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1、上海高考考纲词汇C字母讲解考纲词汇C字母讲解1. calm adj. 平静的; 镇静的v keep, stay calm in an emergency vi. 平静 v calm down 2. campus n. 校园v on campus 3. campaign n. 战役; 运动 a campaign against unclear weapons 4. cancel vt. 取消v cancel a meeting 5. candidate n. 候选人,求职者Two hundred candidates applied for the job. 6. capable adj. 有能

2、力的 v be capable of (doing) sth = be able to do7. capture vt. 捕获; 占领; 俘虏 capture an escaped prisoner 8. career n.职业,生涯v take up a career cf: occupation / profession / post / position / trade 9. carry out贯彻,执行(计划,命令) v carry out experiment/survey 实施实验/调查10. cash n 现金; 现款 v pay in cash 用现金付款 v by credi

3、t card用信用卡11. casual adj. 随便的,偶然的v A casual meeting 巧遇v in casual clothes 穿便衣 12. catch v catch up with sb 赶上v be caught in heavy rain/traffic jam 遭遇大雨/交通堵塞13. cease v. 停止 doing 14. ceremony n.典礼 v at a opening/closing/graduate ceremony15. certificate n 证书 a marriage certificate cf: licence / diplom

4、a 16. chain n 链条 v a chain of mountains连绵的山v chain stores / a chain of events 一系列的事件 17. challenge n. 挑战 vt 向挑战 challenge sb to sth 1.对于一再挑战极限的人来说,冒险是一种生活方式。(challenge) 2015宝山区一模Risk-taking is a way of life for those who repeatedly challenge the limits.2.汉语是世界上最难的语言之一,学习这种语言的人就会很快发现自己遇到了挑战。(challeng

5、e)2015年静安青浦宝山区二模Chinese/ The Chinese language is one of the most difficult/hardest language in the world, and/so people (who are) learning it/ who learn it/ quickly soon find themselves challenged/ that they soon meet with a /the challenges.18. chance v by chance偶然 v The chances are (that)很可能 19. ch

6、aracter n 个性; 文字 v build (up) ones character 培养品性/ a strong 意志坚强 v Chinese s 汉字20. characteristic n.特征, 特性, 特色; v the characteristics of the present situation adj. 特有的 v Its characteristic of sb to do sth / that 21. charge vt. a. 索价 sb (money) for (doing) sth b.充电 a battery c.控告 sb with sth = accuse

7、 sb of sth22. chase v. n 追逐 the thief 23. cheer vt. a. 使高兴 cheer up adj. cheerful 24. circumstance n 情况,情形; 环境 under no circumstances 决不25. civilization n 文化; 文明 spiritual, material civilize vt 使文明; 使开化 civilized society / behaviour26. claim vt 认领; (根据权利)要求; 声称 v claim to be / to do / that . v It is

8、 claimed that . 1. 这种药品不如广告上说得那么有效,因为他服了药后,远没有缓解他的咳嗽。(claim) (12静安一模)The medicine was not so effective as it was claimed in the advertisement, for it was far from relieving his cough after he took it.27. classic n.经典作品 ,经典的v enjoy reading classics cf: classical music 28. classify vt 归类; 分类 v classif

9、y people into typev classify as 将归类 be classified as poor 29. collapse vi. 塌下; 崩溃The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow. The man has collapsed: call for the doctor.30. combine vt 使结合; 使联合 vi 结合; 联合 combine A with B to form Ccombine theory with practice = apply theory to practice / put theor

10、y into practice combined adj. 结合的 the combined (=joint) efforts of men and machinesSuccess was achieved by the combined efforts of the whole team. 全队齐心协力取得了胜利。31. comment n & v. 评论 make comments on sth = comment on sth 1.请尽快对我们的计划作出评论。(comment) (12崇明一模)Please comment/make comments on our plan as soo

11、n as possible.32. commit vt. 犯(错误/罪行),干(坏事) v commit a crime / 委托v be committed to doing sth =be devoted to doing sth 致力于做某事33. compare vt. 比较; 对照 v compare A with Bv compare A to B 把比作 34. comparison n. v by comparison比较起来 v in comparison with 同比较35. compliment n. 赞美 vt. v compliment sb on sth = pr

12、aise sb for sth36. compose vt.组成,构成,作曲v be composed of n. composition组成,构成,作曲37. conceal vt v conceal sth from sb v syn. hide sth from sb38. concentrate vi. concentrate (ones attention / mind / thought / efforts etc ) on sth. n. concentration39. concern n. 关心,担心v show concern for sb 关心某人 v be concer

13、ned about sth关心,担心v as far as sb / sth is ed 就某人/ 某物来说 concerning prep = about1.应该更多地关心父母远在他乡打工的孩子们。(concern) (12浦东一模)More concern should be shown for the children whose parents are away working in other places. We should take more care of/ show more concern for the children whose parents are away w

14、orking in other places.2.我们非常关心食品质量,因为它与每一个人的健康都息息相关。(concern)We are all concerned about/ the food quality/ because it is closely related to everyones health.40. conclusion n. v draw / come to /arrive at / reach a in = lastly 最后41. condition n. 条件 improve ones living / working s 42. conduct vt. a. 进

15、行 conduct an experiment / a survey 43. confess vt. confess (to) sth / doing sth, confess sth to sb向坦白,44. confident adj. 自信的 v be of succeeding / that sb will succeed v confidence have / lose confidence in1.对自己有信心是获取成功的第一步。( confidence ) (13宝山一模)Having confidence/ in yourself/ is the first step/ to

