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1、中考英语阅读理解周围环境与人际关系题材复习题及答案中考英语阅读理解周围环境与人际关系题材复习题及答案 Personal Environments and Interpersonal Relationships周围环境与人际关系话说中考本话题是学生最为熟悉的话题,也是学生看来最为“得心应手”的内容。周围环境与人际关系,主要是讲述发生在身边的事情,然而,越是熟悉的东西越是难点。有些内容似乎合乎逻辑,但有时又违背常理。针对这类型的话题,解题时要通读全文,领略文章大意。解题思路:在理解的基础上,抓住题眼,找准解题方法,进行答题。走进中考(河北?2010)Close your eyes for a mi

2、nute and imagine what life would be like if you couldnt seeImagine having to read this page,not with your eyes but with your fingersHow do you feel,then?With medical knowledge and skills today,two-thirds of the worlds 42 million blind people should not have to suffer(受苦)Unluckily,rich countries have

3、 this knowledge,but developing countries do notORBIS is an international charitable organization(慈善组织)Its goal is to help fight blindness all over the worldInside a DC-8 airplane,there is a teaching hospital with television room and classroomDoctors are taught the latest technology of helping the bl

4、ind get sight again hereORBIS is always trying to keep a closer relation among countriesORBIS helps those developing countries by providing sight-saving trainingIt has taught over 35000 doctors and nursesThey continue to treat thousands of blind people every yearThey have travelled around the earth

5、3 times,visited 76 countries and treated over 20000 blind peopleThey need your help to continue their work and free people from blindnessFor just $38,you can help one person see,for $380 you can bring sight to 10 people,$1300 helps train a doctor new skills;and for $13000 you can provide a training

6、program for a group of doctors who can make thousands of blind people see againYour love can help them open their eyes to the world1 题判断正误(“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误);2 题完成句子;3 4 题简略回答问题;5 题将文中画线句子译成汉语。( ) 1Both rich and developing countries have the knowledge of helping blind people2ORBIS goal is to _3How man

7、y doctors and nurses has ORBIS taught?_4What can you do for $380 according to passage?_5_解析1F 由第二段最后一句“Unluckily,rich countries have this knowledge,but developing countries do not”可以判断出此句的表述是错误的。2help fight blindness all over the world。由第三段第二句“Its goal is to help fight blindness.”可知正确答案。3ItORBIS has

8、 taught over 35000 doctors and nursesOver 35000(doctors and nurses)由第四段第二句“It has taught over 35000 doctors and nurses”可知正确答案。4WeI can bring sight to 10 peopleBring sight to 10 people由第五段第一句“. for $380 you can bring sight to 10 people”可知正确答案。5你(你们)的爱能够帮助他们重见光明。open ones eyes to sth为固定短语,意为“打开某人的视野”,

9、在本句中根据语境应译为“重见光明”最正确。话题专练一MrJohn HeppellHouse of CommonLondonAWIAOAAMonday,10th March,2009Dear MrHeppell,Im Sabrina Akhtar studying in a high school and Ive noticed that forests are disappearingYou know,forests are disappearing around the world each yearThis is because of many different reasons incl

10、uding farming,tourism(旅游业) pollution,etcIf we stop doing these things,there will be a good future for people of tomorrowNow Im writing to ask you to help stop forests from disappearingYou can help by getting shops to stop selling paper made from trees and changing to tree-free paper(paper not made f

11、rom trees)This will keep forests from disappearingThere are many,many things we can do to help forestsIf you would like to know more,please visit http:/wwwBy changing the small things,we can make a big differenceIf you would like to contact(联系) me,please see the above address or e-mail me at shazadi

12、nolThank you for spending your time in reading this letterYours sincerely,Sabrina Akhtar根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 1The writer of this letter is _Aa studentBa teacherCan officerDa driver( ) 2_ is one of the reasons why the forests are disappearingARain BTourism pollution CPlanting DBreathing( ) 3The writer a

13、dvises MrHeppell to _Astop shops from using paper any moreBuse paper which is made from treesCstop shops selling paper made from treesDplant more and more trees in the future( ) 4How can MrHeppell contact the writer?ABy calling herBBy interviewing herCBy visiting herDBy e-mailing her( ) 5Whats the p

14、urpose of this letter?ATo know more about MrHeppellBTo make more about MrHeppellCTo ask MrHeppell to teach in the schoolDTo ask MrHeppell to help protect forests答案:1A 根据书信内容的第一句话可知,作者是一名学生,所以选 A。2B 根据第二段的内容可知,森林减少的原因是一些污染造成的,所以选 B。3C 根据第三段的内容可知,减少商店出售由树木造成的纸,用来减少污染,所以选 C。4D 根据书信中的提示可知,如果想联系作者,可以发送电子

15、邮件,所以选 D。5D 根据书信内容可知,作者写信的目的是让 帮助他保护森林。二My son,Owen,was angry on holiday with my dadOn the way back to the airport,they stopped at a hotel for the nightThey didnt notice that Puppy,my sons pet dog,was lost until the next night when Owen was going to bedOwen has autism(孤独症),and he cannot sleep withou

