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律政俏佳人 Legally Blonde 中英文剧本.docx

1、律政俏佳人 Legally Blonde 中英文剧本律政俏佳人 Legally Blonde 中英文剧本Here it is! 就是这! Thanks. 谢谢 Did you guys sign it? 你看过吗 Did you sign the card? 你看过这张卡片吗 And five and four and. 四,五,跟着 Hey, girls, sign! 嘿,姑娘们,签了它 All right! Here you go! 好,你可以走了 - Elles gonna love it! - Thanks. 艾尔会喜欢的,谢谢 You go, girl! 孩子,你们可以走了 Hi,

2、girls! Here, sign! 嘿,女孩们,签了它 Thanks! 谢谢 There she is. 她在那 Thank you. 多谢 I love that restaurant! 我喜欢那家餐馆 I heard Madonna went into laborthere. 我听说麦当娜在那里公作 Oh, gosh! I have to go shopping! 哦,时间,我要去购物了! Ill see you tonight. Bye. 晚上见 Bruiser, whats this? 布塞尔,这是什么 Good luck tonight. Elle and Warnerforeve

3、r. 今晚幸运,永恒的凯利 Oh, thats so cute. 欧,那真可爱 Oh, my gosh! You guys are so sweet! 你也不错 But Im not positive itll happen tonight. 我今晚没空 Hello! He just had lunch with his grandmother. 你好,他刚和他的祖母共进午餐 You know he got the rock. 他的事你知道吗 Why else would she have flown in from Newport? 怎么这么快就有人知道了 Its not like shed

4、 Fed Ex a six-carat diamond. 这事什么人都知道了 Do you really think? 你说是吗 I cant believe youre getting engaged! 想不道你也是这样 Oh, my gosh. 我的天啊 you guys have to help me pick out the perfect outfit. 你要帮我把这些器材配套齐全 Come on! 来 I think you should go with the red. 我认为你应该穿红色 Its the color of confidence. 那是自信的表现 I dont u

5、nderstand why youre disregarding. 我不明白你为什么那么冷漠 your signature color. 你的签名也是 Hes proposing. I cant look like I would on any other date. 他正计划着,我不能看着别人约会 This is the date. the night Ill always remember. 这个约会的夜晚我永远都记得 I want to look special. 我想看看有什么不同 Bridal. 那个婚礼 But not like I expect anything. 不是我希望的那

6、样 Theres nothing I love more. 其他我没什么兴趣 than a dumb blonde with daddys plastic. 不过是普通货色罢了 Did you see this one? We just got it in yesterday. 看到这个吗,我们曾经昨天拿过的 Is this low-viscosity rayon? 是低胸尼龙吗 Yes. Of course. 对 With a half-loop top-stitching on the hem? 肩上只有这么一点挂着的东西 Absolutely. Its one of a kind. 是的

7、,是那样的 Its impossible to use a half-loop top-stitching. 太少了 on low-viscosity rayon. Itwould snag the fabric. 低粘性人造丝是不可能用的,它会 给纺织品试市场带来冲击的 And you didnt just get it in. 你还不明白吗 I saw it in the June Vogue a year ago. 一年前我在简维哥看过 So if youre trying to sell it forfull price. 你打算原价卖出吗 you picked the wrong g

8、irl. 你选错人了 Girls, this is it. 女孩们就这样 In afew hours. 在几个小时后 Ill be the future Mrs. Warner Huntington III. 我将要决定华纳先生的将来 Wow. You look so beautiful. 哦,你看起很美 So do you. 你也是 Lets get out of here. 我们离开这里 Must be strange having such perfect eyes. 有这么漂亮的眼睛一定很奇怪 God, youre so wonderful. Elle, thank you. 我的天啊

9、,你太 英俊了艾尔,谢谢你 Heres to us. 来,为我们干杯 To us. 为我们干杯 One of the reasons I wanted to come here tonight. 今晚我来的原因是 was to discuss ourfuture. 谈谈我们的将来 And I am fully amenable to that discussion. 我们也确实需要谈谈 Good. You know how weve been having. 好,你知道我们在 all kinds of fun lately? 玩后来的游戏吗 Well, Harvard is gonna be