16、success/to achieve success.45. confirm vt. 证实v confirm ones appointment46. conflict vi. 与有冲突 n. conflict between father and son, 47. confuse vt. 混淆v confuse A with Bv confuse black and white 48. congratulate vt v congratulation sb on sth / doing sth 我给他发了一封电子邮件,祝贺他升职。(congratulate)2015年一模松江区I sent h

17、im an e-mail, which congratulated him on his promotion.congratulation v congratulations on sth / doing sth49. conquer vt. 征服,克服Man can nature. 人定胜天50. conscience n. 良心 have a clear / guilty 问心无愧51. conscious a. 意识到v be conscious of sth / that v syn. be aware of / that52. consequence n. 后果regardless

18、of the s 不管后果, 53. consider vt. 考虑 v consider going abroad / when to go 1.人们认为信心和耐心是成功的关键。(consider)(11徐汇、松江一模)Confidence and patience are considered (to be) the key to success. consideration n. v take sth into / account = take account of sth, 考虑v under consideration 2.请你在旅游期间顾及一下你周围的人和环境。(considera

19、tion)(13青浦一模)Please take the people and the environment around you into consideration when you travel.considerate adj. 细心的,周到的Its considerate of sb to do sth. 体谅别人54. construction n. under , site 建筑工地 construct vt.建设55. consult vt. a.请教,咨询 v consult sb about sth consult your doctor about your illnes

20、s1.如果压力过大影响了睡眠,最好还是咨询心理老师;不然的话,你可能会有麻烦。(consult)2015青浦区一模 If too much pressure has influenced your sleep, you had better consult the psychology teacher, otherwise/or, you are likely to get into trouble .2.你在决定哪所大学最合适你之前应该征询父母的意见。(consult) (12普陀一模)You should consult your parentsbefore you make a deci

21、sionon which college or university is best for you.56. consume vt. a. 消耗,消费 consumer n.消费者 consumption n.消费57. contact vt./n.联系,接触 v contact sb v make contact with sb58. content n.内容,目录 adj.满意的a. form and 内容与形式 b.目录 pl. glance at the list of sbe content with sth59. contrary n. 相反 v on the contrary 相

22、反地v Contrary to sth 与.相反 to what sb expects / sbs expectation 60. contract n. 合同 sign a contract with sb61. contrast n.对比,相比 v by contrast 对比之下,62. contribute vt. 捐助 v contribute / donate money to sb = raise money for sb contribution n. 贡献 v make contributions to sth 1.毫无疑问在如今这个充满竞争的社会,保持幽默有助于减少压力并促

23、进创造性思维。(contribute)2015年奉贤区There is no doubt that in such a competitive society, keeping a sense of humor contributes to reducing pressure and promoting creative thinking.2.诚实加勤奋有助于成功和幸福。(contribute)(13嘉定一模)Honesty and diligence/hard working / contribute to / success and happiness.63. convenient adj

24、. v if it is convenient to sb, convenience v at ones 在方便时, 64. convey vt. sth (to sb/ sp) 传达 ones meaning in words65. cooperate vi. v cooperate with sb in doing sth cooperation n. 合作66. craft n. a. 手艺 learn a , craftsman 67. crash vi. 撞击The car crashed into a tree. 68. crazy adj. 疯狂的v be crazy about

25、 = be mad about football1. 你能告诉我你热衷于网络游戏的原因吗?(crazy) 2015宝山区一模1.Can you tell me the reason why you are so crazy about online games?69. credit n. pay by card70. crisis n. pl. crises an economic 71. criticize vt. criticize sb for sth / doing sth criticism n. critic n. critical adj. 至关重要的72. cruel adj.

26、 残忍的v be cruel to sb对某人苛刻73. cultivate vt. 培养,耕种a. cultivate the flowers / plants B. cultivate the habit of analysis74. cure vt.治疗,改掉 v cure sb of ones bad habit v find a cure for a disease1.为了赶上其他同学,他正在努力改正自己学习中的坏习惯。(cure) (12宝山一模)In order to/To catch up with other students, /he is trying to /cure

27、himself of bad habits /in his study.75. curious adj.好奇的 v be curious about sth / to do sth curiosity n. 好奇心 v arouse ones curiosity 激发某人的好奇心1.孩子们总是对对圣诞节的礼物充满好奇。(curious) 2015年普陀区 The kids are always curious about Christmas presents.2.孩子们总是对周边的一切都非常好奇。(curious) (14普陀一模)Kids are always very curious ab

28、out what is around them.或:all the things around them; quite curious about76. current adj. affairs / events时事, a account活期存款, C字母 翻译配套1.高频单词concern1.如今人们越来越关注食品安全。(concern)(11奉贤一模)Nowadays people are more and more concerned about food safety.More care should be taken of/ given to the children whose p

29、arents are away working in other places.2.如今人们非常关注的是食品安全和空气质量。(concern) (14长宁一模)Nowadays what people are (very) much concerned about is food safety and air quality.Food safety and air quality are peoples major concerns nowadays.2.高频单词consult1.在西方国家,有心理问题去咨询心理医生是很普遍的。(consult)(11普陀一模)In western count

30、ries, it is quite common for a person to consult a psychologist if/when he has some psychological problems.2.如果你有什么问题,你可以向这些专家请教。(consult)(11卢湾一模)You may consult these experts/specialists if you have some problems.2.其他高频单词1.即使朝鲜半岛(Korean Peninsula)能实现和平,仍然有许多问题有待解决。(come to)(11长宁一模)Even if peace com

31、es to Korean Peninsula, many problems remain to be solved.2.在场的大学生都希望演说者不要离题。(confine himself to)(11普陀一模)All the students present wish that the speaker would confine himself to the subject.3.她昨晚已恢复了知觉,但是可能还要很长一段时间才能重拾网球拍。(consciousness)(13普陀一模)She regained consciousness last night, but there is still a long way to go before she plays tennis ag

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