16、t PuppyMy dad called the hotel to see if Puppy was thereIn fact,someone there had found Puppy and the hotel mailed Puppy to my dadThey hoped that it would reach my son before the flight homeBut Puppy didnt make it,and Owen had to go home with my dad aloneThe flight home was filled with kind peopleA

17、lady saw Owen was upset about Puppy,so she went and bought another dog for himI can never thank the hotel enough for sending Puppy back when they did not have to,or the lady at the airport who made Owen feel a little saferOwen never forgot about Puppys trip,so when he got two tickets to a basketball

18、 game,he decided to give them to two friendsThey were basketball fans and they were going to watch the game outsideOwen told me that Puppy would have never come home if people had not been nice,so he wanted to be nice to othersOwen opens doors for others,and he is always giving his old toys away to

19、kids who dont have anyEvery time he does that,his face lights up with pride根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 1What was lost on Owens way back home?AOwen BHis toy CHis pet dog DHis grandpas pet( ) 2Whom did the grandfather go home with?AOwenBOwen and another dogCPuppyDAnother dog( ) 3Who got two tickets to a basketb

20、all game and watched the game?AOwenBOwens grandfatherCThe ladyDOwens two friends( ) 4According to the passage,how many dogs do Owen have now?AOne BTwo CThree DFour( ) 5According to the passage,what do you think of Owen now?AHe still has autismBHe is kind and helpfulCI dont knowDHe never helps others

21、答案:1C 根据第一段的内容可知,Owen 在回家的路上,把他的宠物 Puppy 弄丢了,所以选 C。2B 根据第二段的内容可知,Owen 和爷爷在机场时,一位好心的女士给 Owen 买了一条狗,所以可以推断爷爷带着 Owen 和那条狗一起回家的,所以选 B。3D 根据第四段的内容可知,Owen 把这两张票给他的朋友了,所以选 D。4B 根据短文内容可知,Owen 的宠物 Puppy 也回家了,所以可以推断他现在有两条狗,即选 B。5B 根据短文内容可以确定,现在的 Owen 即有朋友,又有爱心,可以确定他不再是个孤僻的孩子,所以选 B。三My grandfather is eighty ye

22、ars oldHe always complains(抱怨) about how fast things have changedHe often says that families arent the families they used to beA lot of families have broken up(破裂)If husband and wife have problems with their marriage,they will no longer stay togetherAnd mothers used to stay at home to take care of t

23、heir children,but now theyre busy workingThey have no time to look after children at homeWhats more,more and more people driveWe used to walk five miles to school every day,even in winterBut now children dontAnd in school,children dont have to think more as we used toIn math class,for example,we use

24、d to add(加),subtract(减),multiply(乘) and divide(除) using our headsBut now most students use calculatorsMost families have computers nowIn the past,we didnt have computersWe even had no lightsMy mother used to spend all day cooking in the kitchenBut now few people eat home-cooked foodAnd people seldom

25、 talk to each otherThey are too busy to talk,too busy to eat,too busy to think. Life used to be simple,but it isnt any more根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 1What does the writers grandfather think of the life now?AHe thinks the life now is very goodBhe thinks the life now is worse than it used to beChe thinks the

26、life is the same as it used to beDhe thinks people now are much busier than they used to be( ) 2What does the underlined word “calculator” mean in Chinese?A电脑 B计算器 C收音机 D播放器( ) 3What has happened to the children according to the passage?AChildren dont have to think more in schoolBStudents use calcul

27、ators in math classCChildren used to walk to school,but now they dontDAll the above( ) 4What changes have happened to some families? There are lights at home People like to eat home-cooked food Lots of families have computers Lots of couples(夫妇) dont live together because of unhappy problemsA B C D(

28、 ) 5Which of the following is true?ALife now is much simplerBPeople have too much time to talk with each other nowCThe writers grandfather only complains and pays no attention to better life nowDLots of mothers stay at home and look after their children now答案:1D 由最后一句中 They are too busy to talk,too

29、busy to eat,too busy to think.可知。2B 根据短文中讲到在数学课上,过去我们用头脑来计算加减乘除,而现在用计算器,所以可以确定是 B。3D 根据短文内容可以知道,学生现在上学不用走着去;数学课可以使用计算器;学生不再像以前的孩子那样考虑太多的问题,所以选 D。4D 根据短文内容可以确定现在的家庭,都有电灯,有的家庭还有电脑;由于工作忙很多家庭都不做饭;可见该题选 D。5C 根据短文内容可以确定,现在生活节奏快,但是不简单,排除 A;由于工作忙,所以人们没有太多时间聊天,排除 B;现在的妈妈很多都忙于工作,无法照顾孩子,不再是全职妈妈了,也排除 D;只有作者的爷爷只会抱怨,没有注意到现在生活的好处,是符合题意的,所以选 C。四How to Choose Colors to Set a MoodStep 1Use bright colors such as apple green to express a feeling of warmth in a bedroomThese colors can warm a cool room that has little sunshineStep 2If you want to bring about a happy m

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