10、different. 哈佛大学果然是不一样 Law school is a completely different world. 法学院是个完全不同的世界 and I need to be serious. 我要认真点 Of course. 当然 My family expects a lot from me. 我家对我期望很大 - Right. - I expect a lot from me. 我也是 I plan on running for office someday. 总有一天我会逃出去的 I fully support that. You know that. 完全同意 Abs

11、olutely. But the thing is. 但是 if Im going to be a senator by the time Im thirty. 如果我三十岁当上参议员 I need to stop dicking around. 我就不会那么放荡 Warner, I completely agree. 华纳,你说的对 Thats why I think its time for us. 那就是我想是时候 Elle, pooh bear. 艾尔,宝贝 - I do. - I think we should break up. 我愿意,我想我们应该分手 What? 什么? Ive

12、 been thinking, and its the right thing to do. 我在想,分手是对的 Youre breaking up with me? 你和我分手? I thought you were proposing. 我以为你是想想罢了 Proposing? 想想? Elle, if Im going to be a senator. 艾尔,如果我要当议员的话 I need to marry a Jackie, not a Marilyn. 我要娶的是杰姬,而不是玛里安 Youre breaking up with me because Im too blonde? 你

13、打断我就因为我是金发 No. Thats not entirely true. 不全对 Then what? My boobs are too big? 那是什么,难道我的波太大 Elle, your boobs are fine. 艾尔,不关你的波的事 So when you said that you would always love me. 你不是说会爱我一直到永远 you were just dicking around? 现在你又变了 Elle, I do love you. 艾尔,我真的爱你 I just cant marry you. 不过我不能娶你 You have no i

14、dea of the pressure that I am under. 你不明白我的处境 My family has five generations of senators. 我的世家五代都是议员 My brothers in the top three at Yale Law. 我的兄弟都是耶 鲁大学的高材生 He just got engaged to a Vanderbilt, for Christs sake. 他刚刚才取法学学位 Bad salad. 糟糕的色拉 Sweetie. 甜心 Pooh bear? 我不想听,宝贝 Its not like I have a choice

15、 here, sweetheart! 我根本没有选择 You get the car, Ill get the check. 你拿车,我结帐 I wont be having the salad. 我不会这样算的 Let me take you home. 让我送你回家 Elle, believe me. I never expected to do this. 艾尔,相信我 这是事非得已 but I think its the right thing. 我有苦处的 How can it be the right thing when were not together? 我们分开可能是对的

16、I have to think of my future. 我要为将来打算 and what my family expects of me. 我的父母也是 So youre breaking up with me. 所以你和我分手 because youre afraid yourfamily wont like me? 因为你怕你的家人不会接受我 Everybody likes me. 人人都喜欢我 East Coast people are different. 东岸人是不一样的 Because Im not a Vanderbilt, suddenly Im white trash?

17、因为我不是范德 莱特,我也不知道? I grew up in Bel Air! 我在比尔航空长大! Across the street from Aaron Spelling! 从这里穿过大街! Most people would agree thats a lot better. 很多人都认为这是对德 than some stinky old Vanderbilt! 而那些老顽固就不是 I told you. I need someone serious. 告诉你 我需要的是认真的人 But Im seriously in love with you. 但我是认真的和你谈恋爱 Isnt th

18、at enough? 说够了吗 Pooh bear, just get in the car. 上车吧 Youll ruin your shoes. 你会弄脏我的鞋 Morning, Amy. 早上好,艾米 Elle, its Amy. 艾尔,艾米来了 Im having trouble with this whole lip-linerthing. 我正在搞我的唇膏 - Sweetie, didnt you hear? - Hearwhat? 亲爱的,你没听见吗?听到什么? Its terrible. He dumped her. 太可怕了,他把她甩了 Why me? 为什么是我 Becau

19、se youre not gonna remember anything aftertonight. 从今以后你就什么都不记得了 Oh, youre wrong. 你错了 I will remember, no matterwhat. 无论什么,我都会记住 And Im never gonna lose you again. 我不会再失去你 You couldnt. 你不可以 Youre a part of me. 你是我生命的一部份 I love you. 我爱你 Liar! 骗子 Honey, you have to leave this room. 亲爱的,你要离开这间房子 Its be

20、en, like, a week. 你这样已经一个星期 - So? - Drink this. 喝了它 What always makes us feel better. 什么使我们感觉更好 no matterwhat? 不管是什么 She had eight grilled cheese sandwiches. 她有八份芝士三文治 She stuffed them in her mouth all at once. 她一口就把它们吞下去了 Itwas so sad. 太可悲了 We thought shed be the first to walk down the aisle. 我想她肯定

