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1、餐饮客问100答 餐饮部100个问答Food and beverage department 100 questions and answers1、遇到不礼貌或衣冠不整齐的客人怎么办? 答:不能用生硬的态度对待客人,应用自身的服务教导客人,以自身为 榜样,使客人改变其行为。 1, encountered rude or irregular dressed guests how to do? Answer: can not be rigid attitude towards the guests, the use of their own services to teach the guests

2、, in order to themselves as an example, so that the guests to change their behavior.2、遇到心情欠佳的客人怎么办? 答:无论客人如何,服务员态度都应柔和,应耐心、周到、语气简练、 操作快捷得体,不要因客人发脾气而茫然。2, encountered a poor mood of the guests how to do? Answer: no matter how the guests, waiters should be soft, s ho uld be patient, thoughtful, concis

3、e, quick and proper operati on, do not lose his temper and at a loss. 3、服务过程中心情欠佳怎么办?答:无论什么原因,一旦上岗必须忘记私事(把烦恼留在家中),全身心投 入工作,不因自己情绪而影响工作,从而给工作带来不必要的麻烦。3, the mood in the process of service not how to do?Answer: no matter what the reason, once the appointment must forget (personal troubles at home), th

4、rew himself into work, not because of their own emotions and the impact of the work, so as to bring unnecessary trouble to work.4、遇有伤残客人怎么办?答:尽量为他们提供方便,不要用好奇的眼光看他们,因为他们是敏感的,提供方便同时不要过分照顾,以免有伤他们的自尊。4, in case of disabled guests how to do?Answer: as far as possible to provide them with convenience, do

5、not look at them with a curious look, because they are sensitive, providing convenience at the same time do not over care, so as not to hurt their self-esteem.5、餐厅已客满,只有留给旅行团的位空着怎么办?答:首先向客人解释是留台,如实在无空位,可使其在留台外休息或领他们参观海鲜池等地,或先点菜(如赶时间),但海鲜不得过早捞出来。5, the restaurant has been full, only to leave the spac

6、e of the travel group, how to do?Answer: first of all to the guests to explain is to stay in Taiwan, in the absence of an honest, can make it in the rest of the table to rest or lead them to visit the seafood pool and other places, or a la la (such as time), but not too early to get out of seafood.6

7、、客人进餐厅不知他是否用餐怎么办?答:无论如何我们都笑脸相迎,点头示意,并以婉转(委婉)的语气询问客人,他不用餐也不能表现不满情绪,只要从你身边经过的客人,服务员工都应该点头示意、问好。6, the guests into the dining hall meal do not know whether he do?Answer: anyway we are smiling, nodding and mildly (euphemism) tone ask guest, he does not have meal cannot express dissatisfaction, as long a

8、s from your side after the guests, staff should nod and say hello.7、带小孩的客人进餐怎么办?答:应先帮他拿一张干净的童椅,并将热水瓶等易碎物品拿开,以防不测。7, with a child guests dining how to do?Answer: should first help him with a clean child chair, and hot water bottles and other fragile items away in case of emergency.8、客人正在谈话,有事询问怎么办?答:

9、不能随意打断客人谈话,应礼貌站在客人身旁,等待谈话间隙,表示歉意后再询问,并表示谢意。8, guests are talking, something to ask how to do?Answer: can not be arbitrarily interrupted guests to talk, be polite to stand by the side of the guests, waiting for the conversation gap, apologized and then asked, and express their gratitude.9、客人向服务员敬酒怎么办

10、?(诚意、歹意)答:应婉言谢绝,同时要为客人更主动周到服务,如万一推辞不过,应把酒接下来放在工作台上,表示下班后再喝,同时向客人表示谢意,再用茶或饮料代替向客人回敬一杯。9 guests toast to the waiter, how to do? (sincerity, malicious)Answer: should be refused, at the same time to guest more active and thoughtful service, such as in the event of decline, however, should be the wine ne

