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1、中考作文主题训练8校园生活主题训练8-校园生活【名师点拨】校园生活是学生热切关注的主题之一。 有关如何做一个好学生、校规问题、穿校服问题、学生间的友谊、校园活动、初中生活回顾等都是非常好的讨论话题。因为校园生活与学生的学习、生活密切联系,所以也是中考命题的热点之一。【主题词汇】校园活动:a colourful school life, all kinds of activties, after-school activities, take an active part in, have a sports meeting, have a basketball match with,go on

2、a spring outing,take a trip to,be a member of,learn from each other,fill ones heart with hope, hold an evening party,join the Reading Club, build oneself/sb. up,have the chance to do sth., help each other- improve ones skills,win the first prize,beat the other player, lose the game, step into societ

3、y校园人物:a top student,a true friend,be full of life,f air and honest, be friendly to sb.,be patient with sb.,be ready to help others,be strict with sb.,be willing to do, face difficulties bravely,have a sense of humour,have a strong will,have the same rules for everybody,treat everyone equally,keep a

4、secret, play different roles, organize c lass activities, speak highly of sb.(高度平价集人),think of others first,share ones joy and sadness【常用句型】校园活动1. The modern society requires many qualities of young students, so only learning from text books is not enough. (总起句,通常在第一段或段落的首句。)2.We can learn a great d

5、eal from other students we meet in activities.3. After long hours of study,they can relax themselves by taking part in school activities.4. Sometimes we have class meetings and English festivals. They are very interesting.5. We can take part in different activities according to our personal hobbies.

6、6.If we like music,we can join the Music Club on Thursday.7.I think these activities can make our school life rich and colourful.8.I enjoy my school life very much.9. At last Art Festival, my classmates and I provided a pretty good drama. Onaccount of them,it became my greatest honor in my life.【校园人

7、物】 (可以从自己、老师、同学和朋友的角度写)1. How time flies! My colourful middle school life is nearly ending. Here is what Ithink of about myself.2.I was proud of myself because l got on well with my classmates and my gradeswere good.3. I have got more knowledge and improved my life.4,With her help,I made great progr

8、ess in English. Now,I can even communicatewith foreigners!5.It was Mary who gave me the greatest help and made my school life sowonderful.6. We share our joy and sadness just like a big family.7.When I had a stomachache,my classmates looked after me.It made me moved.8. When my classmates meet some t

9、roubles that they are unable to overcome,I am ready for giving them a hand anytime anywhere.I have helped them a lot,and I am always happy to do that.【模拟试题】Be proud of my schoola. What does your school look like?b.What fun do you have at school?c.Why do you like your school? (Give at least two reaso

10、ns.)【要点分析】1.通过具体的活动(如:兴趣小组、体育运动、与老师同学的相处、自己在学校生活中的收获等)来表达对学校的情感。2.时态:一般现在时。3.文章结构:略写校园环境,详写校园生活和自己的成长、收获,4.切忌:言之无物,只说“热爱”自己的学校,却不说为什么“热爱”。【写作思路】36.oI)总体概述“我为学校而骄傲”1. l am proud of my school because it is beautiful and we have many interestingschool activities.2. My school is very big. We have. There

11、 are. (从建筑、设施、绿化的角度写)2)具体谈谈校园活动和人物1. We have lots of fun at school. After school we play., We do lots of sportslike., Sometimes we have.(从体育运动 、课外活动、主题活动的角 度写)2. Students in our school study hard and do well in their subjects.3.Each student respects his/her teachers and is polite to others.3)从校园活动和人

12、物中得到的启迪1.I love my school because.,l learn a lot from.I really feel proud of my school.2.If everyone makes a contribution to our school,it will be more beautiful.【范文评讲】原文稿I am proud of my school because it is beautiful and we have many interesting school activities. My school is very big with severa

13、l tall buildings. We have a big playground,and there are lots of trees and flowers everywhere. Besides,there is a big fountain in our school garden. Some students usually play together after class. Others appreciate the goldfish in the joke.It also gives us much happiness.We also have lots of fun at

14、 school.After class we play games and do lots of sports,like playing basketball,football and table tennis. Sometimes we have class meetings and English festivals.I love my school.The teachers are very kind and the students are friendly to each other. We share our joy and sadness just like a big fami

15、ly.【点评与评分】作者在整篇文章中条理清晰,意思连贯,语句通顺,全文流畅。 可文章在整体布局时还需考虑,注意详略得当。 按中考作文20分计算,属于第三档第二档的文章,可得1415分, 需改进之处:1. 文章应略写校园环境,详写校园生活和自 己的成长、收获。 而作者在第一段中用了过多的笔墨,使文章显得头重脚轻弪。 所以去掉部分描写校园环境的句子更好。2. 第二段中 ,加上 Sports and school activities make us healthy and make ourschool lite colourful. 更能突出运动和校园活动带来的好处。3.在最后一段中加上一个连接词