21、是第一个 and now shes totally adrift. 她正在到处走 Totally. 到处 She hasnt conditioned her hair in a week. 她一个星期没有打理头发了 Maybe shes going forthe grunge look. 可能她想显德颓费一点 And her nails are full-on chipped. 她的指甲很久没剪了 So trailer park. 对 Oh, my God! Do you know who this is? 哦,你知道那是谁吗 - Thats Warners older brother! -

22、Who? 那就是华纳的兄弟 Third year Yale Law student Putnam Bowes Huntington III. 夏宁顿 and his fiancee Layne Walker Vanderbilt. 他是耶鲁大学法学 系三年级的学生 和她的未婚妻 first year Yale Law. 法学系一年级的学生雷沃克 This is the type of girl that Warnerwants to marry! 这是华纳心目中的 想要娶的女孩 This is what I need to become to be serious! 这是我想认真变成的类型 W

23、hat? Practically deformed? 什么? No. A law student. 法学学生 Law school? 法学系? Its a perfectly respectable place, daddy. 令人向往的地方 Honey, you were first runner up. 亲爱地,我是第一个变成 at the Miss Hawaiian Tropics contest. 夏威夷小姐类型的人 Why are you gonna throw that all away? 为什么你把那些都扔了 Going to Harvard is the only way. 上

24、哈佛大学是唯一找回我生活的方法 Ill get the love of my life back. Sweetheart, you dont need law school. 你不必要上法学院 Law school is for people. 法学院是给那些 who are boring and ugly and serious. 既麻烦又丑陋又认真的人上的 And you, Button, are none of those things. 可是你,巴顿,你的性格一点都不符合 Harvard Law School? 哈佛法学系? Thats right. 对 But thats a top

25、 three school. 那是名校 Oh, I have a 4.0. 哦 Yes, but your major is fashion merchandising. 但你的专业是广告 Harvard wont be impressed that you aced History of Polka Dots. 哈佛不会记得你设计过的内衣的 What are your back-ups? 你需要支持吗 I dont need back-ups. Im going to Harvard. 我不需要帮助,我要去哈佛 Well, then, youll need. 你需要 excellent re

26、commendations from your professors. 从你教授那里得到良好的评价 And a heck of an admissions essay. 然后有一篇优秀的论文 Right. 好的 And at least a 175 on your LSATs. 你说 总分至少175分 I once had to judge a tighty-whitey contest. 我有一次通过了 for Lambda Kappa Pi. 拉姆丹卡皮的综合能力测试 Trust me, I can handle anything. 相信我,我能应付所有的事 Thanks! 谢谢 Your

27、e welcome. 不用 Because I have a metrabolism. 因为这是我该做的 - I have a really high metrab. - Its metabol. 无论如何 Oh, my God. 我的天啊 What are you doing? 你在干什么? Reading about the LSATs. 看新闻 My cousin had that. 我表弟也是 Apparently, you get a really bad rash on your. 你脸色不太好 The LSATs are an exam. LSAT是一种考试 Girls, Im

28、going to Harvard! 我要去哈佛了 - You mean like on vay-kay? - Lets all go! 你的意思是你通过了,我们都去吧 Road trip! 我们去旅行! No. Im going to Harvard Law School. 不,我是去哈佛法学院 Why? 为什么? Elle, now, I know youre upset about all this. 艾尔,我知道你很难过 but cant you just take a Percoset? 请原谅我,但你能应付过来吗? Once Warner sees me as a serious l

29、aw student. 我 一旦华纳看到我是一个 认真的法学院的学生 hell totally want me back. Its a completely brilliant plan! 他回到我身边来的 这是一个完全无缺的计划! But isnt it hard to get into law school? 进法学院难吗 I had the highest GPA in Delta Nu. 我有信心 Oh, well. Here, youre gonna need this. 你需要这些 Your scrunchy? 你的幸运符? My lucky scrunchy. It helped me pass Spanish. 对,它使我通过了西班牙语考试 You passed Spanish because you gave Professor Montoya. 你通过是因为你跟教授 a lap dance afterthe final. 跳了一支舞 Yeah. luckily. 是的,很幸运 My name is Elle Woods, andfor my admissions essay. 我的名字是艾尔,这是我的演讲

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