11、xt, put on the table and said drink after work, also to the guests said thanks, re-use tea or drinks instead of to the guests answered with a cup of.10、遇到亲友用餐怎么办?答:不允许他为亲友服务,只许打招呼(不得超过两分钟),不能陪其闲聊,更不能利用工作之便给予特殊优惠(除经理给予打折外),可与其他同事调换服务。10, meet relatives and friends dining how to do?Answer: do not allo

12、w him to serve the relatives and friends, only allowed to say hello (no more than two minutes), not to accompany the gossip, but can not use the work will be given special preferential (except for a manager to give discount), with other colleagues to exchange service. 11、餐厅快收市时,有客人想用餐怎么办?答:只要不过营业时间,

13、如是常客,即使过了营业时间,与厨房取得联系,把客人带到距厨房较近的位置,记菜人员必须推荐易做菜式,客人没买单(结帐)前不能有熄灯、扫地等逐客行为。11, the restaurant closed quickly, guests want to eat what to do?Answer: as long as but business hours, such as regulars, even after business hours, and the kitchen made contact, took the guests to the location near the kitchen

14、 from the, remember food must be recommended to cook, guests can not pay (checkout) not lights, sweeping the floor by customer behavior.12、用餐客人不舒服怎么办?答:及时通知经理,同时保证食品原样(不动)以备化验,严重时送客人去医院。12, dining guests uncomfortable how to do?Answer: timely notification to the manager, while ensuring that food is

15、(not) to prepare for laboratory tests, serious to send the guests to the hospital.13、发现客人损坏餐厅物品怎么办?答:服务员应马上清理残渣,同时询问是否碰伤,受伤时应采取措施,如故意,在其用餐完毕后就向客人收取赔偿或及时报告上级与保安取得联系。13, the guests found damaged restaurant items do?A: waiter should immediately clean up debris, also asked whether the bumps, the injury

16、should take measures, as intentional, in the after dinner is to the guest charge compensation or report in a timely manner to the superior and security to get in touch.14、客人要赠礼或给小费怎么办?(按规定)答:应诚恳道谢并收下,然后上缴,统一进行管理,以便妥善处理。(春节利是除外)14, guests have to gift or gratuity do? (required)Answer: be sincere than

17、ks and accept, then paid, unified management, in order to properly handle. (the Spring Festival is the exception)15、开餐时两桌客人需同时服务怎么办?答:应忙而不乱,一招呼、二示意、三服务,不有让客人有怠慢或被忽视的感觉,疏此热彼。15, two guests at the same time to open a meal at the same time service how to do?Answer: should be busy but not chaotic, greet

18、ing, second illustration, three service, let a guest have slight or feeling neglected, dispelling the heat Peter.16、发现客人未付款走出餐厅怎么办?答:小声把客人叫到一边问明情况,勿粗言粗语,大声叫喊,不给客人反感,从而不予承认。16, found that the guests do not pay out of the restaurant how to do?Answer: small voice guests called side to inquire, not coar

19、se coarse language and words, shout, to guests antipathy, which will not be recognized.17、客人用餐,服务员在为下次接待工作作准备怎么办?答:先准备餐具,动作要轻,要离客人远点,以免给客人造成误会。17, the guests dining, the waiter in the reception for the next job to prepare how to do?Answer: prepare dishes, action should be light, to stay away from th

20、e guests, so as not to cause misunderstanding to the guests.18、服务员同客人发生争执怎么办?答:首先向客人道歉,然后问明原因,重新更换服务员。18, the attendant dispute with the guests how to do?Answer: first of all apologize to the guests, and then ask the reason to replace the waiter.19、客人询问餐厅以外的事怎么办?答:如知道就迅速回答,反之则可帮其询问,无论如何都应该给客人给予答复。19

21、, the guests asked how to do things outside the restaurant?Answer: if know quickly answer, otherwise it can help the inquiry, in any case should give a reply to the guests.20、当供应品种加价时客人不愿意付增加款怎么办?答:应该工作做在前面,点菜时讲明价格已调升,吃完饭后才发现则告诉领班或主管给予处理,一般收旧新调价的成本价。20, when the supply of varieties of the guests are

22、 not willing to pay the increase in the price of how to do?Answer: should work in the front, a la carte made it clear that the price has been upgraded, after eating a meal only to find told grant foreman or supervisor, generally the cost price of new and old price adjustment.21、客人擅自拿走餐厅物品怎么办?答:发现后及时

