、Well set off early. 57.James showed up late on the first day of school. (2001.1.8)James was late for school on the first day.58. I cant see any scratches on the outside of my car and the inside is clean too. (2001.1.9) My car is kept in good condition.59. I wouldnt have troubled Prof. Kennedy so much if I had k

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