16、,表明热爱学校更重要的原因。4.原文中少了结尾,应添上结尾,使文章具有完整性。修改稿I am proud of my school because it is beautiful and we have many interesting school activities. My school is very big with several tall building s. We have a big playground, and there are lots of trees and flowers everywhere. We also have lots of fun at scho

17、ol. After class we play games and do lots of sports,like playing basketball,football and table tennis. Sometimes we have class meetings and English festivals. Sports and school activities make us healthy and make our school life colourful.I love my school. The further reason is the teachers are very

18、 kind and the students are friendly to each other. We share our joy and sadness just like a big family. I learn a lot from my school life, I feel proud of my school. It is one of the best schools in my heart.【范文选登】My school is very big with several tall buildings. There are 2 -000 students in my sch

19、ool.We have a big playground with lots of trees around it.There are a lot of flowers everywhere.We have lots of fun at school. After class we do lots of sports,like playing basketball,football and table tennis. Also , we chat with each other under the trees and play games together. How happy we a re

20、!I love my school because its like a big family. The teachers in my school are as kind to us as our parents.I feel proud of my school and it is one of the best schools in my heart.of【范文链接】My classmates and my classMy school life is wonderful and I feel proud to be a member of my class. In my class,I

21、 get along very well with my classmates. I usually read books with them and share our thoughts together. When I have a PE lesson,I always play basketball with them and we all enjoy ourselves. And I remember one day,when I had a stomach ache,my classmates looked after me. lt made me moved. So in my o

22、pinion,my classmates are very friendly and kind.From my point of view,my class is my second home because it always gives me warmth and love. Itll be the most valuable treasure in my memory.Study is funWhy do we come to school?Different people may have different answers.Some people say that they come

23、 to school to study just because they dream of a better job and a better future. But in my viewpoint,study is fun.It is said that everyone who is interested in study may find pleasure in reading.Exactly! Study can not only enrich my knowledge and broaden my mind,but also bring melotsoffunaswell.What

24、smore,studyalwaysteachesmehowtobehonest,confidentandknowledgeable. Inaword,studyisfun. Takingpartinschoolactivities Manystudentsareveryinterestedinschoolactivities.They.havetheirreasons. Firstly,theythinkthatlearningfromtextbooksisnottheironlytask.Theybelievethat theyshouldtakeeverychancetogetmorepr

25、acticalknowledge.Secondly,theythink thatafterlonghoursofstudy,theycanrelaxthemselvesbytakingpartinschool activities. However,alargegroupofstudentshavelittleinterestinthemandspendmostof theirtimeonstudies.First,theybelievethattheyshouldmakefulluseoftimeto study.Second,theyfeelthatschoolactivitieshave

26、littletodowiththeirfurther development. Inmyopinion,weshouldtakeanactivepartinschoolactivities.Ononehand, wecanlearnagreatdealfromotherstudentswemeetinactivities.Besides,the modernsocietydemandsthatstudentshavemanygoodqualities,soonlylearning fromtextbooks isnotenough. Aletteraboutmyschoolactivities

27、DearTom, Howareyou?NowIenjoymyschoollifeverymuch.Besideslearningmany subjectsatschool,wehaveallkindsofactivitiesafterclass.Wecantakepartindifferentactivitiesaccordingtoourpersonalhobbies.For example,wecangotoourschoolcomputergrouponMondaytolearnmoreabout computerscience.Wecanalso,improveourEnglishby

28、joininginEnglishCorneron Tuesday.Ifwelikemusic,wecanjointheMusicClubonThursday.Wecangotoplay ballgamesonFridayinordertomakeourselvesstronger. Ofalltheseactivities,Ilikeplayingballgamesbestbecausehealthisvery importantforusstudents.Ithinktheseactivitiescanmakeourschoolliferichand colourful.Weallliket

29、heseactivities. Yours, WangLin Mymiddleschoollife a.Howtimeflies!Mycolourfulmiddleschoollifeisnearlyending-HereiswhatI thinkofaboutmyself. Inthepastfouryears,IwasproudofmyselfbecauseIgotonwellwithmy classmatesandmygradesweregood,Now,Ihavemanyinterestssuchasreading books,playingsportsandsoon,Inthiswa

30、y,Ihavegotmoreknowledgeand improvedmylife. Asforthefuture,Ihavetwodreams.Oneistobeateacher,andtheotheristo beavolunteer.Helpingothersismygreatesthappiness.AlthoughIhavemademuchprogress,Illtrymybesttodoevenbetter.Believing inmyselfisthekeytosuccess.b. How time flies!My colourful junior middle school

31、life is coming to an end.Im glad to tell you something about my school life. When I was six years old,I started school. Since I became a student, I have been studying very hard. My parents are quite proud of me. Now,I study at a key middle school,which is not only modern but also beautiful. The teachers in my school are so kind and hard-working that I love them very mu

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