23、报告主管给其耐心解释说明,保护餐厅物品是服务员职责,如客人喜欢可以向其销售,切不可挖苦,若解决不了应立即报告主管。21, guests arbitrarily take away the restaurant goods how to do?Answer: after the discovery of a timely report to the competent manager to explain that the protection of restaurant goods is a waiter duties, such as guests can be sold to their,

24、 must not be sarcastic, if the solution should not immediately report to the competent.22、发现客人误喝洗手水怎么办?答:不应该告诉客人,假装看不到。22, found that the guest is mistaken for hand washing water how to do?Answer: should not tell the guests, pretending not to see.23、客人自带食品 、酒水怎么办?答:应告诉客人可给予加工、开启,但要收取加工费及开瓶费,金额(标准)按餐

25、厅规定。23, guests bring their own food, drinks, how to do?Answer: should tell the guests can be given to processing, open, but to charge processing fees and charges, the amount (standard) according to the provisions of the restaurant.24、不小心弄脏客人衣服怎么办?答:先向客人道歉,然后尽可能把客人衣服擦干净,同时报告主管,给予各种优惠。24, do not accid

26、entally dirty guest clothes how to do?Answer: first to apologize to the guests, and then as far as possible to the guest clothes clean, and report to the competent, to give a variety of concessions.25、在进餐过程中不小心将茶水或其他汤汁洒出来怎么办?答;先用席巾将水烫吸干,再找一个干净的盖上,并用餐具将其压平,并叮嘱客人注意,以免弄脏衣服。25, during the meal will not

27、be tea or other soup spilled out?Answer, first Shuitang dry mat towel, to find a clean cover and tableware will the flattened, and told the guests pay attention to, so as not to dirty clothes.26、客人对上菜太慢(长时间)有意见时怎么办?答:一般情况下,20分钟后未上菜,及时留意去备餐间查看,是否有上错菜的地方,若有应及时与传菜部取得联系,重新出菜,并向客人道歉,请其原谅。26, the guest fo

28、r serving too slow (long time) have views on how to do?Answer: under normal circumstances, 20 minutes after serving, timely attention to to prepare meals between view, whether to have the wrong food, if have, should get in touch with the food department, to food and to the guest apology, please forg

29、ive.27、客人对帐单有怀疑,不买单怎么办?答:服务员要去查看菜单,看菜是否上齐,然后去收银台核定价格无误时再将底单一起拿给客人,并耐心与客人一一对帐核对。27, the guests of the bill is suspected, do not pay how to do?Answer: the waiter to check the menu, does the dishes on the Qi, and then go to the cashier approved prices correct again the bottom single together to take to

30、 the guests, and guests patience and one reconciliation check.28、用餐时米饭供应不上怎么办?答:首先向客人道歉,请稍等或经客人同意换成其它主食。28, when the rice supply is not on how to do?Answer: first to apologize to the guests, please wait for a moment or the guests agreed to change into other staple food.29、客人在餐厅内喝醉了怎么办?答:服务员在客人进餐过程中,

31、要随时掌握客人的饮酒情况,尽量不要出现这种情况,当客人已接近醉态时要婉言拒绝他们的要求,并介绍酒精低的饮料,如客人不同意,及时报告部长,同时准备物品,如呕吐要及时清理现场(不要说客人喝醉了,喝多了)。29, the guests in the restaurant drunk how to do?Answer: Waiter in the guests in the dining process, to keep track of guest drinking, try not to this, when the guest is already close to the drunkennes

32、s to politely refuse their request, and the low alcohol drinks, such as the guests do not agree, timely report to the minister. At the same time quasi prepared items, such as vomiting to promptly clean up the scene (not guests drunk, drunk).30、遇到生病的客人来用餐时怎么办?答:首先要主动询问细致的服务,并叮嘱服务员点菜要准而精,尽量按照客人要求,合其胃口。30, when the sick guests come to dinner how to do?A: first, we should take the initiative to ask the careful service, and told the waite

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